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The morning after (Mike)

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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 12th 2014, 7:34 pm

So Joshua had just been through a dimension of death, decay and pretty much the end of all things organic. Well, that was one for the grand kids. Michael didn't seem that interested in the Spellstone. Joshua felt weird, on one hand he was glad that he wouldn't have to talk about the subject for much longer but on the other he was insulted. Why doesn't he want to know about the God Stone he carries around on his belt from day to day? Meh, his loss. Or was it his? This was far to complicated. Michael had decided to change from this turn based questioning and began asking much more generic questions. ”Well, I don’t really have any more questions, so, tell me a little about yourself.”

"Tell you a little... about myself?" What was happening? How was he not sociallally prepared to answer this question, answering this question is like rule 101 when it comes to socialisation. Look, calm down he thought, he gave you clear instructions, how hard can it be to follow them? Right where to start. "Um... I'm..." Look this was going nowhere. What was a good thing to do when you're struggling in the conversation! He knew! "How about you tell me about yourself first?" You flip the question, then he could use his answer to structure his own! Haha, Joshua you're a genius.

On the screen, Scalectra had struck the final required blow. Numb-Chuk clutched his head and stood on the spot in a pathetic, half knelt position. Instinctively, Joshua's fingers entered in the necessary code before some oriental music played from the TV. Scalectra's figure sauntered over to Numb-Chuk, and wrapped her arms delicately around his neck as one would a lover. Then, her long green tongue stabbed it's way down his stomach and into his figure. Numb-Chuk started to vomit before bright green lightning exploded from his mouth and eyes - Scalectra activating her tongue's powers. When she pulled her mouth's extension from his body she whipped him away with it before she turned to the camera and flaunted her body and shortly after the screen faded to black and purple writing filled the screen "BLOODIED VICTORY" screeched the choir once more, and then the screen faded back to the character selection screen.

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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 12th 2014, 8:00 pm

”Yeah I don’t think I stuttered.” Michael noted as the virtual fight seemed to be coming to a close. Of course the male would try and turn the script on him, not that Michael would complain when it came down to it, he did like to talk. The dark haired ethereal cocked his head to the side as the finishing move was being performed, something about him having to answer the question first somewhat confounding. ”Well I was just wondering about unimportant things like favorite color and things like that, but I suppose I could answer first.” He said with a dramatic roll of his eyes, and a small smirk. ”Very well, my favorite color is, well any shade of pink or something like that.” Not that he was expecting the male to guess that considering that he was not wearing the color at the moment.

”I dislike country music, my favorite food is cheesecake and I like to shoot things.” Michael rattled off easily, looking to Spellstone to see any sort of reaction before continuing. ”So what about you? Any interesting information I can know about you Joshua?”
The Bolt
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 13th 2014, 3:59 pm

”So what about you? Any interesting information I can know about you Joshua?” This question should be a lot easier to answer now that he had laid out a template with his own answer, now all Joshua needed to do was emulate it. "Well, I like the colour red, if you couldn't guess." He was referencing his red cloak and the red hoodie he was wearing. "I like well... loud music? With lots of guitars and drums. My favourite food is ice-cream and I like to... explore?" He didn't know where he was going with that last one. He wasn't very good at conversations as he didn't have many friends as a child. Only siblings.

On the screen, Joshua chose a different character. She appeared to be dressed as a sister of the faith, with a ninja sword on her back. However her nun clothes were much more skimpy, thigh high boots seen under them, small crucifix shaped shurikens strapped along the thigh. When he pressed confirm, the game spoke in an angelic chorus - Nunjitsu - and it then awaited player 2's selection.

