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The morning after (Mike)

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The morning after (Mike) Empty The morning after (Mike)

Post by Thistle April 6th 2014, 6:21 am

Spellstone began to rouse from his dirt-nap, arms moving slightly and a groan leaving his lips. He instinctively reached to the side of his bed in order to turn of the alarm which he hadn't set. He over-extended his arm looking for it and found himself falling out of bed. That woke him up. He sat up on the floor and realised that he was still wearing his costume. After allowing his hood to fall of his head, Spellstone rubbed his head with another tired and slightly foggy groan. Standing up; his gaze turned to his location. Back in his homely hovel, in Chicago. Nice.

He'd just had what felt like a dream, he was fighting a dragon in the sewers. It was pretty baddass to be honest, but something was different. It was too tangible. More like a memory than a dream. Also his body ached and he was in his costume so he had to have been doing something like that last night. Speaking of his costume what the hell happened to it? His cape was torn and the feet were covered in... oh god; what is that. It smells disgusting. It had gone crusty. Spellstone was about to be sick, but instead he took of the belt which The Spellstone was attached too. His costume was consumed by a turquoise light, and when it faded he was wearing a skull Tee, a red hoodie and a pair of jeans. With no horrid... sewer juice. So he'd actually killed a dragon who lived under New York. And some crazy sorceress lady that was with it. Sweet. He and Michael had - Michael!

Spellstone turned around to see Michael lying against the wall. Half naked. He staggered backwards at first, a mixture of disbelief and shock. Before his mind let him jump to optimistic conclusions, it pointed out that he looked as if he'd been beaten up and dumped. "I hope he's ok..." Joshua said, quietly as to not awaken him from his unconscious state. His eyes darted to his crude set of drawers before he walked over to them and took out some boots in a grey colour and about twelve dollars. After sliding the boots on he left his shack in order to go and perform a great hunt - the hunt for breakfast.


About half an hour later, Joshua returned clutching his kill in one hand and his damaged weapon, the mighty twelve dollars had now become a meagre $4.50, and the kill was still warm. It was a pizza box tucked under his right arm. He set it down on the bed and produced a bottle of soda from underneath his bed - it was flat but still tasted nice enough. His fingers slipped into the cardboard container and lifted up it's flap; filling the room with the delicious aroma of melted cheese and pepperoni. Lifting a slice of gooey goodness, he allowed his teeth to sink into it, before he sauntered over and kicked Michael in the foot lightly. "Hey; get up, I got breakfast."
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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 6th 2014, 8:07 pm

Michael’s everything hurt, that was something that the male was sure of as he slowly dipped in and out of consciousness. Everything slowly came back to him as something kicked his foot, drawing the male form his sleep slowly, along with the voice that was tied to it. Slowly the silver eyes would open, and his nostrils took in the scent of the melted cheese that permeated the air, and his stomachs growling reminded him that he had exerted himself more than originally though. So there was going to be some breakfast in this hovel that the male called a house? Michael grunted under his breath as he pushed himself up, feeling an aching sensation in his lower abdomen, seeing that his shirt was for the most part ruined, grimacing lightly at the prospect. Not that he couldn’t fix the clothes in the first place, that was easy enough within its own right.

In the course of his sleep his ethereal energy had managed to replenish itself, which meant that he could do something with that energy at least. Slowly a small amount of dark purple mist began to emanate from his body as the clothes that were torn began to mend themselves, reforming into their former glory, covering the skin that was lay bare, along with what looked like  a potential small scar on his figure, not that he planned for it to last too long there. So what was for breakfast anyway? Michael let his nostrils take in that scent and all that he could surmise was that they were dealing with some kind of pizza, or whatever smelt like pizza. Pushing himself to his feet, Michael drew in a loud yawn as he looked to Spellstone, a little curious.

