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Reconciliation for the Divine

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Arcana March 7th 2016, 6:48 pm

His strikes had struck true upon vexus, each one managing to do some level of damage against the super villain and yet something told him it would take more than that to do anything lasting. No, Vexus was someone that needed more than physicals blows and so he had something in mind, even if he would not unleash that just yet. Timing was everything after all. Still he could tell that he was breaking bones, shattering some and cracking the others, each strike doing the damage that he wanted them to do. This was a test, to see if she had any manner of rapid regenerative abilities and if he would have to do something about that too. Just as his attack continued, he took notice of what looked to be a grab for him, and his position didn't allow him to quickly move out of the way.

Luckily his ally thought ahead and tackled him out of the way, saving him from what would have likely been an annoying experience. Sean let out a low annoyed groan as he rolled along, quickly standing to his feet as he dusted himself. Apparently he was supposed to make some kind of move, but no bug ones, which was rather vague. He could work with it however, so he would try doing that. His next plan, well it would likely work even if someone could regenerate, though he only had to wonder if he could move fast enough to do it. Phoenix had created quite a few fiery clones, likely means by which to annoy Vexus and give him an opportunity to strike at her. So many ways to attack from here and he needed to think of the one that was least likely to push him into revealing his hand early.

Making use of his superhuman speed, he continued to dart around the area with his eyes focused upon Vexus still. She was damaged pretty badly from the look of things, or perhaps badly enough to hamper her movement. Taking advantage of the confusion the exploding constructs might be causing, he would move in close and go for a sweep of Vexus' legs, followed by striking them in the stomach should the prior succeed, and leaping back should it not.


Number of posts : 2494
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Elena Vexus March 8th 2016, 2:08 am

Very close. She had been within inches of grabbing the boy's wrist. His partner, Phoenix, was watching their situation too closely for her liking and intervened. After he quite literally tackled his friend out of the way, he retaliated with another flame attack. Vexus still had the lightning charging up in her left hand so she evaded with a powerful backward bound for distance and followed with a leap to her right to avoid the spiraling fire. Not her most complex of tactics, but it did the job. She would need to release this electricity before it destroyed her from the inside out.
That opportunity presented itself rather quickly as phoenix released a small army of flame bodies that came charging in Elena's direction. With a powerful grunt, she released all electrical energy she had charged in the last few seconds. Shooting through the flame constructs causing them to detonate, the lighting branched off and chained through to hit most of the figures. She gave one last push, letting out another smaller shockwave of lighting in order to finish over the rest of the incoming fire forms. However some of them had made it rather close forcing Elena to guard with her right arm. Her left arm had fallen limp on her side and her right arm was now significantly burned from the blast. Her physical increases had temporarily faded away so that her body could focus on healing the damage now. If she intended to keep up with these two, it was imperative that she regain use of her left arm as soon as possible.

Vexus' head darted to behind her as Sean appeared for an attack. She cursed under her breath knowing that she could do nothing right now. She tried to use her right hand to force her left hand into one of her hand signs in order to show some kind of effort in defending herself, but Sean was moving too fast for her inhibited state. He swept out her legs and followed with a powerful strike to her stomach. Elena coughed up blood as she hit the ground with a body shattering thud. She bounced slightly and the moved over onto her right arm as her brain raced with what she could possibly get away with in her position. This body was fading, but there was still more that she could gain.
As quick as she could got back up on her feet, but immediately brought Phoenix back into her area of view readying herself for what was to come next. Being nearly defenseless and in such close range to Sean was dangerous, for anyone. But she still needed a few more moments before she could adequately retaliate, things were almost in position.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Andrew March 8th 2016, 3:51 am

Darting behind Sean Andrew whispered in his ear "While I'm distracting her, go in for a big shot but not THE big one."
And buzzed back across the battlefield.
Andrew pointed his finger like a gun at Vexus and quick fired
about 20 shots at the bionic goddess.
Andrew smiled as he sent one more extremely powerful blast at the clearly injured Vexus. Just as the flames were approaching her, he let them vanish.
"Alright Elena." he called out before slamming his staff into the ground.
"When do we get the REAL you? I've been analyzing you from the start and not only have you been unsuccessful in creating any offense, or defense, your patterns are sloppy and predictable. You're holding something back which leads me to believe this is either a robot we're fighting, or one of those damn clones you've been manufacturing in that rat hole.
Either way it doesn't matter. I know something is up."

