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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Entei October 22nd 2015, 3:43 pm

“So, do you understand detective?”

Detective Ari Filton sat in the office of his police chief in New York city, skimming through a thick file that had been given to him early in the day. As his trained eyes scanned over the papers, he looked from them to his boss, then back to the large stack of papers.

“So, you want me to go to Chicago and lend my assistance in this case?” The detective asked, raising an eyebrow in interest. “There are better detective here chief. Sanders, Marco, Desandro, they all have much better arrest records than I do.”

“That’s true.” The chief said, leaning back in his chair. “But, none of them see things quite like you do Filton. You’ve got real talent boy, something that can’t be trained.”

Ari sat in silence, continuing to skim through the file. It was rather straightforward, to be completely honest. The suspect was a man named Dakota Fascho. A real piece of work, killed sixteen women in under four days and that was just what could be linked back to him. They could be linked back to him because he signed his name on the walls of their apartments in blood. His blood.

“Will I be the only detective being sent out there?” He asked, closing the file with one hand.

“No, there will be a few from all over the country. This piece of shit has earned himself a nationwide manhunt. His eluded police for over two weeks now, even though he’s left a trail of bodies even a rook could follow. They’ve asked us for our best, and I’ve chosen you.”

The captain reached into his desk, pulling out a plane ticket, as well as a few more files.

“Required reading.” He said simply. “Learn all you can about this guy, your plane leaves in two hours.”


Hours later Ari crouched on a rooftop, the tie of his two piece suit swaying gently in the breeze. It was mid day, and he was quickly running out of sunlight. His eyes scanned the city, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

He had spent most of the plane ride here trying to figure out how a man so blatantly obvious about his pattern had been able to avoid law enforcement for so long. After skimming through pages upon pages he found a simple solution that he was baffled no one else had fallen upon. The man was a meta human, or something not human, he simply had to be.

With a sigh, Ari stepped from the rooftop, appearing instantly on a rooftop across the street. The city was quiet, which was unsettling. It seemed like the criminals had caught wind of the increased police force, and had decided to lay low while the heat was on. At the moment, Ari was patrolling around the area where the perp was suspected to be. Apparently the cock sucker had gotten more bold, giving police a few block radius where he would pull his next murder.

So, Ari would spend the next while roaming around, keeping tabs on women who fit the murderers MO. Cute, young, with long red hair and green eyes. Today was going to be a long day.

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Quote : Entei
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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Lotsofluck October 22nd 2015, 5:39 pm

A groan escaped his lips as Alex struggled against the weight. A console beeped overhead, letting him know he was at the max limit of the room. Good, cause Alex felt like he was reaching his own limit. He slowly lowered the bar to his chest again then pushed up, chest muscles quivering. He managed to lock out his arms and rack the bar. He laid there on the bench, breathing hard. A voice sounded over the intercoms

Watcher: "I will see what I can do about recalibrating the gravity of the room. It should be possible to go higher."

Alex: "I'm not sure I can lift much more then that."

Watcher: "Hmmmm..."

Least, Alex didn't think he could go much higher then that. Actually he wasn't quite sure how high he had just gone. He rose up slowly, fighting the gravity of the room. The bar on the bench press had just two plates on each side. This room had been desighned for strength users to help them work out. It increased the gravity in the room substantially. It would take more work to make each heavy lifter weaker then to simply make the things in the room heavier. "Simply" being the wrong word to describe a system that increased gravity in a single room. A console beeped again.

Watcher: "Seems the increased police force is due to tracking a serial killer."

Alex: "They think they found him here?"

Watcher: "He seems to have at least baited them here."

Alex: "Anything in the Blaze files"

Watcher: "Nothing relevant."

Alex hmped as he took a drink from his water bottle. The gravity in the room was coming down now. The Blaze files were a group data files that Watcher managed to hack into and steal from the would be mobster Carson Blaze. If they had nothing to go on from there, Alex would just have to go out on patrol then.

An hour later he was soaring over the city skyline, soaking in the rays.

