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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by A.I. March 23rd 2016, 2:39 pm

"So even after showering at least like, ten times, it still won't go away!" Mark told the doctor, gesturing to a fairly innocent rash in his nether regions. He was just a normal kid, stressed out and overthinking what was probably nothing, but he was young and inexperienced, and his doctor could tell. "Well, Mark, I can already see that this is nothing you need to be worried about. However if it would make you more comfortable, I can do some tests and show you solid proof that you're doing just fine." The young boy almost immediately replied but suddenly hesitated and moved his gaze to the floor. His father had just lost his job last month, and hadn't even wanted to bring Mark there in the first place. No doubt he'd be upset by a hefty charge for unnecessary tests. "I.. I don't think my family's insurance would cover that.. And-" the doctor cut him off right there, he could tell the kid didn't want to finish his sentence. "I'm sure I can make an exception. And the tests I run will be far more accurate at any rate..." At this point Mark was starting to feel strange about this appointment. First, he's meeting with a young, white haired doctor, and now that very same doctor was starting to say things that sounded fairly mysterious. He started to wriggle out of the chair in an effort to get away from the crazed doctor, who was no doubt planning to preform all manner of experiments on him, but then he noticed something. The doctor was just looking at him, up and down. The boy paused, realizing he may have been overthinking things like people told him he often did.

As  he waited for the doctor to finish ogling him, he noticed something in the man's eyes. They looked like they were focusing in and out, like a camera lens, and the more he looked at it, the more noticeable it became. At first he though he was hallucinating, but it had been over a week since he had taken those shrooms with Greg so there was no way. Out of nowhere, a memory came into his mind. It was his parents, watching the TV in horror as he sat in the kitchen eating pizza. He wasn't even fourteen at the time, and barely paid attention to the events of the world. Years later he would still remember the attacks on Boston and New York, he just hadn't cared about the details at the time. But in that moment, between his third and fourth slice of pepperoni, he had glanced up at the TV screen and seen the android hero A.I., going toe to toe with what seemed to be a darker version of himself. His interest dwindled from there, and that was where his memory of the moment stopped. Two years later and he found himself face to face with that same android hero, in the clinic of a Seattle Hospital. "Holy shit!!! You're A.I.!" Mark shouted as quietly as he possibly could. "Yes I am, my young friend. Also, you will be happy to see your test results are negative, as expected." the android doctor replied while gesturing to a group of charts that had appeared and were hovering above his left forearm. "And if you don't mind, I do appreciate a bit of discretion."

After a long day of similar, but mostly less revealing interactions, Gabriel was finally able to return home. He had a very humble apartment in a neighborhood that most people tried to avoid. Having no need for most basic human amenities, he only paid for the bare minimum, donating the rest of the money he earned to various hospitals and charities. As such, his apartment was fairly barren. At the same time, it was his home, and even androids can have long days. Even fake people can enjoy real relaxation. A.I. sat on his lumpy couch, closed his eyes, and tuned his mind to one of his favorite NPR stations. He always enjoyed listening to people of different backgrounds speak their minds about current events. Today's topic? The return of the hero Phoenix.

Last edited by A.I. on April 13th 2016, 5:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by Andrew March 23rd 2016, 3:32 pm

Arriving among Seattle, Washington was a man standing at roughly six feet and two inches, His shoulders were broad, and even with the weight of the world upon him, he felt relief. Recent events had caused him to realize the battle he fought in the other realm was no longer needing to be fought. He saved the princess. She wasn't in another castle. A simple tee shirt clothed his torso, along with a leather jacket. Simple, but comfortable, jeans donned his lower half, and his feet were tucked into a pair of comfortable boots. He felt unstoppable.
Phoenix took a moment to smell the fresh Seattle air.

Andrew had always enjoyed the scent of leaves after a recent rainfall.
The city seemed so alive. So new. So undamaged.
New York had it's beautiful parts, and it was his home. Unfortunately, it had it's skeletons and ghosts. Nightmares that would never go away. It was certainly a good change of pace.

As Andrew made his way through the street he was noticed by many people. They didn't say anything, as he looked like a man of purpose. He face straight. Eyes darted forward. Nothing was stopping him from his goal. Not today.

