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Whispers of Tomorrow

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INV ONLY Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Spidress March 8th 2018, 12:34 pm

It was late at night, past midnight even. For a city as populous as London, this only spelled one thing: danger.

Criminals could be found all over the world, but most seemed to loom around big cities. So it came as no surprise to Spidress when she uncovered some crooks in the process of robbing a jewelry store.

She appeared on the scene far later than she would have hoped. For just as she stepped into the store, she saw several of the masked men stow away their belongings into many different vehicles and make off with all the plunder.

"Curses," Spidress muttered under her breath. The number of trucks and cars was truly staggering; she couldn't tail all of them by her lonesome.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by PropTop March 8th 2018, 12:35 pm

It was just starting up to the time that a Met Police Officer would think of as a justifiable time to buckle up the belt and keep more of an eye out on the general populace, it was the most fun time of the shift, where an officer earned their keep.

While walking down one of his familiar patrols, Marcus spotted an interesting set of people running into the back of a jewellery store, with a equally strange masked woman seeming to take an interest in the crime. He would have been surprised at the outfit if he wasn't a literal ghost. Currently in his spirit form his body remained somewhat transparent as he looked at the cars coming towards him, all models he knew rather well.

Focusing on the vehicles as they started to move he isolated one that was coming near to him and the woman, before jutting out his hand, the brake pedal of the car slamming onto the floor as the accelerator refused to lower, causing the vehicle to stall to a halt in front of them as he draws his taser, moving towards the car.

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Spidress March 8th 2018, 12:37 pm

At the sudden stopping of the car, Spidress quirked a brow. Her spider senses alerted her of the spirit's arrival, and though he remained mostly transparent to the human eye, her eyes were far from human.

In fact a spider's sense of sight was many times fold that of a mere human's. She had honed her skills well enough to see even the unseen, and this spirit officer was no exception.

Nevertheless, she expressed great surprise at his arrival, and even more at the prospect of him being the culprit behind the stopped car.

Aiming her hands in the direction of the other vehicles, she shot out strings of webbing from her palms and quickly connected them with parts of the cars. With a hard tug, Spidress demonstrated incredible strength, quite literally pulling the vehicles back towards herself and back into the parking lot of the store.

The crooks yelped and screamed in confusion. With additional webbing shot out at the doors of the cars, Spidress forced them open and began trapping the criminals in her webbing.

For now she assumed this spirit was on her side.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by PropTop March 8th 2018, 12:39 pm

Marcus noticed this woman's rather reckless way to stop the vehicles, noting just another reason in his head that vigilantism was an idea he could never get behind as he moved to the car he had stalled, using his poltergeist powers to make sure the seatbelt didn't unbuckle he started to read the man his rights, before tasering the man as he tried to swing at him; it wouldn't have actually hurt Marcus of course; but it was protocol.

Having subdued one vehicle he started to run towards the parking lot, keeping his taser to hand as he runs in, firing from the taser at the men who tried to run; it was an odd thing to consider, as normally tasers worked using prongs but this seemed to fire bolts that had the same effect, without need for the man to reload. He then set about making sure everyone was suitably trapped for when the police arrived before looking over at the woman, starting to approach her with his taser still kept close to hand, his trigger finger resting on the side of the device.

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Spidress March 8th 2018, 12:39 pm

At the sight of the almost surely hostile cop, Spidress put up her hands in retreat. "H-Hey! Easy there, bud, I'm on your side!"

She was clad in the black armor of Ti Nura, which covered her body skin tight and showed off her curvaceous figure, from her thick thighs, to her ample hips, to her impressive bust.

Luscious locks of platinum blonde hair fell down her backside. She didn't know what to make of the current predicament; she only hoped she could somehow negotiate with this man so as to avoid a pointless battle.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by PropTop March 8th 2018, 12:41 pm

One of the benefits that Marcus had found about being a ghost over being alive was that while when he had a heartbeat this type of woman may have spellbound him into obedience with a body like the one she had, in death he didn't find he had much time for looks. Even still he slowly holstered his taser, allowing her that little respite. He keeps his eyes locked firmly with where he guessed her eyes would be. "Yeah well, those on my side don't act in such a brash manner that they could endanger the life of both the civilian population, as well as the criminals in that car. I know you vigilantes may like to do things in a grand way but that doesn't fly with me. If you do not have a law enforcement permit, give me one good reason why I shouldn't bring you in with the rest of these law breakers?"

He seemed quite irate with the lady's performance, keeping alert and aware as his eyes sometimes glanced to her hands to see where they were pointing. Satisfied the woman was surrendering he relaxed his stance a bit, taking out a notebook and jotting down, mumbling things sometimes like "Blonde" "Extreme feminine curvature" and "Probable vigilante" before snapping the notebook shut, looking back at her

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Spidress March 8th 2018, 12:43 pm

Spidress eyed him as he jotted down some information about her. She didn't know how to react to the scolding: as far as she was concerned, she was only doing her job. In the few nights she had spent in London, she had been out patrolling every night. Never once had she run into a guy like this before.

