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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus August 23rd 2014, 1:23 am

Ms. Elena Vexus sat at the bar of the Bellagio Hotel in Vegas slowly sipping her martini. There was a lot she had bee thinking about lately and it seemed like most people would drink in order to take their mind off things. She had only come to find her in this city mostly due to the fact that she had not been in decades, and of course she had a secret laboratory outside of the city she wanted to check up on. In the meantime she saw the sights, and did what there was to do. She did actually enjoy herself. It was a strange sensation, actually having fun for once. Her intelligence what a huge advantage in her in this place, all these games of chance were nothing but probability equations that she could do in her head. She was winning a lot more than she was losing, though eventually the casino staff started to become suspicious of her. Elena simply took her winnings and left, however upon trying to enter another casino she was prevented from going any further. Apparently the security had shared her photo amongst the neighboring casinos in order to prevent her from winning too much. All she could do was roll her eyes, she had plenty of money and this was just 'fun' to her. At this point there was nothing else to do but return to her hotel suite.
Vexus swung by the bar again and grabbed a Martini to go as she headed up to her room. Ever since losing her youthful appearance, Elena has had a different outlook on life. It still held true that Vexus could more than likely extend her life indefinitely by putting completing some of her various experiments, though she was in no rush. She took a read on her vitals every day and everything said she was in good health. No one knew who she was, or where she was so there was no need to hasten her projects. She had transported the information that she gathered from the lab in Japan, D.C. and New York City back to her 'Main Head Quarters' in Germany. Right now she was doing some maintenance on this lab, it had not been since the time of Dominus when she last this location.
The next morning came quickly, she checked out of her hotel and took a taxi to the absolute outskirts of the city, and out there she was met by a car piloted by a simple drone of hers. This vehicle took her far out into the desert, the location was a typical cliche. Middle of nowhere, cactus disguised as a lever for the entrance. It was almost so obvious that people wouldn't have thought twice about it. Elena found it rather immature of her to make such a contraption, which explained her absence from the location for such and extended period of time. There were multiple security obstacles that needed to be passed, and since she was in a different from than from before it made things a little bit more difficult. Things boiled down to the absolute last line of defense for the security system. Luckily she had planned for the situation in which she would have to gain access to this lab from a different body. After an unnecessary amount of questions about her past lives she was finally allowed access to this lab. It was exactly how she left it. Despite it being an extremely long time since her last visit, everything was still in pristine condition. There was no dust to settle, and the base was totally impenetrable so spiders were unable to enter to make this classic cobwebs amongst the keys of her computer.

Vexus flicked a switch and everything roared to life. All her computer cycling through energy, and test tubes coming to life. There was no doubt doing to be the absolute slightest shortage of power from the city sine she had to get her power from somewhere. It mattered not though as this base was undetectable by any scientific means, she was more than safe here. She sat down in one of her grand chairs and began to type away furiously, it was still more security measures that she had put in place if anyone magically was able to get through the first set. An unknown amount of time had passed by once she finally got back into her files. It was almost a trip down memory lane, certain things she had tried and failed at, and some files that she had not touched in almost half a century. She was getting rid of information that she did not need and forwarding things that she did need over to her super computer back in Germany. It was a time consuming project, going though each piece of information and deeming whether or not she needed it. This whole process would be finished in a matter of minutes instead of hours had she still had a mechanical mind. Right now all she had was a mechanical eye, while this did dramatically speed up the pace that she could process information, it still was no match her her impossibly fast mind. In a way she did miss that form, and in other ways she did not. The simplicity of her current form was enjoyable to her, while the complexity of past appearances came in handy when in tighter situations.
Vexus' eye began to get heavy and her typing began to slow down. Time was beginning to have an effect on her. She had barely made a dent in her information. Finally checking the time, it turns out she had been working for 2 days straight. It seemed like parts of her mechanical nature still lingered in her human form. There was some food stored, which were all the basics that she needed nothing too fancy. But once she had her fill, she was still feeling extremely exhausted.  She sat down in her chair as the glare of the computer screen reflected in her drooping eyes. There would be a form of Vexus that would be more powerful than all the others combined. She would know perfection... But right now, Vexus needed to know a little bit sleep. She crossed her arms on top of the computer's keys and nestled her head down on them. Everything was lock up, nothing could get in, nothing could get out. Vexus was safe. And now it was time for a nap...

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds August 23rd 2014, 1:55 am

The Soul Stream was many things, a source of magic for some and most mages, a place that served as a quick afterlife for Elena Marie and also a source of information to the sorcerer supreme. At once he had been the sorceress supreme, but the greatest joke of life was that what wasn’t expected always happened. It was through this stream however that he had been enlightened, mostly by the experiences of the one that had occupied this realm, the Elena Marie that had once clashed with a being in this realm known as Elena Vexus. He had known one within his home realm and this Vexus was an upstanding person, always willing to advance humanity and their shared goals allowed them to help their world, to allow it to prosper and all evil that stood against them fell. It saddened the dimensional traveler that someone shared that name and in fact tainted it. Not that he expected all who shared the name to be pure, so the shock was somewhat abated by that fact.