He had received an address after doing some extensive research to find an old friend. 12 Winchester Lane.
It wasn't just any old friend he was after today, no this was one of the founders of the Talons. This was the android with more humanity than most humans. This was Gabriel. Or as the public called him. A.I.

As he arrived at the end of Winchester Lane he took one more whiff of the fresh air around him. HE could see the space needle from where he stood.
Pulling out his cellphone he took a picture of it and sent it to Tyuki with the caption.
"We have to come here for vacation sometime."
He walked to end of the street. For a beautiful city, he sure picked a rough part to live in.
"Maybe there's a little bit of New York still left in you. Doc." Andrew spoke under his breath.
He approached the front door. "Here goes nothin'."
Pushing the doorbell in, he awaited for a response.
"It's me." Was all he said as he heard someone approach the door.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by A.I. March 23rd 2016, 5:47 pm

"What do the Talons symbolize? Well Bill, my home was destroyed by the Talons. My wife is gone because of their reckless actions. Or does everybody forget the reason that portal even opened in the first place? I don't know about the rest of the people listening, but if the Talons really do return, I'm taking what's left of my family and leaving New York. FOR GOOD!" Gabriel listened to the voice on the radio's opinion with a heavy heart. He wanted to feel disdain for the man, but even his fabricated emotions could feel that the stranger was only speaking out of grief. The Talons were an explosive force for good, that was for sure. But they had lost people too. The citizens on the streets never saw the loss the Talons experienced, and there had been more than a few. Three people who once called themselves Talons had lost their lives along the way, and until recently A.I. had thought that number to be four. Being a member of that team was to be surrounded by death and destruction, and often times it felt like they were merely holding one roof up as an entire city collapsed around them.

A.I. opened his eyes and sighed, closing the connection between his mind and the New York based radio station. Most of the time he enjoyed hearing the voices of his home city, the every day people spouting off the usual human nonsense. It was refreshing. Days like this were different, for obvious reasons. Cynicism would slowly creep into his mind whenever he heard people speak negatively about the Talons. There was not one ounce of bad intention in that entire team, and yet homes were still destroyed and lives were still lost, and Gabriel could barely tell what was right or wrong anymore. He told himself every day that being a doctor was the best he could do without endangering others, even though some days he had trouble believing it.

As A.I. pondered his past existence as a crime fighter, he heard a deafening buzz cry out from directly above his head. For the first time in this new city, he had a visitor. As he approached the door, he heard an all too familiar voice. A voice he hadn't heard in years, and one that he was hoping he would have had another week or two of pondering before he heard again. "It's me." Phoenix said through the door. It was time for A.I. to make his decision, and he was not ready. He opened to door and revealed a tired smile. "Hello, my old friend. I have been expecting you."

A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by Andrew March 23rd 2016, 6:12 pm

A.I. stood before Andrew. "We're the same height now."
he spoke with a giant smile. Andrew exploded through the door. Grabbing his Android friend tight with a hug.

"I've missed you so much. You wouldn't believe what happened if I told you. I'm glad you're still ok."
Andrew took a look around the apartment, stepping in.
"I like the simple look. For a guy who's gadgets came from hundreds of years in the future, I expected the place to be a little more...modern?"

Andrew walked over to the wall and turned back to his friend "Is that a poster of the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S?
the hero laughed hard, letting out a jolly boom.
Andrew walked over to the couch A.I. owned and sat down. His futuristic friend sat down beside him.

"You know why I'm here. At least I'd assume so. You're a smart guy." Andrew spoke semi-sarcastically. His old friend was bringing out his old joking ways, and it felt good. He'd been to serious over the last 6 and a half years. Smiling he looked up at ceiling and let out a deep breath.

"Ok. The Talons. I'm bringing them back. I'm back with Tyuki sort of kind of.... we can talk about that later, but she's  still doing the hero gig. Sean's in as well."
Andrew looked to A.I. with a very calm and collected face.

