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Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Galaxy August 12th 2014, 11:14 pm

Ashley Griffin, or as he likes to be called Ash finds himself hunting down a very powerful meta.

'One who can open portals into the closest dimension. However in stead of being someplace cool like Hawaii or California or some place else. No... it had to be Cincinnati, Ohio... Oh Well, at least this place is said to have some good Chili, maybe after I kill this guy I can stop and get some, with a nice class of sweet tea! Ahahahaha... what a bunch of hicks... man I really need to stop this inner monologue.'

"Okay... so this guy is said to be sleeping at the nearest baseball park, oh great a game is going on today, this'll be like finding a super powered needle in a haystack, this'll be fun on a bun!"

Ash climbs through an adjacent building to the stadium. The building is connected to the stadium by 4 metal racks that add extra support. Ash, as quietly as he can go trys to cross the support beas. Luckily he doesn't fall and makes it in. As Ash enters the stadium he can hear the roar of the fans and stomping of the feet. He can smell the old nasty hot dogs, and fake nacho cheese.

"Ah gotta love the smell of throw up in the afternoon!" Ash yells out to the crowd of hungry baseball fans.

Ash draws his shotgun out of the holster from his back and fires off a round or two into the sky. All of a sudden stadium security are on the scene and thousands of fans start rushing out of the gates. Ash looks for the man that doesn't look like he is moving.

"Ah! Found you, you piece of shit... time to go down!"

All of a sudden Ash jumps from the top bleachers all the way to the next set of bleachers below him, and then once more. He then jumps off of the concrete slab that is above the dug out and then onto the field. He starts running across the field to the nose bleeds. As he makes his way across the field the man who hasn't moved yet gets up and then jumps off of the bleachers and onto the field to confront Ash.

"So... you the amazing Ashley Griffin... your momma couldn't find a better name bub?" the man retorts.

"Ah... that's funny, you know I literally haven't heard of that before... literally. But something that is literal that will happen to you is..." Ash stops in mid sentence and draws his shotgun and aims it at the portal man. Ash, as quickly as he can pulls the trigger, however the portal man, or Gateway as he likes to be called, opened up a portal instantly and the bullet and Ash were sucked into the nearest Dimension.

The Zombie verse!

As Ash falls through the portal into the nearest dimension he is instantly hit with the stench of rotting flesh.

"Of course! the nearest dimension is the zombie verse... great! Well I knew the risks when I signed on... I guess I'll just have to fight my way out of here."

All of a sudden Ash falls into a dumpster and is knocked out.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Re: Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Zell August 13th 2014, 7:20 am

Archon's hairs stood on end. His emerald eyes shifted as he looked around. Instantly his mind was spanned out trying to ascertain the location of the disruption. Of course, there just had to be something going wrong today. Zell looked to his son, still just a few years younger than him and chuckled as he ruffled up his hair. Silus looked up, glowing indigo eyes fixated on Zell's own eyes as if looking into his eyes was all he needed to know what Zell was thinking. Zell winked and ruffled the little guy's hair again before pushing himself up of the couch and stepping away for a moment. In an instant he began walking towards the wall, reality bubbling before him as he closed his eyes and faded as a black mist. When his eyes opened, he was in a new realm, an entirely different realm A realm of... Zombies?

  "OH GOD DAMNIT!" Zell snapped. He hated these dimensions so damn much it wasn't even funny! Zell, The Archon is an Omni-dimensional being...there is a Zell Atterrius inside every single dimension. He's always there, it's a fact. As such, he has access to several experiences from living all over the omni-verse everywhere in different times. Of all those experiences he hated...HATED Zombie realms. These were typically realms where he had absolutely NONE of his existential powers, and that made him cranky. REALLY cranky. As the vessel of the existential energy, he did not like being limited so heavily. First things first, he needed to learn the limitations of this realm. He took a deep breath in and brought his hand up. The Masque of the Immortal formed in his hand and when he placed it on, his hair turned a stark silver, shimmering and radiant as his voice modulated, changing to conceal his true voice and identity. Then the remainder of his outfit appeared, the large cloak the armor, all of it. And beneath him was a Gemini bone plating, one that (Should his skin tear off) made him look far more horrific than any of these walking zombies.

