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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 14th 2011, 8:00 pm

The Ranger, well actually Rey because he's out of costume and casually getting off the plane from Atlanta to Chicago, sighs softly to himself lugging his stuff behind him looking around for the cab that will take him to his new home. He grins softly to himself when he sees it and goes over to the guy, putting his stuff in the trunk while thanking the driver for waiting for him. He gets in the back seat and closes his eyes to rest just a little more, only to open them in what seems only a few minutes being shaken awake by the taxi driver whom Rey pays graciously nodding his thanks. He gets out and grabs his stuff then walks into the house only to grin when he sees the driver helping to carry in the rest of the stuff that Rey himself could not carry. After all the stuff has been moved inside he nods his thanks giving the driver, even though resistant to take it, another fifty dollar bill.

Rey grins to himself as he walks up the stairs of his new two story home and sets down, lightly his suit case which contains his costume and equipment. He grins pulling out the red and black shirt, pants, shoes, gloves, hood, and cape. He quickly strips free from his everyday civilian cloths and dawns the costume of the one, the only, The Ranger; The Right Hand of Jesus, The King of Stealth, has moved from Atlanta to Chicago to try and find this group of hero's that Elena Marie talked about the last time they met. The group of skilled and brilliant fighters called The Phantoms. He laughs slightly at the irony that only makes sense if you know him personally, he grabs his equipment hooking it on and putting it where it belongs on his costume. He walks down the stairs locking the front door then turns to leave the back entrance grabbing his bows and quiver full of arrows of different kinds. He sprints off invisible down the street, putting his suction cup gloves on then climbing to the top of a building becoming visible and looking down over the edge wondering who he will encounter in this new city.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 14th 2011, 9:06 pm

Corvin stepped off the plane in Chicago having decided to see another location besides New York and Chicago was said to have a high crime rate. Maybe if he brought down some high level criminals he could get his name out to the rest of the world. He walked through the Airport and outside waving down a taxi he stepped inside and asked to be taken to a hotel. He sat back enjoying the ride though he was just ready to get out and stretch his legs after a long flight.

The Taxi pulled up to a Hotel and Corvin stepped out paying the guy he walked into the building and to the front desk were he asked for his room reservation and was lead by a bell hop to his room which was a simple room but gave room service. He ordered a Medium rare burger to go and tipped the teen. He waited for the man to leave then opened his suitcase taking out his loose jeans and pulling them on with a tight white t-shirt that showed off his Physique.

The bell hop returned a short time later and taking the food that was in a bag he walked to the Elevator and went down to the lobby and out the front door, once outside he took his burger and in a few hungry bites finished it and dropped the bag in a trash can. Corvin wasn't sure what he was going to find out here but he hoped it would be something worth finding and getting his name into the books. He turned down Main St with his hands in his pockets and kept walking his eyes roaming for anything worth going after as the sun began to set.

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 14th 2011, 9:30 pm

The Ranger looks around frowning softly having expected much more crime to be going on in the great city of Chicago, though if those Phantoms he's heard so much about live up to their reputation it only makes sense that their is no trouble going on. He looks around until he spots a very large and muscular man walking down the streets and laughs slightly wanting to check it out more. Oh, sure it is in no way a smart move by Ranger but hey, what is the worst that could happen. The guy does not in any way shape or form look like a villain and if he is a hero it would be fun to have a little brawl or training fight. He grins softly to himself and jumps down from the building using the fire escape and random cardboard boxes to help break his fall. He sprints over to where the guy is and casually starts walking beside him though completely invisible, unseen to the naked eye as well as the fact that he makes no noise as he moves trying to figure this big guy out. Oh, sure he seems about Ranger's height but much more muscle on his body maybe tougher than himself as well. 'Nothing I couldn't handle though...well maybe.' He thinks to himself as he asks silently yet still invisible "So, big guy you a superhero or what?" He asks becoming visible, so as not to freak him out.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 10:52 am; edited 2 times in total

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 14th 2011, 9:59 pm

Corvin looked up at the sky and frowned since he couldn't even see one star on the clear night sky and sighed missing the cold winds he had never felt and seeing the stars that glowed as if they were a arms reach away. Cars flew by eager to get to where they were going and having no respect for pedestrians or even each other but it wasn't a law that you had to treat people nicely. The day had been long and the night didn't seem like it would give much action but a good walk may be what he needed to clear his head.