"Look I get if you don't want to come back. Hell, I even questioned coming back to this world after being gone for 6 and half years. I'll also answer your questions about that later on too. Truthfully, we aren't a team without you. You may not be human but you are my brother. You are my friend. You will always be a partner of mine. I get the doctor thing. No collateral damage, no violence. Honestly Gabe. We all fight something. If not with our fists with our minds. If not with our minds then our hearts. If you can't do the hero gig anymore I can't fault you. I just felt you deserved explanations and a personal invitation to help save the world again...What do you say.?"
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by A.I. March 23rd 2016, 9:40 pm

When Gabriel opened the door, he expected to see the same young man that he normally associated with the voice he had heard so many times before. He was surprised to find that he barely recognized the person that the whole planet had immediately accepted to be his friend, returned from the dead. While most of the world mourned Phoenix on the day he disappeared, A.I. always knew there was a possibility that he had survived. For two years he had remembered that day with dread, wishing he had found another way. He had studied the portal above New York for what may have been days, finding only one, bittersweet solution. The entirety of those two years, he had wished in the back of his mind- for every single moment- that he had kept working, found a better solution, found any other solution. But none of that mattered now. "You truly have returned." A.I. said, almost as if he was trying to convince himself of what was right before his eyes.

At first, everything Andrew said went in one audio receiver and right out the other. He acted as if nothing had changed, joking about Gabe's decorating, while he didn't even look like the same person. "Yes, I enjoy the Friends program, I appreciate their credo, 'I'll be there for you.' And the Joey Friend always reminded me of you, Phoenix." he replied, smiling at his old ally. Before A.I. had a chance to feel nostalgia for the first time, Andrew got down to business, explaining the situation almost exactly as Gabe had expected he would. There were some things he had not predicted, Phoenix's accelerated timeline among them, but those things were all menial in comparison to the choice that he faced now.

"You have to understand... The world thought you were dead. I know nothing of where you were sent, nor what you went through, but surely it was not a simple task. Even now, you continue the crusade we began years ago. Do you never feel tired? Do you never rest? We lost so many people, Phoenix. After you closed that portal, everything stopped. The Talons scattered, and I was alone once again. I had no fight left. I came here to make a difference the only way I still could. And however much we both may wish otherwise, I don't believe I am ready to return to the fight. Someday, perhaps... But not today. I am truly sorry, my old friend. I only hope that you can forgive me." Gabriel turned away from his from friend, unable to look him in the eyes. This was the hardest decision he had faced in his seven long years of life.

Last edited by A.I. on April 13th 2016, 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by Andrew March 24th 2016, 1:21 am

"Of course I tire Gabe. Rest isn't a luxury I've had for quite some time. I've gotten much stronger. Much faster. Much smarter. I'm more collected now. I understand how heavy our losses were. I remember their names. Their faces. Their voices. It's plagued me every time I go down memory lane."

Some hours went by as Andrew had told A.I. the
complete story of the events that had transpired. The horrors that had become his life for over half a decade. The scars that would never heal both physically and emotionally. A.I. just sat and listened. For someone with synthetic eardrums, he certainly could take a mouthful.

Once Andrew finally finished talking, he looked around the apartment a little more. It was really weird to see Gabriel not at Talons HQ. Not that anyone lived their anymore. That was all shattered memories and glass at this point.

Something inside Phoenix just couldn't let this go. He felt the fire that roared to the heavens, the craving to help the people of this world. What he was feeling, was the pressure of being in charge of protecting Earth. What he was feeling, was power.

"Remember earlier when I said when I go down memory lane I'm plagued. Well I'm also blessed. Every child still around because of our sacrifices. Every family held intact, by the strings of hope we wove for them. We Gabriel. You say you aren't prepared. I'm sorry but that's a load of crap. You were born to be a hero. You have always been a hero. Choosing not to come back to the fight won't prevent casualties. In fact brother, it may just cause more."

Andrew stood there, looking A.I. dead in the face. More serious perhaps than Gabriel had ever seen.
"The call to battle doesn't wait for tomorrow my friend. There is no right time. I've learned that all to hard. I only hope you don't have to."
He awaited an answer.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by A.I. March 24th 2016, 1:29 pm

Even as Andrew responded to his rejection, A.I. struggled to maintain his resolve and remain firm in his decision. How was it possible that after sitting completely stagnant for two years, he still didn't feel ready? Would he ever feel comfortable with fighting crime again? And who was he to deny Phoenix, who was only now getting his chance to recuperate? How could he have forgotten that his former leader was hit with the very same loss that he had been grappling with this entire time? He wanted to help his friend understand how he felt, and while living among the average humans had helped his ability to convey his emotions, he had never felt something this conflicting before. Every decision that lay before him seemed like the wrong one.