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Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Entei October 22nd 2015, 6:25 pm

A few hours later Ari was sitting inside of a coffee shop, sipping at a black cofee from a white mug. As much as he hated the stereotype, he was surprisingly jet lagged from the flight and the pick me up was quite needed. More than that, however, he found himself drawn to a certain woman. Ever since the incident he had found himself seeing things differently than people around him, even different than he himself had previously seen them. He didn't know what it was, but something about this woman intrigued him.

She looked to be young, probably between Eighteen to Twenty years of age, at least, that's what Ari surmised from the Kendall college shirt she wore. She had long red hair which hung below her mid back, and startling green eyes. He had seen lots of girls like her today, but his gut instinct told him this would be the one.

The rest of the day involved him tailing this young woman. From the coffee shop to a bookstore, to a hipster record store where he really stood out. Somehow, however, he had evaded notice from the young woman. He was just about to give up when he noticed something. A tall man, white, shaved head, and built like someone competing in a Mr. Universe show. But more than that, his face was a perfect match for the file. Ari had found his perp.

A smile crept onto the face of the detective, as he made the most rookie mistake in the book. He called out to the suspect.

"Police!" He roared, taking off towards the man.

Like a caged animal, Fascho bolted. He headed out the door of the store, and down the crowded downtown Chicago streets. Ari was in pursuit just as quickly, years of police work and cardio paying off. Although Ari was far from human, he still had a humans physiology. He wasn't a speedster, he didn't possess super human strength, but that didn't stop him from giving it his all.

The chase went on for blocks, until Fascho made a mistake. He went into a deserted part of town. A construction site that appeared to be long abandoned.  

"You're done now Fasco." Ari mumbled under his breath, disappearing and reappearing in a flash of brilliant gold light.

Now in front of the man he clapped his hands together, creating Viridian chains around the man before pulling his hands apart, causing them to tighten at their master's command. The man seemed baffled, after all, who would expect a detective in a suit to also be a meta human? A smile flickered onto Ari's face as he stood confidently in front of the imposing six foot eight inch man.

"You don't seem so tough to me." He taunted, smugness apparent on his face. He pulled his 9mm glock from the holster on his waist, training it on the man. "Now, no one can know about my little powers. So be a good boy, and wait here for back up to arrive."

"You're not the smart detective." The man taunted back, flexing his muscles. The chains snapped, sending green light flying around him as they disintegrated. "You think you're the first meta to try and catch me?"

Well. Fuck.

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Lotsofluck October 22nd 2015, 7:39 pm

Well fuck.. this was a boring patrol. Everything was so quiet today with all the extra cops. There were even a few rookie metahumans out on the hunt.... just like Alex. After he saw one guy leaping around like a frog, he began to worry he looked that silly when he first started. He pushed that thought out of his head. He had more important things to worry about. Such as where the hell this guy was??

Alex paused in the air, hovering a hundred feet off the ground. He had a K on the left shoulder of his uniform, the black standing out against the blue. He crossed his arms slowly rising higher and higher into the air.

Alex: "Watcher, anything?"

Watcher: "Not that I can.... there seems to be a foot chase near your location. A plains cloths cop is seeming to chase after another man. They are nearing the location of the construction on Beuler street. "

Good enough. At least it might be something to do. One hand rising above his head, Alex began to soar into the sky. The steel and concrete building stood out against the other buildings. He hovered above the building, trying to catch sight of the perp and cop. A flash of light caught his attention

Alex: "What the..."

Down in the fenced off area of the construction site, one very tall very bald headed man was chained by these green chains while the cop stood in front of him gun pointed at him. With a shrug of his shoulders or something, the chains just snapped off of the man. Looks like these both were metas of some sort. Sweeeeeeeeeet.

With a mighty crash, Alex slammed into the ground on the other side of the bald meta human. He landed hard enough to cause a small crater around his feet as he slowly rose up from a knee.

Alex: "Soooooooo.... give up yet?"