Andrew pulled his staff from the ground and draped it across his shoulders letting his arms hang loose around it.
"I spent a lot of time in other worlds training on much more than detective skills, and even if you're brand new to this whole magic thing, your spells are still too weak to win. I doubt you're testing us this much. So why don't you show us your REAL power or the REAL Elena. Unless of course this is it, in which case we'll just move in for our arresting of you."
Andrew waited while Sean made his move.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

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Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Arcana March 9th 2016, 6:12 pm

Each blow struck true and he could feel their impact as well as see them upon Vexus. Sean was confident within his own abilities, but something about this fight felt off, as if Vexus was going down a little too easily even for him. He was expecting some kind of conflict, and this just felt wrong on so many levels, enough so that he actually felt bad. Taking a few steps back, he prepared for some manner of calculated plan. These brainy types usually didn't let themselves get hit unless they were way overpowered or it was part of a grander plan. If he knew anything about this woman, she likely had something in mind but he could not guess what that was. If Zell were here he could likely figure that out, however he was not here and that left him trying to do that. Phoenix had noticed this too, but they were a little more brazen within their declaring this fact.

Sean prepared himself nonetheless, his xenogens likely capable of protecting him from anything major. Unless of course they had something that could not be adapted against, but that was highly unlikely. Regardless, he was supposed to be going for the big one and yet he did not know what that would denote. Honestly, he only had so many big shots and yet he did not know what he was supposed to be throwing at this point. Not as if his powers allowed for him to just throw everything around, but he could likely think of something anyway. After all, he just needed a big shot. So he let the xenogens secrete a small amount of flames they had gathered around his fists, brilliant as they swirled, rapidly reproduced by the tiny cells within his body.

He was partially expecting Vexus to reveal her hand from Phoenix's goading, but that was guessing on his part. Letting the recreated flames gather around one fist, he would make use of the minor distance between him and the villain hopefully distracted or at the very least unable to retaliate. His intent was to make use of these flames and his own physical strength to drive a powerful dual fisted blow into her solar plexus, something that would likely keep her down longer than a few seconds.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Elena Vexus March 9th 2016, 9:10 pm

Phoenix was capitalizing on her injured condition no doubt. Firing off a large round of normal sized blasts of fire towards her followed by one larger blast. She knew that she could survive the smaller ones, however the large one might put this body down for the count. The premature destruction of this body would be rather inconvenient for her at the moment. Elena braced herself for the worst, holding her still charred right arm in front of her face. Her left arm only just barely regaining the ability to move, but recovering quickly.
The impact never came. The flames had completely dissipated which could have only been by Phoenix's command. He seemed rather annoyed now, asking why she had not been fighting seriously. At this point it had probably become painfully obvious. He was right on all accounts, of course. With their past encounters it had become more than clear to him that something was amiss. Still Phoenix continued on about his training and how she was testing them, though the mention of her being arrested did steal a giggle from Elena. Which was the first bit of emotion she had displayed during this entire physical exchange.
Elena moved her tongue around in her mouth, and then spit out a glob of blood.
"You may have become more powerful, my old friend, but you are still the same."
She pulled herself upright as more of the internal damage repaired itself.
"Even other-worldly training could not erase the weakness in your heart. You strike with mercy. Such undeserved leniency..."
There was no doubt that Sean would be preparing an attack for her. Neither of them were naïve enough not to take advantage of her current state, however ever second she could steal would benefit her.
"You will never defeat me unless you strike to kill."

At the conclusion of that sentence Vexus spun to see Sean charging and launching an attack towards her. She place her hands together to activate her physical increases, and as she moved her hands apart to attempt to slow his attack both of Sean's fists dove into Elena's chest.
Her eyes shot wide open as she coughed up a large amount of blood, of which continued to pour from her mouth and the hole in her chest where Sean's fists were now lodged. Her body went totally limp for a moment, before snapping back to life.

"That's more like it."

It was unlike Elena to go for the same tactic twice, but the wind was just right this time around. And she would be quick. Much quicker. The instant her body became rigid again her hands grasped onto Sean's arms. With all the blood pouring from her mouth and the expression on her face she could have inspired nightmares in the most veteran of warriors.


Shouted a voice from above Phoenix and Sean. Not even giving them enough time to react as they liked up she executed her attacks. In one perfectly timed and seamless move, a large red spell circle appeared directly over Phoenix casting a shadow over him and a copper colored one appeared beneath the Vexus Clone and Sean. From the red circle, an absolutely massive dome of fire erupted from it raining down on Phoenix. As the copper circle activated, the clone self-destructed in what would have been an extreme explosion. However this type of spell circle began exerting an immense amount of pressure as soon as the blast went off.  This caused the explosion to expand to just encompass Sean, compress into about the size of a soft ball, and as all the pressure was taken off the heavily condensed point it allowed to to expand outward in an even more devastating explosion. This compression and expansion took place within about a one second window.
The fire that showered down on Phoenix was not intended to cause harm to him despite what he might think initially. All Elena aimed for was to cloud his field of vision, though with his new found confidence he may wish to take the fire head on in order to display to Vexus how powerful he has become.

