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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Zell October 27th 2013, 9:50 pm

       He sat down next to the man, his eyes ever moving, watchful over everything and every detail. The man spoke. A means to have utter control of his power. The chance to end the suffering of the world, to end the meta-human conflict. The chance to become what he was destined to be... The chance to become part of something greater. The dream raced as the man without an arm attacked. Despite having only one arm, he was able to pin him down. The man removed his sunglasses and there was nothing but long stringy tendons and crusted sinew where his eyes had been. Green orbs began to form as his he looked into the man’s sockets. The eyes had finished forming, and he looked to the mirror, seeing himself with freshly torn muscles and blood form the empty sockets of his "eyes".

       His eye flew open as he sat sup in a sweat. He was gasping, looking everywhere to see if the room was safe. His glowing emerald eyes pierced the darkness like a knife. He was drenched in a night sweat as he huffed and sighed to try and calm himself, and at least try to regulate his breathing. He ran his left hair across his face, pushing his drenched blonde hair back off of the eye patched he had come to aquire. Ouro traced the skin just beneath it, feeling the same smooth skin that had always been there. Scars once adorned the area, but in his meeting with the eyeless man he would learn that there are Ethereal even stronger than himself, a humbling experience to be sure. Sadly as the man healed the scars...he laid claim to the eye itself as the price. Now where Ouroboros had only hid scars, he now his the truth of having only one optic. He felt a cold scaly hand with equally scaly fingers grip onto his shoulder. He looked over it to find one of his servants, an imperfect created by the blade of Misanthropy. It’s eyes were different though, they had a deep disturbing vibe from them too. The creature roared and Ouro reacted. He grappled onto the hand and leaned back, kicking his feet through to arch himself back and bounce to his feet. In the same back spring motion Misanthropy spawned in his hand, and with one double-handed swing, the creatures head came off, spinning as blood spurted up and the body dropped to it’s knees. Those creatures were to be totally loyal to him...had his anxiety truly caused such a dramatic result in his minion?
       With blood spattered over his face and body, he looked around the room, seeing nothing else amiss. He steadied his heart rate, and his breathing would follow soon, but for now he needed to do something. Anything. He needed to keep his mind off the man with the missing arm...the man who stole his eye. He would walk into is bathroom and clean the blood of his servant from him before he would step from the water, dry himself and his nanites producing through his pores to create clothing over him. With his usual trench coat open without a shirt underneath it, his blonde hair spiked up, black combat leggings, and black boots right out of a steampunk magazine he made his way through his castle of Valhalla into his throne room. While en route, he crossed paths with his eldest son, the accidental spawn of the dead dragon king Yam.
      ”Jordan? Do you need something son?” Ouroboros asked as he continued walking. Jordan would fall in line, walking just slightly behind his father. It amused Ouro to some extend that his son actually looked older than him, despite the fact that the young man was much, much younger. The Ethereal aging process was such a bewildering thing to behold.
       ”I just wanted to know when you were gonna kill that bastard Titan. You already had my dad killed, so when will it be his turn?” Jordan seethed. Ouro rolled his eyes and stopped in the threshold of the throne room, placing a hand on Jordan’s shoulder. Jordan’s blue eyes seemed to glow and slit, meaning he was mad. Very mad, and the last thing he wanted was an Ethereal Dragon rampaging on the island he created. Ouro tried to calm the young dragon, but he just forced Ouro’s hand off his shoulder, walking away in a bit of a fit. Yam had only been dead a couple weeks, so Ouro would allow this to slide, however he did have more pressing matters to attend to.
       He entered the throne room, and sat on the immaculate throne that was his and his alone. He sighed as he then summoned his servants to fetch the documents form his personal study. Within seconds the hasty servants parted with the documents, releasing them into their master’s custody. Ouroboros was pleased as he opened the documents. It had been a week since he accidentally removed Sean’s arm in their conflict, which meant that it was a week since he had lost his eye to the armless man. Every day and night since, Ouroboros had worked diligently to discover a means to make himself more powerful, and he used his incredible mind to prepare for a means to destroy this stranger whom called himself “Jehovah”. This man was very straight forward with his information, he needed his eyes back, or rather he needed Ouro’s eyes, he needed the Arm of Ragnarox and then he would be whole again. Ouro had already learned of all he would need to preserve his Isle from the threat. He had a list, but he needed to find out where to aquire them.
      ”The Arm of Ragnarox...” Ouro wondered to himself. His brain putting the world’s finest to shame as he calculated and recalled every piece of information since his awakening on the isolated island. Suddenly he recalled seeing Niall and Sean...Niall had a glowing arm. ”Oh-ho-ho...How deliciously ironic.” Ouroboros cooed as he pulled out a picture of the blonde Irishman from the file. He had his mark...
                                      Ouroboros was on the move ...
       The large Ethereal Arch portal closed as Ouroboros stepped through. He knew his mark, especially when he saw him walking out of the coffee shop. Niall, one whom had become quite close to the Hales. Ouroboros knew them well too. Knowledge was power after all. He knew that he could expect interference, especially from Brandon, Aaron, Arianna and that enigmatic Ailill character. Though his “scouts” had been reporting a strange woman with unknown intentions and powers. She was a variable, and Ouroboros LOVES variables. They are the spice of life, perhaps she was a potential ally, or a way inside the tight knit Hale network...after all his “scouts” could only be so useful, they were quite good at keeping their secrets. Ouroboros set out to route Niall from his meeting with the Hales, and he was successful as he used his Ethereal transporting belt to teleport exactly ninety-one meters ahead of Niall, around a corner. When the Irish guy walked around the corner, he was met with an eyepatch, a sinister smile and a hand around the throat.

