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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Beacon May 31st 2014, 2:42 am

My parents are going to kill me. Rowan thought to himself as he sat up in his bed. With New York City all but in ruins, Mary and Leopold McGreggor, being the worried parents that they were, wanted Rowan to get home to Scotland as soon as possible. Hell, even Rowan wanted to go home after seeing the destruction, and confusion. Most of his university was safely evacuated, and a rather long train ride later, Rowan was in Chicago. Thankfully, he had enough means to support himself for at least a few more months in this rather different place.

Rolling out of bed, Rowan slid into his slippers and stretched his limbs. Sleeping had been a bit rough as of late. The images of destruction were still fresh in his mind. He pushed open the door to his balcony and raised his hands to the sky. He felt his skin prickle, then a warmth gather in his stomach. He was used to having to charge up every morning. Rowan honestly hoped no one was staring at him as his skin glowed a bit when he had to “charge.” After about fifteen minutes of this, he took a deep breath and lowered his hands.

Charging was like taking fourteen shots of espresso for Rowan. Any drowsiness that had lingered from sleep, was completely eradicated. He almost felt bouncy. Rowan walked over and grabbed an apple, frowning as he noticed his arm was still glowing, taking in some of the artificial light of the room. He shook his arm quickly, trying to get his body to stop. Artificial light made him ill, and he did not want it in his body. His body had been acting up lately. Maybe due to recent events, his body knew he was frightened. Which was definitely lame. He wanted to be a hero. Heroes didn't scared over things so easily.

Rowan pulled on a green shirt, and some tan shorts, with tan boat shoes. He looked in the mirror and frowned. Heroes did not look so...scraggly. He knew that he was tough, and could endure falls and things that normal humans couldn't, but he still didn't feel like he was good enough to protect anyone. And he really wanted to help people. Especially now that the whole bloody world seemed to be in a sense of disarray. Rowan read about some MetaHumans and Superhumans who helped people. They had cool abilities, were fearless...everything Rowan wasn't.

With a massive frown, he turned and walked out the door of his apartment. He was in a mood today...he couldn't really explain it. Perhaps it was from the lack of human contact over the past few weeks. He didn't really have any friends, family, or acquaintances in Chicago, and it saddened him. Here he was, wanting to help people with his gifts, and he can't even make a single damn friend. Rowan sighed and walked down the sidewalk, not exactly sure where he was going to go. Chicago was really different than New York City. It was...stranger. He couldn't explain it. And it seemed rather dangerous.

Not paying attention to where he was walking, he didn't even notice the person that he had run straight into. Tripping over his own feet, he fell backward, his power activating subconsciously, as it sometimes did. A brilliant, harmless, purple flash emitted from his body. The temperature of the flash had to be somewhere around 40 degrees. One could probably feel it, but obviously would not be burnt. That wasn't what worried Rowan. What worried the young Scot was that someone had seen that he was different.

His body was freaking out. Rowan shut his eyes in an attempt to calm himself down, even though he knew he was glowing slightly. After about a minute and a half of this, he was able to calm himself down enough where his glowing would stop. With curious, and scared eyes, he looked up to face the person that had seen his gift, hoping that they would not be murderous, or discriminatory. Maybe they hadn't seen anything? That was probably not true. But he could hope? He didn't even know what to expect.

“I'm...erm...sorry...” Rowan mumbled, his Scottish accent strong. “Y-You didn't see anything did you?” He asked shyly.


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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 31st 2014, 3:19 am

It has been a long day scronging behind people. Doing drug smuggles, forcing people to work for him, traveling around and keeping his posse of followers; well more like slaves under his will. He has been barking comands teaching them how easy it is to smuggle the goods from foriegn contries and selling them for profit. Since he was who he is he could kill off the police who were coming close to knowing about his black market get rich sceam. Buy off the cops or buy someone else to hunt them down was a good way too. Just arriving from Florida all the way to Chicago was bad enough. He had to absorb more energy and that take a few minutes out of his day. Too many people are living and fewer are dying, but he knew was to change that wether it was by his own hands or by other means.

