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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 16th 2011, 6:27 pm

The Ranger blinks watching the massive strength being used by the Prodigy groaning as he sees th car being thrown at his side like a spear. He sees the buff man running at him and groans, thinking of his last possibility, he dives under his sparing partners legs coming up behind him. He notches an exploding arrow firing it off at his back at point blank range again then back flipping a couple paces so he is ten feet away from the man watching as he plows through the building, he shakes his head sighing softly. The Ranger, knowing that if the man connected his deadly punch with his normal every day human body he would be down and out in a blink of an eye mutters to himself trying to find a way to get out of this situation. He groans just from the thought of the big hit, he again takes out a net arrow this time notching it. He quickly fires it off at Prodigy watching it fly through the air and waiting for the net to fling out open and entangle the super strong human.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 11:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 16th 2011, 6:34 pm

Prodigy was staggered again by the explosion this time to his back and it threw him off balance where he rolled on the ground before coming back to his feet, he looked up as the net arrow sprang open and reaching out he grabbed the net as it hit his hand and pulled it away. He raised it over his head and began to spin it like a Bolo and let it loose sending it flying back at ranger at three times the speed since his strength was much stronger than a tightened string.

Prodigy walked out of the building hole and looked back shaking his head but they had insurance he hoped. The big guy looked at the flaming wreckage of the car and smiling he grabbed the bumper with one hand and the top and crushed it down then moved to the front crushing the car until it was a massive ball of flaming metal. Corvin sized up rangers position and threw it. Sadly he had to put some real power in it to get it to go the distance and hoped Ranger had enough sense to dodge the flaming ball of two ton metal.

His healing kicked in once again taking care of the slight burn on his back. Prodigy crossed his arms and waited for Ranger curious how he was going to stop both the net and car and to see just what he had next in that arsenal of a quiver. So far he was impressed for the weapons he used would have taken down less durable supers and the net would be hard for anyone without some strength.

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 16th 2011, 6:52 pm

The Ranger's eyes widen seeing the net thrown right back at him, followed by the hunk of flaming metal. He groans and tries to dodge them both, he ducks down feeling the intense flame of the fire ball soaring over his head. "Damn..." He mutters to himself rolling up onto his knees and notching his arrow in the bow, this time another tranquil arrow knowing if he can get a couple of these to release the serum into Prodigy he should go down. He watches as it flies straight at his left arm, mainly his palm where he thinks prodigy will move his hand to from previous dodges. He then takes out his strength gauntlets slipping them on and becoming invisible. He takes off as fast as he can, behind his training partner and punches straight at his back with his new strength ((5 PG scale)) aiming his invisible and silent punch at the small of the man's back.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 16th 2011, 9:35 pm

Prodigy watched when Ranger went invisible and smirked slightly as the water poured down on his form, as his sparring partner ran around the rain showed every step and his form as he moved. Those gauntlets made him wonder and when fighting he always expected the unknown. As Ranger moved around behind him Prodigy leaped into the air over the punch but took it in the back of the leg and spun in the air for his come down bringing his full power into the ground as he landed driving his elbow into the ground as the ground rolled up and the water splashed out in a blinding spray in all directions.

Prodigy flashed out his fist aiming for Rangers left knee with barley any power except enough to damage the leg to make sure Ranger couldn't run anymore. The blow was being used when the water splashed out causing a distraction to everything below the waist. Prodigy was amazed at the gloves having not been knocked down like that in ever and was kind of itching to get back at Ranger for such a sneaky attack.

Prodigy was impressed with Rangers skills and ideas but invisibility didn't work in the rain and he was curious if Ranger had forgotten or if he had just never fought in the rain before. Invisible wasn't intangible and the rain still hit the body showing there form which he could have sworn was in a movie though he just couldn't remember which one at the moment. His mind flashed back to the battle at hand.

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 17th 2011, 12:32 am

The Ranger smirks as the man jumps over his punch, doing exactly what he had wanted to happen. He dives down and rolls to a kneeling position, just in the nick of time too. He raises his hand, still in the gauntlet, up to meet the fist of prodigy cringing slightly as their fists meet. He aims a punch with his other hand at where he believe his sparing partner's gut is, glad that his hood took most of the enemies water and that the suit is water proof, though his fire arrows are basically useless. He curses himself here knowing he should have gone with Greek fire arrows instead of Chinese fire arrows. He dives to the side to avoid any return, or counter, blows and to take off his strength gauntlets which would break his hands if he had them on any longer. He turns visible now that the charade he used the power for is over, thinking over all the possibilities in his big brain

