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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?  Empty Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

Post by Samael Christensen April 28th 2013, 7:01 pm

Yeah, it was a noisy night as always. The neighbors had already gotten down to business and Pat had ducked out of his apartment when Dustin wasn't paying attention; this was the night when he would have to deal with the usual duties of a hero. Sure he was not the best example of a hero, but he had the morality down. No killing and all of that nice jazz, so Pat could do it, if he weren't so inept with his powers. Sure some were trying to help, but in the end they had no idea what they were doing and he was getting no better than before.

Pat pulled his hood up, the shadows casting over his eyes and just above the end of his nose. As long as no one got too close or removed his hood, his identity was safe for now. Stepping into his car he was off, the engine making a light humming sound before going into motion. Traffic was as usual; horrible and it took him forever to get anywhere within the large city. Horns honked, sometimes it was his but the dense line of cars slowly moved until he finally got somewhere.

The meeting place was a small alleyway, luckily clear of any sort of criminal activity. The Ranger had probably already dealt with them here, but he was supposed to be dealing with something far more dangerous than simple drug dealers, possibly a ring of organized crime. Stepping out of his vehicle, Pat let his eyes scan over the barely lit alleyway, hands dug deep into his pockets as he let a sigh slip through pale pink lips.

He was supposed to wait her for the guy to arrive that would help him on this little assignment, but hopefully they were far more useful than him. Leaning against the wall he waited, tapping away on the keys attached to the small cellphone clutched in his pale fingers. ”I hope he gets here soon.” Pat muttered to himself.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?  Empty Re: Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

Post by Riccto April 29th 2013, 12:12 am

Campeon was strolling tonight, not on patrol but to a location, this location was awfully specific, some alleyway in a city of thousands? But that was no bother for Campeon, it was a pretty night in the windy city so he was content to stroll. Listening to the night time sounds and the twinkling lights of the skyscapers and the shooting stars of passing aircraft. He was growing accustomed to the windy city, sure it didn't have the same beat and flavor of New York or San Juan but it worked for him, the people had a certain rough and tumble attitude about things, a city that has a rough history but can get its shit together? Campeon could respect that. Plus they make hotdogs that are hella fine, really hella fine. A nippy breeze rolls past Campeon that makes him reflexively tighten the straps of his hoodie. He shakes his head and laughs quietly at himself over his reaction, he could hardly feel the chill of the breeze and if he could his ultra STRONK immune system would of been able to handle illness had come his way. A simple relic or maybe just an echo of a more mundane life Campeon had lived. But this is the life he lives now so...he just gotta roll with it.

Campeon readjusted his gauze hand wraps as he walked down the street, huming a jaunty tune as he he strolled. He checks his phone to make sure he is headed the right way and seeing that he is only a few block away he picks up his leisurely stroll to a light jog, he reaches into his pocket to tie a simple black band mask around his eyes and pulls his hood up as he jogs down the way, feinting and throwing punches in classic style before finding himself at his destination according to a dull ping of his phone. Campeon glances around, looking for his dance partner this evening before spotting a youth texting on his phone dressed in similar garb as he. Campeon assumed it was his dance partner from the fact that he seemed rather out of place for the locale and his bored nature on what would normally be an exciting night. Campeon approaches with a smile and a friendly slap on the shoulder “Oye Guey,Maelstrom right?, What is it that we were assigned to do tonight buddy? Hopefully something better than putting hot dog carts back on their wheels. He laughs sincerely and looks towards Maelstrom with interest with what he has to say about their assignment for the night, Campeon is always ready for some adventure!

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?  Empty Re: Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

Post by Samael Christensen April 29th 2013, 12:49 pm

He had been waiting for around thirty or so minutes, but eventually his partner arrived, though far merrier than he was. If they were a comedic duo, Pat would be the straight man; metaphorically speaking. ”That’s what they call me.” he said looking up from his cell phone, raising an eyebrow , though the gesture was unnoticed from beneath the hood. Closing the small device, he got down to business. What they were doing he was unsure of, something along the lines of busting some sort of crime in the city, but that was left horribly vague. In the end he blamed The Ranger for all of this, but they were here now; no time to complain about it.

”Yeah, anyway I think we’re doing some sort of crime bust, like stopping some sort of high profile robbery. I think it this lame blue diamond or whatever at some huge museum.” he gave his partner all of the information that he had, though it was low at best. That may have been due to the fact that Pat tended to ignore anything that didn’t really catch his interest, but he was supposed to be heroic. Depositing the small phone into his pockets, Pat moved from his leaning position against the wall.

”Luckily the place isn’t too far from here, so we can walk.” That little bit of information was true enough. They would only have to walk around two blocks before the large white museum came into view, and then it was likely that they would have to wait until the thieves made their move, or break in to do that. Either way, it felt as weird as hell and about as illegal as if they were stealing anything themselves. Still a job was a job, even if it felt seedy as hell.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?  Empty Re: Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

Post by Riccto June 3rd 2013, 6:40 pm

Campeon nods as Pat gives him the lowdown on the operation, He glances over at him and nods every once in awhile to indicate that that he is listening. But mostly he was getting prepared for the operation at hand, rolling his shoulers and doing some light stretches to get ready for whatever may be that may be thrown at him over the course of this crime bust. The objective word here being whatever, Campeon has discovered to keep an open mind here in Chicago, to expect practically everything, whether it be local Chicago gangbangers or New York exiles, it dont matter to Campeon. Just another fight. He shrugs as he feels he is pleased with his stretches so he tosses his sweatshirt down behind a trash can revealing a body very becoming of his extreme strength. Campeon may later say that he does this so he can move better but deep down he is a tad on the exhibitionist side of things. He ties a simple black ninja-turtle style mask around his face, although it wouldn't really hide much, a person of Campeon's physique is rather easy to pick from a lineup, Nonetheless he dons a mask and offers Pat a mask as well.