The real Elena Vexus landed gently a safe distance from the two sites of destruction. She brushed off the dust from her shoulders and sides of her shoes. The red spell ring dissipated and the fire ceased, if Phoenix had not already removed himself from the flames. Currently she was not sure on the condition of Sean. There was a thick pluming cloud of dust and smoke rising into the air where he and her clone had been standing. Vexus stood strong as she waited for the two, or potentially one, to retaliate. They got what they wanted. The real Elena Vexus has arrived. Having already a spark notes version of what they could, she was going in serious from the start. Both of these individuals are powerful. There was no room for error, a slight lapse in concentration could cost her this entire encounter.

The real fight starts now.


Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Andrew March 18th 2016, 3:33 pm

"Well played" Andrew thought as he saw the red circle appear above him.

In an instant fire began to rain down on the hero.
Andrew took two steps forward and leaped from his fire prison, clearing his way with his staff. He saw a circle forming around Sean.

"I'm sorry brother!" Andrew yelled as the took the staff he was holding and threw it side armed. The staff whipped through the air and would nail Sean in the chest allowing him to avoid the explosion and once more saving one of their trump cards in his durability.

"Phew." the battle really heated up fast. It was almost as if someone turned the dial from slow and calculated to all out assault. If Phoenix knew Elena half as well as he thought, her hand was controlling that dial. They were playing her game and he didn't wish to continue moving to the beat of her song.

As the dust from the exploding clone appeared Andrew looked and saw Sean was ok.
He sighed in relief once more.
"I know you're watching Elena. Why don't we just get to the point."
She was clearly out of her rat hole now, there was no way the clone could muster up those attacks that quickly.
Thank god for Andrew's quick mind. Her finding out Sean was near invincible wasn't the worst thing, but why waste that card up their sleeve now? The could certainly use it later if she continued to increase the speed of her attacks.
"Circles. It seems it's all circles." Andrew thought to himself looking around the battle field.
He also noticed the clone barely moved.
If the clone was anything like Elena physically Andrew deduced she wouldn't be much more swift on her feet. However he had no evidence and wasn't going to bet the house on this little theory.

Fire surrounded the staff Phoenix had thrown before, and it had disappeared.
More fire formed in the hands of the hero and his staff re-emerged.
Slipping the weapon back into it's holster, he prepared for serious speed. Elena had caught but a taste of the true speed and power of these heroes. Revealing herself was the first mistake she made this whole fight. She had no idea of their true power, however in the spirit of fairness they weren't one hundred percent sure of hers either. She had given up on testing them. It was time for the real battle.
"Brace yourself Sean! We don't know what to expect yet."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Arcana March 19th 2016, 2:40 pm

His attack had managed to break through flesh and yet he didn't run her clean through, meaning that he was slightly stuck and Vexus didn't give him any time to react. Well this doesn't look good. Sean thought to himself as he tried to wrench himself back, as a staff slammed into his chest but was quickly engulfed by the following explosion. It hurt like a bitch, but that was something that he could deal with, as turned off pain for a moment to allow him to force himself through the explosion before it could compress. This was the moment he was pleased with himself for thinking of sowing xenogens within his clothing, as otherwise it would have been incinerated, and left him with nothing. Sure, his chest ached once his turned the pain back on but that was something that quickly repaired itself.

Rubbing his chest softly, he ordered the xenogens to repair any damage, which was a few burns that quickly faded away. Vexus wasn't toying around, which meant she saw them both as credible threats. Well that was the smart thing to do, otherwise he would have been insulted beyond all belief. So she made use of some spell circles, but magic was something that he could also deal with, so there wasn't anything that really worried him. Likely Phoenix would already have some kind of attack plan in mind, though all he wanted to do was get this over with quickly. "I'll have to thank Zell for his work later." Sean muttered to himself. Despite not knowing what to expect, he wasn't truly worried about what she could do, considering that he considered himself invincible anyway.

Hell, he may as well have been considering what Zell said about this little things that now made comprised every cell in his body. "Puhlease, all she's shown me so far is mediocrity and a sharp fashion sense. Hardly anything to be worried about." Sean noted, patting away some dust from his shirt and looking to Vexus. "Wanna go another round pumpkin?"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Elena Vexus March 21st 2016, 2:46 pm