He was pleased that his healing spent on the male was not wasted, seeing as Michael hated wasted effort. ’Pizza for breakfast? Well that’s a new one for me.” Michael noted scratching the back of his head lightly, a little curious of the whole concept in general. Not that he would turn down food offered to him, considering that Michael was someone that enjoyed his food as much as anyone. Reaching into the cardboard container, Michael pulled a slice out for himself, looking to Spellstone curiously for a second. ”So, you alright? I healed what I can but I’m not sure I got everything fixed.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 8th 2014, 5:22 pm

Joshua smiled whenever Michael sat up, and waved him good morning with his fingers. After showing off some of his shape shifter skills and repairing his clothes, to which Joshua had to hide his disappointment, Michael walked towards him - looking as if he had just been brought back from the dead. Again. Joshua smiled again when he seemed grateful for the food, because he'd damn welled better be. It cost him a fortune.

"Pizza for breakfast is a celebratory tradition - do something good? Get rewarded with Pizza for breakfast. " Joshua spoke with his mouth full, seeing as he hadn't eaten in about 20 hours. This pizza was pretty great, it had the type of cheese that just fell of the pizza if you didn't support it at both ends. "And yeah, I'm feeling pretty good - thanks for asking. My chest hurts a little but it's probably just indigestion or somet-' he coughed on the pizza and took a small pause 'Something." Joshua reached to his bed and lifted up the bottle of bright blue liquid, and unscrewed the bottle cap lid. He quickly gulped some down before screwing the lid on once more. "I'm so hungry." he uttered, before taking a fourth slice and moving over to sit on the box in front of his 18 inch TV, crossing over his legs.

"What d'you wanna play? I have 7 games..." he bent down and began rummaging through a box of games. "I have;
- Speedy Zero, it's a racing game only you play as people who can run at like 600 miles per hour.
- Punch'em Punch up! Is a fighting game, it's pretty fun.
- Colonel Cobra is an action game where you fight aliens and make 'moral choices' and stuff, but it isn't multi-player.

The rest are all pretty lame, and half of them don't work any more but yeah, what tickles your fancy."

Joshua listed his favourite of the three, or at least the ones he played the most. He knew that Michael hadn't asked but he didn't want him to leave straight away - he had questions to ask him about stuff that the sorceress had said, like the fact Michael is IMMORTAL and he was sure that Michael had some of his own questions - as she had loosened her lips on some of Joshua's own secrets. Also he didn't mind his company and wanted to get to know his fellow 'Arcane Ass kicker' a little better. Maybe they could joke about the fact that Michael is a zombie and then make love No! No brain, bad! Then they can bond and become friends rather than acquaintances. He turned around to look at Michael while handing him the silver and slightly dodgy second controller.

Heck maybe the only question he'd ask him was how did he live in this hovel.

(This post is actually awful idk wtf happened)
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 8th 2014, 5:57 pm

So this was some kind of reward? Michael was somewhat hesitant to believe it, but then again Michael was not the believing type, usually when he rewarded himself it was not pizza for breakfast, but then he remembered that this male was likely….poor as the humans said it.. Sure he tended to reward himself with food, but that was mostly some contrived way of saying that he was a gift to the world or something along those lines, not anything worth actual celebration. Not that he had done anything for the world as a whole, considering humanity would know nothing about the destroyed dragon, the subspace having collapsed as soon as the sorceress and dragon were dead, Michael barely able to escape with the mage in tow.

Taking a bite of the pizza, Michael let out a low satisfied hum as he chewed the rather cheesy pizza. Okay, it was kind of a reward though he would have preferred ice cream, Michael did love ice cream.  Sure the cheese falling off the pizza slightly did annoy Michael, he had a feeling that this was the male pushing the budget so to speak. ”I’m not that hungry.” Michael noted taking another bite of the pizza, not going into the fact that he did not need to eat, sleep or even breathe. He was what one would call a perfect immortal being, and Michael did pride in that, not that he felt like rubbing it in another humans face; felt in poor taste when you were working with them.

Watching the male’s movements, he seemed to take a swig of some blue liquid before moving to another location and sat down in front of the television. He mentioned something about video games, which caught Michael’s interest, considering that he still had a thing for video games. Not that he was amazing at them mind you, but they were something that he found sufficient to pass the time. ”I like the sound of the fighting game.” Mike noted rubbing his chin lightly before taking a seat beside male, crossing his legs and letting his hands rest in his lap. Looking to the rather bad looking controller handed to him, Michael took it and examined the thing for a moment, acquainting himself with the buttons and then waiting for the game to start or whatever.

