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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus September 17th 2014, 12:42 am

Elena expression remained extremely focused, even as the barriers began to break. These was no time for her overconfident personal so shine right now. She was up against one of her greatest foes and needed to stay the course. Her onslaught of miniature pressure bombs was succeeding, pushing her opponent further back. The clones were much weaker than the original, even though there was a high quantity of them it did not appear that they were high in quality. Eventually though the original did step in and erect a proper barrier in which Vexus was not able to damage. She ceased fire and wiped the blood from her nose waiting to see hat he would do next. "Deny the geist!" she heard him shout, but did not notice any immediate effects. She raised an eyebrow out of curiosity and casually checked her surroundings to see if anything had been altered, but there was nothing. Elena could see that he was fading, slowly but he was beginning to weaken. Something dawned on her and she decided to look up...

How had she not noticed that...?

There was a huge mass of magical energy that had been gathering above her, in the rafters of her massive laboratory. Her eyes widened and a look that could have been mistaken for defeat glazed her face. Elena's resolve instantly hardened and she took off at full speed towards the attack. Extending both of her hands she manifested a small telekinetic barrier around them so that she wouldn't receive any damage trying to stop this thing. She made contact with it and tried as hard as she could to try and push it back or change is course of trajectory. It was still pushing her back to the floor of the lab despite her efforts. Elena relocated the field from her hands and tried to encompass the entire magical sphere. This proved to be more difficult than expected since it was extremely tricky trying to manipulate an energy she was unfamiliar with, let alone a magical energy.
She remained in an extremely close proximity with it and began to dramatically slow it down. Her telekinetic barrier had only managed to cover half of the sphere, but it was enough to influence it. Vexus began to move it over closer to where Marie and all of his/her clones were. Regardless of their barrier she felt like if she could get this thing to set off by them even they would sustain some damage. The more she focused, the thinner the barrier became by her hands. She had more control over the sphere if the barrier was just a thick ring around it. In order to achieve victory she decided to sacrifice her hands. The instant the barrier shifted her hands immediately began to burn. She wailed in pain, but pushed forward as she brought the magical attack back above Mr.Marie and his little minions. Right before it made final contact, she removed the barrier and relocated it around her computer. It was very quickly and nearly impossible to notice, but she had to protect her work... And her last resort.

The sphere of magic when off in a catastrophic explosion with Vexus and her opponents at ground zero. The blast destroyed her lab. Completely obliterating the foundation, tons and tons of rock were blown out of the way. The many corridors with her various other experiments were buried, permanently lost. No doubt the inhabitants of the nearby city would feel an aftershock. Once the dust finally settled and cleared, a shallow but large crater would be left where laboratory once laid. If the magical ones weren't clever enough then they would have been buried along with the rest of her technology. From the edge of the crater, Vexus began to slowly phase up from the solid ground. At the verily last instant, Elena had activated her Amulette Des Immobilisations Incorporelles in an attempt to avoid taking any more damage. However because she was so close, some of the explosion was taken into the sub-dimension with her. This had caused much more damage than she was expecting to take in the entire course of the battle.
She laid on the desert ground scorched, bleeding, and in pain. A lot of her hair had been burnt off, there were a multitude of burns all along her body, and both of her hands hand been incinerated down to nubs. Vexus was having difficulty breathing and her heart rate was beginning to slow. Barely being able to see, her mechanical eye was all she had right now. In a flash of bright light, a figure came into focus. It was her bodyguard who she calls the General.
"I got a reading that you were in peril, mistress. I am here to assist you."
Vexus rolled over on her side and coughed up blood. There was a small glint of light that quickly flickered on her earrings. Her Boucles D'Oreilles Cliche De La Vie had activated which began to repair the heavy damage that she had sustained by speeding up the rate at which her cells divided. In a few seconds she was able to bring herself to a sitting position, however her hands would take a little bit longer to properly regenerate. In the mean time, she used the X-Ray setting on her mechanical eye in order to find her clutch and the number of rings that had been buried when her hands were literally melted off.

The first one she came across she telekinetically pulled up from the ground. It was the Anneau De La Création Mécanique. It hovered above the ground for a short moment before Vexus applied an absolutely insane amount of pressure, more so than could have come from the rocks it was buried under. The ring then quickly expanded into a massive mechanical beast. It lightly floated above the ground waiting for its orders. Vexus' hair had been restored, her burns and various other areas of damage were being healed over. Her hands were just now beginning to reform. She gritted her teeth as it was not pleasant. A better feeling than getting them melted off, but still not enjoyable.
From her scans, she did not se any life forms. But that didn't mean they were dead. These magical beings had a strange way of surviving things that they should not. Be though as it may, she was not one to talk. As she sat there allowing her body to heal she had The General standing guard and her Fractionnaire ready to strike at any moment. Deep down under the rubble her computer was still intact. Her laboratory was destroyed. As if breaking into her home wasn't enough, it was now destroyed. Man or woman, this bitch was going down.

Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds September 17th 2014, 8:13 pm

As he had expected the female was not expecting the attack that was barreling down upon her, yet that did not keep her from formulating an attempt to defend herself from the perhaps overwhelmingly powerful attack. Still, it seemed even with her greatest effort, she could not completely stave it off, yet the next best thing seemed more than possible and soon enough Elena Marie found himself with an attack barreling towards him, with enough power to perhaps take down his doppelgangers but he would be fine. As soon as the powerful attack would hit the ground he stood at it would explode outward, leaving no visuals really but he had already taken on a form of pure energy, letting the power of the Soul Stream flow through him as he felt the energy of his clones begin to fade, blip out like lights being snuffed by a cruel breeze. This explosion was enough to destroy the lab, which left him to leave, slowly beginning to once again take a corporeal form on the ground above the lab, falling to his knees for a moment as he realized how much mana he was using, without even using a focal point either. A slow and steady tired breathing pattern would begin to flow from his lips as he found himself looking to a familiar face smirking down at him, the face of his son to be exact, with hands buried into his pockets.

”Ya look pretty rough? Havin a little problem with the situation?” Sean asked with a chuckle, offering a hand and helping the male to his feet, though it was just now that he noticed the gash along his upper arm that was letting out a steady stream of strangely colored blood. It radiated with a certain light, and seemed almost like energy in liquid form rather than actual blood.

”I forgot how powerful my foe was, underestimated them. Won’t make a stupid mistake like that again.” he muttered feeling his legs grow weak for a second, though with the help of his staff he would atleast be able to keep to his feet, even if the sudden rapid expenditure of magic was beginning to takes it toll upon him or maybe it was something else entirely. He could not quite tell, and it was not the time to ponder on that, as he had a feeling that Elena Vexus was still alive and ready to get payback for that grand attack that he had inacted upon her, letting his eyes activate and looking through the waiting smoke. What met her was the aura of Elena Vexus sitting down, looking worst for wear, which meant that atleast he was not the only one that was feeling weak but something told him that she would not allow herself to be so prone, which meant that he was likely going to be dealing with some manner of guardians to protect her. ”Alright Sean, if you want to help so bad you better prepare. We’re dealing with someone dangerous, and I can’t have you getting yourself killed.”

”Puuuhlease, takes more than whatever this person can throw out to kill me.” He noted with a chuckle as he would take the initiative to step into view, and to survery the enemy, which was a frail female with two powerful looking guys guarding her. A small smirk formed on his lips as he looked over both for a few seconds, humming softly to himself. ”Brilliant. I fucking hate robots.” He muttered as Elena walked up behind him, using his staff to support him, but finding it much easier to stand erect while standing still rather than moving around, casting a small healing spell upon the bleeding gash that staunched the bleeding for the most part, yet the blood remained. Playing against his flesh in a certain brilliant way, rainbow-esque color finding any light that it could and casting it off of it in an otherworldly fashion.

”Machines have their uses but…I agree they can be annoying when serving as your enemy.” Elena nodded before taking a deep breath and steadying himself, or as best as he could anyway, preparing for another heavy hitting spell, one that would hopefully take the edge off of the fight, considering that something told him Sean could only do so much against these two. ”I guess its time we give these guys a show.”

”Might need to rest first old man.” Sean chuckled popping his neck as he considered a strategy of attack. ”In your years, you forget you’re only human. Need to leave this to the younger generation every once in a while.” He noted as his silver eyes began to glow softly, not seemingly bothered by the overall dryness of their surroundings, but even by the standards of a water mage he was not worried. Within an instant even his body would be covered by an aura of brilliant blue as he would draw upon a alrge amount of his own magical power, converting it to moisture and water within an instant, as water would begin to pour from his body like a stream, and then mold, forming a sort of body around him as he began to lift into the air, still surrounded by this water body that served as shield and soon to be found out sword. Elena would take a few steps back as the powerful behemoth of water would form, with Sean cozy in a sphere of water at the heart of it, hard to touch and perhaps the most deadly as he was now.

One arm would direct towards The General, as fractals of ice would form along the pseudo fingers and launch out.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus September 17th 2014, 9:36 pm

As expected. The sorcerer survived, however his clones faded fast. From across the way she did catch sight of another individual who had entered the scene. It seems like Mr.Marie had the same idea with bringing in some help. He must have been feeling the effects of the fight as well. Vexus had recovered enough to construct herself a chair from the earth for her to relax in temporarily as the rest of her was brought back to health. This new opponent though moved in very quickly and began to manipulate a vast amount of water. She was not impressed to say the least. Making water from nothing was a basic Bible trick.
This man molded the water around him and was eventually encased in a large sphere of water hovering above the ground. He then released shards of ice which came speeding towards her general. The rate at which they were traveling would cause damage to The General if he had defended, so the mechanical monster next to him protected him with the many tendrils. Vexus' body guard then climbed aboard the Fractionnaire as it took off towards the boy in the water ball. The robot drew one of his swords in his right hand while holding on with his left.