A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Artemis October 29th 2013, 12:06 am

Milla surprisingly was sent on an errand. Usually if Brandon wanted to meet up with someone or invited someone over he would usually ask one of the servants. But her brother was adamant that she was to pick Niall up, saying it was a great way to meet him. It's not like he would take no for an answer. Maybe it was because she was doting over him and Aaron so much since she arrived. Maybe he just wanted a few moments with out interruption. Either way Milla was on her way to meet up with this Niall. She did see a picture of him so she did know who she was looking for. She sighed, she knew he had been at the house while she had been there but they never had a chance to run into each other.

But at least it was a nice day and a reason to get out of the house. She was almost at where she was told to go. That's when she spotted Niall... being held by the throat. The street was pretty much empty which was also surprising. Milla moved closer to the pair.

"How about you let that poor kid go before you regret it." said Milla, a hint of venom in her voice.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Zell October 29th 2013, 12:32 am

"N-no get outta here-GAH!" Niall tried to say, his thick Irish accent coming through the vice grip. Ouroboros tightened his grip even farther and looked at Milla with his one eye narrowed and a smug grin on his face. He looked down upon the blue eyed beauty. He looked back to Niall and smiled as he clenched down, the smile turned into a sadistic one and then Ouroboros threw Niall against the brick and blasted him with an ethereal blast from his hydra skin exosuit. Even Niall's thick skin felt that one, he began coughing and groaning as his skin was blown away from his shoulder, Ethereal light seeping from the open wound.

       "Oh come now Niall. I'm not THAT bad. So who is this, another of your boyfriends brood? I swear, these Hales breed faster than the ethereal." Ouroboros said snidely as if he were ignoring Milla up until he shoved his foot into Niall's ribs. Then he turned to look at the woman. He folded his arms over his slightly exposed chest and sighed as if she were a bother. "I am touched that you are protecting an old friend of mine, but I must insist you buzz off now little fly. I would so hate to spill more blood than needed." He said with a form of mocking concern in his voice. The tips of his fingers formed claws of the celestial looking ethereal energy, the heavenly pale yellow with the sea-foam green interior.

       "Get-away!" Niall coughed finally, trying to get Milla to run. Ouroboros scoffed and rolled his eyes, turning on one foot, reaching down and with a swift bunch he knocked the young Irish man out with little problem, thanks to the protection afforded by his armor.

      "Look love, I really need his left arm, and I do not desire an audiance while removing said arm. So if you'd kindly go cry to mommy or daddy or find a kitchen or whatever it is women do then I'd appreciate it." He said, turning his attentions back to Niall, looking over the arm to see if there had been any permanent damages to the material he needed.