Well magets looks like you fucked up or just fucked off again. So i ask now who wants to die and who wants to work? The people he was making work knew what he could do and did not try and rebel or grow a pair to face him. They snapped back to work since they got paid more than most jobs and if they did complain he would simply open up a shadow portal and throw them into it being lost in darkness forever or he would cut off libs and make them handicapt and for them to live on the world limbless.

He could do what he wanted and not take bullshit from the pitiful creatures who over popullated the planet. But barking orders was boring and was starting to become a bother. He handed a megaphone to an older gentlemen and told him if he comes back and something is fucked up well, lets hope it dont turn into that situation. He walked outside the building into a shadow and the man broke down into tears asking the drug dealers to continue working so he did not have to die.

He stepped out at a random place that was not full of light and decided to have a little fun. He went to step out when someone tripped over him and began glowing. "Who the hell is this does he want to die early in his life?" He thought as the kid pulled himslef together apoligyzing then asking if I saw anything. Of course id did how could I not, You tripped over me and i would not simply look away and keep walking, I'm going to look at the idiate who signed up to die today. He put one hand into a fist and a dark energy swelled around it. He swung at the kid on the gorund looking to make his death swift.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Beacon May 31st 2014, 4:46 am

Die?! This guy is going to kill me? Rowan was extremely confused. He didn't think that tripping over someone was such a punishable offense, but this man seemed quite intent on killing him. Owing mostly to his superhuman body, he narrowly avoided the swing by mere inches. Beacon sprung to his feet. “Mate, what did I even do to you?” He said in panicked tone, though he had no intent on finding out the answer. This man seemed like some kind of psychopath, so...he just was going to escape with his life.

Rowan, now realizing that using his powers was pretty much the only way he'd be able to escape, allowed his body to glow again. He decided that he'd have to use blue light. Which depleted his energy like crazy, but would allow him to escape. Rowan backed up from the man, then took a deep breath and let out a blue flash of light. It was rather bright, so perhaps it would disorient this mystery man a bit, so he could get away. Rowan didn't stick around to find out. He sprinted as fast as he could, dipping into the first alley that he could find.

Rowan stopped for a few moments to catch his breath, his body trembling in fear. He had never been attacked by someone with powers before. That was probably the scariest moment of his life, and it might not even be over yet. This is what superheroes do. Rowan thought and looked down a the ground. He did not even know what to do, or where to go. Back to his apartment was probably the safest bet, but this guy could also be following him, which spelt bad news for him.

Rowan continued to glow gently, weary about what was going to happen next. Hopefully, the guy forgot about him, or didn't see where he dipped off to. He turned his back and began to walk down the alley, now thoroughly wishing that he was back in Glasgow with his parents. “Can't even handle this...” He muttered to himself as he walked. He felt more than a bit sad. Rowan wanted to be a hero, but he was very sure that he'd never be worth anything to anyone—which would definitely prove true if this guy found him.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 55
Job : Scotsman
Registration date : 2014-05-27

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 31st 2014, 5:31 am

With a flash he was gone but once this blue lighting went away and he regained sight he disapeared into the shadows searching for the nusience. How should i kill him slowly or swiftly. Ahh so thats where your hiding you didn't run far when it comes to running away. If I had to ditch you can bet I would not stop until I was a few miles away. Time to meet him he thinks to himself.

He appears of of another shadow created by that glow of his skin. He started to walk his way when a small vibration happened in his pocket. He answered his phone to the astonishment of his company type orginization. He kept his eyes on the target until his phone chat was done. He appeared to the guys left and wondered if he should kill him or do something else with him.

Look boy ill give you an option. Worship me and come work in the blackmarket or worship your stupid beliefs and i kill you on the spot as your praying for your life and in doing that you dont pick my side i will use your blood for paint so I can wright your name on this wall so humanity can see that you were worthless. He places his hand on the brick wall insinuating that it was this wall he was going to paint if he didn't say yes on the spot. Plus he might take pictures and maybe wait for the detectives to see what they say. Ahh so much fun while its here. Killing for no reason was a blast; he thought to himself.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Beacon May 31st 2014, 6:11 pm

“Worship in the blackmarket...” Rowan repeated to himself, a bit confused at this whole situation. This man seemed very strange, and cruel, and Rowan was not even sure what was going on. Work for the blackmarket? That was definitely illegal, and Rowan didn't want to get all cut up in that. He really wished that this guy would just go away. All he did was trip over his leg. He wasn't sure thy the other man was being such a drama queen about this encounter.

