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Hero of the Hour

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Hero of the Hour - Page 2 Empty Re: Hero of the Hour

Post by Lotsofluck September 21st 2015, 5:40 pm

Except Alex wasn't facing the rock wall he had just created. He had his back pressed against it as he waited. He may not have been a super genius not even a regular genius, but he wasn't dumb. He had seen that guy just phase through things like a gas before and Alex was betting he was going to do it again. Why not? It had always worked for him before. He had a 12 foot slab of rock made of asphalt pressed against his back, arms at the ready.

As Carden reformed in front of him, Alex saw him. As Carden tried to grab him, Alex understood what was happening. As Carden attacked, Alex reacted.

He fell back on years of martial arts and a new found reaction time. He stepped forward as Carden did, ducking under the lunging hand. He came up with a uppercut aimed at the mans stomach, using his own momentum against him. Not that it matter with the amount of force Alex was bring to bear.


Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Hero of the Hour - Page 2 Empty Re: Hero of the Hour

Post by Stryker September 21st 2015, 6:28 pm

Carden felt the hit, the hit hurt. Carden wasn't completely reformed just yet so he was unable to react. So he took the hit and fell backwards with little resistance. Laying down on his back, he felt his ribs cracked and at the same time felt his healing factor begin to heal himself, resetting the bones in place. For now, he was immobile due to pain. Meanwhile, Lex retaliated and fired more lightning at the meta.

The suit monitored Carden's vitals and were immediately sent to Stryker, as well as video feed. Stryker sighed and looked at the vitals via his HUD and had his A.I activate and come to him. Once she arrived after a short few moments, using her flight from the suit replica of Strykers suit. Miles (Stryker) linked her directly to his brain, so any command he needs to send her, the message is sent instantly. Miles leaped off the building he was perched on and activated his thrusters, traveling at mach 3. He rised up into the sky, straight upwards to about several thousand feet above the ground into the sky.

At the same time Gideon began to fly straight towards where the meta and Carden were. Stryker aimed his railguns and marked the coordinates of where he last saw the meta and Carden. He suddenly dove and put his thrusters to max power, traveling at Mach 3 easily just by his thrusters and added on momentum from him falling straight down. Once he was within'  range to lock onto the meta, he locked in and fired his railguns again straight at his target and flew just behind the rail gun projectiles. Soon the railgun shots would hopefully hit his target. And a second after, Stryker would of done a super sonic punch straight into the meta's face if successfully done.

Meanwhile Gideon would attempt to fly in, and grab Carden. Picking up Carden and flying off in one quick motion. With the cover fire of Lex at the same time. If all goes according to plan.

Status :

Quote : "Life is about the good things, try and savor them before you lose those good things.."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 45
Job : Procrastinator
Registration date : 2015-07-21

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Hero of the Hour - Page 2 Empty Re: Hero of the Hour

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 21st 2015, 6:54 pm

In this this quite anticipated city it seemed once again another fight broke out out but before Coronel would jump in it seemed like he was more eager to watch and it was worth his time to do so. He studied the abilities of the people and kept them at a far enough distant so they would not recognize his face or catch wind of him being there. It was a thrilling fight to watch. No over excessive ability being thrown around. Simple bullets fired and super strength play, but the lighting was the only mega based ability he seen. It was like watching a boxing match with an unwanted visitor.

It was moments in... Water pipes were busting and gush water out from the ground. And giant slabs of rock were being thrown and picked up. He looked around and wondered where the other guy was but he could sense him and could tell he traveled underground behind his enemy. But to no regards did it work he was ready and he was able to make impact. The guy was lifted and was sent several feet back before crashing. His acquaintance then rushed to his aid, but now it was his turn until he saw a smoke line.

He looked up and followed the line to the point he seen a small spark in the sky. What ever it was it is high and he could not sense the presence of anything from it so it was out of his reach. He looked down and could tell the line and whatever it could be was right over the anticipated area of the fight.