A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Artemis October 29th 2013, 10:50 am

Well so much for the approach. In fact this man was beginning to annoy her. "I would greatly appreciate if you would leave my younger brother's boyfriend alone." said Milla, trying to hold down her anger. Her hands were clenched in a fist at this point. But the man just ignored her. He returned to harassing Niall to the point of knocking him out. That was when he announced what he was after. His arm? He was after his arm? Thieves these days were weird, but she had a feeling he was more then just a thief.  And then he insulted her, mentioning her dad pushed past the breaking point.

"Ok that's it you're dead." said Milla royally pissed off. She summoned her corrupted plague to distract him for a bit. She ran up to him, passing by him and grabbing Niall, making them bother intangible. She pulled Niall through a wall leaving a well of the damned where he and this other man was standing. As soon as the man moved he would activate the well and should be trapped. She left Niall in a locked broom closet then returned to the outside, appearing a few feet away from the well. She became tangible again.

"Look I don't know why, nor care why you need his arm. You have crossed the line and I am going to kill you. Then I'll bring you back and kill you again. Do I make myself clear?"

Spells used:
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Zell October 29th 2013, 3:51 pm

      Ouroboros simply let her go, why? Because he saw the rage in her eyes. She wouldn't leave, not with that kind of rage built up within her. His superhuman processing skills and intelligence allowed him to process things even with the threat of the ever so "distracting" swarm of creatures. Ouroboros Smirked as his energies were stored into the back of his throat. He took a step forward to find that he was now entrapped by a shield of sorts, perhaps something to do with that little pool of her energy. Ouroboros snorted as he saw the woman return, her eyes still alight with the passion of hate. Something that Ouroboros was growing quite accustom to. She was before him, and he before her, his arms still crossed, a little amused by her antics.
      "Look I don't know why, nor care why you need his arm. You have crossed the line and I am going to kill you. Then I'll bring you back and kill you again. Do I make myself clear?" She said as she gazed at him. Oh the hatred practically radiated form her. It was almost intoxicating for Ouroboros, to know that this woman esteemed herself so high to believe that they were on the same tier, no, even the same scale as he was. He watched the swarm all before him.

      "It's going to be hard to kill me if you bring about such creatures as these but shield me from them, don't you think dear?" Ouro said, he noted that she called Niall her brother's boyfriend. This means she is in fact a Hale. Perfect, saves him from needing to reveal his unique powers, especially on the riff-raff like her. She was unworthy to share his air, let alone bare witness to his full power. He unfolded his arms, finally revealing the Ethereal claws created by the Death penalty. Ouro was hesitant to use this item on the girl even, considering that he wasn't here to kill anyone. Mind you not that he cared for the young woman, or Niall. But he didn't want blood all over his new hydra skin suit. With his index claw, he pressed it into the shield, causing a few little energy cracks, and In an instant, the single Ethereal claw was flicked, and the entire well shield was decimated, shattered into molecules that shimmered in the air. "Didn't Mommy warn you after I made he squirm?" He asked her with a sadistic smirk, one that would have made his seneschal nervous.
      With a smirk and one eye arched with the other narrowed as a look of amusement, a look of toying with the girl, he folded his arms once more and he challenged the swarm. He opened his mouth. Suddenly a large plume of Ethereal energy shot out, enveloping the area before him, killing a number of the insects, though if it was substantial enough to finish them all off it was uncertain. The question also was if he had hit the young Hale woman, and if he did how much damage could she take? The energy dissipated and all that was left was the dust from the blast obliterating the concrete, Ouroboros just stood there with his arms crossed and a taunting yawn as he looked on to the smoke, his superhuman eye peering through.
(Like this Idea Arte, hope you don't mind if I borrow it Kitty Face)

A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Artemis October 31st 2013, 10:51 pm

Did this man know her family? She would have to check later, if she made it out alive. She wasn't much a fighter and she thought this man was some low level meta human. But nope, he burst though the shield easy. Then there was a bright light as a burst of energy came out of the man's mouth. Milla barely had time to summon her bone golem and position them to protect her. Once the beam hit they all went flying, Milla hit a wall and soon had 3 bone golems on top of her. She coughed as the wind was knocked out of her. Two of her golems got back up. One just laid there motionless.

