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First try [Endymion]

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First try [Endymion] Empty First try [Endymion]

Post by Atlas February 20th 2016, 11:14 pm

Sleeping wasn't something that Atlas did too much of, but then again not needing to made that rather easy. Long stretches of no sleep with him constantly training in the gravity room, increasing it as much as one could with the technology that they had been given through whatever funding  Even when his muscles began to burn, even when he felt as if he would break down, it felt as if he were making himself better slowly. Maybe even his powers would take that one big leap when the time came, or they never would. Not exactly a question he was sure he could answer, but regardless the world's strongest hero as many were beginning to say needed to keep trying. Once that was done, and he walked out of the room dripping with sweat, Damian wiped some of the hair from his eyes as they fell upon someone standing on the other side of the door.

His muscle shirt was soaked, stained see through as he adjusted the dark blue basketball shorts. "" He said with a wave, eyes focused upon the woman with her fancy suit. "Do you need me for something?" He asked, scratching his chin which had begun to grow a small amount of facial hair from lack of grooming.

"We have another job for you, one that you'll need a little backup for." The fact he needed some backup was something that made him curious more than anything. The fact their secret weapon needed back up meant that something major would likely happen, but then again things were as they were. "Your little brother is waiting in the debriefing room." She said with a smile and a nod, giving him enough of an idea where to go. There was a little room where they would meet, though he wouldn't need to dress up for the mission just yet. Likely Salem wouldn't have dressed up either, so Damian wouldn't be feeling along in that department. Within the span of a few minutes he would find himself standing within the room, furnished enough with a single couch with enough room for four people as well a a few chairs and a television on the wall.

His eyes fell upon Salem, with a smirk playing along his lips. "So, they called you to do this whole heroing thing now too?"
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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Endymion February 23rd 2016, 1:29 pm

Every matter of Salem’s life had always been clearly dictated to him. He didn’t really have much of a freewill in most aspects. Ever since birth, Salem was told that he was to be subservient to his brother at all times. Which honestly, he didn’t mind all that much. His brother was nice, and kind to him almost all of the time. It only became taxing when they stressed the fact that he didn’t matter very much. That always felt like crap. But on this particular morning, his normal training was interrupted—which Salem was surprised about, but didn’t exactly mind. Most days involved either being shot at with various weapons, or pushing him to his healing limits by healing wounded animals. It was incredibly strenuous. Hell, it had always been strenuous. Salem was wearing black basketball shorts, and a black shirt. He was instructed to shower up, and meet in the debriefing room for further instructions. He so wanted to ask questions about this—he had only been on a few very short missions, but it seemed like they were a bit antsier about this one. Salem showered up quick, and pulled on a pair of black pants, and a black shirt.

Salem, or Endymion, as he’s usually called, kept his eyes downcast as he walked to the debriefing room. He wondered if his brother was going to be there. He had never been on a mission without him—even if they were just practice missions. “Keep up,” The woman said with a bit of a harsh tone. “Yes, of course, I’m sorry,” Endymion answered politely, and quickened his pace, keeping up with her. When he entered the debriefing room, he moved as directed to the side of the room, awaiting the next steps. He wondered if they would get to go somewhere cool—Endymion hadn’t seen much of the world, and he was always eager for the chance to get out and explore.

When Atlas entered the room, Endymion almost went over and hugged him immediately, but that would have been against protocol, and likely earn Endymion some kind of punishment later. He looked up at Atlas and nodded “Yeah, which I’m surprised about, honestly. You’re the perfect hero, so we must be doing something rather important if they need me to tag along,” He said very softly, offering a small smile to his brother. Endymion walked up to him and looked him over “Have you been training today? You look a bit tired,” His tone was slightly filled with worry “If we have to do a mission, I hope you won’t become too exhausted,” He teased slightly, looking a bit startled when a man in a white coat came into the room. He stood slightly behind Atlas, awaiting the details of the mission.