A voice spoke beside him but the large man didn't even flinch only smirked at the question. "Anyone can be a hero my friend but if your asking if I have powers to hold my own as a Hero than yes I am a Hero. Are you?" He looked over seeing the other man who was about as tall as him but built more like a Athlete than a Warrior. Corvin kept walking looking straight ahead having no other reason to look at the man beside him. He took a left onto a side street continuing down it staring at the streets that seemed to get busier the darker it got.

Corvin noticed the man was sticking by him but it wasn't his place to tell the guy where he could and could not walk in the city besides he had no real evidence the guy was following him. His bare feet thudded on the ground not that he couldn't afford shoes he just preferred being bare footed. He stopped at a store and walked inside buying a large Budweiser and a snickers and left to walk into a alley and sat down crossing his legs. He pulled some Mowie Wowie out of his pocket and rolled it lighting it up and took a deep inhale of the Ganja and a large drink from his beer and looked at the guy offering him some. "Good for the system."

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 15th 2011, 6:32 pm

The Ranger blinks realizing he let himself become visible and laughs at his rooky mistake. He listens to what the muscular guy has to say and nods approvingly, walking with him. "Good, nice to meet another super around these parts." He smiles, "and I believe I answered that with what I said, but yes I am a hero. The name is The Ranger and you are?" He follows the man sort of unconsciously wondering how great of a fighter this man, already knows from his physique he'd be a tough match up maybe even the best Ranger has ever met. He blinks seeing him with the smoke than offering some to him. "No thank you... I do not smoke, my father did when he was alive and the results were very terrifying." He says smirking softly, his voice low and sad like, though it is just the way he talks when portraying himself as the famed hero from Atlanta. His normal voice is like that of the Sirens, beautiful and majestic.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 10:54 am; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 15th 2011, 7:10 pm

Corvin looked up giving the guy a long look and went back to his beer trying not to mention that pitying one self never got you anywhere. "Names Prodigy, good to meet you." He lifted the beer to his lips swallowing down the life blessed liquid and took a deep inhale filling his lungs with the weed. "Ah now that is a way to make a day better." Corvin stood up and walked out of the alley dropping his beer into a trash can and kept walking his hands in his pockets.

Corvin walked back down the street having put his joint out and pocketed not wanting it to go to waste since there was half of it left. He looked over at the guy as he walked down the sidewalk listening to the music of the city that was natural by mans intervention. It was humid outside or the news had said since Corvin didn't feel heat or cold or anything really. He was glad he still could taste but somethings tasted a little odd as if they had been warped a little.

The sky began to cloud over blocking out the moon which was half way full with thick dark clouds and a powerful gust came down the street blowing and throwing trash and paper around as it hit the tall muscled man who didn't even move as the gust grew stronger and lightning flashed through the sky like a glowing leviathan. Thunder screamed across the sky like a wounded beast but no rain fell. Corvin looked up at the sky amazed at the sudden change and the ferocity of the storm.

Lightning erupted from the clouds flashing down and hit a building with a loud CRACK, the entire structure seemed to shake before a glowing orange light showed a fire in the building. Corvin kept walking but turned slightly so he was walking towards the burning building. He watched it spread but didn't hurry as the roof seemed to crack and with a single push Prodigy leaped through the air soaring by the momentum of the jump and through a window.

A slab if roof cracked and fell right onto the hand of Prodigy who stood with one hand in the air palm open so he held the slab, He pushed his arm up slightly throwing the slab out and down into a alley behind the building. Turning he walked over to where the fire had started and took his other hand out of his pocket and brought them together in a loud CLAP, The shockwave blasted through the hallway and into the flames sucking the air right out of it and destroying it. Corvin leaped into the air out through the broken roof and down to the ground, he slid his hands back into his pockets and without even saying a word kept walking.