As  it was expected, Phoenix was completely unfazed by the fire. And as she looked upon the unfolding situation she saw him yet again try to knock Sean out of the way of her attack, however impossible it may have been. She gave a smirk as the detrimental explosion went off in a magnificent show. There was nothing left of her clone and the space where the blast went off had been completely blown away leaving a large crater. Her eyes widened In seeing that Sean was completely unharmed. She was not totally surprised, but it would have been at least somewhat satisfying to see him with a torn shirt or scorch mark or anything really.
Elena relaxed her expression and just gave a little smirk as he taunted her for more. She was working on piecing this man's abilities together. Earlier, he had been slightly phased by Phoenix's fire. Nothing major, just breaking a sweat from the heat. As any human's body would naturally do. Though now, despite being at the epicenter of a very powerful explosion he hadn't so much as been knocked away. There was also the information her clone had gathered on them before its timely demise. There had not been much fluctuation in Phoenix's speed, she could calculate an assumption on his speed. There was method to his movements, she knew he was holding back but she could tell that limits existed to his powers. There always were, and always will be. Sean was a different story. Once one piece of information on his abilities came though, another factor would defy it. And this was a continuing instability in her data. It prevented her from running any kinds of calculations or creating a proper algorithm to narrow down his abilities. She needed more data. And pushing him would be exactly how she would attain this data. Hopefully even breaking one of them in the process.

Vexus pushed her bands behind her ears and gave a sight chuckle. She extended her left hand towards Phoenix with her palm open. The same copper circle that had appeared below Sean now appeared in the space between Phoenix and Elena. This time around there were dozens of them that extended all the way to what seemed to be the horizon in both directions. She did not even take her eyes away from Sean as these single magic rings began to pull the surrounding earth together forming a near mountain sized structure. Because they were all weaker single magic circles, she was able to utilize them in bulk like this. It was more for show and to slow down Phoenix for a moment. There was a large trench in front of the mountain where her magic had utilized the earth, in the way a tsunami pulls water from the shore. Creating a mountain with a wave of her hand was just a little display so that she could spend a little more time with Sean.

"Yes, lets dance, sweetie"
She probably only had a minute or so before Phoenix tried to bust through her hastily created land form, so she needed to do as much as she could in a very short time. She folded her hands together activating her physical boosts sending off an initial shock wave, and then another when she brought her hands down to her sides as if increasing her power. Her abilities with her real body completely trumped those of her clone's. She was faster, stronger, more agile and she would use this to her advantage if only for a split second. She knelt down and got into a position as if she were getting ready to set off in a track meet.While her hands were touching the ground, she put her palms flat for just a brief second setting up another move. Vexus then took off at such a speed that she was already behind Sean by the time the ground over turned from her starting point. Elena came in with a left hook aimed for the back of Sean's neck.If she connected, Sean's face would be met with a dual layered fire spell at point blank.

Whether he ducked or dodged her punch, she would still manifest the spell circles in front of his face. Vexus followed by dropping down in order to perform a sweep kick. Though because of her near supersonic burst of speed, and over powered punch she moved a little slower than before. Elena knew that Sean would pick up on this and expected to take a hit, but made sure that she placed her palm on the ground even if it was only for a short second. If Sean decided to capitalized on her momentary lapse in speed or not she would make sure to have at least a couple hundred feet between the two of them. Without wasting half of a second she pointed to Sean's feet with two fingers on her left and pointed directly at him with two fingers on her right hand. With the command from her left hand the ground warped to her will swallowing Sean's legs half way up his shins and the two fingers summoned a double layered earth spell which would obliterate a normal human's bones. This would condense and increase the pressure of the rocks binding Sean's legs to better keep him in place while the spells from her right hand were conjured. Simultaneously from the two fingers on her right hand three sets of two blue spell rings appeared and rapidly fired highly pressured beams of water. They shot through the air so quickly they headed the space around them with the potential to slice through even the thickest steel with ease

After this onslaught Vexus would give great effort in evading any retaliation this enhanced version of Sean might have while putting as much distance as she could between not only Sean, but Phoenix too. He would not doubt have broken down her temporary mountain by this point. In the event he had not, it would have began to break down on its own as Vexus released the spell in addition to allowing her physical increases to fade. Any time spent in that state put an immense strain on her body, tearing muscles and breaking bones if she strikes anything with enough force.

This would have been a good first step in debunking this boy's powers. With, of course, plenty more to come.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Andrew March 23rd 2016, 1:34 am

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Andrew thought to himself. "A mountain. She had to literally put a mountain between us to divide us up huh?"
Laughing a little to himself.
"Your cowardice knows no bounds."
Andrew took a step back and got down in a three point stance, like a lineman in football would.
Taking a running start he leaped with might and landed right on top if the construct placed before him.

As he looked down his smile quickly shifted.
"Crap, she's gunna figure out his durability now."
He did a backflip into the air and point his palm down at the ground.
"Want a display of power?"
This gargantuan mountain stood no chance.
A blast of fire much larger than the mountain itself devastated the geokinetic structure beneath him.
Small clumps of dirt fell as the hero dropped out of the sky.