“What does that even mean?” Rowan said with an annoyed tone, his body glowing a bit brighter. “I'm an atheist anyway, so it would make no sense for me to worship anyone. Can't we just forget about this? No one is even hurt.”

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 55
Job : Scotsman
Registration date : 2014-05-27

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Bolt May 31st 2014, 9:43 pm

”No, Jordan ate the last goddamn pudding cup.” Michael noted irritably into the cellphone as he clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes as Sean griped into the other end of the phone in his usual whiney tone. The dark haired male was walking along the sidewalk, cellphone pressed against his ear as he walked, dressed in simple white polo shirt and light pink shorts as was his usual attire. On the other end of his cellphone was his father, otherwise known as annoying jackass whining about the lack of pudding in the Los Angeles safehouse. ”No, I don’t even like chocolate pudding.” He grumbled against before simply hanging up the call before they got into some sort of strange conversation involving the uses of a dragons tail or something like that. Mike sighed to himself, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

”Since I’m in town, perhaps I should pay Joshua a visit, he seems to enjoy those.” However before he could make his way to the hovel that Spellstone called his own, something else caught his interest. A strange spike of energy within the area, one that caused a more primal part of him to stir, and…well it called to it. ”Well now, who is this?” Michael muttered as a single purple runic marking would flash along his neck before fading away as quickly. Slinking off into an alleyway, Michael cut a few corners to close the distance between him and the strange source of energy, only to see something he had not quite been expecting. It was a young looking metahuman with red hair being chased by what could be assumed to be a Titan, and if that were the case then he was….in a lot of trouble.

Mike sighed deeply, rolling his eyes as he approached the situation; catching wind of the rather narcissistic talk.  While Mike normally was not the type to help anyone, he was more than willing to humble a fool that thought themselves to be a god. So with a slow and calm walk he approached the two, keeping a sort of cocky air about him. ”Damn man, you are a piece of work. Not a nice piece of work either, more like the annoying piece of work that little kids hand to their parents and force them to like put on the fridge.” Michael noted walking onto the scene, not even taking a breath as the silver eyes flecked with neon green bore into the titan. ”You think anyone with half a brain would worship an upstart shit like you? Come on, I’ve seen children with more credibility than your stupid ass.” He turned to the metahuman from a moment, evaluating him before turning upon the other one.

”But  since we’re giving out ultimatums and you are trying to function in my city. Either you leave the um….metahuman alone and crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of, or I do our race a favor and put you out of our misery. Natural selection is what some call it I suppose.” He clicked his tongue a couple of times, smirking slyly.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich June 1st 2014, 12:20 am

Well, well a new comer had just arrived. Sneering off about his tactic of recruiting. This man was a metahuman and he was more on top then humans wished to be. But even though he was not better than a Titan. He stopped his attck on the guy and straightened himself to face towards the new obsticle who came from a corner and basically comes squealing out "Kill Me, Kill Me." Oh how he loves the humor of his mind and how he wished the idiot would just say it to please his thoughts, but that wont happen no matter if he wanted unless he used force to make the guy become a slave who would beg to strive and live in the world. Now the thought on his plan was to kill the stranger who had a pair to step up to him, and the guy who had the audacity to step on him and not realize he was there. Its like running into a dumpster you know there is a big green metal trash bin there why continue walking.

Who made you rule of this pathetic town. I just stroll through about my everyday life as if this shit hole needs to be sunken into the ground. Maybe take the entire thing and make a big parking lot. I can park here knowing pathetic lives were the cost to make it. He stepped over into a shadow and popped up behind the new comer in order to send a cill through his spine. Things were getting interesting why would he leave now that there were two of them trying to stick up for themselves. One had a power to blind peoples sight temporarily, but he could easily over come that. And the other was a mystery still.