Phoenix explained the grueling crucible in excruciating detail over the next few hours, and A.I. didn't say a word. As he attempted to take in all of what his friend was telling him, he felt a more overwhelming sense of guilt than he had experienced before, even when he believed his friend to have died. He felt responsible for every trial Andrew had been forced to overcome. "I am sorry, my friend.. I had theories on the possibilities of your whereabouts, but nothing like that. You were very nearly damned by my actions... And for that I may never forgive myself." Gabriel spoke softly and could still barely meet his friend's gaze.

"I know in my heart that you are right. But... I need you to understand. I beg you to understand. The future I originally came here from was a beautiful place. There was very little crime, and humanity was united under one banner. That world is gone now, it will never come to be. In the history books I first came to know, The Talons were a capable and influential team for countless years. Without me. And now, two out of the three friends that we have lost died earlier than that initial history had recorded. The only difference I can surmise... Is my involvement." A.I.'s head hung low, staring at the cracks in the floor of his apartment. "The future that I remembered faded years ago. I ignored it for a long time, sometimes the futures we forged to take it's place could almost have been considered superior to the original. But those futures faded too. After you disappeared, nothing I did made any difference, like throwing pebbles at a stone wall. The future is in disarray, and I fear the damage I may do if I interfere much more."

Gabriel had never told anyone what he had just explained to Phoenix. It was his darkest secret, and the one thing he was the most ashamed of. He single-handedly snatched that beautiful future away from the world, and he knew they would hate him for it if they ever found out. He prepared himself for his old friend's reaction, he knew it would not be pleasant. After all, he had just revealed that he knew about the death of a Talon before it had even happened.

Last edited by A.I. on April 13th 2016, 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by Andrew March 24th 2016, 3:56 pm

Andrew was stunned. He couldn't believe A.I. had left out the detail of him knowing a friend would die. Yet at the same time, Andrew understood balance in the world. Saving he wouldn't ask which ally was the predestined death. He looked Gabriel directly in his eyes during the entirety of his retort. Andrew thought once he said no the first time a second attempt might be grasping at straws.

"Even a guy from the future can have incorrect calculations. Think about it Gabriel. There are at least 3 other time time travelers I know about. How can we be absolutely certain that they aren't the ripple in the time stream. Everything makes a difference. Throw enough pebbles at the wall it will break. I will never stop until the future you spoke about becomes a reality, even then I will continue fighting. When I swore my life to protecting the innocent, I meant it."

Andrew continued to speak and he saw a spark of hope fill the synthetic man's eye.
"You were designed the same way I was. You may not be made of the same materials that I am. You certainly have one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen. You helped create The Talons. You helped save the world. Those three lives lost, would've gladly laid them down to their own choosing if they thought it would create the future we talked about. You aren't responsible for anything other than helping to shape this planet to head towards that future. Now I want you to remember one thing."
Andrew pulled a pair of dog tags from his pocket.

"A Talon is always a Talon. A hero is always a hero. You are always my brother. My door is never shut to you.
If and when you're ready..."

Andrew laid the dog tags on the wooden coffee table in front of them.
"...You know how to find me. Just like that friends show you're fond of. I'll be there for you."
Andrew while disappointed still understood.
He made his way to the front door, prepared to take his trip back home and inform the other Talons A.I. was a no go. "Take care of yourself Gabriel." Andrew opened the door and prepared to leave.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by A.I. March 24th 2016, 6:38 pm

Gabriel was shocked. He expected Phoenix to fly off the handle at the notion of his perceived betrayal, but he had remained completely calm. This was not the Andrew that he remembered. The leader of The Talons had changed for the better, that much was clear, yet A.I. was still unsure if it would be enough to change the bleak futures he continued to see. As the impassioned leader attempted to further sway his decision, Gabe's uncertainty seemed to waver, but when it came time to make the call he remained silent.