His mission today was to punish this female with his own two hands, as it would feel more personal than allowing someone else to do it. As all crimes had their punishments, and he would happen to be the one that delivered this punishment. His son wished to come and yet he could not force him to come, not yet atleast. A word could summon him, so he would not set him into any immediate danger until the proper time had come, that time not being yet. He would have went after this version of himself, but she had paid for her part within it by repairing the rip, that was perhaps enough to atleast postpone the judgment for what she had done until a later time. Within the cosmis nether plane that allowed him to look over things through The Soul Stream he would follow Elnea Vexus, despite how hard she made herself to find.

In fact it felt like it were almost impossible to find the female, yet in the end he was able to find her with enough detective work anyway. The blue orbs would scan over the image of the female moving through casinos, gambling and drinking as if they had all of the time in the world, unaware of what was likely coming for them. Held within his right hand was a staff white as bone, seeming to clutch with metallic talons a ruby red gem that had once been the heart of a great dragon. It pulsed with life and with the anger that the beast held as he slew it. He could hear within his mind the growls of the beast, and how it wished to have a body so that it may tear him apart with its great claws. Eventually her target would make the long drive into the desert and then into their “scret lab”. Though one had to give credit where it was due.

It was hidden in a way that only truly a fool would manage to guess. Anyone with any sort of intellect would assume that there was some complex way to enter, when all it took was flipping a switch. All it took was a motion and the very air would rip, leaving him a portal by which he could step through, and  past the most dangerous of the defenses that Elena Vexus held. Still, once he stepped out of the rip he could hear the sound of an alarm, ringing through his ears. While the male did not seem so dangerous, dressed in only blue jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie over that, it would have been foolish to assume they were no threat. It was this fact that he did not really mind, as when people underestimate you they tend to end up holding back until it was too late. He would twirly the staff within his hand and then begin to progress further, minf already having remembered where he would be looking for Vexus, though likely the defenses would already be coming.

His eyes would light up, becoming like blue fire for a moment as they scanned the entire area, for whatever it was that may come.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus August 24th 2014, 12:25 am

Vexus stood proudly, her bright pink hair swaying in the wind. She stood atop a literal technological plateau. A shining monument to her perpetual glory. Her power knew no limits, and no one denied her. There was her moment. She had become a goddess, all knowledge was hers and absolutely nothing had near enough capabilities to even challenge her. She was the ultimate, immortal, perfection, the--

The whole scene turned red as a loud sound blared over the images. Sadly, Elena had been rudely awakened from her dream by her security alarms going off. She drowsily lifted her head of of the keyboard and her surroundings finally came back into focus. The red light was flashing on and off and the siren had no doubt alerted the intruder that his presences was known. But wait... Intruder? How was this possible? How did anyone even get in to this lab? How did anyone even find it? She could not think of any feasible method of entry. Regardless, she pressed the button for maximum security. The screen switched to a map of her laboratory and located where her intruder. It seemed like a male figure, but there were only infrared cameras so facial details could not be made out.
Extremely thick steel walls began to slam shut closing off every hallway that led to the pathway for main lab, however there was only one doorway that would bring him into the area where Elena was. Miniature turrets dropped from the ceiling where this man was 'exploring' and began to open fire. In her main lab, there were four structure pillars that were all an equal distance away from each other and in the back against the wall set in the middle of these four pillars was the supercomputer at which Vexus sat. On the far right and far left walls there were dozens of processors and hard drives which held all of the Information of this computer. The ceiling were vaulted with lights imbedded in it, and at abut 5,200 square feet the room was by no means lacking in space. A small draw opened from underneath the keyboard that held two guns, she drew them and aimed them at the door waiting for this person to enter.

Something was off. The alarm that was going off indicated an unauthorized entry. There would have been many more security warnings that would have easily woken her and told her that someone was trying to get in, not that someone had already gotten in. She looked at the mundane guns in her hands and tossed them aside, they would be absolutely pointless against someone like this. It was obvious that this person possessed and impressive level of magical ability. As she had said before, she was undetectable by any scientific means and someone would literally have to be magical in order to get past her security without setting off any alarms. She took a deep breath in, and exhaled. Crossing her legs, she placed her arms on the side rests of the chair and patiently awaited her guest. There was no doubt in her mind that this person would be able to find her. If he was able to find her in an undetectable base in the middle of a desert, he would no doubt be able to locate her if they were in the same building. This would be no ordinary meeting. This man wanted, no, needed something. Could it be...? No, that would be impossible... she thought as she stared hard at the door far in front of her. Elena activated her mechanical eye and with the X-Ray setting was able to see through the metal doors to see if this man was approaching or not. Be though as it may, he may be able to find his way into this room without any notice. This was going to be difficult. Vexus had to be ready for anything.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds August 24th 2014, 12:46 am

