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Proarden Empty Proarden

Post by Proarden (Gravity Man) December 19th 2016, 4:16 am

"The cost of progress is but a small is we who invest that will be rewarded richly."

Basic Biography

Real Name:  Unknown
Villian Name:  Proarden
Title: "Vagina-Mouth" ~ Xerox
Alignment:  Neutral Evil
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Race: Progenos Matrixian
Hair: Clear Cilia
Eyes: Grey
Height: 12'7" Long, 6' Round.
Weight: 1.6 Tons
Blood type: Stem Cell Fluid

The Look


The Legacy


 A true scientist to it's very core. Single minded and consumed by his work to create the perfect specimen, Proarden is an antisocial creature that has difficulty projecting and articulating it's desires in a way that doesn't alarm people or make them uncomfortable. Though in all honesty it's not actually as if Proarden even tries to be socially acceptable, quite the contrary he goes out of his way to distinguish himself from all others by being blunt and brutally honest. Though to his defense there's no way to make "I would like to sew you together with another person to create a monster" or "I'm going to alter your genetics" sound socially acceptable.

  Proarden is a very straight forward, possessive and obsessive individual with an inquisitive mind and an ever expanding sense of adventure. His goal and his purpose are quite clear to him. He will make the perfect specimen, and when he does his purpose will be fulfilled. His legacy will be none other than the mind that moved life forward. In the search of progress, his work is eternal.


    Once upon a time.... that's how all great stories start isn't it?

   Right, well if that's the case...let's skip that part. Let's tell the story by this tune instead. It feels a lot less Disney.

   In downtown Detroit, December 25th of 2007 the snow fell down upon the human wasteland, covering it in a blanket of white. The smog hung over the air blocking out every star in sight, and there wasn't a single street that didn't have a drug dealer or a crooked cop looking for some grease to add to his pockets. There was a club there, brand new on the corner of Griswold street and Clifford, opposing side of Washington Boulevard. In this bar was a simple woman, with a simple dream. She was a bartender, but every night that 23 year old looked to the stage and thought to herself that one day she would be there. Singing like a Nightingale, singing in the wee hours of the morning to wake the world into a beautiful and blissful morning.
    She was young, beautiful with locks of blonde hair and the most stunning green eyes you'd ever seen. She had a small mole just above her upper lip on the left side. Somehow it just added a form of realism to her, validated the existence of such a beautiful angel in a run down world. Then you had the typical story, boy meets girl. Cue a young farmer from Mississippi, traveling on Holiday to meet with his family. The tanned man walked in dressed for the part, the suit got him in the door; but his simple voice and his down to earth perspective is what got him out of the city with the most beautiful and talented woman in Detroit.

   Proarden was the child of Ms. Laurel Cassidy and Mr. Blake Meyer. Neither of which had housed any form of metahuman power. Not a single metagene recessive in either bloodline to be found. They did what all young adults who think they're in love do, and like all great things in life it ended up with a huge mistake. Of course neither of them minded at first. They thought it would be perfect. She was young and would have a child, he could work the farm and she could continue to pursue her musical career. she'd come home and her man and her child would be there for her. the next Dolly Parton she'd jest. Ultrasound after Ultrasound she'd visit, the doctor's saw nothing wrong. After the second they simply stopped going. Money was tight and insurance wasn't all that good. *cough cough* Obama*cough cough*.

    Blake got on his knee and presented a ring to Miss Cassidy on March 27th of the following year and they were to be married in October. The birth of their child would be the day they solidified their family forever. It was going to be perfect. for the first time in either of their lives they were happy. They felt loved and appreciated...and nothing could change that. Well...they thought at least.

  October 3rd, 2008 on a highway to Michigan to see Miss Cassidy's parents Blake would have to pull off the road and call for the ambulance. Laurel's contractions began and she was dilating. Her baby boy was on the way. Blake did what he promised he'd do and he placed the ring upon his wife. They shared their kiss before she punched him and put his hand in a death grip. I know, romantic right? Well if that didn't put butterflies in your tummy, wait until this next part. It will... I promise.

   The final push came and there it was. Her baby boy sloshed onto the pavement as Blake jumped back in horror and little cries turned into screeches. Laurel cried out, asking what Blake had just done, but then it was. She saw him...she saw it. The thing she had birthed was not her baby boy. It was not a baby boy at all. It was a creature, A monster. Without a second thought the newly weds had no qualm about kicking the baby creature into the ditch and driving away as fast as possible.

   No love. No life. It just so happened that that night there was a creature just such as he. A wandering, broken little boy found the infant creature. It didn't terrify him, he saw the creature but he didn't shy away. He took the creature and continued his walk. He did so without question. He did so without fear. He did so without any hope for reward. That is why I serve him. That is why I'm loyal. That is why Gravitas is my family.


Matrixian: Proarden identifies as a "Matraxian" stemming from Latin and a concoction of English. Not only is it the "Womb" and "Mother" of it's creations but it also defines the structure and plans that it will biologically follow. Proarden's biology is that of a strange monster that consists of both male and female reproductive parts. The creature's body is home to several thousand types of cells, many of them malleable and moldable in their own way. Proarden creates three forms of parasites from their own body, each of which can be found in the "Minion" description. In addition to the strange hermaphroditic physiology, Proarden is able to survive harsh elements and high concentrations of chemicals or elements that would otherwise kill a human being.

Survival of the Fittest: Proarden Has the ability to utilize one of it's parasites in order to rearrange and repurpose genetic materials. This power gives Proarden the ability to alter the genetic coding, structure or even purpose in order to create, recreate or modify any living creature. The unfortunate truth of this power and ability is the fact that Proarden's parasite is a part of itself and therefore is unable to actually modify itself.

