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A touch of the divine [invite only]

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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen October 25th 2015, 10:34 pm

A single light flickered within the semi-dusty room as Idol sat down in a plush chair with fingers intertwined. Within the room he was mostly alone, save for perhaps a single human pacing the room. They looked around four years younger than him, but they were actually two at the most. The soft hum of an air conditioner could be heard through the room, mingling with the sound of footsteps against a wooden creaking floor. "I have to did you set all of this up?" He then finally spoke up, letting the golden glow of his eyes light up before turning towards the younger male. For one reason or another this human wanted to get the word of...well him out but then again setting fliers about it did not seem like the smart thing to do.

"Trust me, I have my way of doing things." Trusting them was something he found easy to do for some reason. It might have been the familiarity within their face or something else, yet he could not quite tell. "I have a few family connections." From what he heard they had a large amount of connections simply due to their last name, which sounded like something that did happen within his own home realm. "All you need to do is do your thing once everyone is here. This should be a perfect chance to show of your power, maybe get a few people to believe." It wasn't really him lying about anything, considering that he could indeed help people with their ailments.

People were supposedly coming to see something, to have their physical ailments fixed but then again he still found himself worrying slightly. In a sense the skepticism of this world was poison almost, but then again that was something he had to weather should he want to save anyone. Their place of meeting was a small former theater that his personal friend had managed to buy out and refurbish, turning it into a proper meeting hall where their demonstration could happen. People would talk, and considering this world of metahumans many would come. People considered terminal, well they would likely go after even a small hope when it came to being free from their troubles. Even if he trusted his friend however, that did not stop a small amount of doubt from seeping into his mind like it seemed to do lately. Would they deny him or decry him as a hack like so many people tended to do when he explained what he was. Perhaps that was the intention but then again that changed nothing. "Do you really think this will work?"

"Either that or people are more terrible than I thought." Parting the curtains slightly, his friend would look beyond them to see the room beyond. It appeared that there were around twenty people gathered within the room,some of them munching on the various foods that Idol had insisted on setting out. If there was one thing that could be credited to the young god, it was that they knew how to make people pay attention, beyond the fantastical powers of course. Dressed in his ornate golden armor, Idol examined one of his gauntlets with a hesitant gaze. He had done things like this before, but then again those times were before people that absolutely loved him, but this time was different. So many expectations and pre-taught things, honestly he had no idea how this would go and in a sense that was why he was so nervous about this things. The sound of conversation was there, even beyond the chinks of his boots against the musty wood.

"Don't be so nervous. You'll do just fine." They offered a soft smile that for a moment calmed him down.

"Thank you." Idol said with smile in return, nodding before turning towards closed curtain before building up the required courage to continue on. With a motion the fabric would part as the room beyond came into view, people turning towards him likely almost gaudy within his armor. Golden eyes darted about the room, a few people standing around with food half within their mouth. His true sight allowed him to see the sickness tarnishing them, only bringing up the worry within.

"Thank all of you for taking time out of your days to come here. You were promised help and I assure all of you that will be delivered." Something about their voice held an infectious charisma that even he could not quite ignore. "So bring your problems and well...i'm sure you already read the letter." With a motion of the hand he would look to Idol who nodded to them before stepping down from the stage. Being so high above them was something that didn't sit right with him even if it was in a literal sense. The first being a female wearing a hat to hide the fact that there was no hair to speak of.

Idol's expression was one of concern really. There had been sicknesses that made one bald within his home realm, but then again he did not know quite what was wrong with her. "May I ask...what's wrong with you?" His tone was soft, perhaps trying not to bring about any manner of offense.

"'s Leukemia. I've had it for over a year but I was told something could be done about it if I came here."

"I can. I promise you that." He said with a nod, taking ahold of their hand as a gold light seemed to flow from his hand into her. This scene went on for a minute until the light faded with people looking at the two with awestruck expressions for full minute. They appeared to think to themselves for a small while before a smile appeared, and yet he could tell they were confused. "You look surprised. I...just healed you." Almost as if finally understanding that they broke into tears. A hand clapped onto his shoulder as he looked to his friend.

"So who's next?"
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by The Grey November 20th 2015, 12:11 am

Jardin had seen the flyer.  Some new healer was calling for sheep to shear.  And so many of the sick and desperate would go to beg to be healed and they would throw away money they didn't have...damned parasites.