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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2016-02-20

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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Atlas February 23rd 2016, 9:22 pm

Damian smiled reflexively back at Salem, finding something like that easy enough to do. After all, they were a sort of companion to him ever since he could remember, and perhaps the only person aside from the guys in their lab coats that really had anything to do with him. So just seeing them was something that made him happy, enough at least to have it visibly show. He wasn't really sure what they had planned for the two of them, but something told him it would be rather interesting. Maybe there was some kind of super scary metahuman they needed to deal with, or maybe they just wanted an excuse to test them out in the field. Many ideas flashed through his mind, but likely that question would be answered soon enough. So instead, he would just enjoy the potential for some friendly interaction before then. "I wouldn't say perfect." He said rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, Damian being humble enough to blush.

Sure, that was something that he heard a lot of but it never failed to improve his self esteem no matter how many times someone told him that. Having his brother compliment him was something that just managed to improve his mood even more than usual. That was then followed by them showing worry about his own stamina, something that....well he never really worried about. "Pffft, I don't get tired." He boasted, wiping a few beads of sweat from his forehead and flexing as if that would get the point across even more than just saying it. It was obvious that he was strong by the bulge of muscle on his biceps and triceps, though how strong he actually was wasn't something too obvious by just looking at him.

However, he wasn't as surprised when they were joined by one of the scientists, one that had been pretty present through his life. Not the head researcher but her second in command, a middle aged man that was beginning to bald with a salt and pepper beard. Something about them just didn't sit well with Damian, but it wasn't something that he ever worried about. Damian gave them a wave, greeting them with his usual jovial behavior. "So, what's the mission?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the nearest wall available. His eyes fell down upon what looked to be a folder held between their arm, filled with likely the nitty gritty details of the whole affair.

"We've been meaning to test your team work and...well we found the perfect reason to do that." They said throwing the folder to him, something that Damian managed to catch easily.  

"Sounds like some pretty scary bad guys." He said slightly interested, opening the folder and looking over what they had put in there.

"Everything you need should be in there. Remember, keep the collateral damage to a minimum and no casualties. Also....please shower and get into your costumes before going out." They reminded, likely more to Endymion than him, though Damian had thought it was to him. Well...the bathing part was to Damian, made obvious by how they looked at him before leaving anyway.

"Wow....sounds like this is going to be fun." Damian said, sounding excited about the whole thing.
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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Endymion February 23rd 2016, 11:09 pm

Salem almost chuckled at his brother’s modesty. Their whole lives, they had both been told that Damian was the perfect hero, or that he was going to be. He was really happy that his brother wasn’t a cocky jerk, like some of the characters he read in his books. Or rather, the books that he stole from researchers when they weren’t looking. He remembered growing up, always wanting to be like Damian…the cool hero. Salem shook his head, trying to remain focused. If they had to fight a super deadly meta-human, that was going to be super frightening. He knew that Damian would likely win, especially if Salem was supporting him, but Salem was really nervous about screwing up in some way. Thankfully, his moonlight reserves were full, as a full moon had passed just a few days ago, which was like a huge feast for Salem.

Though, Salem had to admit that he was pretty excited for the mission. He hadn’t left the facility in a very long time. Salem also thought that it would be interesting to see his combat skills against actual enemies. He was pretty certain that Damian would get to be the hero, and that was fine with Salem, but maybe he would get to fight the villain’s sidekicks or something. That would be cool. Or maybe he would get to save his brother from a dangerous blow…that would also be pretty cool. He liked to feel needed by his older brother, because his older brother seemed to be the only person who cared whether he lived or not. So Salem would devote his life to protecting Damian, and he would do it happily. He also hoped that Damian would become the best hero in the world. That would be so beyond amazing.

Salem looked over the scientist, not surprised that they sent the second in command, and not the head researcher. He seemed pretty serious, and not one to be messed with. Not that Salem would ever mess with anyone anyway, but still. While his brother seemed relaxed, Salem straightened up, wanting to remain professional, and not look like he was slacking in any way possible. He wanted to prove himself to the researchers, as he always did whenever the assistants were around. They still scare him a bit.

