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Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character)

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Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character) Empty Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character)

Post by Emilia Lilian Barosoque September 28th 2015, 9:18 am

Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character) M9v8z7

Emilia sat at her ebony desk going through a list of papers as she awaited the metas that were going to be her potential recruits with a slight frown on her lips as she stamped ‘rejected’ on one of the papers. The last guy that came through here was powerful, but his ability left Emilia slightly disturbed and seemed to have no actual use when it came to combat that would involve taking on more than one person at a time. Well that and, if you asked Emilia, the man seemed to be a bit loose in the mind in a way that left you wondering why exactly he passed the preliminary exams. Perhaps he just slipped through but maybe it was an issue with the system she had set up, her team apparently had forgotten what it meant to have professionals working for her and so now she had to quell the ranks. As she awaited the arrival of the man Emilia checked her cellphone, pushing a button and allowing an all-in-one folding PC to escape from the mechanical “drawer” that kept it on the top.

A keyboard appeared on the surface of her desk, the area that it appeared on being a touchscreen that could be activated for a myriad of uses, and a mouse popping out of one of the containment units. She grabbed the mouse and began to navigate through an area that controlled the training area so that she could look at the status of her security team’s training, and a smile appeared on her face. The energy weapons that the MV Group had developed were working quite well against titanium, these energy weapons having been developed based on her own abilities. This was a good thing since the generation one devices based off of the same tech but used in their medical division had petrified a man in a rock-like substance when they accidentally activated a latent metahuman gene that had been developing in the cancer. It had killed the cancer but was now killing the man, and as their technology advanced the group was getting closer and closer to both avoiding the government taking away what could be a WMD and creating a cure for cancer and the man.

Emilia rolled her shoulders and sniffed, pushing another area and allowing the computer to take her to the cameras for one of the missions that were being fulfilled and taking a deep inhale as she noted that the metas were overwhelming them. She held up her cell and speed dialed the Immediate Metahuman Response Squadron (IMRS) in the area. ”Hello, I need you to deploy in section 38 of Niger now, we’re having issues with some of the metas there and with the contract we just got to protect Niger we can’t lose this opportunity. This is a Delta-level threat, however the non-metas don’t have our advanced weaponry. When you deploy bring the section 38 Nigerian crew the new gear so they can use it against this rebellion.” Emilia awaited her reply, a simple and professional ‘we’re on our way’ from a man with a French accent. Soon everything in the room deactivated, and a knock sounded out on the door letting her know that the recruit had arrived.
Emilia Lilian Barosoque
Emilia Lilian Barosoque

Status :

Quote : "You don't realize that your complaints are meaningless and that you're all mine." - Lady Emilia Lilian Barosoque

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 12
Location : Catoosa, Oklahoma
Job : Student
Registration date : 2015-09-19

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Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character) Empty Re: Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character)

Post by The Nekromonga September 28th 2015, 9:53 am

In place of the recruit, a company intern in uniform came in. A young man in spectacles, poor posture and a high pitched voiced with 'Kevin' on his name tag came in with a company tablet.

"Uh... uhm... good afternoon... ma'am... I have uh... bad news..." He stammered heavily as he opened the files. Seems like someone else in the company didn't want to deliver the bad news personally, so sent in this sacrifical lamb to the slaughter, so to speak.

"It.. it... it seems we uh... had a m-mix... mix-UP! mix up... on the uh... metahuman we were... um... recruiting."

He fumbled with the tablet as he placed it on Emilia's desk screen, showing pictures of the team sent to retrieve the 'recruit'. They were all dead, sliced up in various states of displays of extreme and unnecessary brutality. One man was strung up, some words carved into his back.

"Are you Impressed? Come see me."

"Um... I research... researched The Yn'Bashr name... and- and- and- i-it turns out, there are twins. TWINS." He gulped, trying to get air to talk. He brought up a picture of a masked... armored ninja... with shredder claws. "And we uh... sent the invitation to Zaheed Yn' Bashr, here... he's the Shredder knock off." Kevin paused, wondering if Emilia would get the reference.