A.I. watched his closest friend walk out the door and then looked down to the table where Phoenix had left his old Talon dog tags. "Well these are certainly in need of a few upgrades..." he muttered to himself as he reached down for them. He looked at the small device longingly, finally feeling the nostalgia that he had been denied earlier. It was a new emotion for him, and he couldn't even tell if what he felt was good or bad. Maybe it was both. Either way, holding the old Talon communicator in his hand helped remind Gabriel of something. He didn't know where or when along the way he had forgotten it, all he knew was that he remembered it now and that was what mattered. If he wasn't going to upgrade the Talon dogtags, who else was? If he wasn't going to tend to their wounded, who else was? If he wasn't going to help fight for the future, who else was? It was unclear whether or not The Talons would be able to prevent the ever-changing atrocities A.I. knew were in store, but their odds were better with him at their side. Pressing the button on the communicator, he had only one thing to say. "Wait. Allow me to collect my things."

It didn't take Gabriel very long to pack, and within twenty minutes they were at the airport. "I appreciate you travelling with me this way, Phoenix." he said, handing his duffel bag full of white shirts and pants to the woman at the counter. "I hope it is not too much of an inconvenience, but as you can see I have far too many belongings for your usual form of travel." A.I. slung his clear poster tube over his shoulder and began to head towards security, Ross Geller's warped face looking Phoenix in the eyes as he followed. "Sir you're going to have to step over here." the man at the security counter told A.I. as he was entirely used to at this point. Gabe looked down at his boarding pass and then over to Andrew. "I will meet you at gate A7, this may take a few minutes."

A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by Andrew March 28th 2016, 12:30 am

Phoenix got through the security with no problem at all.
He was literally wearing civilian clothing, and carrying no weapons. Making his way to the head of security, he stopped to speak with him for a moment.

"How's it goin' Captain? That white haired, heavy man, is A.I. remember? It would be a huge favor if you let him through. I promise we're just on our way back to New York. It's important."

The man smiled at Andrew and shook his hand.
"I'll give you both clearance on one condition. You gotta take a picture with me, and sign an autograph for my kid Todd. He doesn't leave the house without your action figure!"
Andrew smiled and agreed.
"He hopes to grow up to be just like you."
Andrew felt a shiver go up his spine.
"Sir. If you really love your son. Please, I'm begging you..."
Andrew handed him the autograph addressed to Todd.
"...don't let him be anything like me. I wouldn't wish this life on anyone. Let alone a child."
The security guard tilted his head and asked him why.

"There are realities I've faced that most people couldn't come up with in a nightmare. Please love him. Protect him. I promise whatever you can't do..."
Andrew paused once more and looked up to A.I. who was still at the security line.
"...We have you covered. Take care."

Andrew walked towards gate A7, putting his hands in his pocket, and trying to keep his head down. It was useless.
He couldn't walk this world anymore without being recognized. Sure people felt safer knowing their hero wasn't some lunatic behind a mask, but the quiet, and the invisibility was missed sometimes. Three years ago these people wouldn't know who he was if you showed a picture. Now he was a household name.

As he approached his gate, he took a seat next to a man who looked like he was confused. Not the biggest of men he's seen, also no the smallest. Something about him seemed familiar, yet strange enough to peak his interest.
"Hey, I'm Andrew. Headed to New York are you" he spoke to the man. Little did he know this man would one day become a very important member of his team. However, as of today, it was the start of a rather strange friendship.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington) Empty Re: A Higher Calling (Seattle, Washington)

Post by Jetstream March 28th 2016, 9:34 pm

Let us start this tale of mishaps and mischief, of adventure and new friendships, of the true meaning of being a hero with a proper introduction. The man who touted himself as King of The Skies in an airport? How absurd. Not so! That is why we're going to rewind the clock a few hours. Let's watch, shall we?

6:00 AM.