”So I have to tell ya, haven’t played this game; so try to take it easy on me.” He said joking, even though he was expecting to get beaten the first few times around.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 8th 2014, 6:14 pm

Joshua shuffled over on his knees to the game console and slid the game's disk in. Some lights began to flicker and then intense music filled the shack, filled with guitar riffs and some sort of Japanese rap song. He jumped back from the volume, before putting it way down. "It's easy, just hit all the buttons in different orders and you usually do something like punch your opponent to the moon or stomp them through the earth's core!" he shuffled back onto the seat and lifted his own controller and briefly flicked through the settings - they were in a two player versus match against each other and now sat at the character selection screen. Within seconds, Joshua flickered his fingers over the buttons and selected what looked like some sort of woman wearing a dress but she had scales and appeared to be a lizard. When he pressed the X button to pick her, the console let out her name - Scalectra - before falling silent. Joshua watched the screen, eager to see who Michael would pick.

He needed to get conversation going... He rubbed his chin for a few seconds before turning to look back at Michael. "When the glowing golden girl said that you were immortal, are you actually immortal or was it a joke or what?" Joshua sounded quite abrupt with the sudden topic change but he didn't really mind. He was prepared to answer any questions Michael decided to probe him with afterwards so he just hoped that Michael would be willing to return such a favour - even though he owns him none. "Did she just mean it because you're a zombie now?"
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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 8th 2014, 6:27 pm

So all he would have to do is rapidly press buttons until gaining some kind of desired effect. The whole punching someone through the earth’s core was a rather novel idea, so he would have to see if he could perform such a move. Well, if he could get a hang of the control scheme in the first place, which felt like it would be a little difficult at first. Joshua would chose some form of lizard woman, so Michael would chose some kind of ninja character with a rather contrived sounding name that was a play on words for freezing or something. Then conversation started, though Michael was more than ready to just beat this guy in the fighting game. So it was something about what the glowing woman had said? His mind ran over everything that she had said and it was rather simple, the fact that he was immortal.

Would he be curious of how to ascertain this immortality or was it something else entirely? ”No, I’m really immortal.” Michael noted looking to Spellstone to gauge his reaction, see if he would be surprised as any human would be when dealing with an immortal. ”Don’t need to eat, breath, or sleep. Not that I can’t do those things, I just don’t really need to.” Michael added for the simple fact of explanation as he waited for the game to start. ”So, why live in a place like this? You could likely find somewhere nicer to live, so why here?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 8th 2014, 6:49 pm

Wow - so he didn't need to eat, sleep or breathe? Wow. While that sounded pretty cool but it also sounded quite awful. Where's the fun in never sleeping? Sleeping's great - it's like a time machine to breakfast. Not that he needed that either. Poor Michael. After he answered his question, Joshua replied with a brief "Neat." before being quiet so that Michael could ask one of his own. ”So, why live in a place like this? You could likely find somewhere nicer to live, so why here?” A fair question. Not the one that Joshua would have asked. He took a deep breathe and hit the Start fight game.

Scalectra and Numb-Chuk walked towards eachother in what appeared to be a jungle enviroment. "Your skills aren't up to scale." she said, sassily - her 10 foot tongue whipping around in the air, surrounded in green lightning, before reseeding back into her mouth. "I hope you aren't getting cold feet." Numb-chuk said coldly, while spinning a nunchuk made out of ice around his body; as if he hadn't heard her remark. It was so obviously scripted that you had to love it. There was a brief countdown on the screen before what sounded like a choir on cocaine screamed the word "FIGHT" and as soon as that happened, Scalectra sent her tongue spiralling towards Numb-Chuk to try and knock him off his feet.

