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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by Humanity July 22nd 2016, 1:40 pm

"Bolt, you're outputting too many joules. Whoever that is you're going to kill them!" Cypher warned as they looked to their monitor, noticing that the electricity they were putting out had been perhaps a bit more than people could handle. Now their foe, on the other hand, was one they were unaware of. Matthew looked back over his shoulder to the security feed, pushing himself back and turning on his swivel chair to look over the footage more intently.

"Bolt, he's heavily trained and very fast. You need to avoid getting too close to him." He instructed before looking on the screen and seeing how a small, stray spark had come to catch the man, the man dropping and convulsing as he foamed at the mouth. "Cypher i need a reading on the output that hit at 3:45:18.06, check the logs." He instructed. Cypher thought nothing of it and immediately began to search over the information that was requested. It didn't take long, but by then Bolt was already out the window.

"Bolt, I need you to pay attention. You need to use electricity. It's going to affect him far more than any physical harm you can do to him." Matthew instructed, however it would be quite audible from the background that Cypher was once again refuting the path presented.

"What!? Proxy are you joking? That wasn't even enough joules to send someone into cardiac-arrest but it almost killed this guy! If he uses electricity then he'll kill him." Cypher was unsure of how to process all of this, it really seemed like bolt was between a rock and a hard place. Not to mention he just bust himself outside in front of a bunch of orphans with glass surrounding him and was standing there talking to the air. That probably didn't help his case any.... in fact he probably looked a bit crazy.

"Bolt, just run. It's not worth the risk." Cypher said. Matthew was going to argue that the lives of the missing persons WAS worth the life of one crooked orphanage director, though he figured there had been enough moral dilemmas as it was. He would spare Bolt this one until another time...

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by The Bolt July 22nd 2016, 2:13 pm

Joules, the essence of the jargon flew over his head but Bolt knew it had something to do with electricity. Regardless, a close up fight was something that did not seem like it would go very well against someone like this. However now he had someone telling him to use electricity on someone that could barely withstand a small zap, and someone else telling him to run. Having two conflicting commands was just enough to confuse him, bringing about quite the dilemma. ”Might kill the guy, and I don’t roll that way.” He whispered, realizing that he was now being watched by….orphans.

Alex didn’t remember there being so many, until he realized that he was crouching in the front of the orphanage rather than some dark shrouded side. I...did not think this through very well. He thought to himself now more like a deer in headlights, as he darted off, not even giving the place a backwards glance, stopping only after a good minute of running in a small collection of trees, breathing slightly heavier and releasing his weight against one of the trees. That trip, aside from just giving him more questions than answers managed to leave him flustered.

”Okay, so that happened.” Bolt sighed, pushing himself to his feet and giving his cheek another rub, a small lance of soreness flowing through it. ”So guys, any idea on what I should do next? I sorta have an idea, but it mostly involves using myself as bait. Sounds a little risky, but I think it just might work.” He mentioned, remembering the fact that the guys that were kidnapped had pretty similar traits. Maybe if they came after him, he could spring his super powers on them and find some answers that way.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by Humanity July 22nd 2016, 3:33 pm

"...sounds risky, but I think it might just work." Bolt's voice came across the line, Matthew closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair, letting out a long sigh and thinking over the situation. There wasn't too much to think on truthfully, it had been quite clear. The man was inhuman, he attacked Bolt because he was getting too close to something. But the problem there was the lack of actual information. Was this man acting alone, was he in a group?

"Alright, well we can probably pull up some information on the guy who attacked you. You set up the bait and keep in touch, need anything we'll be in touch."  Cypher said as they pressed the button, turning the microphone off, the communication on Bolt's end was still perfectly active, however.