“We’ll preform excellently, and we will not let you down, sir,” Salem said respectfully, not breaking his rigid stance. “We will be ready in no less than an hour, I assure you,” Salem would make all of the necessary preparations, and all Damian had to do was shower. He would get Damian’s clothes together, as well as pack food, bandages, and other necessary items for their mission, not knowing how long it would last.

“It’ll be exciting as long as we don’t end up getting killed,” Salem chuckled a little bit before smiling to his older brother “I’ll get everything ready, you shower up and change into your uniform,” He gave his hand a squeeze before pulling back.

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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2016-02-20

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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Atlas February 24th 2016, 12:14 am

Damian looked over the various papers within the folder, not paying too much attention to the scientist dude after they gave the rundown on what they would be doing. He would want to memorize everything they had given them on paper, just so he didn't make any mistakes that would jeopardize himself or Salem in any way. While many of the people here would say that his sidekick was worthless, he was attached to him emotionally enough that losing them would be terrible. So doing anything that he could to protect him was something that always managed to find itself in the forefront of his mind. The scientist would stoically nod to Endymion, before leaving the room well aware that they were briefed on their assignment. "Oh great, it's this chick again." He muttered to himself, looking down at the images that were clipped into the folder

He had fought against this metahuman before and they proved to be pretty difficult to do anything against, let alone even hope to defeat. Just thinking about them managed to agitate the bruises on his pride, though that only showed with a grimace that formed on his face. Apparently some smaller gangs were associating with them, making use of their power and protection to grow larger, something that was not greatly appreciated. This was a person that he had been training for, and so he hoped that perhaps he would be strong enough now to actually do anything against them. Still, thinking about things would not make them get done any faster, only make him worry about the situation. Rather than make himself look weak in front of his brother, he put on a confident smile and looked to Salem. "It's nothing, I'm sure we got this." He said with a fist pump, gathering everything back into the folder and handing it to Salem so he could look over things.

Likely he could do something more with it, considering that likely he was trained to be a little more strategic than him. With great power, one did not have to think to much when it came to battle. "We'll beat the bad guys up and save the day." It was something that he truly believed, and with help things seemed like they would go even smoother than ever before. "Don't worry about me though little bro, I'm super tough." He said when hearing something about dying, which he had no intention of doing. All he had to do was be strong enough to beat up the bad guys, and then save anyone that needed saving, which sounded easier than it was. "So...i'm gonna shower so I don't smell bad." He said, partially glad that his sibling did not share his own superior senses, as they would likely be burning now.

With that done, he could get all cleaned up because that was apparently important. Not as if the bad guys would care if he flew in smelling like roses, or the days BO. Not that he would argue, but it was something that he found himself wondering about to himself as he walked into his room, where a bathroom was connected. Just a cursory glance of the place showed that whoever was over them had some pretty deep pockets, enough to make a place as elaborate as this one anyway. Sniffing his armpit, his nostrils burned for a few seconds as he tried to forget the smell and turned his attention upon the current task set before him. Quickly he stripped out of his clothes, until he was in the nude, turning the water as hot as possible before stepping in. His body was pretty used to the heat, so it felt really nice rather than scalding and painful. Damian took his time with the shower, which took about thirty minutes until he stepped out of it and dried himself off in his own way, which was letting the solar energy come to the surface of his skin and evaporated the water.