As he slammed back down to being level with the other two, he noticed Vexus was just about to land an attack on Sean.
"No point in holding back. Plus he can take it. Sorry brother." the hero thought once more.

A giant flame suit of armor the size of a small building formed around Phoenix, with the hero in the center.
The Fire almost took on a lifelike form and a Bow of fire formed in it's giant hands. As the construct pulled the string back it fired an arrow the size of a minivan in the direction of Vexus. As it was about to hit, he prepared to make sure Sean took the least of the attack.
He wasn't sure of what happened inside the dust cloud that had kicked up from such a large and powerful attack, but he knew Sean would be just fine. They had rehearsed what might have to happen. Andrew just felt bad his friend might have felt some pain.

Clapping his hands together, the giant flame armor around him grew even bigger, now the size of a rather large building.
This time the large construct moved with intense speeds behind the Bionic Goddess.
"Make your move Sean. I'm ready to make mine."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Arcana March 23rd 2016, 8:55 am

Vexus would do the smart thing, which was separating them from one another so she could attempt a one on one confrontation. This came in the form of placing a mountain between them, and knowing Phoenix he would try to break through it with that raw strength he threw around. This gave him a decent amount of time to deal with vexus, though he wasn't too worried about her being able to do anything against him. He was too assured within his own ability to take punishment to really worry, even though dodging was within his own range of capabilities. Burying his hands into his pockets, he was perhaps showing his lack of concern with the whole thing happening around him. A shockwave was sent out as Vexus would activate something, taking a runners stance before darting off towards him. His body, well it already began to adapt to deal with this new increase in agility.

His ability to perceive rapidly increased as his eyes began to follow the darting form of Elena Vexus. There was no doubt that she was fast, but then again speed alone would not win the battle, that much he could see. He saw the attack just as it was coming, and so Sean moved his body in a way to minimize the damage that would incur should she manage to hit him. The attack was a rather solid looking strike to the neck, one that would have likely hurt like hell so he didn't feel like taking it. Making his counter move, Sean shifted his body weight enough as he ducked his head under the attack with a few steps forward to avoid the strike. What he was met with however was two magic circles manifesting in front of his face, something that was not as easy to dodge when he thought about it.

"You have got to be kidding me." He muttered as his face was filed with a torrent of fire, one that made seeing a little difficult considering that he closed his eyes for this one. His flesh however, well it for the most part went unharmed thanks to the rather flexible nature of his xenogens, leaving him annoyed more than hurt. Quickly he moved away from the stream, eyes opening as they caught sight of Vexus making her move quickly towards them. Her intention was to sweep his legs out from under him, and that was not something he felt inclined to just let happen. Making a quick leap, he managed to avoid the strike, only to have his legs consumed by earth around his legs, through the pressure proved more as an annoyance than anything that could harm him.

Increasing the strength within his legs in a quick burst, he smashed through the bindings holding him and ducked out of the way of the blades of water that managed to glide past his flesh barely. Sure, he could likely have likely taken them but then again Sean didn't feel like it. Andrew had finally broken through the mountain, launching an attack seemingly aimed towards Vexus, though managing to hit him as well. Not that it did any damage to him, but then again things were as they were. Quickly recovering from the giant flame arrow he darted forward, attempting to strike down Vexus with a few well timed kicks, before stepping back and examining the situation. Now Phoenix was charging Vexus in some manner of large flame construct, Sean considering letting him deal with this before deciding against that. "I was expecting a lot Vexus and well...still not impressed." Removing his hands from their pockets, Sean darted forward, planning to move himself behind Vexus.

His intentions then were to continually strike from behind, keeping her busy while Phoenix would make use of their giant construct, aiming powerful blows at the weakest point within a human body.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Elena Vexus March 24th 2016, 12:44 am

Vexus narrowed her eyes as Seans placed his hands in his pockets before she started off on her attacks. As Elena went through her moments, she took in ever second of data. He dodged all of her moves, and effortlessly survived a direct magical attack. All of it so casually and carefree. Has Sean really grown so powerful that he can fight Elena Vexus at such a level? If he was fighting her at equal terms, then this was still only a fraction of his power. How very interesting.

She saw that their friend Phoenix had made it from the other side of the mountain. Without the slightest ounce of subtly he surrounded himself in fire and readied an attack. Vexus turned to look at the construct as an arrow of fire was launched from it. A double copper magic ring appeared in front of Vexus and in the next instant she was protected by an incredibly dense shield of earth. There was a large trench following where the ground had been pulled together to form her barrier. The attack hit her defense head on and fire licked over the edges. She didn't even need to deactivate the spell as the earth basically melted from its position and fell to the ground as solidifying lava.
Both Sean and Phoenix has used her slightly blocked vision to move behind her. Sean caught her across the side with a powerful kick that send her tumbling across the battle field. She got to her feet and dragged her hands across the ground in order to slow her skidding.
From directly in front of her Phoenix was coming in hot, having increased the size and speed of his construct. She waved her hand in his direction creating a three layered copper spell circle only large enough to cover a small section of his suit of fire armor.