Elena had expected that there would be some manner of automated defenses, seeing as how anything elss would have been a disappointment for the bionic goddess known as Elena Vexus. Anyone that could have challenged Elena Marie and given her so much trouble, would have been disappointing if they could not even do that much right. Adjusting his staff he would prepare for anything that would come his way, searching for any sort of machines that would reveal themselves and then react from there. On all sides thick metallic doors would slam down, most of them seeming to seal away a large amount of hallways except for one. There was the sound of something moving, slots opening within the way that he was moving through and revealing rather deadly looking turrets revealing themselves to the sorcerer surprme. He would make an assumption upon their capabilities and it seemed that he was not off.

They would release a burst of laser ammunition, ones that would keep your average ferrokinetic from controlling them, and yet they would not work against the staff that he was wielding, as he held it gem forward. Within an instant it seemed as if a void had been opened, drawing in all of the attacks that were aimed at the male as the gem itself began to glow brightly, glowing brighter until the turrets would temporarily cease fire and allow him to counter. ”Seems she atleast had a competent security system.” He would note without a hint of irony, giving a motion of the staff and then unleashing a barrage of energy back at the turrets, taking upon the same color that the former barrage had taken. Unlike him hwoever they did not have a well created staff, and upon taking the powerful energies they would explode loudly, leaving only burning mechanical parts and some smoke flowing from the desiccated pieces.

He would tap the tip of the staff against the floor as it would hiss against the material as if still hot from the sheer energy that it had absorbed. Wanting to beat the security to the punch, his eyes would scan over the facility, catching the aura of one individual, one that had caught his interest immediately upon sighting it. They were sitting and from their position, and posture it seemed as if they were waiting for someone to arrive, which meant that likely they were waiting for this wonderful sorcerer to pop in; say hello. While Elena did feel like making the female wait, this was something that required immediate attention, so he would give them the privilege to look upon the face of their killer far sooner than later. It was then that he drew upon his own energy, a small amount and more than enough to allow him the jump that he needed.

Within an instant he would disappear in a way that no magical or scientific sensory could track him, and then within an instant he would appear within the large room that Vexus was sitting in, stepping through a rip within reality with a saunter that could not be denied. Two hands were upon the staff as he examined the room and turned towards the female within the chair with a smug grin. ’You’re looking the wrong way.” He would say after clearing his throat and letting the hood atop his head fall back to reveal the youthful face underneath to be revealed. ”And you’re looking a little old, did something happen to you Vexus? Usually you aren’t so decrepit.” He would note, waiting for the female to react in some negative way, likely trying to kill him with some laser attack or something else.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus August 24th 2014, 1:34 am

There was an alert that appeared on her screen notifying her that the computers had lost track of the intruder. He was coming. She could feel her heart rate hastening; was she actually worried? Even so, what did she have to be worried about? Again, there was something that made her uneasy about this intruder. And everything was confined when she heard a voice over her shoulder.
"You’re looking the wrong way.”
Her eyes widened in surprise, but she remained calm. She closed her eyes listening to the other words he had to say. He used her name. This man obviously knew who she was, but how did he find her... She could extract that information from his corpse later. Elena then began to turn her chair around while clapping a few times.
"Well, well... Isn't this quite the development."
Elena's eyes shot open and sent a solid wall of telekinetic energy rushing towards the man. Simultaneously a button was pressed down on the computer (Vexus not moving an inch) which activated more ceiling and wall turrets to appear and open fire at this man. Through her cameras she witnessed his staff take the hits of the lasers, but she wanted to observe it first hand. There was no doubt that this was a weapon of his, and the more she could see how it worked, the easier it will be to counter later on. Or at least convert it into a useable form of science for her.
This time around there were quite a number more turrets that were firing and from more angles too. In addition to the powerful wall of telekinetic energy it would be a treat to see how one responds to the barrage. This all was of course just to gauge her opponent's abilities in order to mount a proper, full scale attack. At this rate though the level of magic that this man exhibiting was nothing she had not seen before. Being undetectable, magical staff, teleportation. It was all very medieval. However it was always the knights that would slay the dragons, and Vexus did not see a speck of shining armor.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds August 24th 2014, 6:56 pm

The female did not seem to show too much surprise upon hearing the male but then again that was expected of an individual such as her. Regardless of how she was, there was always an air of calm about the female that he could not ignore, and with the air rippling from the female he could tell that she was unleashing some manner of attack. Drawing upon the energy of The Soul Stream, he let it flow through him and within an instant he could feel himself become the very energy itself. The wall of telekinetic energy would hit the figure of energy that had formed in the shape of the male and caused it to scatter, as the turret fire would also hit he naked air that he once stood in. Allowing him to escape the attacks that would have otherwise killed him, and within an instant he reformed, taking on a human form.

