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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by The Bolt December 28th 2013, 10:31 pm

Michael rested elbows against the table, eyes closing slightly as he took in a deep whiff of the coffee set in front of him. It was night time, or close enough to it anyway, horizon a setting of beautiful colors that played well off of one another. Purple orbs followed people that walked past him, going about their daily lives after having gotten their coffee drinks. Too much had happened recently, starting when he met that mage with the strange fashion accessory, and next thing he knew, Michael was banished, unable to return to his home. On the surface he tried not to let it show, but internally the male was angered; hurt even. Pressing hand to his mouth, Michael coughed violently, a small amount of blood coming up and resting against his pale palm. ”Ugh..not good at all.” Michael grumbled head growing dizzy for a moment before the sensation fell away.

”Well I guess Silus will have something to laugh at now.” He muttered rubbing the bridge of his nose and taking another sip of the warm coffee in front of him, the sensation that ran through him seeming to take the edge off. Hell, his father even died, which perhaps only made things worst. He couldn’t take his place as king, considering that he was an exile, which made things even worst. It was not long however when he met the strange ethereal that he was given something to think about, the possibility of limitless power, and perhaps his birthright. Andrew had been busy, giving him space while the others did the same, perhaps noticing something within him that even he did not notice. It was when he felt a strange energy purveying through the atmosphere, the one that had been following him for a while now.

No, it was an energy that he could not quite place, one similar but not the same. It was the energy that purveyed from a beast that had attacked him a while ago, when he met the shapeshifter. Taking another sip of his coffee, Michael walked towards the source of the energy, something within an alleyway, entrance covered by a spell that would usually deter mortals. Stepping through, he saw what looked like the same silver scaled beast with the physique of a leopard biting into the corpse of a young man. If what the blonde ethereal had said was correct, it was simply a creation of his, one that was powered by energy but had the mind of an animal. They would feast upon flesh, and then the soul itself if one did not stop it. Michael narrowed his eyes, and let his dark ethereal energy rise, temporarily dispelling the illusion placed on the alleyway, perhaps enough for someone to see what was happening, as the dark purple energy would form an outline of the males figure.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by Wilson W. December 29th 2013, 8:59 pm

The coffee shop was busy as usual on it's rush our, one thing Wilson hated. He loved the coffee shop, but with all the people that come in, sometimes he just wanted to quit and find another job that suited him better. Sadly he couldn't because he needed the money now, to help out around the house now and then and if possible, get away from it all.

"thank bob!" Wilson explained as he punched out after the rush was over, he couldn't wait to get himself home to lay down. He grabbed his backpack from the break room in the back and ran out the door happily. "oh what a beautiful day, oh what a beautiful day" Wilson sung as he walked down the block in the faint sun light. He passed by an ally way, usually a normal empty ally way but not today. Wilson had saw something scary, he saw what looked to be a monster eating a young man. His eyes widened with horror as he yelled out "WHAT IN THE LIVING HELL IS THAT THING!" looking directly at what he had seen.
Wilson W.
Wilson W.

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by The Bolt December 29th 2013, 9:08 pm

Ravenous teeth dug into dead flesh, feasting as it ignored the ethereal that was standing not too far away from it. Raziel’s little pet seemed to enjoy not taking him seriously, even thought he had enough power to destroy it with a thought. ”Don’t you ignore me you pseudo ethereal piece of shit.” He snarled loudly as the thing moved its mouth from the mans throat and looked to Michael with a toothy grin. It was then that he heard the sound of a voice, someone perhaps having walked upon the scene and their shock being made known to him. Michael sighed deeply, hoping he did not have to deal with a human as well.

”Well look what we have here, an ethereal whelp and a human, a lucky day for me.” It spoke as wisps of energy issued from its mouth, the soul of the man it was devouring. ”As much as I would love to kill you, he demands that you be alive, however I don’t need to keep this mortal alive.” before the monster knew it, Michael formed a burst of dark ethereal and launched it at the monster , beast side stepping at the last second as the orb stopped and simply turned around to try once again. With that done Michael turned his attention upon Wilson, turning into mist and reforming beside him.

”if I were you, I would run.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by Wilson W. December 29th 2013, 9:36 pm

Wilson was still had the look of horror in his face, seeing something so disturbing. A beast, monster, or a demon whatever it was eating a young. Was he going nuts from all the orders he was just taking and filling, or was this actually real, oh gosh Wilson had no clue what do. While still staring he heard a mysterious man who seems to just be watching the beast.

Not long after that Wilson heard another voice very menacing and full of evil, probably the voice of the beast he just saw. From what he heard Wilson guessed it was after him next, luckily for him the man seemed to throw a ball of energy at it. That however seemed to not work as it dodged it. Wilson then saw the man disappear into smoke before reappearing before him telling him he should run.

"oh goodie" Wilson thought in his head, what was he to do when a monster was after him, and he couldn't move. "well at the moment my legs won't move sir, so looks like I'll have to take it head on" Wilson said , his voice filled with fear.
Wilson W.
Wilson W.