"Great." murmured Milla to herself as she forced herself up. The swarm had been decimated in the blast, no surprise there, they weren't particularly strong. Her golems stood there a waiting for orders. "Distract him, try and hold him down if possible. Don't be afraid to hurt him." With that her Golems where off to attack the mystery man and Milla scanned around for something she could use.

spells used:

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Zell November 1st 2013, 10:18 pm

Necromancy? Now why did that surprise Ouroboros? It didn’t surprise him, but it was still…unexpected from this girl. Ouroboros could understand and process that she was older than him, but he still could not process the concept that she was able to hold this power. It was quite possible that she was just as powerful as her brother. He watched as the golems had at him. A powerful golem fist flew straight for his face, he stepped off to the side like liquid and the punch went past him. With his arms still folded he stepped to the side, placing himself in between the golems, the other went to strike him from behind, and Ouroboros’ eyes shifted to the side. The summon had both its arms over its head and went to deliver a powerful double fisted hammer strike on Ouro’s head. He predicted it would. He pivoted on his heel and as the hammer came down he spun off to the side and avoided the immediate damage…but not all of it.

        The hammer strike went into the cement of the sidewalk and produced shrapnel and debris that threw dust up into Ouroboro’s eyes. With his eyes no longer in the equation it was up to his other superhuman senses to warn im of impending danger. He remembered his training, where he was forced to fight an unknown man…he could remember…just barely though…as if it were a phantom whispering into his ear. It reminded him that Do not count upon sight alone, for your eyes will fool you. The Voice echoed.

        He needed to focus and use his hearing. He was able to hear the rattling of bone come from a direction other than the golem he was beside. He brought up his arms and jumped. With a sickening crack he felt a oscillation of sheer kenetic energy flowing through his Hydraskin exo suit. Ouro was smart to have jumped, condensing himself to better absorb the force and trauma. He was sent reeling through the air, sent over a hundred feet away. He scoffed as he used his reflexes to navigate his form in the air, leaning forward and digging his Ethereal claws into the ground. He began to slow as he went skidding, his boots on the ground and ten steaming lines, five from each hand as his claws dug into the earth to slow him. At a halt he stood up and examined the forearms of his hydra-skin suit. There were cracks and bends all over it from the impact. He gave a small inaudible gasp as he felt a cold chill stream down his cheek, at first he had believed it to be rain, but alas he was not as lucky. Apparently he was hit by something, a piece of concrete or something like that…or perhaps he had forgotten to account for the second golem…no…that wasn’t it…

        He scoffed and took a step forward, activating his Ethereal transportation belt, and teleporting in front of Milla, completely bypassing the golems. To her it perhaps seemed as if he had simply moved incredibly fast, but all she needed to know was that he was here, not five feet away from her. Ouro smiled as he crossed his arms, the cracks her golems left on his exosuit regenerating, healing over as he chuckled.

        ”What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to kill me?” He asked with a smirk, a small stream of blood flowing down his cheek. Wait a moment...he was bleeding from the cheek? He abruptly realized forgot to upgrade the hydraskin...he didn't have a helmet....Damnit.

A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Artemis November 1st 2013, 11:26 pm

Milla was scavenging around for something, anything she could use to enchant. She eventually gave up and ran into a near by store. It looked like people where here before the fight started but the occupants had long since vanished. She looked outside and saw that this mystery man was still occupied by her golems, good. Milla raided the store until she found a towel. Milla smiled to herself, this would work nicely. Wrapping the towel around her hand she ran back outside. Her golems were still there, but the man was gone. She saw the direction her golems where facing. She turned around and let out a slight scream of shock as the man appeared right in front of her. Her golems ran towards them to attack the man again. He then said that he thought she was going to kill him. A smirk crossed Milla's face.