"Shredder. Like from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise...? heh..."   Feeling that the poignant reference was not relevant to the issue he swiped left to bring up a picture of a short haired womanin monk robes.

"This... uh... th-this is Zafira Yn' Bashr. U-up until... uh... ten years ago, she and and Zaheer work- worked together. Then she v-v-vanished, o-opened a-a school for metahumans... and-and now is t-t-teaching at a... a... Yoga studio in downtown New York." He swiped left again, showing an ad for Sam and Jen's Yoga! Studio. Yes, with an exclamation. Sam and Jen were these two young blonde people in fitness clothes, smiling in the photo doing mainstream Yoga poses.

"Anyway. Some... some people in HR... think we-we-we could get Zaheer... or follow our original plan of getting Zafira. It's.... up to you ma'am." He said, finally stopping to catch his breath.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character) Empty Re: Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character)

Post by Emilia Lilian Barosoque September 28th 2015, 10:35 am

((This post got messed up, but it was at least 300 words.))

Last edited by Emilia Lilian Barosoque on September 29th 2015, 9:45 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : I screwed up)

Everyone knows that the queen has arrived, that the Great Mother is here to save them all and to lead this generation, the last generation, and the next generation into the future. The metas will rise, the humans will conform, and the world will be at peace through any means necessary. We will innovate, create and destroy, and man it'll be awesome.
Emilia Lilian Barosoque
Emilia Lilian Barosoque

Status :

Quote : "You don't realize that your complaints are meaningless and that you're all mine." - Lady Emilia Lilian Barosoque

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 12
Location : Catoosa, Oklahoma
Job : Student
Registration date : 2015-09-19

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Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character) Empty Re: Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character)

Post by The Nekromonga September 28th 2015, 10:40 am

"One... one... more detail I forgot to mention ma'am..." Kevin said as he tiredly followed behind Emilia, forgetting the *really* important bit.

"The... the... the reason they're not working... working together... is that... uh... they're enemies now. They're liable to kill each other on sight." Kevin then opened the door for his boss and followed into the car. He got out a phone to call the Yoga studio.

"So... uh... I guess we call the one closer... yeah... I'll- I'll do that." Kevin said, hoping he could get someone to pick up. He pressed speakerphone once someone did.

"Hi, this is Jen from Sam and Jen's Yoga Studio!" A cheery, nasal, valley-girl voice picked up the phone.

"Um... um... I have one miss... Barosoque for... miss Yn'Bashr?" Kevin said.

"Oh! Guru Zafira's like, in a class right now. But I can take a message!" The cheery voice on the other side responded.

Kevin points the phone in Emilia's general direction for her to speak directly.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character) Empty Re: Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character)

Post by Emilia Lilian Barosoque September 29th 2015, 9:31 am

Emilia’s brows furrowed until there was a firm crease between the two stripes of hair, a hand reached forward and grabbed 5the phone out of Kevin’s hand as she motioned for Kevin to open the door for her. Agitation started to show; Emilia was one of those people that were able to be agitated easily than she should be able to be agitated by modern society. It’s not their fault that chivalry and social queues are dead, but she had made it very clear that he was supposed to open the door and had even given him other directions. This wasn’t the government, and she couldn’t have employees that were idiots. ”Call the car, now and send a message to your superiors about a meeting regarding their obvious faults and the repercussions of a multi-million dollar lawsuit on their status as an employee. You’re fine though, a little dim, but fine… mm, sorry, was talking to one of my employees. This is Lady Emilia Lilian Barosoque of the Mercury-Vulcan Group and I’m attempting to contact the owner of this gym, a metahuman that was told was willing to offer her services as a member of my organization. I will be arriving shortly, though I may be a few minutes late if my employee doesn’t just call the driver like I asked them to.” Her voice was dry. Wiry fingers elegantly moved to the red button to end the call.