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Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2011-09-06

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 15th 2011, 8:48 pm

The Ranger watches the man called Prodigy walk away then completely obliterated and stop a fire with his strength. His eyes widen in dispilief having never seen such strength used by a super before. He shakes out of it and sprints off down towards the building using his speed to jump over the roof into the building and looking around inside. He helps the few people caught in the rubble of the broken roof up, quickly checking for bruises or broken bones on the civilians. Seeing none of them he laughs and answers their questions of who the guy was or if Pain just got a new look. "Nope, ain't Pain the guy's name is Prodigy... I think he's got a lot to live up to, but is going to make himself known real soon" He half waves and exits the building sprinting off down the road to find the new hero.

The Ranger stops when he reaches him and walks at an average pace, "How the hell did you do that?" He asks not allowing the amazement to show in his voice. He looks at the muscular man with some slight new found respect, though not letting much know because it is just how he trained himself to be. Emotionless when need be, mainly in costume though because it is just plain boring to be emotionless when not.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 10:59 am; edited 2 times in total

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 15th 2011, 9:20 pm

Corvin kept walking as Ranger caught up and asking his question it made him laugh. "I'm strong, durable, pretty good at fighting mostly wrestling it does a lot of damage when someone with my strength. As for the window It was pretty easy to aim for and even if I missed I would have just gone through the wall but that wouldn't have been as cool." Corvin turned down another street ignoring the three guys jacking a car. "Leave them be they will get caught, car there jacking is Government it's there to be jacked." He chuckled as the guys looked up then went back to the car.

Corvin looked up as a fat raindrop splashed at his feet and a minute later the storm broke cascading down waves of cool water that ate at the smog in the air, he opened his arms feeling the cool water and chuckled. "What a waste of a night." Corvin kept walking ignoring the rain that fell from the sky which made it easy since he couldn't feel the water anyway. He turned his head and bending his knees he leaped into the air and landed on a tall building and sat down under a arch and lit his joint breathing in. Ranger could join if he wanted the man wasn't his responsibility.

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Registration date : 2011-09-06

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 15th 2011, 9:34 pm

The Ranger listens to the man talk scratching the back of his head wondering how he'd fair in a fight, even just training, against him. From the strength he saw the man show he knows just one hit and he'd be down and out. He feels the rain come down and curses lightly; he takes out his grappling hook spins it twice then lets it fly. He hears the light click he tugs to make sure then starts scaling up the building till he reaches the top and wraps it back up.

The Ranger sighs softly and runs underneath the Arch next to Prodigy and smirks from the comment he made on the ground. "Day, ain't ruined, embrace the rain, lets train. Have a friendly brawl." He says looking to see if the other man agrees or not with what he just proposed. He shakes his head to get the rain off of his hood knowing the rain will ruin his invisibility but the fact that he makes no noise might come in handy during a fight like it always does. Plus, he always has his bow and arrows.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 15th 2011, 9:46 pm

Corvin looked at the Ranger as he walked under the arch and took another hit breathing the powerful weed deep into his chest and let it out. "If you want punk sure, got nothing else going on s if you want to get dropped it's your choice." Corvin finished the joint and looked at the last bit with a resigned look then put it out on the ground and stepped on it. He stood up shaking the remains off of his hands and walked forward to the edge and took a step over dropping to the ground where he landed bending his knees on impact to make sure he didn't shatter the ground and kept walking.

He stopped under a light and took his shirt off revealing the powerful muscle underneath and rotated his massive shoulders and popped his knuckles and neck and spine grinning. "COME ON RANGER BOY, LETS SEE WHAT THE EAGLE SCOUT HAS." Corvin yelled it up to the top of the building and crossed his arms waiting for him to come down, he sighed drawn into another fight but at least it would just be a training fight but it was still a fight and one he guessed would be OK.