"Don't count me out yet." said Milla swinging a punch at the man with the hand wrapped in the towel. Right before the would hit she would enchant the towel, turning it into a weapon. If this worked between this and the golems she should catch him off guard.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Zell November 2nd 2013, 8:37 pm

What, she was going to hit him? That’s cute. But horribly ineffective. Her fist came flying for Ouro’s face, and he just stood there with a smile. For her it probably seemed to all happen quickly as she swung, but for Ouroboros…it was an eternity. His mind was so advanced and evolved that for him a second felt like hours, allowing him to gather information quickly, allowing him to think of an appropriate course of action. Though it was rather interesting. While the young Hale woman appeared to be moving in slow motion he contemplated his situation. How would he show her the error of her ways? How would he embarrass her for her insolence? How would he show her, the futility of her flesh?

     He decided to take the hit. He felt as though his beyond normal protective flesh was able to take whatever this woman could throw. Until he felt it. She had done something, something that just turned the tides…for the moment. The towel illuminated and Ouroboros’ face reddened as he was punched back. The enchanted towel had added just enough oomph to go beyond Ouroboros’ capacity. He snarled as he was propelled back into the brick wall. The golems surrounded him, one took ahold of each of his arms. Ouroboros snarled. The pain in his face was enough to almost make him physically ill, and the blood made it look like he was a murder victim. He tried to level out his head, while the Hale woman was left to command her Golems

A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Artemis November 3rd 2013, 10:20 am

"Wow... I can't believe that worked." said Milla now that mystery man was captured by one of her golems She walked over near the man and looked at him. Milla had a few questions for him.

"Alright, before I leave you to my golems here I have two questions for you. First who the hell are you and how do you know about my family. And two, why do you need his arm?" Milla's second golem stood right next to her, ready to attack if he refused to answer.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Zell November 3rd 2013, 8:11 pm

How could this have happened. Every move was calculated, and yet somehow everything with the LEAST probability was the thing to actually happen! It was far from unexpected but still equally as rattling. The second Golem loomed over him with the one holding him tightly with all of it's strength. Ouroboros turned his head to the side, slightly hiding his wounds on his face. The towel had indeed done more damage than he was accustomed to taking, meaning that he was quite certain that he needed to stop playing games. He was better than this and he was better than this inferior magus. He growled to begin with, noting the word he just used to describe this woman. It was too kind, the woman was not a worthy enough to even cast a spell worth noting, nor was she even worthy to lick his boots. She was not a magus.

       Darkness swirled within his mind. Perhaps he was bitter, thinking and knowing the nearly endless power that was rightfully his...but Magic had forsaken him. Zell Atterrius had found a way to use technology to replicate magic. Ouroboros used this knowledge and he knew that in a blink of an eye...this could be all over. He could remove part of the human stain from this world, his energy the cleansing fire. He smirked feeling suddenly calm. No she was unworthy. They were ALL...unworthy. This was not a God complex, oh no...this was fact. This GIRL was not on his level, she was not on Arianna's level. She wasn't on Sean's level. Hell...she wasn't even on his son's level. The sudden affirmation from within, his energy seeping through, triggering nanites in his bloodstream to begin patching over his face as a quick regeneration.

       "Who am I? I am, without doubt, infinitely your greater." Ouroboros said his eyes flashing a violent bright green, his face healing before Milla's very eyes at excessive rates. Without warning he reactivated his Death-penalty, transforming it into two melee battle glaives. With the metallic little rod as a hilt he attempted to jab it back into the rock golem, As he did so he smirked, and instantly he turned into an Ethereal mist, entering a state of total bliss and euphoria. He reappeared and solidified. He turned and aimed each Glaive at a Golem, and without further warning he discharged a blast form each glaive towards the golems. With a knowing smirk he laughed as the wounds on his face were now fully healed and he was no longer an intangible force.

       "What? Don't tell me you thought you were the only one with a little trick like that...Didn't Arianna warn you about me? Doesn't sound like she cares much for her little whelp." He snickered. With a battle glaive in each hand he stood proud and tall. So far he was unworried, although he would need to finish this soon. It was drawing out and the longer this went on the more he was likely to draw out Arianna herself. While Ouroboros did not care of the fate of the woman he did form a rather surprising respect for the woman's capabilities, and if he could avoid needing to purge the dwarven family he would. He did not come he to draw blood after all...well...not much.