"Now let's think about this for a moment. He uses himself as bait. How do you suppose we are to rescue him if things go south?" He asked after a moment of silence. Cypher looked to him, puzzled and then swallowing audibly, seeming to finally pick up on the ire of his behind-the-scenes comrade. "I can appreciate letting him have his independent thought, but when he has a stupid idea...he needs to be aware of it. Because what's going to happen if something happens here? What happens if one of us can't get to the communicator? Then he's out there...all alone, with a stupid plan that will get himself killed all because in his mind it worked in the past." His eyes were opened, a small smile played on his lips but he spoke in a soft, yet somehow incredibly intimidating way, an emphasis on his t's and certain words possessing a hushed hostility. He was looking down upon Cypher, judging them in a way they didn't exactly want to be judged. They just joined into this in order to help people, they didn't realize that every single thing they did had a reaction. they also didn't realize that they were working with someone quite this passive-aggressive either.

   "I trust him. He knows what he's doing. His parents were heroes too, remember? I'm sure he's picked up something from them..." Cypher said, a half-hearted defense because in truth they knew Matt was right, they just didn't dare to say they didn't think of it. It would have been both embarrassing and inexcusable.

   "While he's setting his trap I'll be looking for more information on our assailant. You should start cross-reverencing and trying to triangulate a general area of the attacks. See if it's coming from a source." Matthew said with a sigh, turning back around to his laptop, picking it up and walking off with it to one of the private rooms, closing the door behind him.


Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Humani11
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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by The Bolt July 22nd 2016, 4:35 pm

Alex had expected them to say his plan was stupid or something along those lines, however all he got was them actually going along with it. Something about it all felt weird, though maybe they just really were trusting him to not mess things up. Yeah, maybe they just think I have things under control. Alex thought to himself, a small grin forming as his eyes lazily flitted up to the sky. He pulled back the mask of his costume,  scratching the back of his head in an almost nervous fashion, as he continued to think over the implications of using himself as bait.

For all he knew there could be more than one of whoever would be coming after him, but he was confident that he could deal with any problem they could throw his way. Regardless of that, he first needed to get into character, which was that of a surfer. Alex had seen enough movies to know how that kind of thing worked, with the sleeveless shirts and the boarding shorts along with  dumb looking smiles. There may have been a few skater stereotypes mixed in there, but he had things right mostly.

Where he would get those clothes, now that was the question. Well he had his wallet, so maybe just buying something would work, but that first required that he ditched the usual Bolt getup he was sporting. Not really difficult since the thing could be compact if he folded it just right, and keeping as pair of civilian clothes on him was a thing he did. ”Alright i’m gonna do my things, so gimme anything useful ya got, where I should set the bait and stuff.” He sent the message through, letting them deal with the more technical side of things while he did the ground work.

Changed into more civilian clothes, Alex went about buying the required things with the little money had, luckily having just enough to do that. Which came down to changing into the disguise when the time came, though he was short a surfboard since those things weren’t exactly as easy to find as clothes themselves. Still, there was something that he wanted to look into before doing anything like springing traps. There was some information that he could go about gathering himself, well if he thought hard enough about the situation anyway. Maybe a little too hard for his taste, but then again that came along with the detective portions of hero work.

Returning to look more into the orphanage he couldn’t do but maybe he could look into the guy behind it. So maybe a little personal interrogation was just what he needed, though it may not get him anywhere aside from having to do some fighting. This is all getting so complicated, I really suck at this creeping thing. The thought crept through his mind with an almost whining quality as he tried to think over what he would do about this, when nothing concrete came to mind.

Nothing in the end came to mind , save for an almost nonsensical plan and so he would eventually go with using himself as bait. Well that came after he gathered a few things for said plan. That involved a length of rope, a few paper clips, some fish pulled out from the ocean as well as a few batteries, though they served more to power that sweet healing thing he did, along with he had a few ideas what to do with them. So with everything gathered up, he was ready to do this.

The place itself wasn’t crowded, felt pretty empty when he thought about it, but the crunch of sand under his feet just felt really nice. Waves lapped against the shore, light playing along the waters of the ocean as he looked out to the endless span of the sea.