Without wasting a second he would conjure around ten small spheres from the tip of the staff, skipping the stage where they rotated around him and letting them all launch out at the turrets that had popped out. They would split into two separate spheres and prove now enough to eradicate all of the turrets, leaving him without all of the weapons trying to kill him from their hide aways. ”Such a warm welcome for an old friend, but I should have no expected any less.” he noted with a smirk, raising the staff into the air and slamming it into the ground. Energy would blossom out from the end of the staff and cause the very room to shake with a powerful earthquake, shaking the entire room save for the male that was still standing there with an amused expression as he looked upon the former bionic goddess.

”I’ve come here to punish you. You see, ripping holes in reality is a baaaad thing and you miss have done exactly that. As reigning Sorcerer Supreme it is my duty to pass out that punishment, and so here I am.” He noted simply waiting for the female to do something, either expecting another attack or something else.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus August 25th 2014, 10:55 pm

And yet more abilities revealed of this staff of his. She assumed that it had not only made him temporarily intangible but also summoned ten magical orbs which rushed about destroying her turrets. No matter, such low level things would probably do nothing to this man anyways. They had done their job. Vexus remained straight faced as he claimed to be an old friend and demonstrated his power a little bit more causing her entire laboratory to shake. She was easily able to keep herself still in the quake and continued to glare.
Elena narrowed her stare as he mentioned her damaging reality one way or another. And "reigning sorcerer supreme"? She knew the Sorceress Supreme was none other than The Crimson Witch Elena Marie. Did this man defeat her and take her place? That was probably the least possible situation. Vexus herself couldn't even manage to eradicate that woman from this Earth, there was no way this lowly male would have managed to succeed where she failed. On another note; punishment? There was not a singular being in this dimension that would be capable of 'putting her in her place' so to speak. This man was confident, though he did seem to have power to back most of his statements.

Vexus took in a deep breath, exhaled and crossed her legs, with the red soles of her shoes flashing by.
"I apologize, but I have to ask. Who the hell do you think you are? Hahaa!" she said with a laugh, lightly touching her hand to her chest then rotating her wrist away and looking in the other direction with a face that continued to ask her question.
"In all honesty though, how dare you just show up in my house and quite literally challenge me. I do applaud that fact that you bypassed all of my security systems because that does take skill. However taking me on without any reinforcements is suicide..." Elena's arm fell back onto the chair's armrest and she let out a sigh, chuckling again and closing her eyes.
"Oohh my I truly am getting too old for this..."
Elena opened her mechanical left eye and a light shone from it that just looked like a video projector. It was distracting but not completely blinding. The entire room was almost instantaneously remodeled. Everything had been flipped upside-down. This Sorcerer was standing on the ceiling and Vexus was looking down at him now that she was sitting on the floor. This was all just a complex, yet flawless, hologram. Elena herself was real, she was just holding herself on the ceiling with her telekinesis. Hair, clothes, shoes and everything being kept in place. All to make the illusion more real. She then began to make the room look as if it was rocking back an forth to hopefully throw her intruder off balance. In the mean time she got a hold of her small clutch and began to search through it, pretending to ignore the blonde child.
A few rings would float out of the hand bag and onto her fingers. While the room was still 'rocking' she stared at the boy. The back and forth movement would make it appear as if Vexus was swaying as well, when in truth she was holding still. Using this optical illusion to her benefit she fired a highly concentrated beam of energy from her mechanical left eye directly towards her challenger aiming for any vital spot she could get. Hopefully the movement of the room would throw this kid off enough for him to miscalculate the trajectory of the beam. Yes, there was a lot of thought and effort that went into this attack but the less it showed on Vexus the more it demonstrated what she would be capable of. If such a level of illusion is so simple for her, who's to say how much further her powers could go. This was only the beginning. Elena Vexus would not be outdone by a child.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds August 26th 2014, 2:55 am

Then came the question of who he was, though the way by which was asked may have sounded rude to the sorcerer supreme, not that his entrance was anything less than rude to begin with. With staff in hand he would stare down the former bionic goddess, considering every motion that the female made and already having in mind a possible counter to what she would do. The female had performed what had appeared to be some manner of telekinetic prowess, and the level at which she had was not something that he could simply laugh off, as it was beyond the average telekinetic. She however did not seem to know who he was, and considering his form that was to be expected, so he would not hold it against the bionic goddess for not noticing who he was. ”Who am I? Forgive me, it seems that after all of my travels I tend to expect people to know me by name alone.” Elena chuckled as he softly tapped the staff against the ground.