   "So it looks like there ARE powers in this dimension... just...more zombies than powers. Good to know." He said as he began to look around. Zombies weren't too much a problem for him, the problem was finding what little pin-prick was ripping holes in him and crossing dimensions. HE closed his eyes and began to scan out. His armor activated and he began searching for the very person who was not of this realm. (+4PP : ABL : Realm anomaly detection.) It didn't take long. Soon enough he had a vision of whom it was. They were...inside a garbage can. Taking a nap? Archon sighed and Masque-palmed himself as he shook his head, Zombies around starting to circle around him. "I swear, these people don't understand how delicate the balance really is... Can't well leave them here though. Oh, Hello Zombie." He said as one grabbed onto him and reared it's head back to lung in, propelling itself at The Archon. As he did this, The Archon transformed and became pure energy, sending himself zipping through the zombie and passing the others unnoticed as he sped off towards the dumpster. (Lv 8 item. The Blackened Harbinger)

   Upon reaching the dumpster he made careful note to float in the air as he looked over, becoming a fully corporeal being once more as he examined inside of the trash as if trying to find out if the person were still there. They appeared to be incapacitated...unconscious even. Zell had the sinister idea to draw upon their face with a sharpie...but he had no sharpie. Oh well. Poking their cheek will have to do.

  *poke* *poke*... ... ...


Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Re: Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Galaxy August 13th 2014, 5:44 pm

Ash woke up to a man poking his face. But that isn't the bad part, the bad part is that he is surrounded by garbage. The whole place stunk to high heavens like rotten bananas and shit, apparently before this dimension had gone to shit a homeless man had made his bed in here and he was surrounded by weird little doll heads. He checked his hair with his right hand, to make sure no nasty crap was in there and then he slowly moved his eyes to the man standing over him.

'Hey' he thought to himself, 'when the livin' ha'fta survive, they become crazy, well guessing from what this dude is wearin' I doubt he's a meta, just some crazy guy walking around.'

"Excuse me, I gotta climb out of here before I hurl." Ash said in a hurried manner.

He grabbed one side of the dumpster and then swung his legs out and jumped out of the garbage. "Say friend... you don't happen to know anyone who can take me back to my dimension do ya? Cause if ya do then that'll sure save me a lot of time, cause I gotta get back and kill a guy. See me and my friend Freddie were at a baseball game and being the jokester Freddie is, he sent me to a neighboring dimension, filled with God damn zombies... so pal, whadda say?!" Ash said trying to give his best impression of a sane guy, but accidently let slip a little Jack Nicholson with the last phrase.

Ash then, as he waits for the mans response tries to rub off some of the garbage from his shirt and jeans, all the while making sure his hair doesn't have some weird thing in it still.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Re: Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Rozmer August 13th 2014, 6:28 pm

Stupid zombie-verses Rozmer thought to himself as he floated silently just above the street level and the grabby hands of the ravenous undead. At least I get my powers in this one he thought as he produced a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket. Flipping the top from it he observed the contents as he came to a stop in the air. The dead around him formed a writhing mob beneath his feet as he pulled a cigarette from the pack, putting the rest back in his pocket. Over the moans and growls around him Rozmer then reached into his front left pocket, pulling out an old Zippo lighter.