Morgan woke up, groggy and irritable to the sound of his alarm blaring from somewhere in the pitch black room. Or maybe not. Maybe it wasn't as dark as he imagined and that was just the hangover clouding his vision. He tried to cycle his way through the events of the previous night. He'd lost count of how much he'd drank around the fourth (fifth?) hurricane. Those things waited until you were sucked in by their fruity flavor and then WHAM!, forty minutes later you're in the middle of the dance floor using your powers as discretely as your drunken state will allow to raise the ladies' skirts and enhance your failing dexterity. Turning his head to the left, he saw a decidedly female shape nestled there, squirming beneath the covers and obviously trying to use the power of ignorance to stay asleep until his alarm finally ceased its skull shattering chime. Climbing (more like flailing) his way out of the covers and onto the floor, Morgan groped around for his phone until his hands finally grasped the vibrating little bastard. What came next was almost as bad as the alarm still buzzing in his ears. The light from the thing scorched his sensitive retinas and blinded his sight with white rather than black before he managed to squint and finally shut the screech off.

Nearly collapsing back into bed, he willed himself to stay awake lest he miss his flight back to New York. Morgan had flown out to Seattle to see one of his cousins for some R&R. He didn't particularly like her, but she was a damn good time to go partying with. A lump of panic slammed hard into his chest as he turned his head slowly to the sleeping shape still curled under the covers.

"Please god tell me it's not Nicky under those covers. If there's any divine bureaucracy keeping things the way they should be; it won't be her under there" He thought desperately. Morgan wasn't particularly religious but this seemed a problem worthy of praying away. Reaching over and slowly pulling away the blankets, he let out a sigh of relief that -had he not had expert control of his powers- might have blown most of the remaining blankets off the bed. He had no idea who the woman in his bed was.

9:43 AM

Sipping at still hot coffee, Morgan checked his watch. He still had five or so hours left until he had to be at his gate. That was all well and good except it gave Nicky and whatever the chick he'd met last night's name was more time to find him. They'd been asleep when he'd snuck out. His luggage had been light and didn't require much lifting. Why would he sneak away like a thief in the night? Because Morgan knew his cousin. For all her crazy 'in the moment' shenanigans she'd demand he stay and actually get to know his lady of the evening, maybe extend his trip to take her on a date and then inevitably ask for her to be his girlfriend. All this in spite of how many times Nicky had banished men from her apartment after a few hours of fun. Fucking hypocrite. Thus it was that he was hiding out in a Starbucks paying more for coffee than some people did for blood transfusions and watching the seconds tick away until he had to leave his makeshift haven of hipsters and gender studies majors.

1:19 PM

Stepping out of a taxi, Morgan checked both his left and his right to make sure Nicky hadn't preempted him by going straight to the airport. Once he cleared security, he was in the clear. Well, at least until he actually decided to turn his phone back on and endure the onslaught of texts, voicemails, and Facebook messages likely awaiting him. Now you might still be wondering why on earth an aerokinetic metahuman with a working jetpack would deign to travel with the plebeian masses, fighting for leg room, enduring terrible in flight cinema and overpriced alcohol. In all honesty, the answer was simple: Laziness. Sure he could get back to New York in less than half the time and with significantly less cost in both comfort and coin; but who wants to fly half hung over and having to carry their luggage the whole way? Well, that and he hadn't even brought his pack. Morgan had brought his helmet and the rest of his "costume", but only because he could pretend they were costume pieces and that he was going to some sort of convention. Sneaking a jetpack through security might have proved a more challenging task. As such, he was ground bound until he arrived home.

1:37 PM

Finally through the treacherous maze that comprised security, Morgan made his way over to what he thought was supposed to be his gate. He couldn't be sure without consulting someone as the damned machine had seemed to run out of ink when it printed his boarding pass. It looked like it said A7 but it could have been F7 or R1 or some other nonsense for all he knew. Slapping down into his chair, he stared at his boarding pass like it was the most interesting thing in the world until a voice cut through his reverie to the accompanying sound of a seat being taken next to him.

"Crap, I have to socialize" he bemoaned internally.

Looking over and smiling his best 'I'm sure you've mistaken me for someone else' smile, Morgan spoke. "Well I'd like to think so. I have to assume the gate is A7, but I haven't the foggiest if that's correct" he said, showing the other man his half-inked pass. He didn't really look at his unexpected conversation partner but something -perhaps a trick of the light- made the man seem familiar. Maybe Morgan had bumped into him on the street back home, or perhaps the man was one of the many worshipful fans he believed he had. Whatever the case, he would likely learn if he had the right gate or not, and that was something at least.

Status :

Quote : "Shredded it"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2016-03-22

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