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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished)

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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished)

Post by Dusker September 8th 2016, 6:51 pm

Tyler and Astrid were sat in her dining room eating some gourmet dish that Tyler certainly wouldn't be able to pronounce and an Idea popped into his head, why don't they make a super group. At this thought Tyler dropped his fork into his plate and a smile grew across his face.

Astrid looked at him as he grinned and nearly choked on her food. While coughing she asked "Why are you looking at me like that?". Tyler picked up his fork and started to wave it around with as he spoke. "Because I keep getting my ass beat I've came up with an idea, we make a team that will stop me from getting my ass beat by people who are severely better than me." he explained with a smile.

Astrid gave him a look of confusion and asked "Why? we're perfectly fine as a duo." She giggled as she ate another bite of her food.

Tyler shook his head and planted to fork in his food "No no no you don't understand..." he sung as he jumped of his chair and knelt next to Astrid. "We still got beat by that woman Astrid. If we want to be the protectors then we need to open up to help." he stated, changing from his hyperactive self to his calmer, understanding one. "I know that you find it hard to trust a lot of people, believe me I was like that, but we need this Astrid." he sighed as he stared deep into her eyes, showing her how serious he was.

As she looked at him she placed two fingers on her forehead. 'I can't say no when he's looking at me like that...' she thought before sighing "Fine."

When she agreed his face started to light up with happiness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you~!" he exclaimed as he hugged her tightly, almost as if he was a child hugging a teddy bear.

When she hugged her Astrid blushed and asked him with embarrassment "C-Can you get off of me?"

"Oh sure I can." Tyler stated plainly as he let go of her and smiled, closing his eyes as he did so.

After around 3 hours of researching heroes that could be beneficial to their group she stumbled across something that may be obtainable, Lilu from hawaii. She called up her father branch of hotels in Hawaii and asked then to reserve a room for both her and Tyler, They were going to hawaii.

They set off to hawaii the next day and found themselves in front of a hut. "I know that I live in LA but this heat is just ridiculous." Tyler said as he wiped the sweat off of him forehead. He had come in an  hawaiian shirt and combat shorts but had stripped off his top because the heat was just so unbearable.

"Oh shut up ya big baby, it's only a little heat." Astrid giggled as she rolled her eyes and walked inside the hut. She was wearing a flowery swimsuit with a giant sun hat that was keeping her cool.

Last edited by Dusker on September 14th 2016, 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total

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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy)

Post by Loving Siege September 8th 2016, 7:44 pm

Lilu had laid his musculature back fully upon a luscious young palm tree full of color in life, the palm tree was slightly at a forward curve and pointed towards the clear blue water. He has the lower part of his body resting on top of the cool sand, with the help of the palm tree that he rested upon acting as shade. He was in full relax mode, like he ever was in any type of mood besides relaxation. Lilu hands plucked at the strings as had his polished brown wooden ukulele sitting in his lap and between his large hands. His head ever so slightly doing a slight nod as he played to the flow of music he was feeling, allowing his own vocals to join in with a smooth hum going to the flow of the ukulele.

A small crowd of locals were gathered around him allowing the music to soothe them to sleep or doing a slight dance to it while sitting on the warm sand, as the music that out poured from Lilu's very being, as a divine sound. Being surrounded by his people was a regular occurrence as a matter of fact Lilu can't even remember a time not being around the islanders when on the islands if there even was one, he felt such joy and compassion being in their presence and so did the people. A unbreakable bond Lilu has with everyone from his native islands, as he loves nothing more to bring happiness and joy to their lives. His eyes were slightly open as he was in a constant state of ease with his people, as nothing currently seemed to be the problem for anyone so he had no worries. Lilu's smile growing ever so bigger as a few more locals joined in to the group, to sit down and mingle quietly around him.

A small local child gained the courage to walk up to Lilu, as his parents in the back egged him on. Lilu keenly watched the boy quietly strolled around the large group and near him, as he kept playing. The child slowly whispered into Lilu's ear if he wanted anything from the nearby hut which housed a small bar. Lilu spoke back to the boy with a quick response and a cheerful smile as he did not have to get up, saying "Coconut water" without even hestating with his musical playing and continued to hum. The child quickly rose up from near Lilu and ran over to the hut with sand kicking up from his feet. Until the child ran blindly into the hut possibly running into the bikini women and Hawaiian shirt man in the hut, as Lilu kept his eyes slightly back watching the boy running into the hut, his hands and voice still flowing with his music.

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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty Re: How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished)

Post by Dusker September 9th 2016, 12:24 pm

As Tyler looked around he heard some kind of music playing in the background, the type of music that youtube vloggers use. "Is that a ukelele?" He asked Astrid with a raised eyebrow. 'I'm guessing you don't like that musical instrument Tyler.' the phantom said, finally speaking up from being completely silent on the whole flight.