Now there was the mater of waiting, something that just felt wrong to him.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by Humanity July 22nd 2016, 5:38 pm

"You're on your own there. I can get anything overly good. For some reason the area around the orphanage is a massive blind spot on street cams-Light Pointe beach." Cypher said a little weakly through the line, Matt yelling over to him after the private office door opened and then slammed shut again.  But Bolt would prevail it would seem, finding his own way to bring his plan to fruition by setting himself up with rope, fish paperclips and batteries. It was rather awful to think of, truth be told. But he had his plan, and it would probably work.

    He was set up on the beach, had everything he needed to have, though what he was doing with his plan didn't exactly make sense to Cypher. Cypher was continuing to look over footage, however they began to notice something off in the distance of the traffic cam looking over the beach where Bolt was at. The waves were abnormally large this time of day, though granted Cypher wasn't the most respectable scientist on oceanic activity. Of course it didn't take long for Bolt to receive the notice of his cell phone ringing, if he looked to it he'd see it was Matt calling him, apparently aware of the fact his communicator was no longer on him.


Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by The Bolt July 22nd 2016, 5:54 pm

The trap was set, but he was waiting for someone to fall into said trap. The rope, well it would serve as a binding, and the voltage of the batteries would be low enough to subdue any of those weirdos that would come after him which were connected to the rope through convoluted means. The fish and the paper clips were superfluous really, just something that Bolt felt like adding in because it sounded funny at the time. However he could just not think of anything to actually do with them, so he left them on the ground sitting around. Maybe improvisation would give him some kind of idea.

The waves were pretty big, something that he took notice of. His phone rang, Alex quickly fishing it out of his pocket as he became vaguely aware of someone around him, maybe a few people. Alex tugged upwards with his foot, controlling the minute electricity within the batteries fixed to the rope as it moved like something being animated, moving to coil around everyone around him within an instant, much like a viper, releasing their rather small amount of electricity into whoever it was; much like a weak taser.

This was followed by a strong jerk of the hand, making use of his superhuman strength to try and tie them all in a nice knot, while he quickly got out before he found himself tied up as well. ”Sup? Got anything important come up?” He answered, stepping back and stepping a good look at his handywork.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by Humanity July 22nd 2016, 7:13 pm

Bolt's trap somehow went off well. Thought the reality of physics wasn't exactly displayed in it's prime in how it was done. Bolt tried to tie the person up with a super-tight knot, and there was a fish on the ground. There was also paper clips on the ground too, an incredibly useful resource for the type of trap he was trying to pull off and he just left them on the ground. Cypher was left looking at the screen in shock, not quite sure what the secret was behind Bolt's success.

"How the-'Sup? Got anything important come up?

"All of the attacks have occurred in the water. I'm going over some footage and all the people who vanished were in the water, in the waves. They wiped out but neither them, nor their board ever surfaced." Matt said through the phone as he heard the grunting of the newest hostage. "You need to get them out of there now, you're in a public beach, out of costume using your speedster powers. GET OUT of there. I'll focus on getting this footage 'misplaced'. " He said, trying to look out for his heroic interest before working on exactly what he ordered. Of course, whenever the man awoke he'd probably find himself more reliably bound.

"What....No. No, no, no." It said as it stirred, looking around to observe it's environment.


Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by The Bolt July 22nd 2016, 8:33 pm

Well he had whoever that was tied up, but now he was in the middle of public having used his powers without a costume. Alex sighed under his breath, exasperated at his own ability to forget something as simple as that. ”Aight, I got this.” With a motion, he reached down and threw the guy over his shoulder with ease, not seemingly bothered by their weight. ”I’ll contact ya when i’m in a...more  secluded place.” With that he was gone, moving fast enough that he could get out of there without allowing anyone around him to get any kind of good look at him.

From there it was finding a distinct location that he could do a bit of questioning, something that was needed now that he had no idea where these kidnapped people. This ended up being...well a more secluded and somewhat seedy looking section of the city, as small as it was compared to something such as Chicago. ”Alright, I got the guy…guess this is the part where I ask the questions.” he said once he had the communicator back on hand. Alex knelt down, meeting eye level with this person and a soft smirk forming.