He needed to keep the conversation going so his mind picked a subject to discuss at random "My favourite animals are Rhinos. I don't know why but they're so adorbale, with their little horns. Also my brother accidentally summoned one in his bedroom and we spent the whole day wondering how we could get it out - but in the end we just shrunk it and kept it. I miss Spikey." Joshua frowned slightly, recalling his miniscule Rhino friend from his younger years, before turning back to Michael. "What type of music do you like then, if you don't like country?"
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 17th 2014, 7:09 pm

His interest in the color red was an obvious one, but Michael did not like to presume too much. ”Rhinos?” Michael chuckled lightly at the thought, picking out his next character. This one was some kind of draconian type fighter, or so it appeared by their appearance, but he could have been wrong. Then came the question of what kind of music that he liked, and Michael was unsure what that was. ”I like a lot of music, anything that catches my interest really, but I suppose the louder the better.” He noted as the fight would begin or whatever. His mind was reeling over the appropriate question to ask or something along those lines. ”So have any kind of hobbies?”
The Bolt
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 17th 2014, 8:00 pm

"Besides the hero stuff? Um...' he paused, trying to think of hobbies he had. He had like, five but he wanted to stretch out the thought process so it seemed as if he had more. He also enjoyed the fact that he and Michael liked the same music. 'I like reading, and drawing. And I like star-gazing. The Spellstone makes that one easier to do though." he smiled for a minute, trying to think of a good retaliation question. "Do you have a favourite band? I quite like Crown The Empire, they're pretty rad. Also what do you do to pass the time?" Spellstone tilted his head, but kept an eye on the screen.

Nunjitsu landed onto the floor from off-screen, and pulled out her shimmering silver ninja blade - and held it's cross shaped handle. "The power of Christ compels you!" she called out, confidently before assuming a ninjitsu pose. The dragon slammed into the floor, and cracked it's knuckles - extending it's wings behind itself dramatically. "Are you afraid?" it spoke coldly. However it broke it's frightening demeanour by removing a cigar from under it's wing and igniting it's tip with a puff of flame and stuck it into it's mouth, tongue curled around it.

"Oh dude, you choose Dragoknight! Nice choice." Spellstone leaned towards the screen, prepared for long ranged breath attacks.


The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 23rd 2014, 9:28 pm

Did Michael have a favorite band? That was something that he had to think over, let it mull within his brain as his character would say something, seeming to be a more serious character than the one that he had used before. Fingers would dance over the buttons of his controller, simply familiarizing himself with the buttons. ”Favorite band? That’s a tough one, but I guess you could say I like A Perfect Circle”, though that’s just a band that I could call my favorite at the moment, I’m  moody that way.” Michael noted cocking his head to the side. As the two fighters would face off, his dragon seeming more intimidating until revealing the cigar. Apparently something about the character he chose was cool, or simply one that Joshua thought was cool. ”So, whats your opinion on the whole metahuman controversy or whatever?”
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo May 2nd 2014, 11:58 am

”So, whats your opinion on the whole metahuman controversy or whatever?” Joshua bit his lip in thought while Dragoknight bit Nunjitsu's face and threw her across the screen - she'd only taken minimal damage because it was a game but still that was hardcore. After a few more seconds, he tapped some buttons and responded. "I think meta-humans should be left alone - if people keep hating on meta-humans then eventually meta-humans are going to become the threat they're worried about' Nunjitsu threw some cross shaped Shurikens across the level at Dragoknight who was staggered briefly. 'Yeah some of them are criminals but so are some humans, and if they ever manage to eliminate meta-humans they'll move onto magicians next. Heck most of us are more dangerous than any meta-human ever could be." Joshua sounded quite strong in his views, it had been something that he'd been thinking about for ages; he always afraid that people would realise the harm mages could cause. Not to mention that the harm mages can cause was exactly the kind of thing his family was afraid of too although they took a much more direct approach to dealing with the issue.

"They should just leave everyone with powers alone unless they're criminals, then you treat them like you would any other criminal - except with a bit more precautions. Normal criminals can't breathe fire." he chuckled a little after saying that while Nunjitsu threw a canister of holywater on the ground which exploded with smoke, rendering her invisible. Dragoknight found himself being struck by an invisible force before he solved that problem with a large amount of fire. "Speaking off magic, what type do you use?" Joshua changed his tone to much lighter one while saying this - more curious than inquisitive.
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt May 5th 2014, 8:24 pm

It was true that most mages he knew easily outstripped metahumans, but that was not always the case really. Some magic users were rather trivial as far as magic went, and some metahumans could potentially level cities. It was all a matter of circumstances really, ones that he thought over well enough. In fact Michael was a mage himself, and this was aware of how powerful one could be, considering that he was quite the powerful mage himself. ”Most human criminals are far less dangerous than metahumans, considering that some could knock down buildings with their minds.” Michael noted pressing a few buttons on the controller, getting used to the control scheme of the character he was playing with. The male asked what kind of magic that he used, and he was unsure how he could explain it to where the male would understand. ”I use….Ethereal magic. It’s a magic that’s powered by Ethereal energy, pretty powerful stuff and not just any mage can use it.” Michael started explaining. ”I kind of comes with being an ethereal.” he added. ”So…have you ever been in a fight with a werewolf?”