Sure, he couldn't manipulate it in any extreme way but it had its uses. With that done he tried to comb his hair into a more manageable style before stepping out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of plaid boxers. His eyes darted around the room, catching sight of his suit which was neatly folded, only bringing a smile to his lips. "Where would I be without you?" He muttered appreciatively, quickly changing before stepping out of his room. "Alright Salem, I'm ready!" He called out, putting his mask on.
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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Endymion February 28th 2016, 9:39 pm

Salem tilted his head a bit when Damian seemed to recognize the person they were supposed to either fight, kill, or capture on the mission. Had Damian gone on a lot of missions without him? He didn’t really like the sound of that. Salem always wanted to be at Damian’s side, ready to protect him if it came down to that. He didn’t know how to react at first “Do you know this person?” He asked quizzically. If he did know anything about her, then he should share it, so Salem could better protect Damian. The scientists would probably just get Damian another sidekick, if Salem were ever to die. Salem accepted that long ago. But if Damian died…the facility would lose quite a big investment, and Salem assumed that they would not want to do that.

“You don’t sound so sure, I’ll have you know,” Salem said only once the scientists were gone. If he were to openly criticize his older brother in front of the scientists…Salem would definitely be punished, and that was something he definitely did not want to endure. Punishments were always the worst, and most of the time, he never told Damian about them. Because that would just make Damian upset, and he never wanted to make his older brother upset. “And I know you’re very tough, but don’t go out and do anything too reckless,” Salem lectured quietly, but he wasn’t that worried. Damian was more than capable of defending himself, and kicking the crap out of bad guys. Unless something catastrophic happened, Salem believed that this mission would be a success.

Salem nodded when his brother said that he was going to shower, and Salem made sure to leave his suit and a warm towel in Damian’s room, also placing a little chocolate on top of the towel. Salem changed into his own suit, a tight black singlet, with a white crescent symbol, and a white circle around the crescent. He put on the masquerade-like mask on and looked in the small mirror in his room. He almost felt like a hero…but Salem knew that he was little more than a tool. Salem, or rather, Endymion, as he was called when he was in his suit, quickly made sure that they had everything that they needed for the mission—which really wasn’t much. He grabbed their cell phones, which they were only allowed to use during missions, and waited patiently on his bed, slightly glancing at the folder.

He looked through the folder and hummed a bit. Endymion didn’t know how Atlas knew this girl, and he really wanted to find out. According to the file, she seemed really tough. He was thankful that the full moon had passed not too long ago, and his powers were fully charged. Endymion finished reading the profile, and committed the girl’s face to memory, thankful that he had a near photographic memory. He placed the papers back in the file and leaned back, only to jump up a few moments later when his brother called out to him.

“Shall we go then?” Endymion asked with a slightly nervous tone. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt nervous. Maybe it was because that girl looked a lot tougher than he had imagined. “And are we flying or driving, or what?” He asked quietly, secretly hoping that the answer would be flying. He absolutely loved flying. It was so freeing.

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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2016-02-20

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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Atlas February 28th 2016, 10:16 pm

Damian picked up the chocolate, nibbling at it gratefully after slipping into his costume. If there was one thing that he could trust his brother to do, it as to always know what would improve his mood. He could sense that his sibling was uneasy, though part of him wondered why they were like that. Damian was confident things would go well, but then he had to consider that they didn't always think the same. "Yeah, let's go. I'll tell you more about the people we're going after on the way there." He said with a nod, considering whether flying or any other way would be the best way. Honestly, since they could fly faster than any transport they had, well that pretty much answered the question rather quickly. "I was thinking about flying, since that's a lot faster than driving or whatever."

As fun as driving would have been, they never really bothered teaching him how to drive, so that would have likely been something that Salem would have done. With that question answered, they would have to first get to the surface considering that they were technically underground right now. Honestly, he was just looking forward to getting some sunlight considering something about the sunrooms just felt fake. In the end, he much preferred natural light from the sun, and considering the mission was supposed to take place during the day, that meant they would likely be able to do things just fine. Getting to the outside, all they had to do was walking through a pretty long hallway, around a few turns before they stepped through a door that lead out to what looked to be an unimpressive looking building.