”I really hope you get better at your job, Kyle or Kevin or whatever, because clearly you don’t follow orders too well. Now please, just do what I asked you to.” He was clearly new, and obviously she couldn’t just fire him for being stupid. It was in the company clause that only lawful firings would occur, but as soon as they screwed up again he was going to be reprimanded for not following the direct orders of the owner of this corporation. Luckily for him the agitated Barosoque was willing to let things go, temporarily at least, and only as long as the young man was capable of following directions. Everyone had a second phone that automatically shared contacts and other pertinent information that they had on their first, they were supposed to use it for situations such as this but clearly that hadn’t occurred to the young man.

Everyone knows that the queen has arrived, that the Great Mother is here to save them all and to lead this generation, the last generation, and the next generation into the future. The metas will rise, the humans will conform, and the world will be at peace through any means necessary. We will innovate, create and destroy, and man it'll be awesome.
Emilia Lilian Barosoque
Emilia Lilian Barosoque

Status :

Quote : "You don't realize that your complaints are meaningless and that you're all mine." - Lady Emilia Lilian Barosoque

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 12
Location : Catoosa, Oklahoma
Job : Student
Registration date : 2015-09-19

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Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character) Empty Re: Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character)

Post by The Nekromonga September 29th 2015, 9:52 am


"Y-yes ma'am!" Kevin was off signals the other employees to help him. Today was not going great for him.

"Ooooohkaaaay. Take a chill pill, lady. Lighten up! Have a wheat grass and ginger smoothie. Go easy on your employee, life's too short to be all angry at the world." She said after hearing Emilia's attitude, then listened as she made clear what she wanted. There was a long pause as the girl had to digest what Emilia was talking about. Jen was the co-owner!

"...Oh. I get it! You wanna talk to Guru Zafira. You should've said so! She's actually a guest instructor, but like, she's sooooo cool, she talks all zen stuff it's soooo makes sense. Okay, I'm telling Sam to tell her now." There was another pause.

"Okay! So like, Zafira's tooootally down with discussing things miiiiss Emilia. She will be downstairs at the Dancing Dragon Tea Shop! So like peace out, and Namaste!" then the phone call ends, and the air around Emilia could not have smelled more of Valley Girl.


The company limo pulls up for Emilia and they were ready to go. The Yoga Studio was actually not that far away. Kevin opens the door to the limo for Emilia and they'd be off. It was in one of the built up areas of New York under a different Corporation, and the community architecture and urban planning, while standardized, the individual character of the buildings gave off a more Asian vibe. Must be Chinese investors.

Anyway, the entire ground floor front of the W.Enterprises building was a commercial affair, with lots of greens and open spaces for people to sit and take advantage of free WiFi. A Starbucks (who else would it be) occupied the major front facade, while the sides featured Chinese shops.

Emilia's driver drops her off at the place, opening the door for her then driving to park behind the building, as so no unsightly cars would spoil the front of the W.Enterprise building.

The Dancing Dragon was a smaller place but cozy and clean, the front half having a high ceiling with hanging paper lamps. The rear featured a mezzanine dining area, and the cramped kitchen beneath that. The tea was quite authentic and smelled of mountain spring water. They also hired a predominantly well spoken and professional Chinese-American staff- points for immigration sensitivity. It was early morning and most people were having porridge and dimsum.

And of course, seated at a table was a lady with short hair in monk garb. As was polite, she stood and greeted Emilia. She observed Tibetan monastic customs and bowed at a courteous angle. "Good morning. I heard from my associates you were looking for me. Please, have a seat, and let's discuss this over tea, Lady Barosoque."

Zafira poured Emilia a cup and offered it to her, a gesture of polite invitation.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character) Empty Re: Secure (The Airbender)/(Nekro's one character)

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