”I am a being whose existence had begun far before your ancestor had crawled out of the muck, conceived in a dimension many realms away. As for who I am, I will tell you that much.” he would note without a hint of condescension, not seeing the female as an inferior by any means but seeing them as someone that had to be dealt with immediately. ” I am the Sorcerer Supreme, The Realm Walker, The Void Walker, The Master of the Forge, The Eternal One, Light bringer, Wielder of the flame, The Existential Evocator, The God Slayer, Realm shaker, The Conjurer, The Crimson Witch, Master of The Soul Streams,  but you know me as Elena Marie. Just as you have changed, so have I.” He would note after letting off so many titles, each one seeming to hold some manner of weight behind them.

”Now as for taking you on alone being suicide, we will just have to see won’t we?” He noted as the light would issue from Elena Vexus’ eye and seem to change everything within an instant. The room had begun to rock and everything around her was…strangely different, as he was now on the ceiling and Vexus was still on the floor. Still he had to keep his cool, even with the rocking he had dealt with worst than just a ceiling that was rocking him around and within many realms he had dealt with similar problems. His attention was upon the aged female with an amused expression as a beam would be cast at him, though all it took was one word from him. ”Cast out darkness.” and within an instant a barrier of light would form around him that took the beam, fractures forming from the point that it struck and within an instant it would shatter.

Still it gave him enough time to move out of the way as the beam would move past him and beyond. Looking to vexus he noticed something, while it may have not seemed normally important it was something that his mind had taken into consideration. Typically when someone was standing upside down, they could feel a certain headrush as blood flow began to move to their head and he was not feeling that, there was only his belief that he was on the ceiling and that whole sight thing; which he had learned never to trust. Sight was not always something that a sorcerer was to believe, otherwise one risked getting themselves killed. A smirk would form upon his lips as he twirled the staff. ”Is that all you have?” he would asked cockily, testing out a theory as he disappeared within an instant, appearing before Elena Vexus with the staff pointed her way, now standing upon “the floor”. ”I’m unimpressed.” The great crystal upon his staff would quickly begin to crack open as if like a mouth and with a loud screeching sound it would unleash a shockwave.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus August 31st 2014, 9:56 pm

Vexus' eyes widened at the mention of the name. Elena Marie? How was this even possible? She should be long dead. There were far too many questions now that were unanswered. Most important of those being why is she a boy. Vexus had a very light grasp on her form of magic, but this had entered a completely different realm. Knowing now who he, or she, or whatever, was there would be no reason for her to hold back. Her data would be easily retrievable so she would gladly destroy her lab completely in order to kill this reincarnated witch. Be though as it may, Elena was heavily prepared the last time she confronted Marie and even then it had ended in her defeat. This time Marie had found her, and Vexus was not no longer in her prime. She would have to tread very carefully. Every move planned out to the letter, no wasted energy.

Elena watched his next moves very closely. He decided not to dodge the beam, but rather to defend against it with a light barrier. The defense was not strong enough to fully block the attack, but it did give him enough time to move out of the way. It did not seem as if her disorientating illusion had much of an effect on him. She gave him a blank stare from above as he asked if that was all she had. Was he dumb? Obviously not, this conflict had only just begun.
The boy then either teleported or moved at blinding speeds because in the next moment he was standing right in front of Vexus point his magical staff right at her. She only had enough time to quickly move her hand to the amulet around her neck in order to activate it. Shortly thereafter, a shockwave burst forth from the magical staff. It passed through Vexus but obliterated her chair as she stood up from it. She gave an eye roll and took a few steps forward walking into and through her opponent, then floating gently back down to the floor. Once she landed the illusion was undone and the room returned to normal. Vexus was on the floor, the blonde was on the ceiling and everything was right-side up again.

The was a slight distortion of the space around her as she 'returned' to this current plane of existence, becoming tangible again. She raised her arm at about a forty-five degree angle, pointing it at the man on the ceiling and pulled straight down. The section of ceiling that he was standing on was torn free and violently pushed towards towards the ground. Simultaneously, a similarly sized piece of the floor shot upwards trying to sandwich him between these two slabs of concrete. While this happened, Elena's eyes focused on the keyboard on her computer and various keys and buttons began to be pressed from afar. She had to make sure her information was safe else where before she began to tear her laboratory up any further. There were also quite a lot of codes to be put through in the event that she wanted to activate the self-destruct. At the point in time, it was not a viable option however if this conflict started to tilt away from her favor she may have no choice but to go down with her ship and take anyone involved with her.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds September 4th 2014, 9:36 am

The shockwave had been more of a test strike than her actually trying to damage Elena Vexus, seeing as how he had to be sure of all of her capabilities before he could actually begin to formulate ways that he could defeat her. So the attack passing through her was enough of an interesting twist, but not enough that he would allow it to discourage him, it would take more than one missed shot to bring the sorcerer down by any means. Intangibility was something that she demonstrated, and was added to the overall list, along with telekinesis and illusions through visual projection, slowly increasing as he prepared more and more counters to the powers of the woman. It did not take too long to feel the ground beneath him begin to move, as everything began to slow down to the point of a crawl. Without even needing to think and with a motion, he would feel the energy flow through him.