"Oh keep it down" he muttered to the rotting heard below him as he placed the cigarette in his mouth and began trying to light it. Flicking the lighter once, twice, three times Rozmer began to grow frustrated. Checking the lighter, the problem became evident as even more mindless walkers accumulated below him. He was out of lighter fluid, a rare resource anymore in this world. Snapping Rozmer floated higher and turned to face the shambling masses below him. "This is why I hate you bastards!" he shouted, his words only drawing in more form the surrounding area. "Ya kill everything and eat up all the resources by the time I get here!" His tantrum might as well have fallen on deaf ears, their pale eyes containing only hunger. Calming himself Rozmer chucked the now useless lighter into the mouth of an awaiting zombie and continued to float down the street. "If there were any realm I wouldn't mind letting disappear..." he began to groan as he turned a corner into a nearby alleyway, hoping to find a drug store that hand't been picked clean on the other side. What he found in the alley however, was far more interesting.

Despite his slightly odd attire it didn't take much effort to recognize The Archon standing hunched over a dumpster. Why he was riffling through the trash in a nearly useless universe was beyond him but he had no question as to who he was staring at. "Is the pay that bad for an Archon these days?" he called into the alley, teasing sarcasm in his voice."How've you been?" he asked as he floated down closer to his long time friend. "I can honestly say I didn't expect to find you here, especially not...woah" Rozmer stopped as he observed the trash covered individual leap from inside the dumpster. "Well that explains why you were dumpster diving..." Rozmer was genuinely surprised to even see a living being in this realm. It had been at least a year and a half since he'd seen a human form that wasn't trying to gnaw on him. So his first reaction was to protect him. After all, this could be the last living, sentient organism in this universe. But that was clearly not the case. Apparently he was from another world and had been sent here by accident. The idea in and of itself was far more frightening than seeing a living human was shocking. Someone was sending people her and possibly other places across the Omniverse.

Rozmer looked to The Archon with a concerned and knowing smile. "Aaaaand now I reeaally see why you're here, and I thought you just came by to say hi." Rozmer chuckled a little as his attention once more went to the trash-smelling man before him. "Where're you from mister..." he said waiting for him to fill in his name. "We can't rightly bring you back to you're home universe if we don't know where you're from now can we?"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Registration date : 2014-08-13

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Re: Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Galaxy August 14th 2014, 1:29 am

"Hey! Listen pal I am not taking orders from some meta... in fact I'm not sure that I even want to be in the same place as you. You know what! I don't think I even want to be on the same plant as you! But... I will be nice if you know how to send me back to Earth. And I don't mean some rinky dinky fuck Earth... I'm talking about my Earth! the one full of Metas! One of em' needs to be taken out so... he's the one who sent me here."

All of a sudden a horde of Zombies makes its way down the alley way. The three of them being at the end where the dumpster is has a little time, but not much. Ash drew his shot gun from his back holster and started firing down the alley way at the horde of zombies.

Limb from limb the zombies are torn apart, sending chunks of limbs and organs and blood flying out in all directions. He even hit one in the head and a lighter came flying out of its stomach and into another zombies head.

"HA! What do these guys eat? dollar store lighters? man... too funny." Ash laughed out at the oncoming zombies.

Ash reloaded his gun and opened fire yet again. However each time he would reload 50 more zombies would join the horde and it would advance even further towards him. He then pumped another 5 rounds into the zombie horde and then he holstered his shotgun and the jumped to pull down the staircase to the adjacent apartment building. He climbed up the staircase just missing the Zombies. He had hoped the two guys he had saw had either left or maybe got eaten by the horde.

Ash made his way to the top of the apartment building and the took out his Shotgun and loaded his gun and then holstered it on his back. He then withdrew a stick of dynamite from a pouch on his pants. He then took out his lighter and a previously chewed on cigar, he lit the stick of dynamite, and then with the dynamite he lit the cigar. He then tossed the stick of dynamite down into the alley way. He smoked on the cigar as he watched the dynamite fall past the undead horde and then land on the alley way covered in guts... he smirked a bit as he new what was about to happen. He took hit cigar out of his mouth for a moment and then all of a sudden. BOOM! an immense heat formed in the alley way, scattering all of the walking corpses. Limb and leg flew, guts and gizzards blew. Eye's and fingers flew out to the walls and windows. The first floor windows of the apartment buildings on each side of the alley way blew out.