      "As far as the arm is concerned I do not believe that it is any of your business. Though if you insist on knowing I will only tell you it is to save my people. Though...I believe that means I've said to much." Ouroboros smirked as he began to walk towards Milla.

Item's used:

A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Artemis November 3rd 2013, 8:35 pm

Well crap, both her golems where down and this freak was back up on his feet. Dropping the towel Milla back pedaled, until she reached a wall. She mentally cursed to herself, but she kept something in the back of her mind. Her family knew who this man was. And if she could get herself and Niall out of this alive, she would check to see who he was.

"You know, after being considered dead for six years then returning rather abruptly, an ugly blonde with an eye patch really isn't the first thing to pop up." said Milla. Well she did feel pretty smart. I mean, how much smarter could she be. She's only backed up against the wall with someone clearly stronger then her and she is insulting him. Genius. By now this man was right on top of her. She had a plan, and if it work she would be in such a better place. She used her low telekinesis to pick up the towel, careful to not alert this man to her plan. She activated her spectral step and used her telekinesis to try to whip the man with the towel. If this worked she would step through him, grab the towel and beat into him as much as she could. She had the feeling she would need every hit she could get against this guy and that enchantment wouldn't last much longer.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Zell November 3rd 2013, 9:45 pm

"Really? You're brother's boyfriends don't seem to share your opinion." Ouroboros said with a little snicker. This is the best she can do? Insult the very person who has her at his mercy? Plus the insults and name-calling...what are we five?! It was laughable, and in fact the snickering snuck through. He actually closed both of his eyes and stuck a glaive in the ground to cover his face while he openly laughed at her. The towel came flying at him even as he laughed. He was better prepared this time however. This was all well and good, and he would love the chance to educate the girl, however he had other motivations right now. He had to get Niall's arm. He had to have it...he needed it. He couldn't- no...he wouldn't kill this girl if he could avoid it. But damn she liked to fight the inevitable. This game grew old, and in fact it was in it's Final Hour so to speak. He decided to settle with making his exposed flesh a little tougher, as well as augment his twitch fibers ever so slightly while also exposing Ethereal wings, styled like that of an angel, glowing and radiating with the sea foam green and pale yellow energy. (+1 Dur +1 Speed +2 Flight)
     Milla stepped through him and the towel thwaped him in the face, at this point it was just like a normal punch, no worse no better. Ouroboros smirked with a devious chuckle internally. He could deal with this kind of pain. His advanced mind could see the fist coming, every hit. He actually needed to FORCE himself to get hit, just so that he didn't reflexively move aside. He wanted to prove a point. Her flesh, her magic's...all inferior, all of them meant nothing to one such as him. She had the advantage, his face was bruising slightly, and there was a little stream of blood descending from his split lip.

Item list:

A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Artemis November 4th 2013, 9:02 pm

Great... this guy has wings now. Milla sent out another swarm in hopes that it would do something. She had wrapped the towel around her hand and was trying to punch him again. She could feel the enchantment begin to weaken. She honestly had no idea how much longer she could last. She never really had to do quick spell weaving much before. Usually necromancy was a slow magic and was prepared before hand. She was breathing heavily at this point. She started to curse herself in her mind. Maybe if she didn't disappeared six ears ago and stayed and continued to train she wouldn't be in this mess. If she stayed with Mistress Marie should would of been stronger. If she was here maybe Marie would still be alive to train her. Milla did notice it but tears started to stream down her face. Not because she was sad, but because she was frustrated with herself. Every thing she has done in live was to either protect herself or to keep the ones important to her alive. But now she was starting to fail horribly.