Face hidden in the shadows of his gray hood, Jardin slipped into what looked to be an old theater.  The sick milled about, going to a table with hors d'oeuvres if they could, taking seats if they had to.  The leery meta hung back, studying the event, looking for his in.

With a great deal flowery speech, a man heralded the faith healer.  He looked young.  So too did the man clad in gilded armor.  In fact, everything about him seemed to be golden...the pretentious twerp...

As expected, the healer called for his first patient, a shill too...Wait, this woman was a cancer patient...Internal deseases were rarely the first option for shills.  Usually you wanted a visible desease like paralysis so that they could "miraculously" get out of the their chair.  You could not see leukemia cured...unless she sprouted hair all of a sudden.

Then came the blinding flash..."God damned showmen."  Jardin blinked repeatedly as his sensitive eyes began to recover, trying to see passed the scorch marks on is corneas away...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen November 21st 2015, 5:09 pm

Personally Idol was just pleased with helping people, something about it just felt right to him. It may have been the whole being good thing, but then again that sounded too obvious to be the case, unless he was a simple as some people said he was anyway. Applause was not something that usually accompanied these things, but then again his powers normally were just a given within his own world rather than a spectacular thing like within this one. Maybe it had been an oversight upon his father side, but maybe that was exactly why he had been sent here. Regardless, there was a reason and he would do his duty, whatever that was. That was when someone tapped him on his shoulder, his friend to be exact. "Not meaning to demean your divine work, but...I think you were supposed to grow her hair back too." He whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

Idol blinked, turning to his friend who had laid down that bit of wisdom, right when he had already done the healing bit. "Really? Well, I think I need to fix that small problem then." Before they could step back, he lightly laid a hand on them, and within a matter of seconds hair medium brown in color began to sprout from their hair, taking on a length that rested upon their shoulder. "There we go." He muttered to himself pleased, not even noticing the amazement of the feat demonstrated.

"Lets see those faith healer hacks top this." They muttered to themselves, somewhat proud of  how Idol seemed to be doing even if it was only the start of things. Already thing needed to get moving, and so they went on with the meeting thing. "Alright who's next? He'll do the same thing for you, all you need to do is ask really."
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by The Grey November 22nd 2015, 6:40 am

Jardin stood, drawing his hood back. Face finally exposed, he called, "I'll go next." Reluctant, the sudden blindness was annoying and would take the rest of the day to heal. Besides, the new messiah was the one who caused the damage in the first place; why not make him fix his own screw up. He neglected to share these feeling outloud...

Stepping into the aisle, Jardin strode with a bit more confidence than most blind men could muster...

But as the thief drew near, he felt odd. Something had eased his tension, making him less irritable. Why had he disliked this man? He couldn't be so bad if...Jardin shook the feeling off as he stopped before the healer. Empaths...hated those guys.

"I'm having trouble with my eyes. You can help with that, right?" He tried to hide his real feelings, his admitedly waning contempt...not sure how well he did...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by Dr. Reginald November 22nd 2015, 10:21 pm

Iapetos had heard rumors, seen fliers, and heard the whispers. He may not have generally listened to rumors but he had been feeling especially adventurous that day and when he heard of such magical promises. Well, he had to go see for himself. Which is of course how the self-proclaimed Titan found himself leaving his penthouse suite at a luxurious five star hotel, telling his entertainment for the night to go home to their family and forget everything they had done that day. The staff was all told to continue about their jobs as if he hadn’t been there and if he were not to return within twenty-four hours they were all too simply go about life as if he hadn’t been there in the first place. Of course he had already had all video surveillance cameras of him deleted from the area just in case.  

That was what had happened before he found himself in an old theater sitting in the back row and drinking a bottle of water he had bought at a grocery store a block or so back. He was of course still dressed in the best clothes money could buy even if the theater was still slightly run down. Definitely refurbished but his jet black suit with jacket, pants, tie, and vest to match looked a little out of place. Especially with the main group of people who seemed to have gathered to watch the magic healer do his thing. A magic healer who came with the promise to be able to heal everything and anything. Had a broken arm? Healed. Missing an eye? You know it. Cancer? No problem. It was a trick Iapetos had to see for himself.