”Okay, so i’m gonna have to ask you about the whole kidnapping good looking surfer types. What’s up with that?” He asked,  letting a spark arc off one of his fingertips, letting it show as a sort of threat despite how hollow it really was.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Number of posts : 1262
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by Humanity July 25th 2016, 12:40 am

"Good looking? You think their appearance has anything to do with this?" The man said before looking to Bolt, his own face coming to a smirk of it's own as he shook his head. "You wouldn' don't have it in you. You can always tell a killer by their eyes." The man said as he just chuckled, he had an accent now, one that was unlike any other. His accent had a strange emphasis on the s noises; however it was very Italian in the tone and fluidity. It had a refinement and a slight haste to the words.

  "Bolt, you copy?" Cypher asked before continuing on to their disertation, their plan to conqure an unshakable enemy. "Hey, there's no telling how much of a shock could kill this guy...actually..." Cypher was in the middle of process their thoughts when an idea struck them. They paused, eyes growing wide as they shifteded across the room, the revelation impressed upon their hearts.

  "Bolt, How are you gonna do this? Electricity seems to have severer and adverse effects on him-Which is exactly why we're going to use it. Bolt, you need to trust me. I need you to focus all of your electrical power into the ground. See how he reacts to it." Upon doing so he would find this man in incredible discomfort. He'd notice flesh blister and pop, revealing a bluish hue.


Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by The Bolt July 25th 2016, 1:23 am

You can always tell a killer by their eyes, that was something the strange man said. Their way of speaking was strange, something about it suggesting that they were from somewhere foreign, though they were right about his lack of killing intent. He let his eyes meet with the mans for a moment, continuing to let the electricity dance along his digits as Cypher would contact him through his communicator. They probably had something useful, or maybe not so useful so say on dealing with this guy. ”yeah, I copy.” He responded before letting them go on with what they were going to say.

There was no telling how much voltage would actually kill the guy, and it would only work as a threat for so long, unless they were the type to  not care about dying. Honestly, Alex was growing annoyed with it but acting rashly now would likely only lead to disaster, so he had to let his smarter team mates do their thing. Sure the running around fast and zapping things was his specialty, the finer points of how things worked were not exactly his strong points. Not o say he was a moron, but it would be a lie to say he was savvy with the scientific side of things.

The wattage amped up around his hand, causing the very air around it to ripple from the sheer heat created. Bolt slammed the palm of his hand into the ground, letting the voltage spread out through the soil and then cause what appeared to be a strange reaction from just being close to this discharge. Their flesh took on a strange blue hue, something that humans normally did not take on. Glowing electric blue eyes focused on these blisters popping up, a soft smirk forming. ”I don’t know what has to do with anything, but I have a feeling you’ll be telling me, won’t ya blue guy? I mean, I have plenty more where there came from and it looks like you can’t take it. So, we gonna start talkin?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by Humanity July 25th 2016, 11:26 pm

The man coughed and seemed to shake rapidly, entirely helpless against the electricity. Of course when there were blisters that popped open and revealed blue, Bolt made a comment about him being blue, then suggesting that he would be talking soon. The man laughed and turned to look at Bolt, his head still tremoring from the release of uncontrollable electrical impulses that ran through him still. Something about this man was off, the electricity shouldn't have lasted this long. But the man's very skin began to peel back.

"Bolt, Bolt tell me what happened." Matthew said over the communicator, not having any eyes of his own present there.

The man revealed to have a strange dusky blue skin, and his eyes went from a green to an amber gold, reptilian slits becoming of his pupils. The man continued to force grunts and laughter through his teeth as he shook and, finally leaned back, barely moving, only breathing as he slowly leaned forward again and looked to Bolt.

"Heh... Tell you? No..." He said as he looked to Bolt, suddenly there was a thick film that spread across his eyes from the sides, making a blinking like motion before peeling back. The entire whites of his eyes were now the same amber-yellow that was once the Iris, and the slit was more prominent. In an instant the ropes snapped and the creature launched out, grabbing Bolt by the neck and placing a second hand on a metal pole, forcing any electrical current to gravitate to it and become immediately grounded. "No....I think....I will show you." It said, the skin shifting and revealing more refined detail, scales revealing themselves from all around the man's skin.