His body became more capable of moving, allowing it a speed that would allow him to move enough that he was not behind his perceptions. The ground would glide below him, as he narrowly avoided what would have been the ground smashing his weak little body, though it was more of a temporary burst of speed rather than just a continued one. With the danger averted, the staff would then recall the energy that the weapon had afforded him, still the burst was still in effect long enough that he could land upon the ground in a crouch, with the weapon still within his hand. ”Well now, seems like theres no point in holding back now.” Elena would note with a smirk standing to his feet and he slammed his staff against the ground, and within an instant the very air around him would begin to distort.

From these distortions would come copies, clones of Elena Marie with similar appearances and even staves. "Its time you suffer the ire of the Masses.” With a motion, they would all direct their hands towards vexus, and unleash what appeared to be a barrage of powerful mana bursts, ones that would curve around Marie.

[stat booster actiated for 1 post, +4 to speed]
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus September 4th 2014, 1:06 pm

The child was able to narrowly avoid being crushed by the two slabs on concrete. Secretly she hoped that wouldn't have been the end of him, this was kind of fun so far. He then said that there would be no point in holding back.
"Well that's good news, I was beginning to think that's all you had. I've seen better magic at a 5 year old's birthday party" she said with a light chuckle.
Back to the situation at hand, the severity was increasing. After Mari slammed her, or his, staff on the ground thievery space around him began to distort. She tried to analyze the situation with her mechanical eye, but could not retrieve any information. It seemed that her science failed to define anything with a magical origin. From the space distortions copies of Mr.Marie began to appear, these she was able to immediately scan over in order to check the validity. And they were intact living, breathing clones. Unfortunately much better than any optical illusion Vexus might have been able to conjure. Wasting no time, the multitude of clones fired out bright beams of light. Again, the form of energy did not register with Elena so she would just have to make an educated guess and hope she has enough power to overcome them.

She extended both her arms forward and one ring on either of her hands glowed brightly. In addition there was a twinkle of red light in her mechanical eye, and in the next instant a powerful combined beam erupted forward to counter this magical attack. From her right hand there was a wave of fire (Anneau Du Phénix), from her left hand came a burst of dark electrical energy (Anneau de Vexus), and her eye had finished recharging which allowed her to fire another energy beam (Faisceau Catastrophique) as well. Using her telekinesis she was able to mold the fire and electricity to the laser emitting from her eye to create one large and unstoppable attack. Vexus could only hope that her combined attack would be powerful enough to overpower the Sorcerer's attack. If so, she would allow it to continue forward to wipe out these clones and ideally the Sorcerer himself.
As an added level of caution she activated her Protéger Les Bijoux which projected a spherical barrier around Elena that had a red tint. In the event that her attack is overpowered, hopefully the beams of light would have been dampened enough to where her barrier would properly protect her. The walls of her laboratory were neigh impenetrable, but if things continued at this pace, the whole place would implode before either of them manage to cause any real damage to the other. This young and male version of Marie was a nuisance, insulting to the very name of Elena Marie, and the like of him were no where near worth of even challenging someone of Vexus' status. He needed to be erased.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds September 8th 2014, 2:05 am

Bursts of mana would curve out from around Elena, all aimed to crush Vexus with sheer magical power and to reduce the once mechanical being into a fine paste, or rather to dust. While they would have likely individually been unable to destroy the female due to power, the sheer number was likely enough to atleast impede the female. Vexus however would unleash a powerful attack, one that fused together into something that would likely have matched his attack, yet that did not daunt the male within the least. The mana bursts would all meet and then form into one large attack, perhaps powerful enough that it would decimate the attack keep trucking.

Even if that did not happen, it would likely be enough that he could react with something even better than that. It was now one large attack against another, and when they met a large burst of energy would spread out from the impact point. Rather than cancel out each other, they seemed too have spread out in a way that would possibly damage both combatants. Raising one hand, his allies would raise their staffs, creating a multilayered barrier of light, as the energy would wash over it, yet they were protected.

A small amused smirk appeared upon his lips as cracks would begin to form along his barrier, showing that even now this attack held enough power to do damage to his defenses, superficial as they may be. His eyes would peer through the brightness of the mana explosion, and reveal that Elena Vexus was behind a strange barrier that stood in contrast to the whiteness. He could not help but enjoy himself within this little scenario, snapping a finger as the clones seemed to think the same thing as the one that had created him. Within an instant they would spread their attention across the fight, twelve stepping back within the barrier an concentrating their efforts, the power of both staffs and mana into one sphere that was floating above them, while twelve others would concentrate upon keeping the barrier up.