As for a reason why he shouldn't arrest her like the rest... "arrest me and you just might lose whatever measly lead I've amounted over a more significant threat."

After a small silence, she smiled beneath her mask. "Don't tell me you had no idea about that?" She awaited permission to move, so that she could elaborate on what she meant by this "significant threat".

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by PropTop March 8th 2018, 12:45 pm

Marcus disliked this woman a lot, more because of what she was than who she was. Nonetheless he couldn't arrest her; she could just remove that costume and live completely unknown. He throws a hand up in defeat as he turns to walk away "Don't care. Your 'significant threat' is work for MI and for CT forces. I just stop small crimes."

He started to wander off in a direction "How about you go off and save a cat from a tree or something?" he says, with a fairly large amount of spite in his tone as he moves, his hand tapping against his leg as the sirens of the police vehicles starts to be heard in the distance, Marcus moving away from the sirens, as he always did now, no matter how much it hurt him to do so; he was dead, he couldn't explain to his boss that fact, all he could do was keep working and let the first cop on the scene get the pleasure of arresting another criminal

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Spidress March 8th 2018, 12:45 pm

Spidress' spider sense notified her of the incoming police cars far sooner than their sirens could be heard. She stood watching the ghost man as he walked away for a long moment; part of her felt as though she should have said something, but a gut feeling told her they would be meeting again soon enough.

And so rather than give chase, she swooped away from the scene by web, nagging a fallen criminal along with her for later inspection.

As the two departed the scene, there was a third, undisclosed party keeping a steady watch upon the scene. A humanoid figure, a darkened silhouette standing upon the roof of a nearby building. As the police arrived, however, he too departed.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by PropTop March 8th 2018, 12:46 pm

A few hours later, Marcus' curiosity had gotten the better of him, heading to one of the local libraries near where he stationed himself. The lady he encountered before must have some kind of trace that he could follow; figure out what she was truly in this for, and what she meant with her vague warning to him.

Wandering into the library he immediately sat down at a table alone in one of the empty parts of the library, starting to grab books on symbols, wanting to see if the design of the mask or spider on her chest lined up with anything. And so he sat there, flicking through page upon page of dead ends while reading up on a few other things himself, the local newspaper from the day of his death set next to him, the headline saying about the destruction of a building nearby

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Spidress March 8th 2018, 12:48 pm

The library, being a public place, was open to the public at all hours of the day. However during this time of day --hours past midnight-- there was never a soul in sight. Not until now, that is.

When Spidress returned to the library, she was very much surprised to see the face of the ghost man from earlier before. In the time they had been apart, she had appropriately switched out of her costume and was now in the garb of a traditional librarian: with a cream vanilla blouse worn beneath a reddish cardigan and a tight fitted black tube skirt around the thickness of her thighs.

With her melon sized breasts jiggling beneath her tight fitted attire, she approached the ghost man, taking up her role as a librarian.

"It's not every night I have someone to keep me company here," she said with a sly smirk playing along her soft pink lips.


Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by PropTop March 8th 2018, 12:49 pm

He nods from behind a rather thick book he was reading through, not paying the librarian much heed at the moment. "What can I say? I work the graveyard shift." he says as he keeps flicking through the pages. "And aren't librarians supposed to maintain silence in libraries?" he asked, still a bit annoyed from his encounter earlier in the night. He sets the book down before picking up the newspaper, opening it up and starting to read through it.

His eyes darted over each of the articles; he was sure he remembered something from that day, the incident that occurred during his death. He started to slowly read through the article that detailed the event in which he lost his life, rereading every small detail careful not to miss a thing, still in most of his police uniform, without the hat.

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Spidress March 8th 2018, 12:50 pm

She giggled softly. There was that same smart ass attitude of his. "Yes, but there isn't anyone else here aside from you and myself." She said this while taking a look around.

Every seat, every corner, every aisle was entirely empty. This library was utterly void of life.

Her eyes glanced upon the paper in his hand. "May I ask what it is you're reading there, officer?"

A nametag could be seen stitched to her bosom, reading "Victoria Hoover".

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by PropTop March 8th 2018, 12:52 pm

"I suppose so. But the sentiment is nice." he says as he turns the page

"Just an old paper, following up on some leads from an incident that led to the death of a fellow officer and destruction of a building a while ago. Terrible case of affairs, to think some person with 'powers' would hunt a family like that. The lad told us about when this crazy freak hunted him down in his childhood, and from the bodies found it seems it was the same person. But to follow a person like that, and be equipped with a weapon able to destroy a building is not something that is normal." he says, carrying on reading through, still not having looked up at the woman "Case has hit a few dead ends and the best place to check is the past."

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Spidress March 8th 2018, 12:54 pm

This was news. Having a small glimpse of the headlines, Victoria became further intrigued. "Mind if I take a look?" She said, reaching out her hand to him.

The most minimal movements prompted her massive breasts to jiggle violently beneath her tight fitted blouse.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Whispers of Tomorrow

Post by Sponsored content

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