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Alexander Clarke

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Alexander Clarke Empty Alexander Clarke

Post by Charlatan February 24th 2015, 4:53 pm

Alexander Clarke
”I feel like i'm supposed to put something here, but....nah.”

Alexander Clarke Asa-butterfield-star-wars-7-han-solo-jr

Basic Biography

Real Name: Alexander Bryce Clarke
Renegade Name: N/A
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Blessed Human
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Startling blue
Height: 5'9
Weight:  123
Blood type: AB -

The Looks


The Legacy

Personality: Best described as an isolated but kind-hearted introvert. Introvert in the concept of being shy, withdrawn and rather easily embarrassed. He tends to keep to himself and perhaps the two or three friends he has. He's the kind of person whom is constantly feeling judged or worried about what those closest feel about him or think of him. Literally forced into a position where he feels as though he himself is inadequate and worthless. Despite this he continues through every day, content to be isolated, save for the few close to him.

  Being as introverted as he is he even finds things like "small-talk" with those he isn't close with to be cumbersome and uncomfortable. Social settings however do not bother him, however he constantly feels as if he's "alone in the crowd" or rather he's the only odd one out, even amongst his few close friends. Thought despite all of this he is not the kind of person to ever seek communication through means of networking, networking making him feel rather fake and impersonal and while he can cope with this without a second thought with most people, when dealing with close friends it will slowly eat at him if he's forced to resort to texting or Instant messaging. He is also the kind of person to worry if "distance" between him and his friends is the result of his actions in some way, or somehow being his fault.

   Highly intelligent (even before meeting Matthew) he was always thought to be very VERY "intense" or deep and observant and nothing is better than a thought provoking book or movie to him, other than maybe a decent philosophical conversation. He is known to get easily distracted and overwhelmed in environments with an excess of stimulation, causing him to need to take a step back and analyze from a "safe distance". This is one of the many reasons that he loves his "downtime" when it just him and his thoughts, or time with a friend to talk things over with. To him Down time is never "wasted" time because he can let his creativity wander off anywhere, often times to writing or giving himself a little speech off the fly. Additionally, Charisma is another trait of his, despite being shy he actually finds it EASY to deliver a speech or be in the spotlight around multiples of people...but the mingling that transpires after such things is more than he can truly bear.

  He finds being "out of his environment" a rather strenuous task and after so long he actually begins to "Shut-Down" where he starts to get tired and unresponsive after he's been out and about for too long without mental reprieve in a quiet environment... Short of a quiet place to go, many he will resort to zoning out and normally allows his constantly running mind do the work of "whisping" him away into day dreaming or intense thoughts. His thinking first and speaking later has long since made him "wiser than his years" in which he observes and thinks deeply into things, often providing insight that makes him appear wise. 

   Despite his general flaws he is able to move around his introverted “set point” which determines how they need to balance solitude with social activity. But when he moves too much, even possibly by over-exerting himself with too much socializing and business, he gets stressed and needs to come back to himself alone or with the closest of friends to recover.

  Fundamentally he is a good person with only the best of intentions at heart and while he is an incredibly lonely person he strives for the affections of his friends and to do right by them and appease them...making him easily manipulated or abused, which he sadly doesn't see anything wrong with. He tends to feel as though as if he can make himself useful the person will appreciate him, and he continues to fight to keep himself useful for as long as possible...sadly he takes this approach to even friends with the purest of heart and motives. His desire to make himself useful (and his willingness to accept his "role" as a pawn and not a true friend) stems from his nearly crippling fear of being alone without anyone else.

History: Alex is what many would call an accident, if that is through faulty contraception or something else entirely can only be up to speculation, seeing as how his father never really brings it up between his brief moments of sobriety. All that was really made aware was the fact that he was not a planned child, and his mother was less than happy with having to bear him within her…womb. Not that she had any plans to gewt rid of the spawn within her, there was just the rather passive aggressive statement made about the whole ordeal in general. Something about morning sickness being a bitch and things of that nature, though in the end she delivered the beautiful baby boy, a small child to be sure but he was born nonetheless healthy. The only remarkable feature about him was the strange eye color of his, which were a piercing blue, nearly the color of silver.

To say that his childhood was a happy one would be a fabrication, so we will go with the truth of the matter and that is, well simply he was the product of a broken home. Nearly after he was thrown screaming from the womb, his mother just found his existence insufferable, past the point of her limited tolerance. So she did what any ignorant eighteen year old parent would do when they could not deal with their offspring, though many would have expected that from the father; which was simply leave. The woman abandoned the poor child before even his first six months of life, leaving him with a father perhaps too flabbergasted to really register what had happened. Not that he intended to leave the child as well, seeing as how that would have been cruel beyond all belief, so he simply avoided creating an orphan, a harder choice than one would think.