The rain pouring down harder now, making the ground slippery and wet, basically a little river forming on the streets where they are fighting. He looks around to find the nearest building a small-barely noticeable- smirk forming on his lips. He takes out a grappling hook throwing it to the top of a building, hearing the hooks catch and lock in he quickly ascends to the roof. From there he retrieves the hook then raises his long bow firing off a net arrow already on shock, which because of the water should be stronger, straight at Prodigy. The second arrow fired only milliseconds after the first is aimed at the man's feet or more so the rushing water on the ground by his feet hoping to shock the hell out or him or temporarily stun the beast of a man.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 17th 2011, 11:10 am; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 17th 2011, 12:49 am

Corvin brought his arm up blocking the second attack as the fist connected it sent a shockwave out blasting water that was around them into the air before it fell down with the rain. Ranger leaped away and Prodigy stood up as the electric net hit his hand and a strand touched the water. A scream of fury escaped Prodigy as the electricity rushed through his body amplified by the rain and with a savage twist he tore the net off and spinning it like a bolo he threw it with all his strength at Ranger his eyes burning with Rage.

Prodigy raised both fists and slammed them down as hard as he could the entire street shaking along with the buildings, the building Ranger had fled too was swaying side to side as Prodigy slammed his first again into the ground sending another shockwave through the ground and to the building in a concentrated force making the building sway and stone to drop off.Reaching over he grabbed a large ram truck right through the engine and swung it around like a tennis ball and threw it at the building where once it impacted it would explode and if Ranger was caught in it, it would damage him tons if the net hadn't already.

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Registration date : 2011-09-06

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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by The Ranger September 17th 2011, 10:49 am

The Ranger blinks as the net shocks Prodigy even more than he expected it to, oh sure he knew it would be amplified because of the water and pouring rain. Oh, sure he knew that the shock of his net arrow would be amplified but he was certain that the brute of a man's durability would at least be enough to make it only seem as a light shot. He sighs knowing his calculations were off by a long shot this time, which bugs him greatly to know that he screwed up. He blinks eyes widening as he throws the net straight back at him, only having seconds to dodge just barely getting out of the way. He hears this shockwave then feels the building start to shake and rumble, his eyes widen and falls down to his knees only to have it continue to shake and rumble cracking in two practically, the top part of the building slowly starting to fall to the side.

The Ranger groans thinking, no knowing, that he cannot get out of this situation in any way. His eyes widen as he sees the truck thrown at him, he tries to front flip over the giant car only to get hit by the roof and flown into the building. He groans as it explodes sending into shrapnel his body as blood starts flowing down; the building falls over and crashes into the ground along with The Ranger who is now stuck underneath the ruble of the building. He groans as he removes the rock on top of him which broke a couple more of his ribs and, as he finds out when he tries to stand his left ankle as well. "Fuck...." He mutters to himself drawing a regular arrow "You made a point Prodigy I cannot fight with win." He mutters groaning lowering his bow, knowing he's beaten and he honestly does not want to die in a training brawl.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new city, a new adventure, a new ally(closed to Corvin)

Post by Corvin September 17th 2011, 11:35 am

Prodigy stared at the building shocked by the ferocity he had put into the attack, his anger subsided and he walked slowly towards the building his green eyes looking around the damaged street and shook his head realizing how much money the taxpayers were going to have to dish out to repair this kind of damage. His foot crushed into rubble and stone as he looked for Ranger hoping he hadn't killed the guy, to be honest he had expected him to get out of there faster but it just hadn't been in the cards and the truck may have gone a bit too far.

The rubble moved and Prodigy walked over lifting up huge slabs of stone like they were feathers and threw them out of the way, he took in Ranger and shook his head laying a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry about that kid, that shock got to my brain just really pissed me off. Next time you will know that isn't such a good idea." He looked over the wounds and whistled shaking his head. "Dang you need a hospital or something those wounds look bad. What did you do jump in front of every piece of Shrapnel the truck had to offer? You look like hell." Prodigy lifted the grown man up with one hand onto his shoulder and started walking.

He had been impressed with Rangers quick thinking and adaptability and only his power had saved him from getting his ass kicked. The guy had some real potential as a hero but that was something Ranger had to figure out for himself since telling people gave them fat heads and swollen ego's. Personally he hoped his new friend had learned a few things from the fight especially not to piss off a guy who can bring down a building with ease. Though the guts of the man made Prodigy respect him. "This was a fun fight punk, next time though don't piss off your sparring partner it may get bad for you."

(End Topic)

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