"I still think we need to get the more scenic view." he noted with a sigh, resting his hands on his sides as his eyes did a natural scan of the room. This was partially him just trying to make small talk with his sibling as he lead the two of them as they stepped out into what looked to be a stereotypical alleyway. "I have a feeling with you with me, I won't have too much trouble this time." He said, sure of himself now but that then came with the realization that he did not give any context as to who this person was. " I fought this meta lady not too long ago, and she was pretty strong. I might've lost if I didn't have some help from one of the heroes of New York. It was pretty close, but I don't think it'll be that close now. I mean, we're like the perfect team."  

Slowly he began to hover off of the ground, expecting Salem to di the same as he began to rise against the bonds of gravity. They were supposed to be dealing with a gang run by some guy that called himself The Beast, someone that people didn't know too much about but a lot of people really feared him. That had explained why he managed to form such a large following pretty quickly. He trusted that Salem would have read on that, though going in blind and unaware of their abilities was something that he felt a little uncomfortable about. Not that he would complain about it out loud, as Damian was still confident he could defeat anyone.

"We're supposed to be going to some pretty shady place called Gomorrah, sounds pretty iffy already. Supposedly there's a lot of illegal drug stuff going on there. So we're supposed to be busting that, and apparently we might have to deal with that weird strong flying lady there too. Might not, but we gotta be prepared." He said taking off at a speed that his brother should be able to keep up with, going around four hundred mph as he looked down at his phone which he was using for it's GPS capabilities.
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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Endymion March 4th 2016, 12:50 pm

Salem was relieved to hear that Damian was going to enlighten him a bit more about who they were going after. It was going to be a pain in the butt, he could already tell. He knew that his brother was confident that this was going to go well, and while Salem was pretty sure that it was going to be fine, he couldn’t shake the worrisome feelings. It was just the way that Salem was hardwired. When flying was mentioned, Salem gave a happy nod. He much preferred flying to driving. Salem was taught how to drive, as it was seen as useful by the scientists, but honestly, Salem wasn’t really that great at all at driving. “Flying sounds great to me, you know that I dislike drawing,” he chuckled, stretching his arms a bit.

Salem wondered if his brother got the same excitement going out into the sunlight that Salem got from the moonlight. It was almost like taking a nice bath, or taking a very long nap. It was just so refreshing. He followed after Damian obediently, never forgetting his place. It was comforting to know that this would all take place during the day. Damian would be extra strong, and could even take more hits during the daytime. Hopefully it would conclude by eveningtime, though. Salem wasn’t the greatest fighter, and if this metahuman fight lasted too long…it would probably get very bad, very quick. Although, the scientists probably wouldn’t send them out if they didn’t think that they could handle it. Who knows how it’ll go…

“Mhm, it isn’t like we get outside very much. But we should still go quickly, I do not know how long this mission will take,” Salem said, keeping up his formal tone—though this was broken by a faint red blush when his brother said that they make a perfect team. “I-It’s umm, true. We were made to be the perfect team, and we always preform adequately. I think they would be surprised if we failed to accomplish what they assigned us to do,” When they stepped outside, Salem took a deep breath, quite liking the fresh air as opposed the somewhat stagnant air of the underground facility. It felt really nice to get out for once, even if they would likely be brutally fighting. Salem’s facial expression fell when he described who they would be going after. “This is going to be difficult…” He said under his breath, slightly annoyed with the scientists for this. If Damian and an actual hero had trouble fighting this person, how were they supposed to do this? Even if they were ‘the perfect team’?

Salem hovered in the air, his mind taking a few moments longer than normal to adjust. He was telekinetically gifted—even the scientists knew that, but if he became worried, or too emotional, his powers could flux. He knew in advanced that they would also be dealing with a gang, which probably wouldn’t be too terrible, as most of them would likely be just grunts or something. The metahuman, and The Beast were what he was concerned about. Salem really didn’t like the idea of getting the crap kicked out of him just to get rid of some kind of gang.