A man such as himself would benefit greatly from having someone like that under his beck and call. Theoretically he and everyone else in the room already was, and in the next street over, and a block away from that. Actually, now that he thought about it Iapetos wasn’t quite sure the range of his power. Oh to be sure he had tested it before. Had all of Madison Square Garden doing the chicken dance one time; that was a riot. But, he had never actually determined just how far his range went. That would definitely be something he had to test out later, but right now it was time to watch. Tonight’s main event had walked on stage and presented themselves to their audience.

And it was quite a spectacle to behold too. A bit too flashy for Iapetos’ tastes but then again everyone had their way of doing things. That was of course if he truly did heal the women of her cancer like he claimed to have done. Sure, they all saw the golden flash of light and the hair return to her head, even back to a reasonably attractive level. He might save that one for later; just in case. Shaking his head and finishing up his bottle of water he stood up and walked down to the group of people clapping his hands, after throwing the bottle away of course, with a grin on his face. “That was something. Truly something.” He had to choose his words carefully of course, didn’t want to accidently control anyone just yet.

When the man spoke up about being next and being blind Iapetos grinned even wider, if that were possible. “Oh, this is simply wonderful. I can’t wait to see that.” Nothing wrong with that sentence, nothing commanding about it. “In fact I’m sure we would all like to see you heal this young man’s eyes. I assume it’s hard to go about your days if you have trouble with your eyes; plus sure growing someone’s hair and making a bright light is all nice and all but there isn’t really any proof in it? Make a blind man see, and well that’s practically biblical. Just need someone without a leg now and we’d have a trifecta.” That should be good enough, no actual commands, nothing to force the healer or anyone else in the room to do anything. Just a normal conversation and a very excited ‘customer’ waiting to see what the proclaimed magic healer could do.

Last edited by Iapetos on November 23rd 2015, 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dr. Reginald
Dr. Reginald

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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen November 23rd 2015, 4:47 pm

Someone would come forward as expected and so he would help them much like he would help anyone that came forward. Fixing blindness was something that sounded much easier than regrowing hair and dealing with cancers he had no real idea of how they worked. Still, healing it was something that he could do and so it had been done. Of course there were likely more people interested within his supposed power, and if they wanted a demonstration, well he would likely not be too interested within that portion. Someone had raised their voice, clapping as they rose from his seat while walking towards them. Something about them felt off, that was all Idol could really say about them from just a single glance, though the trusting side of him was strong enough to overwhelm that. They seemed to have an interest within what he was doing, which made them different from most people he had met before in this world.

"Your eyes? That should be easy to heal." He noted confidently with a nod, resting the palm of his hand over the males eyes as a soft light would radiate from them, likely feeling warm to Cardin. Within a matter of seconds their eyes would likely be free of their malady, allowing him to see clearly. Everyone else would only be able to see his resting his hand upon the persons face and the glow before he removed the hand. "How's that? Is the trouble with your eyes gone?" His voice housed a genuine concern, looking into their eyes to see if the problem was truly gone.

"Looks like it to me." His friend and spokesperson noted with a small nod. "If anyone has anymore doubts, feel free to come up. We'll put those doubts to rest."
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by The Grey November 23rd 2015, 6:22 pm

Jardin kept his eyes closed as this healers "magic" faded.  It would not do to let too much light in and repeat the fiasco...

The youth's gray eyes slid open as the healing hand drew back.  Jardin held up a hand, studying it to ensure all the damage had been cured.  After all, he knew the back of his hand like the back of his hand...

Brushing a stray hair back from his face, Jardin took a moment to study the one before him.  This healer seemed to truly give a damn.  "I'm fine," he said.  "Thank you."  For an instant, their eyes met.  In the low light of the theater, Jardin's eyes would seem to glow a bright shade of yellow-green, scars no longer covering the reflective surfaces at the back.

Then the young meta stepped away, allowing his gaze to rest on the healer's aide.  Something about the young man made Jardin uncomfortable.  He may have been wrong, but something told him that this spokesman had slightly fewer honest reasons for being here...

