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The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari

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The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari Empty The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari

Post by The Valtiari July 29th 2013, 10:39 pm


Basic Biography

Real Name: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: N/A
Title: N/A
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Race: Superhuman
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135lbs
Blood type:A+

The Looks

Valentina has dark skin, green eyes, blonde eyelashes, and messy short blonde hair with three braided locks. She wears a jacket with a high collar, which covers the lower part of her face downward on her back and connecting with the lower half of her outfit. The front of the jacket covers her breasts, for the most part, and cuts off mid-torso. The jacket has a zipper running along its entire length, which is opened from the bottom upwards. The jacket's sleeves completely envelop her arms, terminating in black glove-like extensions at her extremities, resembling the appearance of a cat's paw. She's constructed armor crafted from bone to perfectly fit and cover most of her face, her shoulders, and chest. Most of the time this armor is concealed by her jacket. Valentina carries a sword with her in a sheath held horizontally on her back across her shoulders. The sword is short and broad compared to others. The largest notable difference would be the open space in the middle of the sword.
Jacket, unzipped with bone armor.

The Legacy

Valentina is a very quiet and reserved individual speaking only when necessary. Her two brothers tend to be the voice of their trio. She is not easily provoked and will generally stray from conflict. In combat, she will try to first analyze their technique with hand to hand combat. Only when she is sure of their level will she draw her sword to fight.
Being relatively uptight, she does occasionally break character and joke around with her brothers. She takes most all matters quite seriously and has little to no sense of humor, however she does understand other people's tendency to joke around and is normally not offended by their humor.

Valentine Xzayviera Valtiari is one of three known siblings born into the Valtiari family. She was the first born of a set of triplets. The Valtiari are a very powerful lineage of a wide variety of extremely combat efficient offspring. How far they date back is currently unknown and their methods of training are kept under a very tight lock and key. This trio is the first time in the history of the Valtiari family that triplets were born. This branch of the family is based out of Italy and the parents of these three took to the mountains in order to train the children once they were of age.  
Valentina was trained by her mother exclusively on close combat techniques starting at the age of 5. She had been shown and taught very basic movements up until this point so that the basics had already been preinstalled. Very rarely did she interact with her other two brothers, as they were with her father most of the time practicing their arts. Once a week there was a family meal where Valentina's mother and father would share reports on their progress to make sure that all three of them were learning at the same pace. It was to made sure that none of the three would surpass the other. They would all be equally as powerful as the other. The plan that the mother and father of these triplets had conjured was to train the perfect fighting trio. Powerful individually, but unstoppable when together.

The Abilities

What is most remarkable about Valentina is her speed. She can cover miles in a matter of seconds. She has complete control over her speed and can move at a snail's pace, or faster than the wind itself. She cannot travel at her top speed for very long, as it can cause extreme exhaustion. Many short bursts of speed however are no problem to her. Even with moving at extreme speeds she has the potential to stop on a dime. Generally, she can move from one spot to another relatively close without being seen appearing as if she has teleported. The sound generated by swift movements such as this are similar to a booming static-like sound.
Valentina's Sword:

Due to a lifetime of training, Valentina's combat skills are perfect. She can turn almost anything into a weapon and is extremely proficient at hand to hand combat. Her reaction time is borderline instantaneous, which is highly utilized when traveling at high speeds allowing her to make split second decisions.

Her intense training has also provided her with an extremely high level of durability and an impressive amount of strength. She can fight for what can appear to be an undetermined amount of time as well as lift weights far more that what would be possible for her size. Valentina can dish out punches just as hard as she can take them. With her strength, in combination with her sword techniques, she can cause an extreme amount of damage to anyone ill prepared to face her.

There is one supernatural trait that all members of the Valtiari family have, which are shared senses. All senses of touch, smell, sight, sound and taste are shared uniformly with each family member of their own immediate family. In addition, they can also communicate telepathically for added proficiency in battle. As a safety feature, this shared sense can only be active while they are within a certain radius of each other(5Miles/8KM) and can also be deactivated when within a smaller radius (1Mile/1.6KM). However, the deactivation will cease all transmissions of all senses, including thought, to each other.

Their greatest asset is also their greatest curse. Since the Valtiari siblings share senses, their sense of pain is also shared. Even though Valentina has complete control over her speed, coming to a complete halt from her top speed does cause damage to her body after repeated use in heavy combat scenarios. Her stamina is not infinite, but she is capable of fighting all out until she collapses. Unfortunately this tends to be spontaneous. Her training has allowed her to fight at full force for extended amount of times, but once she hits her limit, she essentially just collapses. There’s a small window for her to alert her siblings, but if they are not around she becomes completely vulnerable to capture and damage.

Last edited by The Valtiari on December 17th 2018, 2:42 pm; edited 3 times in total
The Valtiari
The Valtiari

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The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari Empty Re: The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari

Post by Samael Christensen July 31st 2013, 11:57 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari Empty Re: The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari

Post by The Valtiari August 27th 2018, 10:54 pm

Bumping for approval <3

Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari
Giovanni Massimizziano Valtiari
Yvvone Germain Valtiari
The Valtiari
The Valtiari

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Registration date : 2013-07-29

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The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari Empty Re: The Valtiari Family: Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari

Post by Red December 17th 2018, 4:01 pm

Approved and moved.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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