"I don't know. I um...' he paused, trying to think of a way to explain it. 'I'm no longer welcome in my family home, is probably the most polite way to put it - And this place? It was here when I was looking for a place to squat and it was empty. Also the lady on the first floor has this weird floor window connected to my little hovel, so occasionally she feeds me and stuff. I like her." Joshua bit his lip a tiny bit, before turning to face Michael again. "Who's Raziel? She called you his pawn."
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 8th 2014, 7:01 pm

Ah, so this whole set up was more out of pity from the woman above them? Michael considered that as the game started, his own character saying some sort of cheesy line and twirling the nun-chuck made of ice rather skillfully. The fact that everything was scripted was obvious, though there was a certain charm about it, which reminded him why he loved fighting games. Fingers played along the buttons on the controller trying to get used to the game that they were playing, testing out certain moves while trying not to die. It took half of his health bar to really get used to the game but at that point he was putting up one hell of a fight. ”Well if you are ever in need of a better place, I’m always willing to help a friend.” Michael said this as if it were nothing, eyes still stuck upon the screen. Did he consider Spellstone a friend of his? That was good question and one that Michael was unsure if he could answer.

Then came the question about Raziel, one that he was unsure that he could answer. How much could he tell the human about the ancient ethereal? There was only so much that he could tell without giving away a lot of important information, information that Raziel would make him bleed for. ”Raziel? Well….he’s someone that helped me out, he’s like me; immortal I mean but he’s much older. I would have to venture to say that he’s millennia old.” Michael admitted as his character was knocked down by one of the reptiles tongue based attacks. ”I’m not his pawn though, the bitch was just playin around with me.” He growled lightly upon saying bitch.

”So who is your family? Is it one of those magical families I’ve heard so much about or another one? Why aren’t you welcome at your home anymore?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 8th 2014, 7:29 pm

Scalectra was sent flying backwards from some ninja stars made from ice that Numb-Chuk had thrown at her, and with each one of them that connected she lifted into the air slightly further - like a DVD on loop - before she hit the floor. She crouched down and sent her lightning tongue towards Numb-Chuk's foot. "Well if you are ever in need of a better place, I'm always willing to help a friend." Friend. Some part of Joshua couldn't help but feel giddy - Michael considered him a friend. And he was... Was he inviting him to move in with him? Joshua took a look at the hovel and simply shrugged. "Meh, I'm good here - for now." He said, before smiling at Michael again.

So Raziel was quite important to Michael because of 'if I told you i'd have to kill you' reasons. The best kind. He didn't feel like digging any deeper, it would probably only end up in another near-death experience only this time with Michael's friends instead of a dragon. "You didn't seem the pawn type; I didn't believe the bitch when she said that." Joshua emulated the growl on the word bitch, to both bond with Michael and politely tell him how stupid he sounded when he did it. Since it was Michael's turn to ask a question, Joshua awaited it - while Scalectra used her tongue to uppercut Numb-Chuk.

”So who is your family? Is it one of those magical families I’ve heard so much about or another one? Why aren’t you welcome at your home anymore?”

Joshua hesitated for a moment, before tilting his head every so slightly. "My family are called the Ashling family, and yeah they are a magic family but I doubt you'll of heard of them. They basically devoted themselves to secretly finding powerful magical artefacts and keeping them out of the hands of greedy evil mages' he cleared his throat 'And I'm not welcome there any more because I thought that maybe they could be put to better use, rather than just gathering dust in the vault." Joshua scratched his chin.

"So... what's being Immortal like? Not gonna lie - it sounds awful. Living forever and stuff."
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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 8th 2014, 7:46 pm

So the male would deny his rather…rare offer? Not that Michael really cared that he did deny it, considering that he would have likely regretted doing so later. Granted helping a powerful ally would have proven fruitful within the long run, so there were some risks he would have been willing to take. ”Whatever floats your boat.” He never really understood the saying but he understood the context of it, and that was enough to use it really, even if he sounded somewhat lame. A smile formed upon the male’s face, which meant that something he had said pleased him to some degree, which was good he supposed.

”Well I am no one’s pawn, especially to some two-bit mage with a little power.” The way that he seemed to copy Michael’s in how he said bitch did annoy the male some, but not enough to really draw any sort of rise from him, as his character attempted to hit the reptilian woman with his weapon. Then came the answer to his question, which was his family and why they did not really welcome him home. Had he done something that was so unforgivable or was it simply a great difference in opinions?