“This doesn’t sound too fun,” Salem said with an uneasy chuckle. He followed after his brother, managing to keep up with him. He knew that Damian would be capable of going much faster, but was thankful that he didn’t. As Damian spoke, Salem was already trying to form some kind of plan or something. He’d follow Damian’s lead, whatever he might suggest to do, but it was always to have a few backup plans. “Though I’m certain that we’re going to be able to accomplish this…they would not give us something we cannot handle. But don’t go doing anything reckless, Damian,” Salem said seriously.

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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2016-02-20

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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Atlas March 4th 2016, 4:27 pm

Despite who they would be dealing with on their adventure, Damian was still was excited as ever to be able to work with his brother. Aside from training simulations, they had never really gotten a chance to test out their teamwork within an actual heroic situation, which was something that he had been wanting to do. Prove himself, as well as give Salem a chance to prove themselves. He had an idea how much it would mean to his little brother, so he would leave the lesser grunts to him, as well as maybe this Beast guy if he didn't prove to be too difficult to deal with. Not much was known about his powers, so maybe he could not have any powers at all, though he didn't want to take that chance with Salem around. It went against his whole heroic programming, and that was like pulling teeth to go again.

"Probably won't be too fun, but I know we'll beat the bad guys up. I mean, we’ve been training for this kinda stuff our entire lives." He was used to Salem being the serious one, but that was probably because they always expected him to be the serious one. "I'm always serious." He said with a smirk, flying alongside his sibling keeping up pace with them, despite how annoying it was to slow himself down. Usually anything below the speed of sound was something that he had to try really hard to lower himself to, but if it let Salem keep pace with him he was fine with it. Not like  they could really work together as a team if he just flew off without them everytime that they were dealing with trouble. Likely Salem was not fine with this entire mission, but he couldn't help feeling an almost hopeless optimism.

"I have a few ideas for the whole mission, but I'm planning to go with my usual one." Likely Salem knew this, as it was his tried and true method of smashing in, and wrecking everything. Apparently this underground club (literally underground) was illegal anyway, as far as the reports were saying and that meant that there wouldn't be any police backlash if he knocked it down. "Buuuuut, I have a few back up plans if that one doesn't work." Damian then added, shooting a thumbs up to his partner as if showing that he wasn't flying in there completely blind. His eyes scanned the city below, looking through the thick concrete via x-ray vision and looking for anything that was out of the ordinary.

Maybe there was something that shouldn't be there or a section of the street that he could not see through. Usually if people knew how to hide themselves from the x-ray vision types, they would line their walls with lead just in case. They would be flying for a few minutes before he finally caught something, stopping as quickly as he could mid-air and gave his brother some time to just the same. Well, they weren't prepared to hide from him, but they were pretty underground, any other hero would have had to go through the front door, but he was not your average hero. "Alrighty little bro, looks like I found us something pretty suspicious." He said pointing down at what looked to be a rather unimpressive building, though as always that was likely a front for something more than that. There was probably some kind of secret stairway that one could take down or maybe everything was being hidden by an illusion.

All he knew was that this beast person was a pretty strange guy, one they didn't want to Descending to the street level once again was easy, as they stood before a slightly worn looking wooden door as he knocked a few times before just knocking it down. "They just don't make doors like they used to." He said with a smirk, stepping through as he looked around for the secret entrance that was most likely there. His body had soaked up plenty of solar energy, so they hoped that they could get this finished quickly, before he needed to do a quick sun dip. He continued to look around until an anomaly caught his eyes, a small seam within the wall that looked like it slid open.