Last edited by Mike on May 10th 2014, 11:19 am; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo May 10th 2014, 11:18 am

”So…have you ever been in a fight with a werewolf?” Joshua laughed after he said that and allowed Nunjitsu to be bitch slapped by a tail. "No - but I've had a um... run in with one." reaching to the pizza box on the bed, he lifted yet another slice and bit into it. It's malleable form allowed him to easily fit about half of it in his mouth at once, and then he chewed rather nosily. With his mouth partially full, he contiuned his story. "One of the workers in my old home was a werewolf, and they turned one night' he paused to finish the slice, red sauce smeared around his lips. 'and our entire family spent the night running around the place trying to catch him. It was like some sort of scooby doo episode or something, although we didn't resort to splitting up and setting a trap. We just chased it around the place until the sun came up again. Fun night, he still works for my dad." he laughed after saying that, and sucked his fingers to take the sauce of them. Nunjitsu had just delivered an elbow drop onto DragoKnight's wing before Joshua perked up. "Wait - have you ever fought a werewolf?!"


The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt May 10th 2014, 9:06 pm

Michael personally had never been in a fight with a werewolf, so he had no idea how hard fighting one would be, but it was interesting that Joshua had never been in one either. His mind was half divided with the story and the fact that the males mouth was smeared with pizza sauce, something about it bothering Michael slightly. However Michael’s attention did snap from staring at the pizza sauce that ringed his mouth to answer the question. ”Have I ever fought one? No, I can’t say I have. I have fought vampires before, goddamn bloodsuckers. Apparently one thing you don’t want to do is receive any kind of hickeys from them though; not as pleasant as one might think.” He joked, the reality being that he eviscerated the vampire in question. Making a low annoyed sound, Michael wanted to deal with the mess but he was getting his ass kicked on this game and needed to deal with that first. ”So, I assume yesterday was your first time fighting a dragon?”
The Bolt
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo May 11th 2014, 8:00 am

"Don't talk bad about Vampires, my old baby sitter was one. And by old baby sitter I mean Oooooolllldddddddd baby sitter." he laughed, remembering old Ronda. She was atleast 200 years of age and always had the best stories - but he didn't believe the one about her battling with Jack the Ripper, who wasn't a serial killer but a cultist trying to summon and ancient blood god and his army of Haemogoblins. "But I can see why getting a hickey off a vampire would be a bad idea, they tend to be a bit... eager." he didn't know if it was the right word, so he just shrugged before Nunjitsu was kicked across the screen and smacked off the invisible wall at the end of the level. "Aha, nice one!"

”So, I assume yesterday was your first time fighting a dragon?” Joshua nearly gaspedd at the memory before he cried excitedly "It was my first time ever SEEING ONE never mind kicking it's scaley ass into dust! It was all like pew pew, and we were like Bisshh Bissshh and then it just like, EXPLODED!" he took and breath and raised his eyebrow. "What was with the golden chick? She was weird and she like - knew things. Probably for the best that she's probably gone." Nunjitsu's health was low and Joshua resorted to staying at the other end of the level and using ranged attacks.