Ash smiled and then put his cigar back in his mouth and began puffing the smoke out a little more. He walked away from the ledge and then went to the center of the roof to check out his surroundings and see which way was the safest.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Re: Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Zell August 14th 2014, 6:33 am

A familiar hint of sarcasm dripping from the words that caresses his ear drums... caressing them in a way that was akin to the song cats sing...when you throw them in a blender with lemon juice and rubbing alcohol. He groaned a little as he looked to the source of the voice. Of course, the blonde hair, the same suit-vest looking thing and the sapphire-shade sunglasses...Rozmer Frey. The Archon would deny it, but he was smiling under his masque, if not for the sheer fact that he had come to enjoy the presence of the man, though their interactions were quite...odd ball and mis-matched at times. Not to mention their common goal, common means but all to often conflicting thoughts. In all honesty to this sense he could honestly say that when Zell Amuri wished "I wish I had a big brother"... The Archon Energy did the proverbial "LMFAO" as it intertwined Archon's path to Rozmer's. It was almost like having big brother... but being friendly enough to be a friend and being snarky enough to keep your own dagger-tongue whet. But honestly, he was almost glad that there was one of Rozmer everywhere in the Omniverse, just as there was one of him. Kept some things familiar.

"Ho Rozmer!" The Archon said with a wave of the hand, his typical greeting he used. Unless it was to a woman, in which saying "Ho" was not an appropriate greeting. "I've been existing." He said with a slight chuckle as he cleared his throat a little. "How about you? I haven't seen you since you just kinda phased out on the Empire states building. I'm still there by the way, I don't think time's even passed yet there. Oh wait, there you are again! Nice shot by the way..." The Archon said, pin-pointing two other dimensions within the omniverse where they were interacting in some other manner. He sighed as he looked down upon the human. Rozmer said something about just stopping by to say "Hi" to which it made him roll his eyes. "I'm sorry. I've been so busy with work I haven't had time. I'll make a point to stop by once a centaury rather than millennia." he chuckled as the man stirred. Rozmer was the first one to speak to the man who asked about returning home. Archon smiled rather widely beneath his mask as he chuckled.

"I can indeed take you back. I come from the same dimension as you. I noticed you're bio signature passing through the dimensional field and -" Suddenly he was cut off by the man so rudely saying something about being ordered. Wait, when was he ordered to do anything? Meta? The guy obviously has no idea what he's even talking about anymore. He began to ponder a moment about this man, but once he was done with his little tirade, Zell would speak.

"First of all, lose the attitude. Second, No one gave you an order, so stop talking just to hear yourself talk. I know EXACTLY where you came from because I came here to bring you back. If you don't start being cooperative I'll FEED you to these zombies, go back to our dimension and kill the pathetic wimp who dropped you here." The Archon said to Ash, finding his sudden outburst rather rude. Alas that was humankind for you. "We've done nothing to warrant you acting so rudely, though no It's clear you must not really WANT to go home. So with that I'll bid you adieu." he said as he turned around to look for the nearest possible avenue of escape. What the hell was he thinking that for? He could just pull himself out. But that's not what he SHOULD do. The Archon Energy bid this little cretin be returned to his own realm, lest he set off the balance of the oh-so-important Zombieverse. The man would make a crack-shot about there being something along the lines of dollar-store lighter eating Zombies. Archon had to fight the urge to chuckle, remembering Rozmer's smoking habit and the thought of a lighter-eating Zombie being the bane of his existence here. But then there were the actual Zombies. Archon arched an eyebrow behind his masque and looked to the others. His large black cloak with bloody red fade-in tattered lining twisted and curled, turning into three sets of wings and with a powerful thrust he was propelled off the ground and with a little flutter he stepped into the top level of the apartments and looked down at Ash who seemed to be having a little bit of fun.