Turning his back to the pair, Jardin strode past the heckler, dismissive of his danger.  Returning to a back row seat, Jardin slipped on a pair of lightweight mirrored sunglasses.  He would watch and study the situation as it unfolded.  If the spokesman was not all above board, it might be important to be around...just in case...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by Dr. Reginald November 23rd 2015, 6:49 pm

So, it seemed the magic healer was able to live up to his claims. Not only did he apparently cure someone of cancer he had also been able to cure the blind. The grin on Iapetos’ face seemed to only grow as his mind wandered to all the possibilities that this so apparent magic glowing healer could do for him. If he was ever in a scrape? Healed. If he wanted to torture someone over and over again bringing the person near the brink of death only to bring them back to full health he could. If he wanted to rush into a burning building and save all the lives of the people inside or cure an entire hospital full of those who had no other chance well damn it he could.

The fun with this man would never cease to stop! “Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Anyone here unable to walk?” He asked with a glint in his eyes and when he spotted someone who was currently in a wheelchair he practically exploded with glee. On the inside of course, had to contain his excitement somewhat. But, it was quite hard. He was like a puppy who had finally caught the car and had no idea what to do next but was certainly making it up as he went along. Of course his enjoyment and excitement was quickly drowned out when everyone in the room started rushing forwards, past him, towards the healer each exclaiming what their problem was and how the man had to help them now. Each trying to yell over the other how they were more important than the other person.

It irked Iapetos to no end. Did they know no decency? Weren’t those in pain supposed to be more supportive of others? “Everybody shut-up!” He yelled and this time he was in control. Each and every person in the room quieted down, found themselves unable to speak but he wasn’t done yet. “Back off the Healer. Give him space and form a god damned line. You too sunglasses.” With each word everyone in the theater gave way to his command, they stopped what they were doing they backed off the healer and formed a line. A nice straight line that started a few feet away from the healer and went back as far as it could. Breathing in and then out to calm himself Iapetos smiled and walked up to the healer and placed his hand on his shoulder. “That is much better, don’t you think? I like order and control; makes things run a hell of a lot smoother. Wheel chair guy, you can roll up now.” And he did.

Dr. Reginald
Dr. Reginald
Dr. Reginald

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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen November 24th 2015, 4:33 am

The healing was visible within their eyes, and to hear that he could work his magic was even greater for him. With the way things were going, well he could likely do a lot before problems with his own reserves even began to show. The fact that the more vocal member of the crowd was pleased with how things were going made things interesting, though by the look of his friend beside him he could tell there were uneasy around them. It may have been the muttering they did under their breath or something else entirely, just something that made this whole situation feel off. Still, as clueless as ever he would be fine with letting things go forward. That was when the people enamored by the miracles set before them seemed to all crowd him at once, giving little room to the male as they all shouted the things that they wanted.

Golden eyes widened for a moment in surprise by the sudden burst forward, and yet he could not help being pleased with so many people, this seemed to bother the spokesperson more than anything else. "Christian, you look a little uneasy." He noted, more stating the obvious than anything else, getting a roll of the eyes from the male as a loud order was boomed through the building. The command within their voice was something that made Idol tremble just from hearing it and yet the people around him did more than that, shutting up as soon as the sound reached them. This was followed by another command, one that went unopposed much like the first as people formed a line. This did not seem right, suggesting that something was happening, at the very least beyond the norm. That was when he could feel the hostility radiating from Christian, something that put him on edge and yet there was a reason for this whole gathering to begin with.

With the hand slapped onto his shoulder, Idol turned to them with a single raised brow before turning back to the one within the wheelchair. "Yeah..." He noted with slight interest before turning back to the one within the wheelchair, someone that had not likely been able to walk for a long while. The atrophy within their legs had reduced them to thin parodies of what they had likely once looked like. This should be a simple thing to do really, and so he proved that was the case entirely, while keeping half of his attention on his now skeptical friend. Resting one hand upon this person shoulder, he could feel the need radiating from them. The desire to be whole against, something that he would be more than willing to deliver in. Once again the light would radiate, from their as the effects would slowly begin to become apparent.

Their legs would become stronger, and likely they could feel it themselves as the warmth would flow through them like fire. Not a burning sensation, but more like sitting next to a warm fireplace on a cold night, something that more than anything made them feel wonderful. An expected thing really, but then again making someone feel good was always a plus for him. There had to be more that wanted his help and so he would do that. Doing otherwise would have felt wrong to him really, and so the next came forward, someone seemingly heartened as the person within their wheelchair rose to their feet, unsteadily but they did. It seemed that it took some time for them to actually get used to standing once again.