Approaching the wall, he tore his fingers into it and ripped that portion of the wall out. This revealed what looked to be one of those hidden staircase type deals, one that lead downwards as was obvious by a staircase anyway. "Huh, Guess I'm just too good for them." He noted with a shrug. "So they said we gotta be careful, because they don't know what this guy can yeah. Ya know, be careful." He said patting Salem on the shoulder before beginning his descent.
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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Endymion March 12th 2016, 3:16 am

Salem knew that his brother was excited about this mission. He could hear it in his voice, and see it in his eyes. He was glad that his brother was so optimistic going into this. Because Salem was still very nervous about all of this. Salem would be lying to himself if he didn’t say that he wasn’t somewhat excited for this. It would be nice to prove himself for his brother, and for the scientists. He hoped that if he were able to prove himself, the scientists would start to treat him a little better around the lab—but he wasn’t going to get his hopes up. The scientists would never give a damn about him. He was basically just a tool to him, and knowing that, made Salem rather sad.

He had to laugh when Damian said that he was always serious. There was no way that he could keep a serious face. Salem was known for being the extremely serious one, and Damian was the more carefree, yet super powerful was. It was always like that. Which was fine, but honestly Salem wished that he could be more like his brother. It would be nice not have to worry about everything all the time. But ever since they were children, Salem was taught that he always had to put his brother first, no matter what. He sighed softly and looked at Damian “You can fly faster if you want to. I can follow after,” Salem suggested. He didn’t want his brother to hold himself back, just because Salem was incapable of keeping up.

“Your usual plan…” Salem rolled his eyes a little bit, suppressing a chuckle. “I don’t think that would be the most effective plan. I mean, we should cause as little collateral damage as possible,” He noted, cocking an eyebrow when Damian said that he had other plans up his sleeve. That would definitely be interesting to see. But he had faith in his brother. Damian definitely wasn’t stupid or anything. Salem believed that Damian would perform adequately in battle—even if their plan wasn’t completely set in stone. The scientists likely had some way of watching them…and they would likely be annoyed if they didn’t use tactics.

Salem stopped after him, and nodded. “That was remarkably fast, quite impressive, big broth—I mean Atlas,” He corrected himself, slightly annoyed with himself. He looked over the building the best that he could, but didn’t have x-ray vision, so what he could actually see was rather limited. He more than trusted his brother’s instinct, and followed after him obediently. The building was rather plain and unassuming, and it would likely serve as a perfect front for something shady. It was definitely a wise place to start.

“Don’t make too much noise. If this is something suspicious, we don’t want them to know that we’re here,” He cautioned. “And let me go first,” Salem sighed. After he ripped apart the wall, Salem quickly moved in front of his brother, not caring if he got hurt or anything. Salem wasn’t important. He knew that. He raised up his hand when he saw what looked like some lowly security guard—the stereotypical beefy, creepy looking guy. Salem used his telekinesis to rip another section of the wall completely off and bury the guard in rubble—likely just knocking the guard out. “Let’s keep moving,” Salem advised, no longer that concerned about making a ruckus.

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Registration date : 2016-02-20

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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Atlas March 21st 2016, 4:20 pm

Salem would insist on going down first, and Damian would let them do that so long as they didn't get themselves in trouble due to unseen bad guys within the darkness of the hallway before them. He trusted that they would be able to take care of themselves, but still he would worry about them, as one would expect an elder brother to. It didn't take them too long to meet with a security guard, one that had raised their weapon but was quickly taken down by Salem, via use of that nifty telekinesis of his. He could hear the thump of them hitting the wall and yet nothing breaking, which was a plus considering they were supposed to avoid as many casualties as they could on this mission. Likely the ruckus caused would bring some trouble but they had some time to continue, and so that was what they would do.

They wouldn't be met with anyone until like a minute down anyway. "Okay, I think I hear some people." He said, stopping for a moment as the sound of footsteps would become apparent to even Salem at this point. "Nevermind, there they are." He said pointing to the three people all with rather large weapons at them. Bullets, well they weren't something that he was really scared of and so he would beat them up easily enough. Resting a hand on Salem's shoulder, he stepped ahead of him and spoke up. "Looks guys, we both know those peashooters won't work. So i'll give you a chance to give up before I beat everyone up." They did not take his advice and so the bullets flew, moving rather quickly he made a preemptive move, quickly dealing with any bullets that would likely hurt Salem before delivering a few quick blows to know them out. It was pretty easily done, and they were down.