"You've been certainly untalkative." As stated as she pulled her hat down a little. 'Yeah I can't really materialise on anything that's moving, if I did I would just be dragged to the very back of the plane.' The phantom explained as it mimicked Tyler's current attire as best it could. As the phantom and Astrid talked Tyler started to follow the source of the noise. When they noticed that Tyler had already started walking Astrid followed Tyler to what seemed to be a crowd of people, presumably huddled around the person playing the song.

Tyler began to walk to the front of the crowd and listened to the guys music, it was almost divine in nature. He filtered until he finally reached the front and saw the guy that Astrid's contact described, tattoos and all.

Tyler and Astrid let the guy finish his song before walking up to him with a slow clap. Tyler, being the cocky guy he is, took the lead and held out his hand to the deity. "Aloha Lilu, we would like to talk to you about something if you have the time..." he smiled.

Astrid just stood behind Tyler and put her hands behind her back and smiled at the guy, being as polite as she possibly could...

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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty Re: How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy)

Post by Loving Siege September 9th 2016, 7:09 pm

Lilu kept his tireless eye on the small boy as he quickly darted through the hut, knowing the boy is fine his attention is suddenly caught by an obvious couple of tourists from off the islands walking in the direction large crowd's direction. Still he allowed the music to flow outwards from him with passionate, continuously humming in tune with the ukulele as everyone around him was having quite the joyous time. His slothful glare promptly turned away from them with no worries of their doings, his grin growing larger as the group kept adding on more joy filled islanders. Finally, hitting the final notes of the song in a climax of exuberant tunes of godly nature, and gives a slight bow of the head as the group around his erupted into applause, Lilu stopped as to the let another island band to set up their own music for the beach.

However, Lilu is finally met upfront by the seemingly off islanders couple as the slender pale male descended upon Lilu at the front of the group with a slow clap. Lilu did not even budge being perfectly comfortable showing no concern or discomfort being met upfront by this off islander, but his eye is caught by the slender brunette following behind the blonde man. The blonde man immediately followed by sticking out his hand to Lilu with the gesture of a handshake as he speaks saying "Aloha Lilu, we would like to talk to you about something if you have the time..." with a clear smile on his face.

Lilu felt is to be too much trouble to remove his hands from now resting behind his head, especially for an off islander he did not know. Lilu responds back in one of his native tongues back to the blonde man "Aloha ʻauinalā, good afternoon if you wish to speak with me than sit, we can converse here under this beautiful sun." His eyes slowly wonder over to the brunette female with the man, his sloth like gaze peering her up and down to inspect her to the smallest detail, as a warm smile spread across his face in a instant. He speaks again in a deep smooth tone towards the brunette woman speaking "Ko Aloha Makamae E Ipo, such a exotic beauty you are with sparkling emerald eyes like the luscious grass sprinkled with dew in the morning, a flowing glossy mane of hair like the color of the earth itself, and a flawless face with a beauty that even the god's envy"
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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty Re: How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished)

Post by Dusker September 9th 2016, 7:35 pm

When Lilu started to try and flirt with Astrid she just looked at him and scoffed. "Do you always compliment girls by telling them they have hair that's the same color as dirt, we don't like that you know." she said, crossing her arms and looking away from the guy.

When she reacted as she did Tyler laughed and started to unbutton his top. As he took his top off his apparent slender figure had revealed itself to be more of a muscular and lean build insted of the skinny surrad that the hawaiian shirt had presented.

As his top full fell of of his he pointed to the burn mark that elena had gave him only weeks priour. As he point at the scar he started to speak. "You see this scar Lilu, you see how cool it is, I got this in battle with a challenging foe. If we create a team then we could take down bigger foes that could threaten your islands and also the whole world entirely..." he then coughed and leaned in closer. "...Plus I hear that you're not very good friends with the others around your island, this could be a great opportunity to make peace with your neighbors and even most of the world."  he said before taking a deep breath and leaning back.

"If you're worried about your island then don't worry, I'll make sure my father sends one of the top heroes to come and protect the island." Astrid add as she adjusted her hat a little more.

Tyler then looked deep into the man's eyes to show that he was being very sincere. "So, would you please consider our offer?" he asked...

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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty Re: How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy)

Post by Loving Siege September 9th 2016, 8:40 pm

Lilu kept in his laid backed posture and mood tilting his head slightly more forward awaiting for their responses, he felt like letting out a yawn as the women scornfully responded back towards him. Lilu staying in his nature replied saying " Nou No Ka `I`ini, the earth if full of beauty and life and such vibrant color of nature as such does your mahogany mane of beauty, I speak only these words to you as you are a true elegance for all of reality to behold a beauty that has graced this beach with it's presence in which no one can ignore" he smoothly delivers to the woman with a warm smile.