He cracked his knuckles as he still walked around talking and boasting on about how great he was, and how weak the human race was to him. Hell it even became a bother to him having to say it all the time. He held out his hand pointing at the two as a black shade sprung for them hoping to impale them into each other. He would play around in his first form and second for a little while, but first he needed an opening to change. With them taking care of a small attack he quickly threw his ability around himself as he changed. The makeshift sphere cracked then broke apart as he emerged from his capsule. It's party time.
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Beacon June 1st 2014, 1:40 am

Rowan was now extremely frightened. There was a second man who had appeared, though he seemed not to want to kill him, so that was a positive. Rowan's blue light was starting to shift to green, and that was not good. He had not used that kind of energy in a long, long time. When his lights changed colors, they increased in hear. Green light was about 150 degrees in temperature. Hopefully, it would defend him a bit, or he was done for. Using green light depleted the boy's energy rather quickly. He still wasn't very trained in his gifts, yet. He was scared that today was going to be his last.

What also bothered the young superhuman was that they were in a shaded alley. Not enough light. And with not enough light, it made charging very tough. He would have to focus intensely. Maybe now when the man seemed to be distracted by the other guy. Rowan closed his eyes, and felt what little light there was, absorb into his body. It felt great. Rowan was quick about it, though. He hoped that no one else noticed it. With the small absorption of light, he'd probably be good to last for awhile longer before his energy would deplete to dangerously low levels. Sometimes it was a real pain depending so heavily on light. But that was both his blessing and curse.

His green eyes scanned the situation, wondering what was going to happen. It seemed like the two men were going to get into some kind of altercation. Par of him wanted to dip out when they were distracted. But that would be dishonorable of him. Before he knew it, a shape was coming at him. Owing to his superhuman physique, which was slightly better than even a MetaHuman, and was only hit in the arm by the shape. He rolled to his side and expelled a brilliant beam of green light toward their attacker, hoping to God that it would actually hit.

His body felt different, now. His sensed felt heightened. Rowan knew that he wasn't really strong or anything, but he felt more focused...and more disgusted by this man. He hoped the person who now seemed to be an ally, knew how to fight or something. Because if he was relying on Rowan to win this would probably be over very quickly and not in their favor. “K-Know how to fight?” He said shyly, his body glowing light green. His body was beginning to tingle a little bit, wanting more light. It felt a bit difficult to control.

This is what being a hero probably felt like all of the time. He didn't really know if he could get used to the feeling. But this guy was giving him a headache. Rowan didn't want didn't want to work for and certainly not worship this guy. Rowan was a superhuman. He didn't have to listen, let alone worship, anyone. With a deep breath, he brought his hands out again, green light gathering around his fists. Rowan was going to try his best to get out of this with his life.

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Number of posts : 55
Job : Scotsman
Registration date : 2014-05-27

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Bolt June 1st 2014, 2:39 am

Michael’s tough talk was little more than a tactic to draw upon the persons personality more, and to gauge them from that. Something however told him that he was as arrogant as any Titan, more so than his father was during his time as the Titan king. Something about that fact however amused Michael, drawing a low snicker from him as he paused to glare at the titan that continued to spout such idiocy. Even if he were a pure blooded titan, he was by no means close to being equal with an ethereal, especially considering that he was a user of the mythical ultima energy. ”I doubt you have the power to level a building, let alone  an entire city you insect.” He saw the shadow step coming really, the way that the shadows moved around him to embrace him and he could hear the subtle sound that came with his emerging.

Taking a few steps forward and then turning upon his heels, he would come face to face again with the titan, smiling as he was before. He saw the shades rising, using the smallest of movements to move out of the way as the attack missed him by a margin. ”Time to party? I dunno if I’m ready to get crunk, its not even five.” The metahuman seemed to deal with the attack fine, as he rolled out of the way and counter attacked with a burst of strange light, Michael mivign back and pressing against the wall. Of course he was simply rolling with the punches, not even working at his full fighting capacity. With that done, the male would turn to him and with a shy tone question if he knew how to fight. Michael knew how to fight like….a southerner knew how to lust after their cousins, which was pretty well if stereotypes.