Huh, I thought this would be a little harder." He said as they continued to descend, eventually stepping out into what looked to be what they were looking for. A club of some kind, with several patrons, some drinking and others. There were exotic dancers doing their thing, though his eyes fell upon what looked to be more bouncers, seemingly ready to throw them out when someone raised a hand to stop them. "I was expecting a few heroes but one as famous as Atlas. Well color me flattered." They were a fairy handsome male male, dressed in a black leather jacet, his expression jovial.

"I'm going to have to ask you two to leave however, before I force you to."

"Well, I'd like to see you try." Damian responded, taking a step forward.
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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Endymion March 30th 2016, 5:58 pm

Salem wasn’t surprised that Damian was able to take down the men with guns with relative ease. If this is what they were going to have to deal with, Salem was sure that they would finish the mission before dinner. He tried to make sure not to get too full of a head, but this was almost insultingly easy. Salem did, however, love seeing how strong Damian was, as this was merely a tiny example of how strong his brother truly was. Plus…the slight bragging by his brother was pretty adorable. It made him seem like a proper superhero. Salem secretly wondered if Damian had rehearsed that line in front of the mirror, as it seemed to come out rather easily.

“It has been incredibly easy so far. Much easier than I expected, and I’m a bit disappointed so far. But perhaps we are not out of the woods yet,” Salem chuckled softly to himself, entering what seemed to be like some sort of nightclub. Salem, of course, had never been to one, but he had read about them in books. This was most likely some kind of front for whatever was really going on here. When they were approached by bouncers, and was certainly ready to take them on. His eyes darted to who seemed to be their boss. The man was handsome, but looked way too happy to see them. He also didn’t really like how he spoke to his brother. How did this guy know him anyway? Maybe from some sort of solo mission or something…he didn’t know.

“We have no intention of leaving,” Salem said in a slightly snide tone after his brother spoke. The moonlight glowed around his hands, signaling that he was ready to help, “And if you know who my brother is, then you should know that you should give up now,” Salem said very sternly.

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Registration date : 2016-02-20

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First try [Endymion] Empty Re: First try [Endymion]

Post by Atlas April 13th 2016, 7:46 pm

”Thought you’d say that but now no one can say I didn’t warn you.” They said with a shrug, nonchalantly popping their neck as they removed their studded leather jacket and cast it aside. An odd move from Damian’s perspective but it may have just been something about people and their leather. Just from looking at them, he could tell they were rather built, yet not quite what one would call ripped. Nothing really to worry about, but then again he had been warned not to underestimate his enemy. ”Always wanted to test my strength and I think you might be the first chance.” Cracking his knuckles, the meant arrayed around him took a few steps back to avoid what looked to be a rather dangerous looking fight. However, they still kept close enough as if they meant ti watch the two fight.

”You sound pretty confident about yourself.” Atlas noted,  looking around as if expecting them to have some manner of underhanded trick prepared and yet nothing came. ”Okay, i’ll do the heavy lifting and you offer support.” He said low enough for Salem to hear him, not exactly wanting to enemy to hear the plan, despite how obvious it would be once it started. Taking a step forward, he would seemingly disappear to anyone incapable of following the immense speed he was moving. A fist would careen towards the male known as The Beast, aimed for his face and yet a hand came up to meet it. A powerful shockwave boomed outwards from that point, sending people flying as the flooring itself ripped up and the foundation was shooken. His hearing picked up the sounds of bone cracking, though that didn’t seem to mean any of their bones breaking as all they had on their face was a smirk.

The only sign of them being effected was being forced back a good ten feet, nearly pressed against a wall. ”Well the rumors about your strength aren’t all exaggerated.” They said seemingly straining somewhat in trying to hold him back. What they did not expect as being grabbed by the wrist and thrown into the ceiling, leaving them rather open to any further attack.
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