Scales of light and mana sprouting from its surface and within an instant would shoot out.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus September 10th 2014, 7:36 pm

Vexus watched closely from behind her red shield as the two attacked collided in a brilliant display of light. The two attacks did not manage to cancel each other out, but instead fused together and spread out in a wave the rushed over her barrier. It was an interesting conversation of sconce and magic. Strangely enough they seemed to work together beautifully, not in a way that Vexus would have expected. This was something she may need to look into further. However was not the time to be planning future experiments as the attacks did not stop here.
More rays of magic light were shot forth. Vexus immediately tried to disperse the attack as much as she could with her own telekinesis, but only managed to divert some of the beams away. More still rushed forward. She phased out of her shield from behind and began to float backwards, hovering just slightly above the ground. More of the mana and light attacks collided with her barrier shortly after, quickly shattering the defense.

Vexus planted her feet firmly on the ground and extended both of her arms out. The space in front of her began to distort and become blurry. The magical attack collided with the space distortion and Vexus had been slightly pushed back by the impact. It was clear that she was struggling to hold back the attack. Her arms were beginning to shake, and the concentration in her eyes intensified. Cracks were beginning to appear in her own telekinetic barrier, and at that moment she knew that she would be unable to hold up this defense for much longer.
As more cracks began to appear on the transparent wall, her attention turned to the ring on her hand known as Anneau de Vitesse it activated right as Vexus gave one last push against the attack before it shattered. This allowed her just that much more time to make a sprint away from the mana attacks. Very quickly she hovered backwards until her back was against a wall. She had to time it perfectly... And at the last second she bolted out of the way allowing the attacks to collide into the wall as she tumbled to safety.

Elena was down on one knee breathing a little harder than usual. She had broken a sweat and her hair was now out of place, draping slightly over her face. She brought herself to her feet and dusted off whatever dirt might have been picked up from rolling on the ground. Closing her eyes, Elena calmed herself down and regained control over her breathing also bringing her heart rate back down. Again she raised both of her hands, but this time only 10 specific areas began to distort instead of a large plane as it had before. Vexus began to slowly clench her hands into fists, as she did the small areas of distortion condensed smaller and smaller until they were about the size of a grape. These extremely dense pockets of air were under so much pressure that they would expand back outwards with an incredible amount of force.
From her two fits, Vexus extended her left thumb and one of the tiny orbs shot forward. It immediately broke the sound barrier as it left a ripple in the air from where it was fired. This one was aimed at one of the many clones, even though there was a magical barrier in the way. This first one was a test to see how much damage she could cause. Once this one hit, her thumb would close back in with the rest of her fingers and another small orb of pressurized air would appear. Vexus then began rapid fire. The mini air bombs would rocket forward and 'explode' once they hit something, the target was the forcefield and hopefully the little cretins behind it once she managed to break it down. As soon as one fired off, another would would be created in its spot. Vexus' hands were open, palms facing forward as the onslaught continued. This however was incredibly taking on her mentally. A small amount of blood ran from her nostril, but she paid no mind and continued to attack. She would not be defeated in her own home.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds September 15th 2014, 12:08 pm

While the female would focus upon the fight, something would brew above and it was nearly done. A large sphere of power from the combined might of twelve of the clones throwing in all the power they were capable of into one attack, light and mana spiraling into something entirely different. This energy was light empowered by magic itself, an given a power that transcended its bounds, and the bounds of even the strongest magical spells, making it deadly for all. Still, it was not enough that he had that, as Vexus would renew their assault upon him with powerful telekinetic attacks that were meant to break through his multilayered telekinetic barrier. He frowned softly, knowing that if she managed to hit them before the attack would finish he would have to deal with whatever damage was done. Something told him that the barrier would hold up, but then again he did not know how strong Vexus was truly.

The first would hit the exterior of the shield with a resounding boom, causing large cracks to form along it as shards would break off and then fall away, yet the clones that were on the shield would attempt to repair it, yet it was likely not going to repair as quickly as it was being damaged. Elena Marie would let out a small curse as he would take a step back, and grip tightly onto his staff, chewing on his lower lip as he waited for the attack brewing above them to finish, thankful that Vexus was too busy attacking him to really notice it. More and more attacks would slam into the shield, more chunks being torn away from the light construct and tiring out the ones that fueled it. Soon enough they were forced to apply mana to the barrier to keep it stable and even at that they were now doing a poor job, not that any more was expected.