Superhuman Intellect: Proarden's intellect is superhuman, spanning to such a degree that it has developed the ability to telepathically communicate with certain parasites that it's body has created. The telepathic communication with it's offspring allows Proarden to commune with it's children and the intelligence allows Proarden to create the technology it needs (although the things it uses do not require a superhuman's intellect.)

Disturbing Counternance: Proarden's disturbing physiology and detrimental power makes it quite literally impossible for it to sneak around or do anything at all, as it is forced to acknowledge and be acknowledged by all non-Progenus around it. How they acknowledge him is entirely up to them. If it's a look of disgust, of pity or of fear. whatever this is it essentially halts everything that's going on for a single post. During this one post, they are not able to harm or act out at Proarden, but Proarden is not able to harm them or act upon them either, as his socially awkward nature causes him to freeze while under such scrutiny.


The Pursuit of Perfection: Proarden is constantly pushing themselves to make progress and to continue their experimentation to reach their ultimate goal. Their goal is an obsession to them, and if their goal is not benefitted in any way by helping another it is highly unlikely that they will contribute in any way.

Matraxian Loyalty: Matraxian's are incredibly loyal to their family.  Proarden was found, sheltered and cared for by Gravitas when it was rejected by it's own kin. Gravitas having raised it, it feels as intensly loyal to Gravitas as it does it's own children. Ultimately Gravitas is of the utmost importance to Proarden, though it often times causes conflicts with it's desire for progress.

Physically Vulnerable: Physically Proarden is incredibly squishy. while it does have some natural armor and plating it is nothing that gives it an advantage against piercing damages. Mundane guns will even crack the plating, and pierce it's shiny, squishy body.

Hyper-focus: Proarden's genetic-alteration abilities require it to enter a state of focus so intense that it is unable to even function in it's own body at the given time. Using it's telepathic communications only require a certain extent of focus. Loud noises and bright lights can disrupt it's telepathic bond for a short time (2 posts)

Unfinished Evolution: if somehow Proarden's genetic-alteration orders are interrupted while in hyperfocus, the thing being modified will experience a lapse, and the creation/host will become abominable and unstable, giving it a rather obvious weakness, even if partially achieving what Proarden intended.

Matter Matters: Proarden's creations require sustenance. Some of them can use photosynthesis. Some of them are omnivores, some scavengers. But in order for them to grow they all require legitimate food sources, water sources and areas to take in the energy and matter that is essential for growth and development. Likewise, the matter taken from an infected individual is considered as well.

Permission: In order for Proarden to place his parasites into another PC or Player-owned NPC it requires expressed consent from said player.

The Human condition: Proarden is actually quite fascinated by the human race. He finds their concepts interesting and wishes to know everything he can about them. After all it believes that a small piece of the human race is deserving to be part of the next step of the greater purpose. Proarden could be convinced to indulge it's curiosities quite easily if given the opportunity.

Slow: Proarden is fast for such a long monster, but when it's not in the water it doesn't get anywhere near it's full potential speeds. In water it can go up to 60mph. On land it's lucky if it can move at the pace of a walking person. Colder environments make movement more difficult.

Disturbing Counternance: Proarden's disturbing physiology and detrimental power makes it quite literally impossible for it to sneak around or do anything at all, as it is forced to acknowledge and be acknowledged by all non-Progenus around it. During this one post, they are not able to harm or act out at Proarden, but Proarden is not able to harm them or act upon them either.

Human at heart: Despite it's gratitude and devotion to Gravitas, Proarden was born of a human being and retains what appears to be a relative human consciosuness. As such it is fully aware fo the fact it's abandonment came due to it's disturbing features and therefore dislikes it's own apperance. In it's own dislike for it's own apperances it also takes note of when others look at it. Proarden will seem to be no more human than when they are being looked upon by others. The fact that it is under the scrutiny of others may have a variety of effects. If it is just one person Proarden may be able to ignore it with only a few thoughts. Two people might enrage them. More than that may actually cause total disruption of it's telepathic bonds and make it unable to use it's abilities for the number of posts equal to the people who looked at it.

Follow the yellow slime road: Proarden leaves a trail of slime behind it, which doesn't help it's cause in anything ever....

The Arsenal

No Items at this time.


The Parasites: Proarden's body is constantly birthing new parasites of many different kinds. The Parasites function as "minions" of sorts as they assist Proarden in their quest to produce and create more children. Unlike it's "children" Proarden does not view the parasites as it's children, rather as extensions of itself. Though all of it's children are born of it's parasites it's parasites itself are no more an individual person than a sperm or an ova is.

Parasite Prime:
Parasite Progenus:

The Mechanics

Spawning: As a hermaphrodite, Proarden has the ability to lay an egg with it's ovipositor and fertilize it, or internally bear a child with itself. The child is a perfect clone of Proarden. If laid as an egg it may not hatch until a later date. While in it's egg, it is conditioned and educated by a program created by Proarden that allows the born child to be "mostly" caught up to the point that Proarden died when it exits it's juvenile years. 

Aquatic-based lifeform: Proarden is far more formidable in the water in almost every aspect, as well as all of the Progenus.  The slime trail he leaves behind is also quite nutritious and could provide the body with more than a few days worth of sustenance.

Physical Priority

1 : Reaction : 1
2 : Endurance : 2
3 : Agility : 3
4 : Strength : 4

Proarden Gman10
Gravitas Gang:
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I've been a hero and a villain. Don't pretend you an teach me anything on morality."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Job : I'm Knight Artorias round these parts.
Humor : If you have time to crack jokes, then you have time to post.
Registration date : 2015-04-09

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Proarden Empty Re: Proarden

Post by Jordan Reynolds December 19th 2016, 4:22 am

Approved until stated otherwise
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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