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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by The Legion July 22nd 2013, 8:46 pm

The mans head rolled to the floor in a pool of blood, the night sounds making the scene straight out of a horror movie. Facade had just killed his 259th victim and he still hadn't been stopped. He walked out of the house into the airy night of Chicago. Facade had purpose, he was crazed and evil but he had purpose, something most people didn’t have.

He walked ahead heading to some unknown destination. Was he going to his lair or was he going to kill again? He changed his direction into a back alley, the ground was covered in junk and stagnant water, graffiti covered the walls in its usual fashion. Facade raised his masked head and ahead of him a gang was smoking their pot.
"Hello freak show", one gang member tormented Facade, but his words were slurred, "is your face really that ugly". The drugged man made a grab for Facade's mask. But before his hand connected Facade ducked and his nanomites buzzed around his hand transforming into a small pistol. His first shot hit the drugged man in his eye, he fell to the ground instantly dead. His gun went off 4 more times. The rest of the gang fell down dead.

Last edited by C-art on July 28th 2013, 6:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
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The Legion
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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty Re: The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 25th 2013, 5:56 pm

The city was Chicago, a windy utopia of high rising buildings and back alleys covered with the blood of those unfortunate enough to dwell within them. There were rumors of a strange pale goddess capable of ripping apart a full grown lycan circulating around, and with them the fear that followed. Many vampires of the area had come to regard her as a goddess already, and in return they were given power beyond human comprehension, and some were killed; fire being their only salvation. All of this interested the day walker, what interested her the most was thet fool Lord of Shadows subdued interest as well, though he would never admit that he was. That fledgling held too much pride and that alone would be his undoing eventually, though Delicia wanted the pleasure of ending him when the time came.

The daywalker stepped down from the metallic steps of the personal plane as the sun had begun its descent over the horizon, and its burning rays no longer cast their painful tingle along her porcelain skin. The man accompanying her spoke of a serial killer within the area, one that killed indiscriminately, yet nothing spoke of him being a vampire, sot he daywalker had nothing to fear. At the best it was a strange human with even stranger weapons, or simple a misguided metahuman that had a taste for death. To a vampire as old as her, that would not make her worry in the least, in fact she would relish the chance to feed from a metahuman; instead of the standard weak human fare. ”Ms Whitman, we have a limo waiting for you.”

”How kind of you.” Her supper sensitive eyes fell upon the ride that the man had spoke of and it was indeed exquisite in design and a ride that she was much obliged to accept; instead of the many dirty looking cabs that the lesser man was forced to ride throughout the city when they had not a car to drive. ”Take me to my hotel and i'm sure I can accommodate myself from there.” The vampire said keeping herself as polite as possible, such was the manner that a roman senator was to act. It was true that rome had fallen centuries ago, but she still held a minute amount of pride within herself and one that she would not allow to be sullied by modern time behavior.

”As you wish.”

”Thank you.” She said graciosuly with a pleased smile upon her perfectly pale lips, rustling the pale skirt that hung along her knees for the smallest bits of dust that clung to it and then took er seat on the leather lined seats of the limo, and then she was on her way to a three star hotel, one that was just right for a woman like her. Luggage was carried behind her by a busboy to her room and soon enough the ancient found herself comfortable within the suite. With everything prepared, she couyld satisfy the blood thirst within her, one that demanded satisfaction now. She could not simply deny it and within moments, the vampire had climbed out the window and was off along the streets still in her beautiful clothes.

The first to come upon her was a drug dealer of sorts, and he tasted rather above the usual. It was as if his blood retained its innocence and with it, the sweet memories that came with such a poor soul. Memories of a mother, of brothers and an absent father who appeared only once, and a scar to commemorate it. His emotions came upon her and a single crimson tear slip down her perfect cheek, as his life came upon her like a wave and receded. The swoon faded and Delicia felt only like the monster that she was. She lay his body down gently, saliva reducing bite marks to bruises and leaving him to be found later.

”Sleep well young one.” His life had never been good to him, so in death perhaps he would find rest. The night however would not be over for the immortal as she heard the sound of gunfire and the smell of blood being spilt so viciously. She could not simply ignore such a thing and soon enough the vampire found herself weaving through alleyways until she found the source of the noise and that was what she found. A strange masked man looking over the bodies of his latest victims, all of them dead as a doorknob. She was confused for the most part, mostly as to who this man was but that could wait; his mask could be removed. ”My what a mess you've made. Humanities cruelty knows no bounds it seems, especially when it comes to killing one another."
Jordan Reynolds
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Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty Re: The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by The Legion July 25th 2013, 10:31 pm

He looked up and saw another person, but something inside him snapped and he realized that without a doubt this was a vampire. Was this one of the ones that had killed his love? He cocked his head to the side and looked into the eyes of the cold beast. The night was chilly but it seemed not to affect the two. He raised the gun at the vampire, he could not let this beast survive. He still mourned for his love and now more than ever.

He pulled down the trigger and a bullet came rushing out, travelling through the darkness rushing for the vampire. He grinned under his mask, 'Die' his mind muttered.