”I know how to fight.” Michael answered giving a flick of his wrist as the sound of howling voice reverberated through the alleyway, a black blade forming within his left hand; radiating a black energy. ”So what got this guys underwear in a twist?” The question was directed towards the red haired male as he checked his own blade, not really acting as if the Titan were a threat.


Last edited by Mike on June 1st 2014, 1:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich June 1st 2014, 12:54 pm

Alright it was about time to set things to go and start by taking these two out. There was no use for them being alive any more and there attitude and form of words to insult him was fun at first, but playing around was no more his alternative. Alright come on out to my aid. Raise Imps of hell. By placing his hand on the ground three symbols appeared equal in distance from each other and started letting out a black aura as three small demons raised from the ground. They moaned and groaned speaking to each other in a difference of language that was foriegn to everyone on earth.

With a few jesters of his hands he commanded that the healer stayed infront to heal him and the other two imps as they fought the two directlly. The imps prepared one seperating its self into clones and the other one getting ready to leap out at the two.

The newest person brought out a sword that had this dark energy about it. For him it was a lift in his happines as he could feel the power from the sword. It made him jittery and energetic. It made him feel as this could be a promissing fight that he could expirience. Though he did not have his means of travle and more he still had the offense. He placed his hands on the ground and the shadows started to grow darker as multiple shadow like arrows emerged shot towards the two hoping to throw them off as the groups of imps infront bolted out for an attack. He would keep his hands on the ground to continue fighting from a distance as he prepared his next form.

Now just sit there and die so I can go about my day once again.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Timmmithy June 1st 2014, 2:24 pm

Few things bothered Trent beyond control. Generally, when something failed to go his way, he stepped back and started something new. However, a week ago, Trent was unable to track down and eliminate an elusive drug thief who had been stealing from a trafficker. In an attempt to forget his failure, he left Chicago and flew to New Orleans for an investigation which had no lead. For some reason however, Trent could not forget this elusive thief. He felt as though he was one close step behind him. This was the reason for returning.

His days were spent stalking another drug operation, one that was run by an arrogant Titan, in hopes of catching the thief in action. There were no plans on shutting down the titan's operation since Trent couldn't handle the strength of this beast. After all, Trent was no more than a amateur swordsman with amazing stealth abilities and a trigger finger, all he was really good at was defending himself and running from danger.

His third day back in Chicago however, something interesting happened. While tracking the drug lord, looking for new safe houses he could stake out, Trent noticed that a young red headed boy tripped over the hot headed Titan. The action quickly accelerated in a back alley with another man joining in. A few attack were thrown back and forth, but most of the action was dialogue.

Deciding not to jump in quite yet, Trent remained hidden on the rooftop directly above the trio, double checking that his 9mm was fully loaded, and his katanas were at the ready. When he looked back, he couldn't believe his eyes. The Titan summoned two creatures from what must have been some sort of hell. Still feeling the headache from last nights drink, Trent pulled back a bit to ensure he wouldn't be seen until he could make up his mind on what to do.

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Registration date : 2014-03-23

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Bethany Strong June 1st 2014, 3:07 pm

Bethany sighed as she walked through the streets of Chicago. Only recently had she bought her own apartment, free of all of the pain and troubles from her past; then suddenly, her block was deemed far too dangerous for permanent living arrangements. She thought it was in the process of being rebuilt, but evidently only one part at a time.

She tapped the pocket of her shorts where her new keys were and rolled her eyes. She didn’t mind her new apartment, but it had definitely left its mark on her bank account. Though on a brighter note, Chicago wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. The people seemed friendly and there was a comforting lack in cocky metahumans.

Bethany retrieved her cell phone from her back pocket and answered it as it began to ring. She looked at the number and it wasn’t familiar; something that always made her nervous.

”Hello?” She asked reluctantly.

There was the brief silence and then a gruff voice answered back; she was correct in not knowing who was on the other end of the line.

”Ms. Strong. I have a proposition for you, if you’d like to hear more? Bethany rolled her eyes. She had no idea how these people kept getting her personal phone number; it was as though it had been passed around a criminal underground. ’If you need something stolen, ring Bethany!