In an instant, the man released the pipe and twisted his wrist, bashing his watch against the pole, and suddenly a bright light enveloped the both of them.

Where Bolt would find himself next was incredibly strange. There was a soft cyan light surrounding them, yet the sky was black as night; starlight left unseen. Of course the ground beneath him was a strange yet incredibly smooth stone, decorated and very elegantly laid out with decorative bricks; the saints orchid and serpents of the sea surrounding them. There were small metal clasps on bridge-like structure, elevated on small podiums; all of them holding cyan colored crystals. Bolt would drop to the ground and see that the man whom had brought him here was in fact much larger than he remembered. His body had at least doubled in muscle mass, tearing off the majority of his surface clothing he revealed to have a light white colored abdomen that came up just under his chin; and disappeared beneath an armored plated pair of shorts. The man had small little fins on his back , each one of them carrying a variety of colors.

"Welcome to Atlantis, Dog." The man said before giving at Bolt's back, even if he missed, it wasn't like it meant much. It was just proof that Bolt was going to be a handful. Of course Bolt would also have to worry eventually about the three heavily armored mer-people that had tridents and strange armor over their heads, even some very strange creatures on chains. A look around revealed a lovely and picture-perfect world to those around. It was the very image of Atlantis itself. Unfortunately, humans were not to be seen, instead a society of scales people, ranging from teal greens to cyan blues and all colors between the two.

"Get up Surfacer. Don't make any sudden moves." One of the guards said, aiming their Trident at Bolt. If he'd comply, he'd soon find himself in the dungeon of Atlantis, up to his knees in water, arms suspended above. If he decided to try and flee; it would be a different story entirely. Of course if he were to try and flee....where would he go?


Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Humani11
Mega Poster!
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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

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Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by The Bolt July 26th 2016, 12:04 am

Well the threat got him more than he bargained for, but not exactly what he was expecting in the end. Ropes were ripped apart like thy were rotten, leaving him shocked for a brief second. (yeah, the electric hero shocked, surprise right?) Matt shouted something in his ear, though it didn’t really get it’s answer as his mouth opened to only release a small chocking sound, fingers now growing amphibious in appearing clamping around his trachea. If they were strange before, well now they just looked even strange without a semblance of humanity to them. His eyes widened, Alex trying to break out of the grasp now holding him like a vice, but they let him go to clatter tot he ground with a low thump.

There was a light a second beforehand and then they were somewhere else entirely. ”Atlantis? What’s next fish man, we gonna meet Aquaman?” Bolt chuckled, trying to keep calm about the sudden change in scenery and managing to do that, if only through the fact he was laughing. They would strike at the back of his neck, proving slightly annoying as he moved to narrowly avoid the strike that brushed over his head with an obviously great amount of force behind it. Okay, these guys weren’t playing around but that didn’t mean anything. The idiots had brought him right to their base, and that meant he could find the people that had been kidnapped by the maniacal fish men.

There were these strange creatures bound by chains that snarled at him, held at bay only by these massive guys. ”Sorry, I don’t listen really good.” His body became wreathed in electricity, arcing off of him in the hopes that it would force these guys to take a few steps, and then he made a dash away from them. One of the tridents rose up, slashing across his side, though luckily the damage was only superficial enough to cause him some minor annoyance. A small amount of blood that spread across the area, though Alex knew it wouldn’t slow him down significantly. ”Alright, if I were weird fish people, where would I hold some humans?” He muttered to himself, barely even thinking about where he was going, taking a turn and meeting with what looked to be some manner of dead end.

There had to be some people somewhere around here, though where that somewhere was happened to be the question. Everything looked pretty in a weird way though all he could think of was why Atlantian’s had an underwater civilization with air in it, when they were freakin fish people. Maybe there was something more to that than they showed, though honestly the logic of everything was second to saving people. Large structures of sound stood out within this city, and so that was what he would search first, darting through the streets at his usual impressive speeds. Everything around him was a blur, save for the few things that really registered as important within his mind.