-Corrupted Plague (Level 4 summon): Milla summons a swarm of locus(8 total) to attack or distract an enemy. The swarms dies after 3 posts if not slain.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Empty Re: A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla)

Post by Zell November 4th 2013, 11:46 pm

The woman was frustrated. He could…understand? Being forced to confront the futility of ones flesh, to see that they were truly unworthy of anything else than total eradication. To realize that they only exist to act as a stepping stone to one more powerful than themselves. Ouro’s heart seized, and he didn’t know why. Somehow he felt kindred to the frustration…as if one day…long before he could remember he looked at himself in that same way. There was something about this girl that reminded Ouroboros of himself. Despite the obvious defeat, she kept fighting. What was she doing? Did she want him to kill her? He sighed as the swarm began to pointlessly make their way. With a flap of his wings he pushed the air, causing the swarm to redirect their paths, not harming them, but simply keeping them at bay. She was crying. Ouro closed his eyes and a snarl drew on his face as he placed a hand on his head, like a migraine had suddenly taken to him. An image flashed. It was that Zell Atterrius fellow…looking rather pathetic himself. But he still fought…and he still is… but where has his battle taken him?

”Please…I don’t want to do this. He can simply make himself a new arm, but the current one is unsafe. For him and for you all.” Ouroboros tried to reason with her. He desired nothing more than to have the arm and leave, no autopsy no foul in his opinion, however it was looking like the woman intended to fight. Ouroboros sighed as he went to take a step forward, still flapping his wings. With a sudden zapping noise and the clatter of bricks on the sidewalk. A glowing Ethereal arm stuck from the building behind Milla and soon Niall tore through the wall with a glare aimed at Ouro. Ouro scoffed and folded his arms, the Glaives of energy receding to allow him to take this stance. Ouro seemed calm and composed, but inside he was rattled. He could see that Niall was not amused by this…and that damn arm was scary. Niall was a weapon, a living weapon and he had no idea of it, which made him potentially even more dangerous. Ouro began to sweat a little under the collar, concealed but still it was apparent to him. He was experiencing…fear? No…it was simply extreme caution and a healthy respect for the blonde.

”You gotta be Milla then right?” Niall asked, his Irish accent still heard clearly as the Ethereal energy altered his voice, making him found like a chorus of angels were speaking along side of him at the same time. ”Great to meet ya. DO me a favor and next time just leave me in the lobby would ya? Spent fifteen years in a closet and I’m not exactly thrilled to go back into ‘em.” He said with a slight smile as he turned to look at Ouro again.

”Niall…” Ouro said with a bit of a strained groan. Just as he had thought, Niall’s arm was what he needed. Or he needed to copy it somehow, but even then, copies were never as good as the originals. He drew out both of his glaives and stuck the one out to fire at Niall. He was blindsided when he heard the clicking of feet behind him. Suddenly there was an apprehension of his wings as powerful nether tethering bound him to a source. He looked over his popped collar and his shoulder as he looked upon a blonde woman and he seething energy of the Aether. It was peaceful for him at the moment, though something inside him was stirred…angered? No…perhaps it felt liberated? So many emotions to process and not enough time. ”Miss I’m afraid I must ask you to vacate the area, you have come along this path at a rather bad time.” Ouroboros said as he looked to the woman.

”From where I’m standing, it looks like I’ve come at the right time.” She replied with a bit of pride in her voice. The voice triggered a rather…unique response within Ouro, as he could have sworn at that moment he was totally conflicted upon this person.

Arianna A small tiny and early silent voice whispered, as if it
were happy to see the woman…

Arianna echoed a raspy and disgruntled monstrous hiss came as if Arianna were a poison… He had never, NEVER had this reaction to anyone…thought that was not true…he had the same reaction towards Sean the first time he saw him…though he could hardly remember the whispering voice back then. Even as a whisper he still recognized it even more now. It was rather…irritating.

"I am here for the Arm of Ragnarox and that is all. I cannot leave without it. I would like to take it in such a way that does not require bloodshed, however with the resistances I've encountered I find it nigh impossible." Ouro sighs and shakes his head. "I understand the irregularity of such actions, however it is an essential and I'm afraid that I cannot leave without the arm. I truly, truly take no pleasure in this, but I MUST take that arm. There is too much dependant upon it." He proclaimed. Niall was lost but Arianna seemed to keep herself calm as she still held his wings bound in her Aether tethers. Ouro looked to her, he was not going to beg, nor was he going to ask permission of her, he was going to have that arm.