The pressure was on, and he was beginning to feel it, so the original would have to extend his staff and take in a deep breath. ”Cast out darkness!” he would say as the barrier would go alight over the overall barrier to take the next attack, allowing them to repair the barrier enough that it would take the next strike, and yet he could feel the fatigue. Yet finally it would happen, the attack would take form, and he would only have to let it be unleashed ”Deny the geist!” he would shout as the very edge of the light and mana construct would begin to glow with a dark aura, black in color as it would then begin to fall from the sky, appearing much like a spirit bomb rimmed with malevolent energy. He would not allow her to defeat him, he was sorcerer supreme, and no mortal would defeat him.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus September 17th 2014, 12:42 am

Elena expression remained extremely focused, even as the barriers began to break. These was no time for her overconfident personal so shine right now. She was up against one of her greatest foes and needed to stay the course. Her onslaught of miniature pressure bombs was succeeding, pushing her opponent further back. The clones were much weaker than the original, even though there was a high quantity of them it did not appear that they were high in quality. Eventually though the original did step in and erect a proper barrier in which Vexus was not able to damage. She ceased fire and wiped the blood from her nose waiting to see hat he would do next. "Deny the geist!" she heard him shout, but did not notice any immediate effects. She raised an eyebrow out of curiosity and casually checked her surroundings to see if anything had been altered, but there was nothing. Elena could see that he was fading, slowly but he was beginning to weaken. Something dawned on her and she decided to look up...

How had she not noticed that...?

There was a huge mass of magical energy that had been gathering above her, in the rafters of her massive laboratory. Her eyes widened and a look that could have been mistaken for defeat glazed her face. Elena's resolve instantly hardened and she took off at full speed towards the attack. Extending both of her hands she manifested a small telekinetic barrier around them so that she wouldn't receive any damage trying to stop this thing. She made contact with it and tried as hard as she could to try and push it back or change is course of trajectory. It was still pushing her back to the floor of the lab despite her efforts. Elena relocated the field from her hands and tried to encompass the entire magical sphere. This proved to be more difficult than expected since it was extremely tricky trying to manipulate an energy she was unfamiliar with, let alone a magical energy.
She remained in an extremely close proximity with it and began to dramatically slow it down. Her telekinetic barrier had only managed to cover half of the sphere, but it was enough to influence it. Vexus began to move it over closer to where Marie and all of his/her clones were. Regardless of their barrier she felt like if she could get this thing to set off by them even they would sustain some damage. The more she focused, the thinner the barrier became by her hands. She had more control over the sphere if the barrier was just a thick ring around it. In order to achieve victory she decided to sacrifice her hands. The instant the barrier shifted her hands immediately began to burn. She wailed in pain, but pushed forward as she brought the magical attack back above Mr.Marie and his little minions. Right before it made final contact, she removed the barrier and relocated it around her computer. It was very quickly and nearly impossible to notice, but she had to protect her work... And her last resort.

The sphere of magic when off in a catastrophic explosion with Vexus and her opponents at ground zero. The blast destroyed her lab. Completely obliterating the foundation, tons and tons of rock were blown out of the way. The many corridors with her various other experiments were buried, permanently lost. No doubt the inhabitants of the nearby city would feel an aftershock. Once the dust finally settled and cleared, a shallow but large crater would be left where laboratory once laid. If the magical ones weren't clever enough then they would have been buried along with the rest of her technology. From the edge of the crater, Vexus began to slowly phase up from the solid ground. At the verily last instant, Elena had activated her Amulette Des Immobilisations Incorporelles in an attempt to avoid taking any more damage. However because she was so close, some of the explosion was taken into the sub-dimension with her. This had caused much more damage than she was expecting to take in the entire course of the battle.
She laid on the desert ground scorched, bleeding, and in pain. A lot of her hair had been burnt off, there were a multitude of burns all along her body, and both of her hands hand been incinerated down to nubs. Vexus was having difficulty breathing and her heart rate was beginning to slow. Barely being able to see, her mechanical eye was all she had right now. In a flash of bright light, a figure came into focus. It was her bodyguard who she calls the General.
"I got a reading that you were in peril, mistress. I am here to assist you."
Vexus rolled over on her side and coughed up blood. There was a small glint of light that quickly flickered on her earrings. Her Boucles D'Oreilles Cliche De La Vie had activated which began to repair the heavy damage that she had sustained by speeding up the rate at which her cells divided. In a few seconds she was able to bring herself to a sitting position, however her hands would take a little bit longer to properly regenerate. In the mean time, she used the X-Ray setting on her mechanical eye in order to find her clutch and the number of rings that had been buried when her hands were literally melted off.

The first one she came across she telekinetically pulled up from the ground. It was the Anneau De La Création Mécanique. It hovered above the ground for a short moment before Vexus applied an absolutely insane amount of pressure, more so than could have come from the rocks it was buried under. The ring then quickly expanded into a massive mechanical beast. It lightly floated above the ground waiting for its orders. Vexus' hair had been restored, her burns and various other areas of damage were being healed over. Her hands were just now beginning to reform. She gritted her teeth as it was not pleasant. A better feeling than getting them melted off, but still not enjoyable.
From her scans, she did not se any life forms. But that didn't mean they were dead. These magical beings had a strange way of surviving things that they should not. Be though as it may, she was not one to talk. As she sat there allowing her body to heal she had The General standing guard and her Fractionnaire ready to strike at any moment. Deep down under the rubble her computer was still intact. Her laboratory was destroyed. As if breaking into her home wasn't enough, it was now destroyed. Man or woman, this bitch was going down.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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