Great, i’m in freaking Atlantis, This day could just not possibly get any worse, could it? He thought, making it a mission to dash through an important looking building, noting only that there were not any people in here. Something told him those large fish guys would be hunting him down, though they probably had no chance in really catching him unless they could reach his speeds. Honestly, he had no idea what he was doing, so he had to just make a large amount of guesses on where he would have to go. Eventually however, he found something that looked be what he was looking for. In the end that was just him making a guess, so he dashed into one of the large sandstone spires, moving through it without making much of a decrease in speed and coming across what looked to be some of the people he was looking for, maybe even all of them.

”Okay good, I actually found someone.” He said with a sigh, stopping just long enough to look for any means to break them out.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by Humanity July 26th 2016, 12:56 am

"W-what!? Who are you?" asked a young man as he hang there, standing in water up to his knees, cuts and lashes upon his body as he hung there partially. He had pale skin, dark hair and blue eyes, his age being somewhere around fourteen or fifteen. Of course there was another boy next to him, looking closer to eighteen or so, dark hair and tanned skin, the same colored eyes while having some slightly rounded cheeks, though having a muscular build unlike the younger.

"Dude, you gotta get us out of here. The gate comes out of the ground. I think there's a switch somewhere." He said before trying to move about. He began to look around, his eyes squinting to see in the darkness, which had a lone light shining down the stairwell form which Bolt came. Even if just glancing around, Bolt would see that there was a lever for him to pull upon, of course from there anything else was just as good as a guess.

"What are you doing here?" The younger one asked before there was the sound of footsteps beginning to come in the distance. Apparently him coming here was a concept they had thought of. It was only a matter of time.

"Bolt!? BOLT!?!?" Matthew called into his set before leaning back and sighing. Cypher was on the other line, asking what was wrong and asking for Bolt to read. Of course due to the sheer distance it was impossible for them to interact with him.

"This....where is he?" Cypher asked, though Matthew just sighed and went over to press a few buttons on his laptop, pulling up some software. If he had been anywhere on the planet, then he'd be able to find him with this program. It was a design he had "borrowed" from Gene-Tech's head from back in his days as an exosuited vigilante. Of course he couldn't help but groan as he leaned back, noticing that Bolt's communicator chip was signaling off in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Coordinates several miles below sea-level.

"Okay, Cypher we need to-This was a bad idea, how are we going to help him-Cypher we need to keep cal-this is so messed up man. How are we going to-CYPHER! We need to remain calm!" Matthew said, commanding attention by making his voice deeper and almost shouting over him on the channel. Cypher quieted himself, and so did Matthew, talking a little quieter, kinder and softer, though still putting emphasis on some of his words to better articulate that he was in control.

"We're going to need a powerful way- to send a powerful signal. One that's going to be powerful enough to cover the globe." He said, though Cypher began to protest, something about only a top-secret government stalite being strong enough to do it. "Cypher....if we don't do this, Bolt will die. And I don't know about you, but I'm not quite ready to send our friend off in a casket." He sighed. Cypher silently agreed and began to start clicking away on his keyboard.

"You're not allowed to die yet Bolt; not unless you promise to just come back in the sequel." He said, the communication link off as he began to work his own miracle on the satellite, assisting Cypher as best he could, a few tricks helping him out.


Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by The Bolt July 26th 2016, 1:49 am

One of them questioned who he was, looking pretty worse for wear just from a quick glance. Bolt sighed, just glad they weren’t dead but then again that didn’t mean much if he did not know much about how to get them out of here. ”The names Bolt, i’m here to rescue you guys.” He said, answering their question while scanning the room for anything that would release them from their prison. One of them looked younger than him, maybe a few years but the other was around his own age. The thing he was looking for, well that was mostly just trying to find a level that would open a gate.