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Entei October 22nd 2015, 10:14 pm

As the man crashed into the ground behind the suspect, Ari was already firing three shots from his gun. He had little surprise on his face when they seemed to deflect off of his skin, creating small holes in surrounding concrete. Tossing the gun to the side, he laid his hands to the side of his body, yellow light glowing around his arms, and swirling over his torso.

"I am Detective Ari Filton, NYPD, and you are under arrest, if you continue to resist I will use appropriate force." Making his voice a bit louder, he called out to the other guy. "And the flying guy, um.. don't get in my way."

The balding man laughed at the two 'heroes' cracking the knuckles of his right hand against his left. He was more than ready for a fight, ready to spill some hero blood.

"You little pricks can't hope to stop me." The man said with confidence.

He raised his foot, stomping it on the ground and causing a small shock wave to spread around the man in a three hundred sixty degree circle. With a flash of light, Ari teleported to a nearby structure, before shooting a concentrated beam of light at the assailant.

He dearly hoped this man would be either a help, or just leave before he become a hindrance.

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Lotsofluck October 22nd 2015, 11:21 pm

Alex: "Oh the shockwave move. Its a good one, I love doing that myself."

With his arms crossed Alex floated upwards into the sky. No longer touching the ground made the shock wave much less effective against him. He sounded almost bored. Alex didn't have time for this shit. He had to help catch that serial killer. Reaching behind him, Alex grabbed on to one of the steel beams from one of the hanging racks. Holding it like a baseball bat despite its weight he geared up for a hefty swing when there was a brilliant flash of light.

Alex: "That fuck...."

It looked like a beam of light had been shot from over to his left directly at the man. Alex held up one hand to protect him from any blast. Just who made that shot.... and where the hell was the cop?

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Entei October 23rd 2015, 1:54 pm

The beam collided with the man hard, hitting him in the chest and causing him to slide back a few inches in the loose dirt of the construction site. Ari clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth in annoyance. So the guys was physically strong and tough, great.

Another flash of light and Ari was standing on a steel beam suspended in the air. He crouched like a predator stalking it's prey, watching.

"Oi detective." The man called out, taunting. "Was that little flash light of yours suppose to hurt? I barely felt a thing."

The bald vigilante turned his attention to the floating hero instead, eyeing him up with great interest.

"You'll be fun to play with. You look strong as well."

Near him was a pile of unused steel cable, weighing in at around five hundred pounds. With little effort, the man lifted it over his head, laughing. With a great grunt, and forward momentum of his arms, the coil was sent hurling towards Aegis.

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Post Adept

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Lotsofluck October 24th 2015, 10:41 pm

Another bright flash and now the detectie was standing on one of the suspended steel beams. It looked as if he had simply appeared in the new spot. Teleporting.

Alex: "Ohhhhh shit, things make more sense now."

This cop was for sure one weird ass meta human. His ability set was almost nothing like what Alex had. Far more like Carson Blaze, but light instead of fire. Time for that later though, Alex's attention shifted back over to the baldie down on the ground. The large man reached back and threw a pile of cables like it was a fast pitch. Alex just grinned as he gripped the steel beam in his hands a little tighter. He loved baseball. He pulled the steel beam up and swung with all his might, connecting with the wrapped up cords with a tremendous crack. It hurtled right back towards the pitcher, faster then it had been thrown. The steel beam in Alex's hand broke from the contact, snapping at the point of impact.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Entei October 25th 2015, 12:21 am

This was Ari's chance. The weight hit the man in the chest, and while it didn't appear to physically hurt him all that much, he was momentarily stunned at the sudden weight that had connected with his chest. Ari raised his hand, placing his palm a pile of steel beams that held suspended by a crane, apparently ready to be placed on the structure.

From the detectives hand, a white ethereal looking beam of light formed, creating a link between the beams and his hand. With a sudden tug of his arm, Ari brought down the steel beams, guiding them right towards the bald meta human.