One thing he knew was that he had never heard of the Ashling family, considering his dad only spoke of the major four and a few of the minor houses. He would likely not go out of his way to tell about his interesting family, but then again considering that they were all being honest here, he could give a last name. ”What’s it like being immortal? I cannot really answer that one, since I’m not that old myself. Haven’t lived long enough to really go through any downsides, but it has its perks. You get to see everything change around you, see so many amazing things.” Michael noted as his character was knocked back.

”So, what prompted you to start in the hero business? Why do you go out of your way to save people and stuff like that? Is it for the press coverage or something else?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 9th 2014, 1:53 pm

"Why do I go out of my way to help people? Well there's two main reasons really. When I help someone I get this fuzzy feeling in my stomach, like there's a kitten playing with yarn in my belly and it feels really pleasant.' He paused, about to go into the deeper part of his answer 'Also, every time a camera crew sees me or my picture is taken for the newspaper I... gloat. That I was right about magic being put to better use and my family was wrong. Plus, going out of your way to help someone is just the human thing to do. Atleast in my opinion." Joshua reached behind him and lifted a fifth slice of pizza, Scalectra being floored by a nunchuk strike. He rolled the slice into a cylinder and eat it as if it were a tortilla wrap.

"What about you? How did you start with the whole hero stuff?" Joshua asked, mid-burp. This was some really good pizza. Scalectra's tongue hissed with green power, striking at several different locations before pulling back into her mouth. He was really curious about this answer, Michael never really struck him as the type who wanted to do this kind of thing for a living. He barely even made any campy puns while he worked. Unless he was one of those 'dark and serious' heroes that seem to be so popular. He'd break the mould some day though. Become so famous that paparazzi will be all over him. Now that, would be great.
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 10th 2014, 12:57 am

So one of the reasons that he went around helping people was because of some strange fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach? Soo there was gloating and then some kind of personal satisfaction that he got form this whole heroing thing, while Michael did not quite like being heroic; there was just no pay off to it. Proving their family wrong however, that was something that he could get, even if Michael did not quite feel like he had to do that when it came to his family. ”How did I get started? Well I suppose you could say that our little run in at the bank was my first official stint of heroing.” Michael noted taking count of his fighters health, which was beginning to plummet, faster than the scaled females.

He was not the model hero, no, Michael was more of what you called a criminal and so doing heroic things was out of his norm. While the ethereal was capable of doing good, he just did not feel like doing so most of the time, finding it bothersome and things of that nature. The fact that the male had called it the human thing to do only amused Michael, seeing as how he was not in the least human.”So, why do you call yourself Spellstone? Is it some sort of catchy name or is there some kind of stone, or what?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 10th 2014, 1:43 pm

"So our run in at the bank was your first ever hero work? - But you seemed as if you knew what you were doing." Joshua mused, while Scalectra was punched right in the stomach by Numb-Chuk. So Michael here was an immortal with a lot of magical power and had never really put it to any sort of use before their run in at the bank. Weird. But, Joshua shrugged this thought away - it was none of his business in the long run. Besides he did say it was his first 'official' hero stint. It was Michael's turn to ask so Joshua politely listened to what he was saying.

”So, why do you call yourself Spellstone? Is it some sort of catchy name or is there some kind of stone, or what?” Joshua's heart sank ever so slightly. Should he just tell Michael the truth? I mean if they are meant to be in some sort of hero squad together then surely they have to trust each other. Maybe he could get away with maintaining the façade that he was simply a powerful mage. He bit his lip and the distraction caused Scalectra to be kicked in the face by a foot of ice. He continued to hesitate before he finally spoke. "I may have... done more than simply disagree with my family. I may have taken my opinion that the magical artefacts can be used for a more direct purpose to another level.' he rubbed the back of his neck 'I kind of stole the most powerful magical artefact they own and then ran away. The thing I stole is my namesake - The Spellstone."