The Archon was content enough to observe this man. He had nothing remarkable about him other than his rude nature and a rather iron-hand when it came to a couple explosions that blew out the sides of the first floor of the apartment. Well the man seemed to care little for the fact that it could very well have taken out support beams within the structure. The Archon looked to this man as he looked over the Ledge, he seemed to be looking for something. The most likely guess was the safest route out of here. The Archon would yawn as he cracked his neck. "I'm no Meta... but it looks to me like you probably need one about now. A good Necrokinetic or an Aetherkinetic even. Don't mind the fall down. I'm sure you won't make it to feel them gnawing on you." the Archon sniggered as he leaned over the side of the building falling down towards the ground before his cloak unraveled again and he pulled up soaring just above the ground before shooting up into the air, desiring a better vantage point in which to follow this person and observe him. But then he couldn't help but wonder...where was Rozmer? He had a bet he wanted to make with that blonde Void.

Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Re: Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Rozmer August 14th 2014, 11:25 am

Well it looked like Rozmer's hunch had been correct. It was indeed an Archon standing next to him and his ever present snark was in full swing. It was comforting, a familiar face in a wasteland of a world. What wasn't so comforting however was the ignorant dimension-running prick who was standing in front of them. Raising an eyebrow at him Rozmer would comment off of what The Archon had already said. "I think the trip here knocked a few of your screws loose. This guy's right, we're your only way out of here and you're just gonna.." he was cut off as he stared down the alley at a horde of approaching zombies. It was not just any horde, it was the one that had been following him earlier. "Gah, don't you rotting bastards ever give up!?" he yelled, far more annoyed than anything else.

Rozmer began to make growling noises at them as the crazy dude from another world began unloading into the crowd. He had to admit, the dude was a good shot, taking out a considerable number of them. His buckshot ripped through their flesh and innards, coating the alleyway in the red paint of viscera. Then his ammunition collided with Rozmer's zombie-friend, the one he'd chucked the lighter into and the lighter made a reappearance. When smartass saw the lighter he just haaaaaaad to make a comment. This guy was becoming more annoying to Rozmer by the second. "I'd like to see you find a decent lighter in this hell hole!" Rozmer did not appreciate being insulted like that but it didn't appear that the gun-wielding weirdo cared at all. He instead pulled down the fire escape and made his way to the roof. That's my cue he thought as he phased into the concrete below him and then the soil beneath. But before he could continue to sink and explosion rocked the street above him. "What the..." he muttered as he resurfaced, the landscape of the alley had changed dramatically. There were no more zombies, but there was also no more street, or walls or windows in the area. Apparently the man had set off some sort of explosive from the roof above. Looking to the building he was standing on Rozmer got an idea, not good idea, or a nice idea, but an idea. The man on the roof was a possible risk and he had been very rude to both him and The Archon when all they had done was offer to help him. Fine, Rozmer could be dick too.

Floating into the building that Ash stood on Rozmer first looked through all the windows. There wasn't another building close enough that he could jump or move to. The man was effectively trapped on the roof unless he decided to come down through the building. Good. Then Rozmer began to look for the support structure of the building. It wasn't hard to find. The man's explosive had weakened the main support beam on the side adjacent to the alley...and that became Rozmer's target. Approaching the metal beam he punched it one, two, three times and it began to bend and buckle under the weight of the building. Sick metal noises groaned from the failing structure as it began to sag into the alley. "Teach you to insult my choice of lighter..." Rozmer chuckled as he ascended through the floors of the building and up through the roof. And of course there was the man Rozmer gave him a salute as he spoke, heavy sarcasm in his voice. "Oooooo tough break, that explosion must have hurt the support structure of the building. I would help you, but I don't think I want to be no the same plant as you either. Adios amigo." Then he was gone, teleporting higher into the sky and not far from Archon. Rozmer didn't plan on actually letting the man on the roof get harmed, but the man didn't have to know that.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Registration date : 2014-08-13

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Re: Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Galaxy August 14th 2014, 8:37 pm

Ash walked over to the edge of the building checking out the walking corpses that were wandering the streets below. All of a sudden he felt the rumble of the building, the support beams must've broken from the blast of the dynamite. He smoked the last couple of puffs from his cigar and then he tossed it down at the street. He withdrew his shot gun, checked the ammo in it one last time and then holstered it again. the building started to fall towards the street into the major intersection where upmost of 100 or more zombies shuffled around.