"The adults are talking, Andrew..."

The three ringed magic circle would apply a devastating amount of pressure in a very localized area in one quick burst. This would more than likely knock him significantly enough off course that he would fly past her and need to spin back around to reengage his attack.

Almost immediately after Sean launched himself forward and began hounding her with lethal punches. The first one hit a sweet spot causing her to cough up blood, and the next few knocked her forward a bit. She used the slight distance to reactivate her physical boosts in order to keep up and defend herself from the flurry of Sean's punches and whatever Phoenix would want to throw at her when he came back around. One strike came through aimed for her mouth, just grazing over her face as she moved into a multitude of back flips to put distance between the two. As she landed she placed her hands flat on the ground to slow her slide yet again so that she was at an angle where she faced both of them. It was becoming slightly irritating that these children were pushing her back to such an extent. Though, it couldn't really be helped. She had heard of Sean's lineage of different abilities, and its possible that Phoenix actually learned something from his training in this other dimension. Thought it was still the Son of the Crimson Witch that has the bulk of her attention.

No matter her speed, he could keep up. No matter her strength. He could keep up. No matter the power of her attacks, he could still keep up. Despite her advantages growing every time her hands touched the ground, it would take some time before that plan came into light. Right now she needed to work on a way to gain the advantage in this conflict swiftly and with confidence. Now it would be time for Vexus to work smarter and harder.
Elena threw her hand straight up in the air and four sets of triple magic rings copper in color appeared very high in the sky. They were massive, but due to their altitude seemed smaller. She let out a slow breath as this would be a more complicated and strenuous move. They began to draw up massive boulders, ripping them from the round. Even the larger rock formations in the background were being torn apart as a result of their immense magical pull on the earth. A small section of earth that she was standing on gently separated from the ground under her command and began to slowly float higher into the sky. She glared down at Sean and then moved her gaze over to Phoenix. Her body was still emitting an aura signifying that her physical boosts were still active.
Once she was a little higher in the sky, she extended her arm downward towards where Sean was and had a number of single light blue magic circles appeared above him. Vexus let out another slow breath and from them released an apocalyptic amount of lightning. Every bolt had the power of a natural lightning strike, and with their numbers at least one was bound to strike the boy. Elena would continue the onslaught of electrical blasts from above until her next attacks were ready.
As for Phoenix, she pointed her other hand towards him and a number of white spell circles began to surround him. From those came slicing winds stronger than anything nature could possibly produce. These winds were not enough to flood the fire, however they packed more than enough power to keep someone with Phoenix's exceptional power level in place for at least a short moment.

At this point Elena was taking deep breaths in and out to regulate her heat rate. She had not officially broken a sweat, but her physical increases were forced to recede. Such heavy use of her recently acquired magical abilities were no doubt putting strain on her both mentally and physically. All of this preparation was too keep both of them away from her and her next attacks for at least a small amount of time. While all of this was taking place, the land around the three of them was still being torn apart by the magical circles above. They were quickly beginning to grow in size until they were at least three times the size of Phoenix's current fire construct. Vexus did what she could to keep the lightning and wind attacks going, but now she had officially broken a sweat. They would be resisting at this point now and keeping them grounded would require increased focus. However now that her absurdly massive spheres had finished forming, she aimed them to rocket back down to earth to crush her opponents. The heroes had two miniature moons each now to deal with as they were slowly released form their elemental binds.

Vexus on the other hand would be gently floating out of the impact range of these monstrous attacks. Her control over the earth formations would fade once they hit terminal velocity on their crash corse with her two opponents. She would take a knee on her small piece of land while it elegantly whisked her away to a safe distance. This plot of earth she stood upon as well as a steadily increasing area back at ground zero were manipulated by automated microscopic bots that Elena had been steadily injecting into the ground. There would be no easy way for her opponents to detect them, or even destroy them right now due to their small amounts. They would need to obliterate the specific areas that these little bots are in at the molecular level. But Elena would be saving these for later. Right now she is waiting to see how this round will play out and which route she would need to take next.
In the literal blink of an eye she could very easily make these incredibly complex magical attacks a breeze. Or exert the same amount of effort, but exponentially increase not only the raw power that her attacks contain, but the destructive force as well. If Sean and Phoenix wanted to keep moving up and adapting to her moves, then she would find out and see exactly how far she could take them before they would break. Their retaliation to this attack would set the song for the rest of this conflict.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Andrew March 27th 2016, 7:46 pm

"Well well Elena. I know when you were a child knowing math probably meant you were a witch...but Sean is younger than me. The adults are talking? So not only can you not count. You're also too arrogant for your own good. This isn't a fight you have a prayer of winning just stand down. Let's see your eyes roll once more, it never gets old."