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Number of posts : 30
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by The Bolt December 30th 2013, 9:15 pm

So a human had stumbled upon his little scene and Michael was nowhere near ready to deal with them as well. Still, if they wanted to butt into his business, then perhaps the ethereal could help him, if only to deal with his boredom. The beast was easily moving around the attack, landing upon the ground and growling at Michael, blood still wetting his teeth. ”Your legs won’t work?” Michael asked with an exasperated sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose softly as he looked at the monster caredfully. ”Well try to make your legs move and stand back, things are about to get messy.” that was when a strange energy would begin to form around him, something that for a second looked grey before becoming dark purple again. Pressing a palm against Wilsons chest, Michael gave him an encouraging shove as the monster rushed him, and found a hand of energy around its throat.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by Wilson W. December 30th 2013, 9:57 pm

The man Wilson had just met was still looking at the beast. He restated Wilsons statement of his legs not being able to move as a questions , "we'll yeah like, they are kinda paralyzed in fear" Wilson stated. Wilson wasn't very happy he was about to be a meal to a demonic beast who probably , sorry who does, devour souls for a living. watching the Michael, a strange grey aura developed around him, which soon turned into a purple color. After that, Michael placed his palm on Wilsons chest and gave him a push, making Wilson fly a few meters back landing into the street.

"ouch!" Wilson exclaimed as his rubbed his head as he started to get up. Shaking his head he looks back into the allyway where he sees Michael and the beast, who seems to have rushed Michael. He still couldn't believe what was about to happen, a fight of man beast. Wilson couldn't let that man take on the beast alone and started to run back to the ally way "wait, I can help fight it!"
Wilson W.
Wilson W.

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Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by The Bolt December 30th 2013, 10:23 pm

The pressure used was just enough to force Wilson to step back, Michael narrowing eyes as he prepared to end this beats with a simple thought. In an instant the hand would slam it against the ground, concrete cracking under the pressure as its silver body jerked for a moment, cracks forming along its armor. The thing snarled loudly as it would lash out with teeth, and then simply turn into a silver liquid that oozed from the grip of the construct. With that done it would reform into a solid form, and then lunged at Michael with inhuman speed, though he moved almost against his will, and the monster was now on a crash course for Wilson, and if he could take the attack was unknown.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by Wilson W. December 30th 2013, 11:11 pm

Coming up at the entrance of the ally way, he saw Michael point his eyes at the silver beast. Suddenly the beast body was thrown into the ground, seeming breaking the concrete in the ally way "what the" Wilson said. He didn't see how the beast had made itself , or waa it the fact that there was a hand on the beast neck, did the man do that? Still watching what seemed to be a quick fight, the silver beast turned into silver ooze escaping from the constructed hand that held it's throat. After the silver ooze was fully moved from the ooze it returned to it's solid form, and moved blindingly at the man, who jumped out of the way. Now the beast was I'm a crash course to Wilson, and there's nothing he could do but try to hit it with all he had.

"bring it on!" Wilson said as he balled his right hand into a fist, and cocking back. As the beast finally reached him, Wilson had luckily pinched forward quick enough to make his fist collide with the beast face. He heard a loud crunch sounds before the monster flew back into the ally way about seven meters.
Wilson W.
Wilson W.

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by The Bolt December 31st 2013, 3:09 pm

It snarled as the fist collided with its face, sending the creature flying back a few feet and ground cracking beneath its body as it rolled along. It quickly rolled from its side, and glared down at the ethereal who was now…glowing a strange grey energy, one that radiated with a deadly intent. Michael’s irises were glowing brightly as the same energy coalesced into an orb within his hand. ”Well…this is new.” Michael said with a smirk as the energy shot out quickly at the monster, barely missing as the tail found itself blown away, with silver blood splashing from the bleeding stump. ”So....” He muttered looking to Wilson for a moment before returning attention to the ethereal beast that was aiming for Wilsons throat, being stopped by a hand of the grey energy. ”You wanna have the honor of killing it?” He was strangely in a good mood, or simply sadistic, his eyes having taken on a strange look, iris having become runic in appearance as within that instant an unlimited amount of knowledge was at his beck and call.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by Wilson W. December 31st 2013, 3:37 pm

Wilson was momentarily proud of himself because he didn't think he couldn't think he could possibly harm the beast, and he was especially glad he had so he would have become dinner for such a thing. Before getting too cocky, Wilson snapped back into reality remembering that he was still battling this beast with a man, with strange powers, he just met. He saw the beast was still rolling before it's monstrous gaze turned back to Michael , who was now covered by a grey aura adorned with a sickening intent , which slightly worried Wilson. "is this guy another meta?" Wilson asked himself watching Michael form a ball of grey energy in his hand then releasing it at the beast. The ball of energy hit the tail of the beast and silver blood but was not stopped from wanting Wilson, but as the beast was about to approach Wilson, a grey energy hand had stopped it. Michael then asked if Wilson wanted the honor of killing such beast , "oh how I would love too" Wilson said humbly as he approached the silver colored beast.

"Bye you devil" he said to the beast as he cocked back both his hands back and delivered two power punches to the beast, an enormous cracking sound following it before the beast eyes seemed to close and it's body stopped moving on it's own all together.
Wilson W.
Wilson W.

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Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson] Empty Re: Whispers of the ethereal [Wilson]

Post by The Bolt January 1st 2014, 12:55 am

Michael would watch what happened before him, curious how the human would slay the monster that was trying to kill him, as was Raziel, the one that created it. In the end his way of killing was not as bloody as Michael would have liked, then again he would not complain. In the end the ethereal creature would slump deadly to the ground, before melting into molten silver, a material that it was forged from. ””Quick but to the point, I like that.” he said with a smirk, crossing arms as he looked upon the human that had only moments ago been deathly afraid for his life. ”So what do you call yourself human?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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