The front of the building collapsed onto the street, taking out some of the walkers yet, most of them just got back up. Ash, trying to stand back from the front of the building was unsuccessful as he was thrown to the ground. He did a barrel roll so he could stop from taking to much damage but still took a few scraps and scratches from the fall off of the 3 story building. He rolled down to the street and, as quick as he could manage he recovered. Although to no avail as a corpse tackled him to the ground and tried to eat him.

"Hey! No biting!" Ash yelled as he pushed the zombie off with his legs back into the crowd of zombies.

Ash stood up once again and withdrew his shotgun from his back and opened fire into the crowd. Once more guts and blood sprayed everywhere, some even making it onto Ash's clothes and face. He couldn't help but yelling at them to die faster. Ash then, as quickly as he could move reloaded his shotgun and then withdrew a knife from his belt. He held the knife with the butt upwards and the blade facing downwards. He held the shotgun with one hand and tried to unload into the crowd of zombies. As they kept getting closer he had to repeatedly stab them with his knife, until all he was doing was stabbing. He stabbed one in the head but as soon as he did the knife blade broke off into the zombies head. he picked up his shotgun again, but alas it was empty. So he held it sideways with both hands and tried to force back the mob. He backed up until his back was up against a building, unfortunately he backed up into a window and the window broke cutting into his right shoulder. He winced from the pain but then shook it off. He held back the zombies but just barely. All of a sudden a zombies arm twisted around Ash's neck chocking him, luckily the glass that had not been broken was shielding Ash from being bitten.

"You want a piece of me?! do ya?! Well come on, I ain't got all day you walking pieces of shit. I'll kill all of you! I'll kill all of you!" Ash shouted in anger.

Barley able to hold back the rest of the zombies with his shot gun he did the only thing he could. he tried kicking them, when that had no effect he used the last bit of his adrenaline and pushed back against the horde. By this time the horde had grown to a full size of near 350 zombies. Although not all of them pushed towards Ash, a few stragglers were out looking for other food not recognizing the horde pushing in towards Ash. All of a sudden he saw an opening, he took it. He pushed away with his shotgun and made a break for it. However one of the zombies grabbed ahold of the shotgun and it was ripped from Ash's hands. He couldn't stop now however, he just kept running. After he made it through the crowd he quickly looked for a way out. 50 zombies in each directions. On escape to his right, to his left or in front of him. The broken building at his back with the main horde behind him. So, without thinking, or knowing where he was going he ran straight. He dodged several zombies but he just barley made it out. He saw no other way so he ran into one of the nearest sky scrapers, Nearing almost 35 stories into the air he broke through the first floor glass door, and ran to the fire escape staircase. As he pushed open the door he expected to hear a siren but the power was out, he had guess it had been for a long time looking at the state of this world.

"I hope those two guys back there were eaten alive by the horde... those assholes." Ash yelled back down the stairs to no one in particular.

As he neared the 20th floor he had to stop. He was in good condition mind you but running up 20 flights of stairs takes a lot out of a man, excluding the fight on the street, he was running mostly on adrenaline and this mornings coffee. He ran into the office floor of the 20th floor and looked around... silent, nothing moving, no dead bodies in here, just old style machines, looked like it was from the 90's.

"huh... I guess this place went belly up in the Y2K era... ha good times. Whew... more of those bastards out there than I had anticipated." Ash said as he let out a sigh.