”If you would like me to steal something for you, then you can be a gentleman and—” The man chuckled before shouting.

”Listen. I will not be given orders by a two-bit swindler. Either you can get me what I desire or you’re of no use to me. Which will it be, Ms. Strong?” Bethany’s eyes widened dramatically as she removed the phone from here ear and stared at it.

”Text me the details.” She hung up the phone immediately and shoved it back into her pocket. She continued walking along the pavement and shook her head; suddenly remaining neutral didn’t seem like so much fun. Sure, she had the freedom of breaking and obeying laws as she saw fit; but when it came down to it, she didn’t have anyone in her corner.

Deciding to merely shake off the shocking phone call, Bethany spotted a small market stall. Standing behind it was an elderly Asian man, telling passers-by that he was selling fruit. Completely ignoring the sign that displayed the different prices, Bethany waited until the man was distracted before quickly taking one of the succulent peaches. She giggled but as she quickened her pace and went to take a bite, there were obscenities being shouted behind her. Evidently the man had seen her take the fruit and was chasing her.

Bethany giggled and turned her quick pace into a run, angling down an alleyway and cutting through the building on her left. It was clearly a storage room because there were boxes and old objects all covered in dust and cobwebs; not slowing her run enough to see if anything was worth any value, she phased through the opposite side of the wall.

Too preoccupied with phasing, Bethany didn’t catch sight of the boy in front of her. Her feet attempted to stop but her body –and weight- collided with him dramatically. If she hadn’t just fallen over, Bethany could have sworn that the red headed boy beneath her had glimmered for a second.


Bethany Strong

Phasing through jerks since '94
Click a gif for her profile!
Bethany Strong
Bethany Strong

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Location : England, UK
Age : 31
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Humor : Humour* I'm English. :3
Registration date : 2014-05-29

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by Beacon June 1st 2014, 3:16 pm

The fear only grew when he saw the bad person summon creatures from what seemed to be a kind of void. He felt his light shift subconsciously from green, to yellow. Which was not good. It would expend a lot of energy, and he wouldn't be able to hold it for very long. No, unless this fight ended rather quickly, he was sure to collapse from lack of energy, and lack of available light. It was not going to be a good day in the slightest. While he was able to dodge most of the shadow arrows, one nicked his leg, causing him to fall over, and shriek in pain.

As if prompted by the shriek, an impressive amount of yellow light burst from his body, and formed a dome around his body. Inside the dome, Rowan was unconscious. It was taking all of his energy to sustain the dome around his body. The dome was emitting both bright light, and heat. It would probably not last very long, but it was his body's way of a last defense against an attacker. His body was going to pay dearly for this, but hopefully it would keep him alive.

Rowan's powers were difficult, as he didn't have a firm grasp on them yet. He knew he could change the color of the light without much work, and if he really focused, he could change the shape of the light into a tangible form, but it was nothing he mastered yet. He was still a novice in many ways. He would need to be properly trained before he could be in some kind of fight, and actually be useful. That is, again, if he survived this. His leg was bleeding a bit, but the heat from the light was stopping most of the bleeding.

The field continued to pulse out light and heat. As time passed, the heat and light shifted from a yellow color, to a bright green, signifying that the field was losing some of the strength. The dome was also becoming a bit transparent, slightly showing the unconscious boy under the dome. Some indiscriminate groans could be heard from Rowan. His body was hurting rather badly, but it wasn't like Rowan could really stop the dome, as he was completely out.



Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 55
Job : Scotsman
Registration date : 2014-05-27

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Bolt June 1st 2014, 6:24 pm

So the titan was some manner of summoner? Michael groaned internally as the dark creatures from some nether plane were conjured from a cosmic nether plane, chittering in their unknown language, well unknown to any human at least. Michael understood them perfect as they talked, speaking of murder and darker things that pertained to the two that they were being summoned again. In reaction to the attack, the metahuman would form some manner of dome around himself that was a bright yellow in color, one that was like the sun being formed within the alleyway and cast off a large amount of heat with it. Squinting, Mike prepared to defend himself as his hand flew into motion along with the rest of his body. One of the summons seemed to form two more of itself, which meant that he was dealing with four damn things, plus one that seemed to be staying back; perhaps a manner of support.