He could not keep idleness eyes from the alluring woman, as the blonde man besides her began to suddenly unbutton his Hawaiian shirt and reveal a scar upon his body. Still Lilu paid not attention as his sluggish gaze was laid upon the woman, he began to start a soft hum to a Samoan love song Tiga ole alofa to re catch her attention. Lilu barely listens to the words that drifted out the blonde man's mouth as he attempted to allure the women, but halted himself once the man mentioned his islands and turned slightly towards the man. He listened in to the man as he he slightly fixed his pack position to find optimal relaxation pose against the tree.

Once the man finished his little talk about fighting someone with people here to protect the islands when Lilu is gone and needing help from Lilu himself and maybe others, Lilu calmly began to respond back towards him " Scars are gained everyday by the creatures who experience life, battles are also fought, I have no concern of how off islander view me, me and the people of the islanders can repel anything that threatens us here, as such my answer is n....." lilu halts his answers as a local child near him tugged on his arms and beseeched him to improve his outside relationships by helping the outside world and that they can handle themselves and always be with him. Lilu peers around as the locals around him in the group all smiled and nodded towards him, Lilu quickly curves his large body towards the boy to embrace him in a hug with a smile and a teary eye shifting Lilu's face. He could never go against his own people no matter what.

Lilu at a leisurely pace arose from his resting spot as the sand slid off his body to rejoin with the beach. Finally reaching his full height, but still standing in a lazy posture that showed off his tall burly highly defined muscular build. Still looking around at the locals who have heard what was going around as his felt their positive emotions flow through him for him to do this. Lilu now standing directly in front of the blonde man looked down into his eyes and over to the woman's accompanying him, Lilu allows the words to re escape from his mouth saying " Ho`oku`i, I shall accept for the will of the islands" he than spreads his lengthy strong arms to wrap up the two in a mighty bear hug if they accept with a nod towards the locals.
Loving Siege
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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty Re: How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished)

Post by Dusker September 10th 2016, 6:05 am

When Lilu explained himself Astrid still didn't care. As she saw it he insulted her, besides she didn't like him anyway.

When Lilu started to decline his offer Tyler's face started to become sad but when the little boy came over and told the man something a look of confusion overcame his sadness. 'Wonder what they're talking about...' the phantom whispered, still in his unmaterialized state.

"Maybe they're telling him that he should join our new group." Astrid whispered as she leaned in closer to Tyler. When she did so Tyler turned his head in her direction, making them face to face. When she realized this she quickly retorted back with a blush and turned her head away from Tyler. He on the other hand just looked at her with a raised brow. "What is up with everyone today?" he muttered as the man stood in front of them.

When he said that he would now join them both of their faces lighted up. "T-That's great!" Tyler stuttered in happiness as he turned around to the locals who had gathered around once more, Astrid also followed suit...

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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty Re: How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy)

Post by Loving Siege September 13th 2016, 8:33 pm

His hugs is seemingly accepted by the pair as the locals around them in a group.

Lilu than spoke softly to the pair" I will finish up around the island so when I go off island for this group" he says as he begins to back pedal to the islanders with a smile. The group of locals begin to get back to their regular conversation as Lilu makes his way around the group giving hugs and kisses full of tearful joy to be leaving his people for short periods of time.

Lilu than turns back around as his head veered in the direction of Astrid and Tyler and he speaks " Tomorrow morning we can finish up the details at your place of stay here, as for the rest of the day I spend time wall of of the islands". Lilu quickly picks his ukulele back up and resumes his playing as he openly sings out loud and the group of locals sing along with him, as slowly lilu and the group head into the nearest town.
Loving Siege
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How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished) Empty Re: How Lilu ended up in The necessary (Siegey boy) (finished)

Post by Dusker September 14th 2016, 11:13 am

"I think we'll stay here for the rest of the day too, I mean we are in hawaii. We'll talk about what's going to happen when we get back so for now have fun.  Aloha!" Tyler said as he waved his new friend goodbye and wandered off with Astrid.

"Are you sure about this guy Tyler? I mean he's powerful and all but don't you think he may be a little weird, you know, because he's all godlike and stuff." Astrid asked nervously as she rubbed her arm.

"You should judge a book by it's cover astrid." Tyler said as he walked over to the bar and asked the bartender to get him a coconut milk. 'He's right Ms Gilligan, if you would of been like that with Tyler we may not even be speaking at this moment.' the phantom added as walked with them.

"It'll be fine, my gut says so." Tyler said with a confident smirk, placing his thumb on his chest as he talked...


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