He checked his ammo count, 12 shotgun shells left, one stick of dynamite, trusty lighter, three cigars, one more knife and a good ole' six shooter he had strapped to his thigh. About 36 rounds of ammo for that gun, not enough to get out however. He calmly sat down at a roller chair in front of an old PC and lit a cigar. He took a couple breaths and kept smoking, waiting for something to happen.

I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Empty Re: Gateway to another Dimension! [open]

Post by Zell August 15th 2014, 3:47 pm

"I do enjoy a good Zombie movie." Archon said as he held out his hand. "Oh look and I just so happen to have my video camera." He said as the tattoo beneath his arm faintly lit, hidden behind the layers of armor and cloak. A light sparked and it soon became what looked like a construct of pure energy as it shaped itself into a little video camera. He looked to Rozmer and chuckled. "I'm willing to bet he lasts six hours before he runs our of resources and needs a critical intervention." The Archon said as he opened the camera and pressed the record button and following the mans movements. The man's fighting skill made his survival of the tumbling building possible, though he didn't quite catch it on film. Irked him a little, but this was when the action starts. The man had gone through a large quantity of Zombies, shotgun shells jumping from the chamber and making a pinging noise. The Archon floated and flew, following with morbid interest.

"He's going to lose that shotgun of his..." The Archon said, a simple observation of a highly intuitive mind. However it may have accidentally APPEARED to be his vociferic qualities he displayed in other dimensions. In this case he just got lucky, because low and behold he lost it. See, he didn't need any powers to be right. The Archon tossed the camera in the air towards Rozmer. "Think fast. Get Footage. Thaaank you." Archon said with a chipper song-like tune and a chuckle as he inverted himself 180 degrees so he was upside down in the air, and then propelling towards the ground. He pulled up to glide along the ground as he let a hand drop swiftly, scooping up the shotgun left behind. He returned floating in mid-air as he began to twist and examine the shotgun. A quick look over and he smirked, already knowing the firepower and capacity this device was capable of. He looked to Rozmer and chuckled as if he ha the mischievous idea to shoot him. Granted this couldn't be farther from the truth... well.... okay maybe SOMETIMES but he'd never do it. In public. He would. But only if he had a reason to, a reason Rozmer had never given him and probably would never give him. The thought of having to fight Rozmer was two things... depressing and concerning. Sure, The Archon could hold his own, but regardless of what the reality they were in. Rozmer Frey was a force to be reckoned with.

"I want to give his shotgun an upgrade." He said with a little hum of amusement as he looked down to it. "Make it like a "cricket" from Men-In-Black. He hold the shot gun and fires then BAM!" He sniggered at the thought of Ash being propelled back. With a shot-gun in one hand he began to follow and fly around, watching the man and seeing Zombies all about and a man on the 20th floor fighting for his survival. Unfortunately for Ash, the building was not the resident of only one human being, but two. Him and one other. The Archon smirked as he drew back towards Rozmer and nudged him with an elbow. "Make sure you get this." He let out a little Sprite-like chuckle, a higher pitch and mischievously jubilant.


"Are you infected?" A voice asked, foot-steps wouldn't be heard, the voice seemingly came from behind Ash, who was sitting there looking things over. The room was filled with old machines that went inert and rusted some time ago. A young man with pitch black hair and green eyes, probably barely out of high-school yet had an assault rifle in hand as he kept it trained on Ash. "A-are you human?" The young man asked, seemingly timid to the events that transpired in this realm. The boy was in military grade gear, not that it helped much... but he was still more durable than most the zombies they've seen thus far because of the gear. The Assault rifle looked pretty nice too. An ammo belt were strapped around him. Magazines practically dangling off him and an entire waist belt of shotgun shells strapped to his military grade leggings. This boy, despite being so young, was obviously a true survivor. Judging by his social graced he wasn't used to seeing people.

Survivor's Grid:

Gateway to another Dimension! [open] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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