"As much as I would hate to disappoint you, I cannot allow you to simply rip my son's partners arm off and go on your merry way. Regardless of your intentions, frankly you have caused too much trouble, and I can't sit idly by." She said taking a step forward he elegant dress seemed to feel away at the sleeves revealing two gauntlets, each one radiating a different energy, one of them Aether...the other one Nether. The Aether tether’s tightened as she stepped forward, threatening to rip his wings right from his body. With a snarl he flapped his Ethereal wings with a small amount of focus he was able to unlock the Seal placed upon him by the Ancestor Mages that cursed his father, and he…for a brief moment… had the power that was his destiny, His birthright….the power of the Ethereal King. The Ethereal energy consumed the Aether and the tethers faded away. There was an unusual gravity between the two. Aether and Nether powers conflicting with Ethereal, the situation was rather interesting, had anyone taken the time to notice the energy manifesting as sparks and dancing around on random objects for a split second before transferring elsewhere.

"Your Sons....then this is your daughter... So then You are Arianna?" Ouroboros asked, confirming that which eh already knew. It had been so long…the last time he saw Arianna he almost destroyed her family for no reason. The dark ethereal was a changing element, and no matter how pure an ethereal is…he can always be tempted by the dark energy, such was it’s nature. He sighed as he looked to her, his wings fading and his power repressing. "Arianna... Nothing in the world will ever tip the wages of sin... Arianna, I want to ask you something. You have three children that I know of, the twins and this girl yes?" He asked her. She only looked at him with dark suspicion, which was to be expected honestly. She would not know him in this form…the last time she saw him the energy she believed to be Ethereal was truly Dark Ethereal, and he looked much, much different. Though perhaps in time she would know, or perhaps something magical would finally stump the illustrious Hales. Only time would tell.

"Miss Hale...I have three children of my own... If I were to tell you that someone was coming to kill them, simply to spite you...then your entire race, you would prepare to defend them would you not? Now what if I told you that in order to defend them, you needed the only eye I had left? Would you not attempt to take it from me? To save your children and your entire way of life? He asked her. He did not expect her to give him a valid answer, nor did he expect her to understand. She was thick skulled…likely where her twins got it from…and this girl here as well.

””As I said, regardless of your intentions, I cannot allow it. If someone were to threaten my race in such a way, they wouldn’t have been allowed to persist, and I wouldn’t waste my time searching for the eye of someone like you. That aside, you’ve assaulted someone I care for, its….unforgivable and you expect me to allow you to rip his arm off for a race of people I care nothing for?” She asked him. The question itself was rhetorical obviously, but Ouroboros’ patience was waning, and that little voice inside him was no longer a whisper, but instead an all out cry for help. This was not going well and soon Ouroboros would be in a situation he did not want to be in. He looked back to Niall and scoffed.

”I wonder…why do you care about him? He is one of the people I seek to save, he is one of the people who will die. You claim to not care about them, but why is he any different?” He asked this of her and she simply turned up her nose like an aristocrat, as if she were above him. That bitch just made the biggest mistake…of her life…and very likely her last.

”If saving someone requires that you mutilate them, you know nothing, and why I care is irrelevant, I do and that’s enough of a reason for me. She responded. It was infuriating. The woman couldn’t even respond to a simple question.

”As he couldn’t just grow an arm back.” Ouro said with a snort through his nose. He flapped his Ethereal wings and created a large gust of Ethereal energized winds to blow Arianna away, though she created a convex wall of Aether energy in front of her and spawned her Aether weapon. Was she going to use it already? Was he that much of a threat to her? Here he thought his anonymity was strong. He used his ethereal transporting belt to move past her, turning and spawning Godsbane as he turned to dice her. Nether energy came to her defense, but it only stopped the blade, the energy slash was something else entirely. Suddenly, Ouroboros panicked, Revealing his Eyes for a slight moment, careful to not let Arianna see. He was right to do so, he turned his head and dashed out of the way as a large blast of energy shot past his head. Self preservation had won out, and Ouro canceled out his attack.

”Get him now!” called out a voice to Milla. A man with shaggy black hair and a wife beater with a toothpick in his mouth had fired out a shot of random energy at her attacker with his strange gun. With a smirk towards Ouro he fired again, causing him to back spring next to a fallen golem, giving her and her swarm the perfect shot.

A Dance with the Devil (Closed to Milla) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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