The Black Blade would slash through the shadowy arrows that had been launched at him, dissipating them with only a moderate amount of difficulty, yet that did not stop the imp barrage that was coming upon him, as Mike quickly caught himself and dodged a strike that was aimed for his head. The distance from a neat concussion was around an inch, but it was a difference that saved him a lot of pain, as he drew the side of his blade upwards, catching another blow and forcing it away as Michael skidded against the wall, catching himself with his free hand and kicking off with his foot as he would slash at one of them swifly before moving next to the dome that the male had created. It was a small show of his skill as far as combat went, but it seemed that he was being pushed slightly, making Michael wonder if he would have to take this whole thing seriously.

His attention turned to the dome that had been created by the strange photokinetic metahuman, as he heard some groaning from it and took notice of someone that had fallen unconscious within it. He blinked a couple of times before groaning audibly, cursing his luck for choosing to decide to help the damn metahuman instead of going about his day. Of course heroism wasn’t his thing for a reason, but he did start the act so there was a certain principle that came with this manner of thing, which was finishing the goddamn act. Either he was totally out and could not stop the dome, or he simply did not want to, even if he was likely hurting himself in the process. ”This is why I never do anything heroic.” Michael muttered iratly as something began to form over his body, a red armor much like liquid that was glowing an ominous red as it took on a metallic quality. More and more it would form, save for the helmet that would have completed the demonic visage, two dark eyes glaring out from the breastplate, and some fabric billowing out from his waist.

Summoning forth a blade of a white metal, Mike thrust it into the ground and quickly thrust a hand through the field as he latched into the male and yanked him from the dome with all of the strength that he had available, his armor protecting him from any real damage. Green flames would leap from the blade known as Imperium and jump onto Rowan, healing any damage done to him by his own light, as well as the wound on his leg. With a thought he commanded Imperium to rise into the air, floating as if by thought and quickly adjusted the male to where  he could be more easily carried, wielding Misanthropy with his left hand still, granted he was now more…encumbered and finally he took notice of the new arrival. ”Well now….I hope you’re here to help….or if not I would suggest running in the opposite direction. As many say, shit is about to get real.” Suddenly the white blade would move, whirling through the air and aiming to slash at the Titans summons.

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The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Beacon Discovered [open for anyone] Empty Re: Beacon Discovered [open for anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich June 1st 2014, 7:54 pm

He was impressed that the intese light and heat dulled his power a little since it faded out a few shadows he was using, and the guy was able to slash away his imps that were able to get close. Speaking in their dialect he told the imp to heal the rest. The injured parts turned into a molen skin compound and not long the injuries went away in a quick time.

They gathered back up as it seemed the two were about to bail. One was uncontious, but that never stopped him before. His imps turned into a black smog and in a quick movement it swirlled around him picking him up and changing him into the next form. He was held about 20 feet off the ground when the smoke rapidly escaped into the shadows and his wings flapped gentlly to keep him in a specific area.

He looked at his hands checking over his form; scanning over his body seeing what the form looked like once again. He stretched out as he flew into the air then dropped back into the ally. His feet went through the concrete and cracted the ground. He looked over at the newest arriver seeing as she was behind them it must mean she was with them. He would not let a 3 vs 1 get to him. When he flew down he had seen a shape of a man on the roof top. But if all he was doing is watching then he dont see why not take out the obsticle infront of him then kill him and any other people who caught a glimpse of him.

He walked over to a metal rod in the ground and yanked it out of the ground it was too long to swing around an alley so he bent it until it broke which did not take long. He grabbed the other piece he was not going to use and held it as a spere and hurrled it at the only person who seem to be so far equal since he had been doging and cutting down everything he threw. He launched it out of his hands and the spin he put on it was so great it made a perfect dirt spiral around the pipe almost perfectly cleaning the pipe of the dust. It soon took speed and zipped to the guy with every half second getting faster.
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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