With a quick jerk, he opened the gates and letting him  break them out of their binds. It mostly took a jerk of the chain, shattering them and allowing him to break them out, though the effort itself was evident. There were more questions about what he was doing here, though those could wait until they were probably in a safer situation than freaking Atlantis. Bolt sighed,  removing them from their cells and letting them take a few seconds of rest. ”Alright guys, so going to get us out of here. This place probably has some kind of teleporting thing, so just need to find that.’ He sighed, focusing on the footsteps that were rapidly approaching them methodically.

”Okay you two, like hold on. I run really fast so I don't need anyone falling off when I break the sound barrier." He said. wrapping an arm around each and breaking off into a run.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by Humanity July 26th 2016, 2:30 am

"Okay." The younger one said without thinking anything of it. The older boy, on the other hand had something to say about Bolt and his tendencies to run really fast.

"Uuuh. If you run that fast I'm pretty sure we're going to regret it. Won't we like.... burn up or something?" He asked, he knew what he was talking about but he didn't say it in the best way. The more appropriate response was the fact that if they move at that speed the friction would in fact cause them severe wind burns if not sheer some of their flesh completely off. Moving beyond the sound barrier was impossible for a human to do. that was the unfortunate truth of things.

"Oh yeah....wait. I thought you said you were like...super tough though." The little one pipped up inquisitively.

"Well yeah...I am....but are you?" The question was launched right back at the younger male, though their mouth pressed together their eyebrows rose and they nodded slowly.

"I see your point.... no.... Like I told you, all I got is this." the young man said before he stuck his hand out and began to rattle the chains that had once bound them. "Eh...sorry. My magnetism doesn't work so well when I'm drenched. I dunno why." He confessed before shrugging it off. Of course, it seemed Bolt's speed was out of the question, that was of course a small problem. However, it couldn't really be helped. The footsteps were growing even louder.

"Well...what if we fight them?" The older one asked, the younger one seemed a little skeptical, however in the end he looked to Bolt to see his answer, before immediately siding with whatever Bolt said.

"This firewall is too hard." Cypher said, their voice beginning to reveal a little sense of anxiety, their fear quite prevalent in their tone. Matt just ignored him for a moment as he focused on the task at hand.

"I'm when a fire-wall is too tough....sometimes you may need to use something other than fire." He said as he opened up a small protocol on his computer, the program running and slowly degrading the firewall of the satellite. With a satisfied smile on his face and a sigh of relief he leaned back on his chair. "Try again, but make sure you triple-check your proxy." he said as he leaned back, his hands coming up and resting behind his head as he kicked back.


Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alantian Doomsday Plot! (Double EXP)

Post by The Bolt July 26th 2016, 2:44 am

”Ah crap, I forgot not everyone can run as fast as me.” Bot said, blinking as he realized the truth within that statement. One of them said something about being tough, but the other one was not so tough so that made things so much more annoying. So that meant they would have to stand and do a little fighting, something that he was not exactly looking forward to considering that they could somehow hit him regardless of how fast he went. Absently Alex felt the wound on his side, wincing when a small amount of discomfort flowed through him rather quickly as the dark stain became a bit more apparent.

It was times like this that he wished he was a bit more durable, but it was no time for whining now. ”Well these guys don’t seem that tough, I mean if you ignore the whole monstrous fishman thing anyway.” He said with a shrug. ”I guess I could take him, and with you guys helping it might be easier.” He admitted, considering how they would deal with them , though making use of his speed appeared to be the obvious. He was vaguely aware of the fact that there was some radio silence, but that was probably because they were working on something to get him out of here, at least that was what Alex assumed.

”Anyway, if your power doesn’t work when you’re wet, try to dry off I guess. This is probably gonna get really messy soon.” Just as if that statement opened the flood gates, some of the atlantean guards came into view, Bolt taking off with impressive speeds with a punch aimed at one of them. Their movement to retaliate was obvious, annoyingly so as they would swipe out with one of those trident things, nearly catching him in the neck as he danced around it. This was followed by him managing to slam a fist into one of them, throwing them against the wall before making distance to avoid another strike at him. Something told him his attack didn’t do too much, but maybe they would be stunned for a bit.

”Okay, ouch.” He sighed, looking down to his fist which was slightly stinging from the impact.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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