The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty Re: The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 28th 2013, 4:56 pm

The vampire looked upon the being that seemed to revel in the carnage that their weak weapon could wreak, as if they were any better for the killing. She had seen many people die within her lifetime, some of the by her hands and the hands of their fellow man; though in the end they all died with fear in their eyes, or hearts. A weapon was then pointed at her, one that had only moments ago spilt blood across the concrete, as if it would help him against the ancient that now stood before him. Delicia smiled, noticing his fingers preparing to pull the trigger and he body was already prepared to move before the shot was taken.

In a blur of motion she moved aside, and allowed the bullet to zoom by and onward until it hit the wall of a building, sinking deeply. ”How clumsy of you, firing at me with such idiotic abandon.” It was amusing how this strange creature had so quickly attack her without provocation, as if he had some reason for attacking the great daywalker. ”You lack discipline, and most of all you lack the power to kill someone like me.” She could already tell that his intentions were not pure, and that only blood lust radiated from him. If anything, she could practically smell such a thing.

She took a step forward, though it would have appeared to be a big leap from how her willowy legs seemed to power her forward. ”I think I should show you the futility of you attack upon me. Perhaps if it were the daytime you would stand a chance.” An annoyance slipped into her sweet tone, and made obvious what she planned to do to this man. Delicia planned to rip him into pieces, and scatter them to the crows, so that they may feast upon his fetid carcass. In a blur she moved upon the vampiric being, aiming a powerful elbow for his midsection, that would shatter the ribs of a normal man.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty Re: The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by The Legion July 28th 2013, 7:31 pm

He saw her leap towards him with her elbow outstretched, she was extremely graceful and her movements were unflawed, but she came at him with the ferocity of a tiger, a beautiful combination. But before the elbow could connect the nanomites covered his midriff protecting him from breaking any bones, but as his body went flying backward he flipped landing on his feet with grace. He broke into a stride, the nanomites reforming into a blade, his feet pounded on the damp ground as he sliced down aiming for the vampires head. The blade glinted in the moonlight.

The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty Re: The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 30th 2013, 3:01 pm

She could see his movements as they happened, though they were more graceful than hers in execution, but clumsy within their own way. The vampire raised a hand and whispered a name, an ancient one that brought fear into the least of dragonkind. ”Dragonbane.” and in an instant a bow of black, jagged metal was within her hand and the nanite blade only clashed with it, drawing a spark as Delicia gave little effort in holding him back. She smirked wickedly, breaking the distance between them as what appeared to be a black arrow formed within her left hand, one that seemed to radiate pure malice.

”Whats the meaning of this?” The bow seemed to say as the ancient notched the dangerous arrow.

”I was in need of you, and this insect wanted a fight, so i'll oblige them.”

”Very well, but you owe me vampire.”

She nodded and let loose the arrow that flew with a perfect aim towards the beings head, with enough piercing power to run a metahuman through.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty Re: The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by The Legion July 30th 2013, 9:53 pm

Facade looked and saw the vampire pull back a bow that had seemingly come from thin air, it was black and jagged and looked to be pure evil, it seemed to be alive in her delicate hands. She realised the string in her left hand and the arrow spiralled through the air straight for the head of Facade. He jerked his head to the side, almost dodging the arrow.

Almost. It gashed along the right side of his head leaving his mask sliced and his dark black blood spilling to the ground. The feminine vampire may have thought she had achieved something, but no. The masked beasts nanomites become two pistols, the shots leaving the gun extremely fast.

The other vampire may have been able to dodge one bullet but could it dodge 8...

The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty Re: The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 30th 2013, 10:08 pm

Delicias attack had done some damage, but not enough to count, and she knew that this one would take more than a single shot through the head to finish him him. That was of course, if he was even forced into a position where such a shot could even have the chance to land upon him.'Let me turn into my blade form, it would end this quick.” Delicia knew that if she were to turn Dragonbane into his closer combat form, it would allow an advantage, but then again she was not used to wielding such a weapon, one so large would be annoying with a fencing style of combat.

He formed two pistols out of the strange material and fired them, eight shots in total and Delicia was aware that she could not dodge them all, but minimizing the damage was a possibility. In a moment she was moving, the black bow spinning as bullets bounced off of it, around five in total as they fell useless to the ground, the other three still in motion. One of them ripped along the edge of her shoulder, another hitting her square in the stomach and the last rushing past her ear.

Deep red blood spat out like a fountain from her stomach and a small bit from her shoulder wound, but Delicia only felt the strange pulse when he body was damaged. She did not fall upon her knees, but stood slowly being covered in her own blood, as the pale flesh around the bullet wound puckered before spitting out the bullet and beginning the rather swift process of mending. The shoulder wound had already begun its healing, now no more than a minor cut but a little time would be required for the wound in her stomach, but not too much. ”How cute.” She said with ire within her sweet voice,three more arrows appearing within her left hand, notching all of them and letting them fly.

One was likely to hit.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Empty Re: The Face of Death [closed to Delicia]

Post by The Legion July 30th 2013, 10:51 pm

Three arrows travelled through the air with perfection, perfect speed and power. He raised the gun and shot one straight out of the air, but before he knew it the two other arrows came upon him, one hitting him in the shoulder and the other one hitting him in the pelvis. He stumbled backwards water splashing as he stepped in a puddle, but he did not utter a noise.

This battle was going to end and Facade was going to end it his way. He released the nanomites, and they swarmed to the other vampire. Their aim was simple, strip her flesh from her bones.

The Face of Death [closed to Delicia] Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
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