Andrew stood like a skyscraper as the gale force winds tried to hinder him.
"I don't think so."
As he let all of the fire energy construct compact around him to create what looked like a thin aura of flame, he prepared for his next move. Getting down on one knee, he smiled over at Sean. "Be right back."

He leaped with force, smashing through her first meteor of an attack with ease. Because of his heat all the pieces vaporized around him, save a few chunks still falling.
Leaping to a chunk, he then used some more force, and landed on top of the other falling rock.

A small grin formed across the face of Phoenix. "I thought the clone was the warm up."
He cocked his fist back, and smashed it through the geokinetic construct. While his hand was inside he released an insane amount of flame inside of it, and it too fell from the sky, with nothing but little pebbles to it's name.

Andrew fell from about 100 feet up before landing next to Sean, still coated in his own little aura.
"My turn."
Andrew clapped his hands together and placed each palm on the ground almost mocking Vexus.
A wave of fire, perhaps the biggest one yet, became a large wall, and it surrounded Vexus.
There was nothing she could do but fly out of it on that little rock she was floating on.

As Andrew squinted his eyes, the entire walls of flame caved in, rushing down upon Vexus. As a follow up measure, he raised both his arms up and let the fire leap in the sky and spread more and more. There was no possible way she could avoid both of the attacks without literally vanishing out of reality. However he knew Vexus was a slippery snake so he then dropped his arms and let fire spread all across the desert ground, within a 2 mile radius. Anything under them was all but gone, as the flames leaked into the ground. Andrew created holes where Sean stood, as to not let the flames hurt him.

"Your move, I'll take point now." Andrew spoke to Sean as the two heroes waited for Vexus to try and make a move worth throwing at them. She may have experience and power, but this duo was neigh unbeatable. The ocean of fire shot back up and formed the same large construct around Phoenix, this time holding two large swords of flame.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Arcana March 29th 2016, 3:29 pm

Their fight would continue, as Sean continue to rain lethal blows upon Vexus. Each strike he expected to take her down and yet she stood, something that attested to her tenacity.Internal damage had likely been done but if his assumptions were  correct, well then Vecxus had some manner of regenerative factor that kept her from expiring, which meant he had no reason to hold back in fear of killing her or anything like that. Perhaps now she would see how outclassed she was, try to run away or whatever it was that Vexus would try to do. That was when the next attack from the villain would come, in the form of what looked to be an apocalyptic attack from the sky. This came in the form of two large earthen constructs that could vaguely be called meteors. "Wow, you have got to be kidding me." Sea muttered as he already began to think up a strategy to deal with them.

Despite how powerful these xenogens made him, he counted that they gave him the strength to smash apart meteors, at least not without requiring a little time to actually do it and so he would leave that to Phoenix. Considering how powerful they had become, then it was very possible that he could leave this to him, but that may have just been him having an overly positive opinion of his ally. Raising a hand to shield his face, his eyes would follow Phoenix as they went about destroying the large boulders with impressive force. With the boulders destroyed, Phoenix then unleashed a wave of fire upon vexus, something that split around him as if avoiding hitting him. There was so much fire, more than he thought Phoenix was capable of creating, at the very least without him tiring himself out.

It was once the ocean of fire retreated that Sean would make his move, xenogens having already greatly reproduced the flames within themselves to an intense level. It was almost time to make his move, but not quite yet. "You're not gonna do all the work, are you?" He asked with a smirk taking off in a sprint, going as fast as his legs could take him. His intention was to unleash a hail of punches, unleashing a great amount of heat energy in a small point if he were to actually make contact.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

Post by Elena Vexus March 30th 2016, 1:02 am

Elena watched from afar as her attack unfolded. Phoenix quickly sprung into action as if innocent lives were in peril. To her surprise, he took on all four of the pseudo-meteors. She also took close note of how the rock basically evaporated around him. Something she would definitely need to do her best to avoid in the future. Elena glanced down to Sean who had just been standing in the background. Quite curious. Was he unable to take on the meteors on his own? Or was the team taking turns on who was offense and who was defense? Their strategy at first glance was not complicated, but Elena was no fool. She had no doubt that the two of them most definitely had something up their sleeves.