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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 15th 2011, 9:56 pm

The Ranger laughs softly and shakes his head, he watches him jump down and takes his compound bow off his back walking up to the edge of the building. 'Oh, I'll show you what I can do.' He thinks to himself notching a regular arrow for now firing it off quickly followed up by another one. One of the arrows, the original, aimed at the man's right eye the second one aimed at his left eye. He sprints across to the building beside the arch and from their quickly fires off two tranquilizer arrows, which are much sharper than the regular arrows. He waits and watches to see how these few arrows shot off will effect the man, if at all. He shakes his head trying to ignore the rain as it pours down on top of them.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 16th 2011, 9:42 am

Prodigy raised his left arm and blocked the arrows from his eyes catching them on his skin which they bounced off of without so much as a red mark, two more arrows struck his back but the same thing happened and they bounced off his body. Turning his head he spotted arrow and chuckled opened his arms. "Come on Eagle Scout I thought you were suppose to be a hero not a wimp. I met turkeys who hurt more than those pesky mosquitoes your firing." Corvin looked around judging the area but it was a nice street with lights and business so he couldn't go all out like he could if it had been a busted up area. No reason to make the tax payers pay out of the ass for his pride.

He sighed and walked forward towards Ranger looking up at him and bent his knees leaping into the air, in less than five seconds he was at the same height as Ranger and drawing back a huge fist he swung it with a quarter of his strength which if hit would only hurt the guy and not splatter him all over the walls. his foot moved forward so he was standing on the edge of the building and if the punch connected it would hurt Ranger enough allowing Corvin to grab him and lift him into the air where two more punches would follow.

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 16th 2011, 5:16 pm

The Ranger watches the arrows harmlessly bounce off frowning having expected it from the regular arrows, but the tranquilizers were his pride and joy next to the exploding and net arrows of course. He rolls his eyes at what prodigy says about him, waiting only to see him jump up and aim a punch at him. The Ranger quickly dives to the side and sprints backwards to avoid the follow up punches. Without saying anything, making no noise in the process, he quickly fires off an exploding arrow straight at Prodigy's chest. He sprints to the edge of the building and grabs a grappling hook thinking for a second, looking around his surroundings analyzing every possible outcome of this fight and not liking it one bit really. Only a few of the outcomes in his own favor, he mutters under his breath and attaches the hook to the wall and slides down the rope to the ground loving the fact that he had gloves on or it would seriously kill.

The Ranger, once on the ground, looks up and takes off sprinting and slides to a halt in front of the building. As the water from his speed splashes off to the side, his cape blowing in the wind, he sighs letting out a breath and raises his bow notching another exploding arrow firing it off at Prodigy's head. "Let’s do this big guy." He mutters softly under his breath, never taking his eyes off of the other hero.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 11:02 am; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 16th 2011, 6:09 pm

Prodigy wasn't expecting the point blank arrow and the explosion blew him backwards off the building and down to the ground where he landed on his back his eyes staring up at the rainy sky and chuckled. "Not bad for a twerp in a red cape, not bad at all." He stood up and ripped a slab of stone off the ground using it as a shield from the next arrow only to have it blown apart and staggered from the force. These bombs had some power in them but already his healing ability was kicking in.

Prodigy picked up a car as he passed by a nice Charger and placed it in front of hip, his hand ripped through the center to the front allowing him to see and spotting ranger he charged forward towards the man holding the car like a shield. At the last moment he threw the car as hard as he could to the right of Ranger and bent down towards the left a little knowing the explosion of the car could hurt the Red hero if he got hit by it.

His shoulder down he opened his arms wide attempting to slam his shoulder into Rangers stomach and spear him into the building behind him, if he did he would push hard driving his sparring partner through the building and out the other side where he would let Ranger just drop from his shoulder.

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 16th 2011, 6:27 pm

The Ranger blinks watching the massive strength being used by the Prodigy groaning as he sees th car being thrown at his side like a spear. He sees the buff man running at him and groans, thinking of his last possibility, he dives under his sparing partners legs coming up behind him. He notches an exploding arrow firing it off at his back at point blank range again then back flipping a couple paces so he is ten feet away from the man watching as he plows through the building, he shakes his head sighing softly. The Ranger, knowing that if the man connected his deadly punch with his normal every day human body he would be down and out in a blink of an eye mutters to himself trying to find a way to get out of this situation. He groans just from the thought of the big hit, he again takes out a net arrow this time notching it. He quickly fires it off at Prodigy watching it fly through the air and waiting for the net to fling out open and entangle the super strong human.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 11:05 am; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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