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If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss

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If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss Empty If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss

Post by Just Harbinger June 25th 2014, 6:21 pm

“Ok, but all I’m saying is that if you had been a bit nicer to him, maybe he wouldn’t have  collapsed the tower around us.”

The Necromancer rolled his eyes and continued his nonchalant walking. Most people would assume he was insane, talking to the air around him, were it not for the “Bluetooth” device he wore in his ear. Having a ghost as a companion was not always the easiest of tasks, though Lucius considered them far more interesting than the living.

“Maybe, but it is far from my fault that that blasted fool had anger issues. Besides, now it’ll take him a few weeks to dig his way out, and by then he will have lost our scent. If we hadn’t left when we did, he would have tried to  kill us, or enslave us for eternity,”.

“No, he would have killed you. Some of us have the pleasure of already being dead.”

The two continued to halfheartedly bicker as they strode out from the bathroom in a bookstore, one which they had not entered through the door. After a brief squabble with a Japanese Oni, the creature brought the building they were in down, nearly entrapping or slaying Lucius.  Fortunately, like always Lucius was wearing his affectionately dubbed Cloak of Shadows, and as such teleported to a random ley line on Earth; this one being near the Willis Tower.

A shrill siren shrieked as a police squad car raced past Lucius, quickly followed by a half dozen others in hot pursuit. In the distance one could also hear EMS and firetrucks, presumably headed to the same destination.  This was not overly concerning, as humans experienced “emergencies” on a daily basis. However, most emergencies would not disturb the dead in an area; they were popping up everywhere, and appeared to be severely agitated.

Lucius stopped one of them, and inquired of it, “What is the cause for this?”.

The spirit, not with words, but in images, told Lucius; he saw in his mind a large reptilian beast, it’s scales the color of the sky as day finally gives its last breath and turns to night. The Necromancer grinned; this was not a common happening, especially not in such a heavily populated area. He turned left at the end of the sidewalk, and followed the emergency vehicles.

“You know, most people tend to avoid fire breathing lizards,” Maximilian said, floating along.

“At what time did I become like most people?”.

Just Harbinger

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Humor : [05:53:18] Danger : Dadadadangerdyesonnace
Registration date : 2014-04-26

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If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss Empty Re: If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss

Post by Arcana June 25th 2014, 6:41 pm

The city of Chicago spread out wide beneath him, Sean cross armed as he looked over the massive city with one location in sight. A single lesser magical family had something, an ancient Titan artifact that had long ago been lost to the ages or so Sheiara had said. It was his duty as the Abyssal one to retrieve it and with some debate, he decided to finally leave The Abyss and venture out, looking for whatever it was that he was looking for. The male was dressed in simple blue jeans and a black shirt with the sleeves cut out, humming to himself as he let his eyes focus upon where he was supposed to strike and strike with precision. It would only take him a jump to bridges the distance between his lofty location and the home that he was to strike, a mid sized mansion that likely held his precious tablet deep within it.

Kneeling down to where his knuckles touched the smooth concrete, Sean would push all of his strength into his legs and he was flying through the air, wind whipping past his face as everything seemed to blur past him, and within an instant he slammed into a building. Wood would give way beneath his nigh indestructible body, Sean slamming into tiling as it cracked and splintered, the dragon rolling to his feet and shaking his head. His silver eyes would come in contact with that of an older woman, dressed rather formal and aghast at the tan hooligan that had broken into her home. ”knock knock.” He noted with a chuckle as his body began to ripple, flesh forming dark blue scales, and bones molded into something else.

Within seconds his body would take a reptilian shape, increasing in size until at last he seemed to more than double in size, tail lashing out and a loud roar emanating from his mouth. Followed by that was a bolt of black lightning that tore through the roof, and caused it to collapsed completely, falling down upon the dragon as it tossed the wooden bits away with a few casual flicks of its tail. Before him was a barrier of bright blue energy that pulsed and sent the debris that would have crushed the woman away, revealing her with eyes glowing brightly. Sirens could be heard in the distance as the police would move to deal with the dragon that had appeared out of nowhere. She would motion with her hand and blast the dragon, sending it rolling out through the front door.
“Damn dragons.” She muttered waiting for the dragon to stop rolling, as it landed upon its side and growled lowly.

chaos control allocation:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss Empty Re: If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss

Post by Just Harbinger June 29th 2014, 10:00 pm

Lucius walked for a little beyond a minute farther before finding himself at a large house, which was in the process of being destroyed. The culprit was a gargantuan reptile, that seemed as if it would have been more at home in prehistoric waters than at this, well, home, in Chicago. A woman stood amidst the ruins of the previously handsome house, and appeared to be attempting to stave off the overgrown lizard. The creature was a beautiful dark blue, and looked to be around fourteen yards long. Not very large as far as dragons go, but still far larger than any mundane animal, at least those on land.

“I think we’re a little late to the party,” Maximilian stated.

Lucius retorted “Ah, but is it ever truly a party without me?”.

The ghost merely rolled his eyes and stared at the blue dragon. Lucius was also looking at the beast, as was everyone in the area, emergency responders included. They seemed to not grasp that it was their job to contain the situation, apparent because they were staring agape at the scene before them. Lucius was the only calm person here, including the woman near the house, as she seemed very indignant, and the ghost, as just because one is dead does not mean they are immune to fear. Lucius never quite understood that part, though he supposed it was a phantom emotion, one left over from the mortal experience. Then again, without chemicals in the brain wouldn’t all the dead’s emotions simply be leftover by memory? These thoughts started a path that worked its way through his brain for a few moments before he stopped it, but not before making a note to continue that internal discussion later.

The Necromancer twirled the ring on his finger, and it became a sword of medium length and a somewhat peculiar looking set of metal armor. There was a strange quality about them; even though they were both metal, the sun did not shine off of them, at all. It was as if they were comprised of the world’s dullest piece of wood, and the light bouncing on them was barely existent. Stranger still, once they were formed, the air began to take on a citrus-like aroma.

Lucius looked at the dragon and woman. “Alright you two, which one of you started this?”.

Just Harbinger

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Humor : [05:53:18] Danger : Dadadadangerdyesonnace
Registration date : 2014-04-26

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If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss Empty Re: If You Gaze Long Into An Abyss

Post by Arcana August 31st 2014, 3:21 am

(Thread dead)

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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