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Lotsofluck October 27th 2015, 4:53 am

With a flick of his wrist, Alex tossed the beams away. He had hit that group of wires pretty hard back at the man, but it seemed to knock him only off balance. The detective over to his left however, just needed a distraction like that. He began doing his weird thing with the light and steel beams. Alex floated above the bald meta human.

Alex: "Just wrap him up for a second! I got this!"

And with that, Alex shot striaght up into the sky. He hovered a few thousand feet above the man before letting himself fall downwards. He spun so now his fists were facing the ground, out in front of him like a diver. The sound barrier broke before him as a ring of air formed around his body. The loud boom was following Alex, not leading him as he increased his speed. He was coming in like a torpedo, homing in on his target.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Entei October 27th 2015, 3:18 pm

The heavy beams found their mark, guided by the strange beams of light that were directed by the detective. When the beams were close, he shot out a large amount of yellow light, sending them hurtling to the bald meta with vicious speed. They found their mark, burying deeply into the ground around the man, bashing him in the head, stunning and capturing him at the same moment.

"Oh... fuck." Ari muttered. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he watched the flying man from earlier hurtle towards the earth at break neck speeds. He gulped in air as he flashed out of existence, appearing at a nearby rooftop. so now he waited, waited for the imposing destruction that was sure to happen.

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Quote : Entei
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Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Lotsofluck October 27th 2015, 3:39 pm


The words were ripped away from him as soon as they were screamed. A pocket of air formed in front of him as it was beginning to be unable to slip away. Like a shooting star, Alex streaked downward in a flash of black and blue. The bald man looked up at Alex, their eyes meeting for a split second before twin fists of a fucking freight train slammed into the bald man's chest. A boom filled the area as a great big pile of dust moved upwards like a great mushroom.

Alex staggered backwards, out of the impact. He had created a crater around the impact point, but luckly the construction site was still standing! Mostly.. He walked out of the dust cloud, waving his hand in front of him.

Alex: "Whoaaaa man... Need stop doing that in the city."

The impacts were getting bigger. If he kept this up, there might be some serious collateral damage at one point. Like an entire block instead of just a building

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Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Entei October 27th 2015, 4:08 pm

Rocks and pieces of shattered metal shot harmlessly through Ari as he teleported back into the crash site, rubbing the temples of his nose. Not only did he have to use his powers, but, now we had to try and explain this.. this... what exactly was this? He let out an internal sigh, walking slowly towards the large crater.

"So, who exactly are you?" Ari asked, looking inside of the crater as the man walked past him. Although there were no signs of external damage, the perp was far from conscious, and probably wouldn't be fore a while.

Ari, pushed aside the jacket of his suit, reaching for his handcuffs, before realizing the futility of it.. Raising an eyebrow, and drawing his mouth into a tight line, he thought about what the procedure was for this. Usually in New York another meta came to escort the suspect.. somewhere. He had never really questioned it.

"You come out of nowhere, and end up destroying a construction site. Worse, this site belong to Blanc industries. As in the people who are a large part of the New York reconstruction, and who are led by literal demons. Hell, that one kid who almost burned down London is on their board of directors." Ari simply sighed again. In fairness, this was probably the only thing that would have incapacitated the indestructible meta. "I'm detective Ari Filton, you?"

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Quote : Entei
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Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck) Empty Re: Daylight Detective (Lotsofluck)

Post by Lotsofluck October 29th 2015, 9:43 pm

"Hey the building is still standing... mostly"

Alex looked up and over to the under contruction high rise. Sure it was covered in a new layer of dust, a few beams were now missing and there was a large crater in the ground near the base that needed refilling, but it was mostly alright. Nothing was coming crashing down so that was a plus in Alex's book. He grinned and stuck out his hand for Ari to shake.

"They call me Aegis around here. I do the whole protector gig so it works out. What brings a detective all the way out here in the outskirts of town? Shouldn't you be further in town looking for that serial killer guy?"

Alex reached down and picked up the bald man like he weighed nothing, slinging him across his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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