The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt May 11th 2014, 8:14 am

So it was his first time ever seeing one? Michael cocked an eyebrow slightly, smirking as the amount of enthusiasm he showed at actually having faced one and defeating it, though that dragon was nowhere as powerful compared to some that he knew; such as Jordan. While he knew little about the dragons power, he did know that he was a powerful dragon and one that Michael would not take lightly in any scenario, if only out of respect for family. It was amusing, then again he found a lot of the things the male did amusing, do the reaction itself was amusing.”I haven’t fought any dragons before, but I do know one or two, not that I really ever plan to fight him.” Michael noted absently before answering the question. ”Golden lady?” Michael pondered over an answer for that but nothing really came to it, as he continued to pressure Nunjustsu with what his character was good at, long ranged attacks. ”Either she was some kind of sorceress who was harnessing the dragons power or some kind of psionic manifestation, can’t really tell.” Michael hypothesized outloud, hmmming to himself as if considering it. ”Do you know what…the Titans are?” he asked casually, pronouncing Titan as Ti’taens, rather than the usual pronounciation.
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo May 11th 2014, 1:26 pm

”Do you know what…the Titans are?” Michael asked, while Dragoknight approached the nun who removed her cross shaped sword and span it around. "Yeah, they were these big greek primodial things that ruled the world before Zeus came down and kicked their ass. It's pronounced Titan by the way." Dragoknight reacted to Nunjitsu's sword a rather potent blast of fire from his throat. "Why?" Joshua curiously cocked an eyebrow and turned his eyes to look at Micheal's face, and licked some pizza sauce from his own mouth.


The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt May 11th 2014, 1:38 pm

”No I pronounced it right, and you are…really wrong on what they are.” Michael noted simply, though not surprised by the human mages ignorance on the subject. ”The Titans are a race of beings that feed on death, or the energy known as Nether produced when things die.” He explained as the fight came to a close, though it seemed that his fighter was the one that was victorious. ”As for the why, I was just wondering if you knew anything about them, considering that I am one myself.” He noted letting the strange glowing purple markings form along his body, creeping up his neck like vines and appearing on any sort of exposed flesh. A small amount of nether would leak into the air, a dark feeling energy that would make the hair stand up on the back of one’s neck; especially if they were so close to the source of the energy. However, he would find the small traces of nether far preferable to feeling Dark Ethereal, or so Michael though anyway. "And no, the markings are not just for decoration."
The Bolt
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo May 12th 2014, 1:56 am

”The Titans are a race of beings that feed on death, or the energy known as Nether produced when things die.” Joshua raised an eyebrow, in all those hours that he'd spent half asleep in his father's lessons he had never heard of anything that fed off death other than cannibals. ”As for the why, I was just wondering if you knew anything about them, considering that I am one myself.” Joshua perked and turned to look at Michael body. Glowing markings began to slither up his body, covering any peice of exposed flesh they could find. The colourful sight brought back the memories of the first time he met Mike. When they addressed the crowds and in a flash Michael's entire body changed into what looked like hellspawn it, was pretty awesome actually. Joshua wanted to reach out and touch one of them but this feeling in the air - a feeling like you're being watched at night, in a graveyard - warded him off. "And no, the markings are not just for decoration."

Joshua's mouth pulled in a smile, one of awe to be honest. However it was quickly washed away with some perplextion that spiralled across Joshua's face. "Hey, but didn't you say you were an 'Ethereal' before?" he was trying to hide the fact that two rather powerful magical species had evaded the notice of mages for so long - a thought that he decided to push down into his stomach so that he could address it later. "Are you a Titan or an Ethereal?  Are they the same thing - like different terminologies for it, like how humans can be Humans and Mankind." On the screen, Nunjitsu died after being incinerated. "KO." spilled across the screen in what looked like CREEPER FOONNNTTT before the screen painted black and opened at the character selection screen again.  


The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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The morning after (Mike) - Page 2 Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt May 12th 2014, 4:11 am

Michael smirked and shook his head at the apparent ignorance of the mage, not that he was too surprised by it.”I did say I was an ethereal, but I’m what you would call a half breed. I’m half ethereal and half titan, one parent being an ethereal and the other a titan.” he explained with a slight smirk, something about explaining this amusing him. ”Ethereals use a far different energy than Titans do, and they…are simply different races altogether.” he would allow the feeling of nether to dissipate and then a different sensation, one that was soothing and for the most part the opposite of the feeling of nether; otherwise known as Aether. Ethereals were capable of using both aether and nether, so he was showing the dual nature of such. ”Any other questions?” He would ask looking over the character roster.
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