He looked down at his belt buckle and tapped the dark silver ornate oval stone that clung to it. It had rune stoned that looked as if Aphrodite herself had forged them. He tapped it twice before shrugging. This was the first time he's ever actually said that he stole the spellstone out-loud, not to mention the first time he's ever told anyone else. "And before you ask, no - you cannot borrow it. It can give someone with absolutely zero magical potential the abilities of a sorcerer supreme, so just imagine what it would do to someone with massive magical powers already.' He chuckled after he said that to put a light hearted tone to his sincere message 'Also you can't tell anyone about it - they'll only want to come and try to get it. They'd fail obviously, cause y'know - I'm strong as hell and could fend them off." After he said that, Joshua jokingly flexed his arm muscles and pulled a manly expression.

He knew that Michael would probably have follow up questions about the Spellstone and he was prepared for them, but it was his turn to ask one. He bit his lip again trying to think of one. What would make good conversation topic? he thought. "When we teleported to New York, the place we travelled through - what was that place? It was really... weird."
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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by The Bolt April 10th 2014, 5:40 pm

So his power came from some kind of stone? That made Michael wonder if the male himself was naturally without magical power or he was making a comparison. This was something Michael had to think over as his character gave the female an icy uppercut of some kind, mind thinking over everything that what he said suggested. Well at least Michael knew why the males family did not want to have him around, considering that he had stolen such a powerful magical artifact, something that many would not out of their grasp; hell he would not want something like that being stolen from him. ”I suppose it would make someone a god.” Michael mused lightly, something about the idea of godhood seeming to interest him, but Michael would not let that show. Then came a rather interesting topic, the place they had traveled through.

”Interesting story that is. It’s a subspace highway that goes through another realm called The Abyss. The Abyss is a realm that is literally filled with death, or an element called Nether, I passed through it to decrease the travel time.” Michael explain rather simply, as the fight seemed to be drawing to a close. ”So basically I brought you through a dimension of death and decay,a lot of fun.” Michael added as a sort of a joke, even if it were not a laughing matter. He paused for a moment, thinking something over while his fingers went into auto pilot, pressing buttons as his character reacted. ”Well, I don’t really jabe any more questions, so, tell me a little about yourself.” Michael said as the onscreen fight seemed to be coming to a close.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The morning after (Mike) Empty Re: The morning after (Mike)

Post by Lingo April 12th 2014, 7:34 pm

So Joshua had just been through a dimension of death, decay and pretty much the end of all things organic. Well, that was one for the grand kids. Michael didn't seem that interested in the Spellstone. Joshua felt weird, on one hand he was glad that he wouldn't have to talk about the subject for much longer but on the other he was insulted. Why doesn't he want to know about the God Stone he carries around on his belt from day to day? Meh, his loss. Or was it his? This was far to complicated. Michael had decided to change from this turn based questioning and began asking much more generic questions. ”Well, I don’t really have any more questions, so, tell me a little about yourself.”

"Tell you a little... about myself?" What was happening? How was he not sociallally prepared to answer this question, answering this question is like rule 101 when it comes to socialisation. Look, calm down he thought, he gave you clear instructions, how hard can it be to follow them? Right where to start. "Um... I'm..." Look this was going nowhere. What was a good thing to do when you're struggling in the conversation! He knew! "How about you tell me about yourself first?" You flip the question, then he could use his answer to structure his own! Haha, Joshua you're a genius.

On the screen, Scalectra had struck the final required blow. Numb-Chuk clutched his head and stood on the spot in a pathetic, half knelt position. Instinctively, Joshua's fingers entered in the necessary code before some oriental music played from the TV. Scalectra's figure sauntered over to Numb-Chuk, and wrapped her arms delicately around his neck as one would a lover. Then, her long green tongue stabbed it's way down his stomach and into his figure. Numb-Chuk started to vomit before bright green lightning exploded from his mouth and eyes - Scalectra activating her tongue's powers. When she pulled her mouth's extension from his body she whipped him away with it before she turned to the camera and flaunted her body and shortly after the screen faded to black and purple writing filled the screen "BLOODIED VICTORY" screeched the choir once more, and then the screen faded back to the character selection screen.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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