It puzzled him what it could be but soon he would be forced to wait until what ever it was went away or came down. Not that he could not wait a few more minutes then attack what ever was left. And to his sight he could tell the two, girl and guy, had left to escape any further damage.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Hero of the Hour - Page 2 Empty Re: Hero of the Hour

Post by Lotsofluck September 21st 2015, 11:33 pm

With a crack like thunder, Alex felt his punch connect. It was such a satisfying sound to make contact. Time was frozen for him as he absorbed the moment, the feeling. It was glorious. Time started moving again as Alex followed through with his punch, sending Carden a few feet back. Not the massive soaring he had hoped for, but it was enough. Apparently too much actually. Carden seemed to fall down hard. Alex paused, expecting a trap of some sort. He toed closer but Carden didn't seem to react at all. Alex had done it. The meta wasn't getting up anytime soon it seemed.

He couldn't celebrate his victory though as lightning crackled around him from above. Guess the energy chick was still doing just fine. Alex turned and leap over the rock he used as a barrier. He crashed through a rock wall without harm and next to a sedan. More lightning shots, this time closer. He ripped the doors off of the car, turned, and threw all in one smooth motion. Both doors sailed through the air like daggers. He was about to chuck the car at her too when he spotted something coming in from behind her. Alex squinted his eyes, trying to make it out. Too late he saw what it was.


Too slow to move more then a few inches, the railshot slammed into his right shoulder/ pectoral and sent him skidding backwards down the street. He slide hard enough to cvarve a grove into the asphalte behind him. On pure instinct, Alex rolled to the left as he came to stop. He was trying to avoid a secondary missile that might have been behind first. Good idea as it turns out. Something more solid then a missile slammed into the ground right where he had been.

Alex got onto his feet, guard up now.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Hero of the Hour - Page 2 Empty Re: Hero of the Hour

Post by Stryker September 22nd 2015, 2:52 pm

The ground was cracked and made a bit of a crater. After landing and punching a fairly large dent in the streets surface. Miles slowly raised and looked around, tagging targets and locking on to individual targets in the area. One being a more distant fellow, (Coronel) and the original person he was targeting as well, (That being Alex). Miles saw the meta (Alex) rise as Miles raised up as well. Looking around slightly, Miles noticed that there were people killed, the one thing Miles told Carden not to do, and he did the exact opposite. He began to regret his choice on working with Carden at this point. But, Miles needed to work with him to try and make his way to Lucius so amends can be made.

Miles looked at Alex and sighed, scanning his face he pulled up records of this meta, medical records, school transcripts, etc etc. and shook his head.
"Listen, Alex. I'm sorry for what our mutual... Friend has done. I'm going to try and sort it all out and try and compensate all of these peoples families to the best I can, Carden will see to proper punishment and consequences, he was on a mission for me and I couldn't let him fail it. In return he's murdered people, so I'll have to figure out a way to fix things.."

Standing there, Miles's suits weapons retracted back into the suit as he walked slowly towards Alex in a non threatening manner. Reaching to a small compartment in the suit he pulled a white card with only a phone number on it, from there he offered it to Alex saying, "If need be, you can contact me with this."

Status :

Quote : "Life is about the good things, try and savor them before you lose those good things.."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 45
Job : Procrastinator
Registration date : 2015-07-21

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Hero of the Hour - Page 2 Empty Re: Hero of the Hour

Post by Lotsofluck September 22nd 2015, 3:24 pm

Hands up and ready, chest still smoking slightly, Alex was ready for another round. The man rose from the crater, almost about ended up in another one when he started to speak. This new man said Alex's name, which froze him the spot. How the hell did Miles know about Alex?? It was enough to keep Alex at bay from sending this guy flying the hard way..

"You hired a murderer that killed everyone on this street! Without a second thought. If you wanted to help these people, then you shouldnt be working with the likes of them."

Alex pointed a finger at him, fuming with anger. He held the mans stare for a second then sighed.

"He killed alot of people today... and thats on your head. I don't want your fucking help if you work with the likes of him. Get out of here and don't come back."

Not much of a thread coming from a guy like Alex, but he did just take out the mans friend. He began to walk away, the adrenaline starting to wear off. Its been a long day. A long day indeed.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Hero of the Hour - Page 2 Empty Re: Hero of the Hour

Post by Sponsored content

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