The flew up over the boy, and while flying upside down the cyborg slashed at the orb of water trying to cause some damage, when nothing happened they banked back around but this time went on a crash course with the water sphere. The mechanical squid like beast latched on with all of its tentacles, the attachments of which began to spin like drills trying to pierce through the water. The General jumped off and stood on top of the sphere and tried to force the sword he had drawn into the water defense as well.
In the meantime, Vexus continued to search through the wreckage for more of her rings. She was proving successful, finding one every couple of minutes or so. Also managing to recover her clutch she could start to place these rings in there. Once her hands finished healing she would be able to start utilizing them again. This assistant of Marie's was just as doomed as he was. They were out numbered and out classed. Vexus would soon be back to full strength and both of these magical peasants would meet their demise.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Jordan Reynolds September 22nd 2014, 8:12 am

The avatar of water would form, and with it Elena felt as if he could sit back while this whole thing sorted itself out. With Sean at the center, and with the two guardians Vexus had seemingly all melee types, they would find that Sean was not someone that they could just upfront attack. They would find that sword attacks against water were around as useful as bashing ones head against the wall, and yet they would likely continue with their pointless attacks. With Sean in the center in a sphere of water and arms crossed over his chest, he would watch them then come at him with a likely more useful means of attack, not that he was looking at them of course. His eyes were upon Vexus, yet being able to extend sight through water allowed him free sight through his construct, thus he was far more dangerous than they assumed him to be.

Marie would only watch his son prove to these people how they would do nothing against one that had been trained by a Sorcerer Supreme. With a motion of his head, the water would form from a sphere into a body, large enough that he was proven to be difficult to touch as tendrils of highly pressurized water would then begin to move out, and attempt to slice through this beast that Vexus had summoned. These spinning tendrils would knock them away, but he was hoping that damage was being done to them, no matter how little damage he was doing. Still that was not his entire game, as the water that formed the scattered tendrils would return to the mass as Sean considered a more perfect way to counter them. With a thought, the arms would rise before the rushing two, and without a single warning would begin to spin around the water body in a high pressure whirling pattern. It was meant to either tear up the general or throw them off.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Secret for the City of Sin (Closed)

Post by Elena Vexus September 24th 2014, 5:30 pm

Once the General noticed the shifting in the water, he immediately jumped off of the sphere of water and the mechanical squid like creature followed suit. Vexus' bodyguard landed on top of the Fractionnaire's head and they began to move away from the incoming attacks. The Mecha-Beast was blocking some of the water based attacks, but they were more powerful than expected and began to chip away at its metal exterior. Elena watched the situation carefully from her earth throne, she was more concerned about her bodyguard making it out rather than the drone. If it was too damaged, it would return back to its ring state and eventually repair itself. Any damage done to her General would need to be repaired by hand.
As the complexity of the attacks began to increase, the Fractionnaire began to take more and more damage before it was forced to retreat by Vexus' command. Its defenses were able to withstand the onslaught for quite some time, but it had left the Bodyguard in the air to defend for himself. Large amounts of water began to circle around him, and just judging by the way it was moving Elena could tell that it was highly pressurized. This would no doubt spell defeat for her lovely creation. As her Fractionnaire rested down behind her, she extended her hand out towards the General and enveloped him in a telekinetic barrier protecting him from the aquatic onslaught. He was then gently lowered back down to join Elena by her side.

"I've had enough of this."
In the time that her subordinates had bought her, she managed to recover all of her rings from the wreckage down below. Elena stood from her seat and from her right hand wearing Anneau de Vexus, launched a brilliant display of lightning. No matter the density, concentration, or volume, water was still water. A natural conductor of electricity. Simultaneously, her mechanical eye focused on Marie and released a beam of highly concentrated energy. It traveled so quickly above the ground that it kicked up dust in its wake. From Marie's right, left, and back walls of thick earth erected themselves via Elena's command in order to box him in further. Her Fractionnaire also took action by heading to cover above Marie to attempt to stop him from escaping in that direction. The General sprang into action as well by sprinting alongside the laser beam to engage the magical opponent as soon as the attacks cleared.
The healing power that Vexus' earrings provided her had exhausted their current usefulness and would remain inactive for a short time. They had done their job though as Elena was back to full power. Some dirt and scratches here and there, but still ready to take on this intruder with the full force of her scientific arsenal.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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