Living within England with his father was not exactly difficult, but it was not the easiest thing within the world. From a young age the male found himself somewhat detached from his only family member, a father that seemed unable to really connect with his son. One could suggest that it was his somewhat introverted nature, but no one could really tell for sure, and all Alexander would say was something rather complicated, and that was if he trusted you enough to even talk in the first place. So with the perhaps absolute inability to understand or even connect with his son, the man turned to the only vice that really seemed to make sense within his mind, and that was drinking. So he began to hit the bottle like an abuse victim, not relenting upon his pick of poison.

So another parental connection was lost to the male, not that he really sought to tap into it at any rate. So now he was short one mother, and up one drunken father, like every child wanted of their wonderful family. Well to call him alcoholic would have been giving credit where it was not due, as he was a rather angry alcoholic, not physically violent but just rather angry. There was a lot of yelling, and occasionally a few curse words thrown around, yet nothing that really bothered the male, who seemed to tone it out with a certain stoicism, or simply was used to it at some point. So for most of his life he was alone, father making those daily Pub visits, and so he picked up a few things on his own. A keen intellect did help him adapt to these early years, learning things that most young children did not learn about till much later.

However what sparked the move to America he was not too sure of, whether it be some kind of promotion that required it or simply a whim upon his guardians part; all the male knew was that in an instant he was no longer in wonderful England. Sure he would have partially missed the dreary skies and particularly crappy weather, something about California had a charm to it, not that he really focused too much upon it. There were the beaches and the tan surfers that occasionally frequented them, yet nothing really caught his eyes. All he knew was a few things about this new place; that he had almost no friend within Los Angeles and that he knew almost nothing about it, not that a little research couldn’t fix something like that. Well, and there was a considerable metahuman population within the area, which would make any sort of wandering rather dangerous, not that England wasn’t dangerous within its own right.

So in short he was now in a new country, with absolutely no friends whatsoever. Which made the male feel more alone than he was comfortable with.

The Powers and Weaknesses

Advanced Mental Prowess: His magical knowledge is beyond that of any normal magi, he is a force to be reckoned with and he is by far one of the most brilliant young occultists of his age. Now add on to the fact that he has a superhuman intellect, and his cognitive functioning is akin to that of a supercomputer, and you have someone of great mental prowess. The speed and complication of his thoughts and thought processing transcends human capabilities.

Runic Magic: Alexander can create runes upon surfaces within a strange language, and depending upon the meaning of the rune, a different effect can happen. [example: burn on a piece of paper would cause the paper to combust, however he cannot write death on someone or something like that.]

Cognitive Graphify: Meaning literally "Thinking made into writing" This is the ability to project his thoughts into physical writing or pictures.

Hypnotic Vision:The ability to control the minds of those whom look into his eyes.

Empathic Touch: The Ability to "feel" or accurately assume the emotions of the subject and even alter the emotions they feel.

Fight or Flight: Due to his mind being far more advanced than the average human, it has a greater control over its bodily functions in terms of survival. When greater strength, speed or reaction time is required to keep him alive, the proper reactions will take place


Make eye contact: His hypnotic vision can be blocked by things that obscure vision, such as sunglasses.

He does not have the touch: His empathic touch cannot be used to make someone loyal to him or love him.

Magic[for runic magic]: His runes effects can be negated upon being broken, and must be placed upon a solid surface.

Introversion: Extreme introversion, Alexander finds it difficult to make friends or allies.

Eyesight: Farsighted, without his glasses Alexander is useless in most confrontations.

Easily manipulated: Easily manipulated by friends, to the point that he would do almost anything to make a friend happy.

Kinda Wimpy: Have you seen this guy? He's pretty weak, even by the standard of your average guys.

RP Mechanic(s):

From his time with his mentor, Sin, He's learned many useful tricks and tips, including Pamnesia, Indexing, Nigh-Omnilinguism and Ritualistic memory storage.

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Agility: 1
Endurance: 2
Strength: 4

Character slot bought with 35 experience from Vanguard and 265 experience from Nearoviin

Last edited by Alexander Clark on February 24th 2015, 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

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Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Alexander Clarke Empty Re: Alexander Clarke

Post by Silus February 24th 2015, 6:01 pm

Approved until stated otherwise Spidey

Alexander Clarke Lucife10
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Alexander Clarke Empty Re: Alexander Clarke

Post by Odien June 17th 2015, 2:57 pm

I hate you for retiring him.

Posting Master
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Quote : [20:06:47] * Odien has sex with Mike [20:07:20] Zell : So did his half brother, don't get excited about it Odien lol

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Number of posts : 412
Location : [17:31:53] @ Forceaus : Not killing the innocent is part of being a hero to begin with
Humor : [19:30:11 19/01/15] @ Bliss : It's like holding someone's head underwater and forgetting they aren't a fish
Registration date : 2014-04-11

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