"There you go. You can walk again." Well that prompted another and they would get similar treatment.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by The Grey November 24th 2015, 7:08 pm

Apoptosis.  The phenomenon of cell suicide was little understood, but in many ways, it was a vital survival tool.  Malaria in East Africa had caused humans that were born there to develop a failsafe that ensured that those bitten by mosquitos were not infected...

In Jardin, his brain reacted in a similar fashion.  Only instead of a parasite, his brain cells died as the manipulator's pheromones began to chang his brain chemistry.  Other, unaffected cells would split, as they were want to do, and pick up the slack.

The only sign that something was wrong was a dull ache in the young meta's skull.  And with all the mice following the piper's tune, it was not hard to piece together what had happened.  The heckler had powers...

A glance at the youth he had so recently distrusted told Jardin he was not the only one with such thoughts.  Christian?  Yes, that is what the gilded man had called him.  Christian was a quick one...

Eyes hidden behind mirrored black lenses, Jardin kept his eyes on the mind-jacking heckler as he stood and descened.  Through the flash, he blinked.  Though no longer bright enough to scar, it still hurt.  Still, he now stood beside the suddenly mobile man.  Wordlessly, Jardin offered his arm to support the shaky man.  All the while, he kept his attention on the newest danger...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by Dr. Reginald November 29th 2015, 10:57 pm

Well this was not going the way Iapetos had planned. Sure, all those that needed to be healed were standing in the line and were only going forward to accept the healing when it was there turn. But, the man in the glasses was not in that line. Oh, no. Instead he moved to help the man who previously could not walk up and steadied him before moving away when the guy was able to walk on his own and made his way out. Iapetos was not a cruel man, not inherently and definitely not without reason, and thus allowed those healed to leave when they were of course healed. It wouldn’t do to have them stand here forever unable to leave and spread the word about Iapetos newest play toy…it was too bad he’d have to do something about the man in the glasses.

After about four more people went through the line getting healed of whatever it was that had been wrong with them Iapetos moved from his position next to the healer and walked forwards towards sunglasses. “You don’t seem to be standing in line and yet there is obviously something still wrong with your eyes. It’s the only explanation as to why you’re wearing sunglasses in an old theater in the middle of the night. Did our healing friend not heal you? Or, are you so scared to accept that you’re actually better? Do you think your pain worse than a man who was previously unable to walk or worse than the lady who had cancer? What about the man who was missing his arm because of an accident in the war? What makes you so special? Tell me.”

Did he really care why the man wasn’t fully healed? No. What he cared about was the fact that the man in front of him was not under his spell. He hadn’t met vary many people that could and those that did were usually some sort of extraterrestrial or something like that. This person didn’t seem to be otherworldly or ‘superior’. The healer he could accept, the guy seemed innocent enough and Iapetos was sure he could convince him to do what he said even if he couldn’t use his power on him. He had a pretty silver tongue and was quite the convincing person when he wanted to be. “Well? We’re all waiting. What makes you different?” Just what made him so special…Iapetos didn’t like it.

Dr. Reginald
Dr. Reginald
Dr. Reginald

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A touch of the divine [invite only] Empty Re: A touch of the divine [invite only]

Post by The Grey December 5th 2015, 7:15 am


Jardin eased the man down into a seat.  The man seemed in full control of himself, but Jardin still suspected the "Heckler" was manipulating the mob.

Turning back to the speaker, Jardin studied him for a moment.  He had asked about what made the young metahuman "special."  Jardin hated that word.  Despised it to a degree few could muster against a word.  He hated everything about it, especially where it referred to a parent's bubble-wrapped, sheltered little whelps.  It begs superiority and propagates a ruinous sense of entitlement.  No, Jardin was not "special."  Strange, maybe, but never special.

Still, the young meta shrugged it off.  He said, "I just have good...very good...night vision."  Jardin fixed the man with a glance over the rim of his own shades.  He wondered if the conditions were right for his pupils to glow.  "What about you?  You basically 'pied pipered' everyone."  Jardin indicated the crowd, whe even now seemed to glare at him.  "So, what makes you Special?  What gives you the clout to justify tampering wih people's will like that."

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Registration date : 2015-08-11

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