As Phoenix landed next to his counter part Vexus gave a light smile. Not one of confidence as she normally did, but one of entertainment. This conflict was of the greatest she has had with these vigilantes. It was slightly refreshing to know that the world was still advancing. Be though as it may the world did need otherworldly instruction in order to properly compete. Nonetheless, Vexus was entertained.
The pyrokinetic clapped his hands together, and at the same time Vexus gently placed a hand over her left eye. Phoenix released a massive wave of fire and Elena's right eye widened at the sight of it. It formed itself into a wall that surrounded Vexus. Her right eye darted back and fourth as she analyzed her situation, which was not in her favor. However her Celestial Eye was now active and as the fire came crashing in around her she surrounded herself with a protective cocoon of Technomatter.
This was an ideal activation time. Her last attack had bought her plenty of time to heal her body and recover her stamina. Not to mention she could take a short break from utilizing the spell circles, they turned out to be more taxing than she initially expected. The flames that were licking along the sides of her Technomatter barrier expanded outwards,  a distance that Vexus could not witness in action due to her obscured vision from her own defense. Once she felt the heat subside she brought down her barrier. It was at this moment that she could see the charred ground that spread out in all directions. No doubt an impressive range that this child could now achieve. Still though, she remained unharmed.

The fire was recycled back into a the large flame construct he had been using, this time with two swords. She sent a little of her Technomatter into the ground so that it could produce more for her. Andrew made a comment saying that It was now Sean's turn, she took that slight second to activate her physical boosts yet again. Her regeneration was busy compensating for the catastrophic damage the Celestial Eye was currently causing, so she would not be fighting as she had been previously. As expected, Sean went off in a rapid sprint towards Vexus. She began to hoover backwards on a thin cloud of Technomatter with her feet pointed down and her arms crossed. The Celestial Eye was very good at defending itself. With Vexus' heightened reaction time and the Eye's ability to defend for her, the grey sand-like substance began blocking each and every one of Sean's punches. Vexus was easily able to alter the density and counter-force of each block to adjust for Sean's altering power and speed levels while keeping out of arm's reach. What had not been expected was the immense amount of heat that each of his punches was giving out. She had to move further away from him as the temperature was simply that great. His fists were not moving fast enough to heat the air to that degree, and he had not previously demonstrated any elemental affinity; only an impressive resistance to... Fire. Was it possible that he also managed to absorb the element some how and reproduce it in his attacks? Elena Needed to investigate further, his powers continued to puzzle her.
Within a couple seconds of the barrage of punches, the Technomatter began to grab back. After a punch or two, the one small area of Matter that was only large enough to block a punch suddenly expanded into an entire wall that over shadowed Sean. This began to impale spikes into the ground, whether or not they hit him was of no concern to Vexus. Once the stakes were in the ground, tiny yet dense streams of Technomatter would erupt from around him regardless of his location. There were about a dozer or so of them and they began to try and wrap themselves around Sean's limbs and neck. While he was struggling with those, Vexus would gently move herself into the air on a cloud of her silver matter. Elena made note of Sean's movements against her Technomatter. She would not try to convert him into the essence, but rather test his strength. Even though the matter is very fluid, it can be very dense and very heavy. Elena was strong with her physical boosts, but nothing she can do compares to the force she can exert with this element of hers. She would pull and tug to immobilize him while measuring the amount of 'strength' she's using to do so. If a small enough enough amount is being utilized, she would drag him down to the ground and restrain him. However if he managed to increase his strength to a point where Vexus would have to put too much focus then she would allow him to break free.

While in the air she turned her attention to Phoenix while of course still keeping a close eye on her situation with Sean.
"Why don't we even out the playing field? Just a little bit."
Vexus inhaled deeply as she concentrated. She extended out both her her arms, palm down, as she did so the ground began to rumble like a mild earth quake. Elena gave out a grunt as she turned over her hands and raised her arms up. From the earth massive pillars of Technomatter came shooting up in front of Phoenix. They began to separate and spiral around in a complex fashion before they all came together as one. The grey matter took shape to exactly mimic the flame construct that Andrew and shrouded himself in, twin swords and all.
Elena brought her hands back down to her side as she exhaled slowly. She floated around behind and above her large Technomatter construct as another smile crept across her face.

"Bring it on!!" she shouted with a grin as she threw her hand forward. The construct reacted by slicing at the knee and the middle of the torso with its swords in a scissoring move, just as fast as Phoenix had been moving his flame suit. She would continue to keep him occupied with combat, ensuring the two of them remained separated. She knew her tactics against Sean would only be temporary. He would eventually break from the ensnarement as it was taking a considerable amount of focus to manipulate such a large amount of Technomatter. She may have to lose the specific form soon, as that was only for show at the moment. That way she could relocate that effort in restraining the son of Marie. Elena's main focus was to keep her distance from the two of them. Her regeneration would no longer be active to keep her standing, receiving a hit from Sean or a head on blast of fire from Phoenix could prove detrimental. Though just as they have their tricks, so does Vexus.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Reconciliation for the Divine - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconciliation for the Divine

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