He walks beside Pat, mimicing his easy, lazy stride. His hands jammed into his pockets and his shoulders raised , it would look rather comical for any passers by. Blue Diamond....Oh?! That Blue Diamond of Sarscamand? Straight from South Africa to here? Its only here for another week or so....Not that museo's interest me. That would be silly.

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?  Empty Re: Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

Post by Samael Christensen June 24th 2013, 9:15 pm

"Yeah, that diamond." Pat said with a weak chuckle,  looking at the small mask thrown to him, considering throwing it away before he decided against it and tied it up. The feel of the fabric alone was annoying and he knew it wouldn't really hide his identity if not for the hood that could hide the upper part of his face. Sure it wasn't the most advanced way of doing things, but there were worst ways really. His companion could have also gone without removing his shirt, but then again if that was what he wanted to do; he was free to do it. Hell, if they were going to break the law, why did not wearing a short really matter?

"Anyway, from what I was told the robbery should be taking place pretty soon, but the problem would be getting inside without raising alot of fuss ourselves. He could tell that the male was mimicking how he walked and that only bothered him slightly, not enough to really mess with him. If Pat could control his powers more fully, perhaps he could short the security system out with a jolt of electricity but then again that could backfire on him. It would be a better plan than just breaking in though, considering that would make them seem like the criminals as well.

They walked along, the museum coming into view. Yupp, it was now or never.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?  Empty Re: Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

Post by Riccto June 25th 2013, 11:01 pm

Campeon nods as Pat continues to feed him more information, he also stops mimicing him and steps into his own stride as he warms up, throwing a few jabs, crosses and hooks at invisible foes as he bobs and weaves, sometimes ahead of Pat, sometimes behind Pat. To be fair it would of been quite the funny sight, just some huge guy shadow boxing circles around this other fellow who looks like he'd rather be somewhere else.

And so they finally approach the museum, a massive building of beautiful art-deco design, Campeon made a promise to himself to keep this wonderful building safe. Mostly because it looked really cool and he wanted to visit, in retrospect he enjoyed his visits to the Ponce museum despite how much his younger self protested. Now! How will they get in.

How about we head in through the roof? Nobody can spot us there and I saw in a brochure that one of the selling points of the exhibit is how Spectacular the diamond appears in the sunlight. There may be a shutter or something but we can handle that. Now! To get up there.
Campeon faces with his back to the building and steps into the stance a vollyball player would to set  a ball, but this time Campeon would be setting a teammate onto a roof. Same diff.

Campeon motions towards his clenched hands. Comon, Lets head up.

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?  Empty Re: Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

Post by Samael Christensen July 9th 2013, 9:01 pm

So here he was, preparing to break into a bank to stop a bank robbery itself. If that were not the picture of heroic genius, Pat did not know what else could be; that however was heavy sarcasm. Pat was not too privy on this whole breaking into a bank idea, but that was mostly the fact that he was as graceful as a dead swan. Granted he couldn't dance either, but breaking an entering was a close seconds, well third next to his inability to even throw a punch. The museum was so nice looking too and one that he would have loathed to mess up if the robbers were more than simple theives.

”Through the roof? Doesn't sound like too bad of an idea really.” Pat said agreeing with the brute of a partner, though perhaps his strength would prove useful when it came down to things. However, he would not be taking his way when it came to actually landing upon the roof, which would have ended up with more bumps and scrapes than Pat would have wanted to begin with. As much as he wanted to be hurled through the air, he had better options for that kind of thing.

”As fun as that seems, I think I’ll do it my own way.” Pat noted looking upwards to the lip of the roof, estimating that he would only need roughly half a minute to get there, though maybe longer if he had some trouble with flying. Calling upon a slightly powerful wind, Pat imagined himself being moved, the air current pulling him into the air and wrapping around him as he rose. It was a slightly frightening experience, the weightlessness seeming to send ice through his chest. He rose through the air and soon enough was on the rooftop, looking down upon Campeon who he was waiting to follow him.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Crime doesn't pay....or does it?  Empty Re: Crime doesn't pay....or does it?

Post by Riccto July 12th 2013, 8:58 pm

Campeon ducks his head down to pats height with a small smile playing across his lips that offered up tingies of cockiness, a self assuredness in his plan that it would work, a little bit of "I told you so" expression but also a look of sincerity that he his pleased that his partner is pleased with his plans

Alright! Lets go. Campeon said with a degree of childlike excitement as he prepares to set Maelstrom up onto the roof. But then as he tells Campeon of his alternative plan his smile begins to dissapate, to become a more serious "GO TIME" expression as he faces the museum, preparing his ascent. But then when Pat flies up onto the roof that expression dissapates into child like wonder. Now it was his turn. A uno, dos y..three! Then Campeon squats low and leaps with forward and upward in a high arc up onto the roof of the building. He lands with the subtle crunch of concrete. Then he smiles at Pat Comon now, We've got to stake out the diamond. He says as he wanders over across the darkened rooftop

When they eventually do make their way over to the skylight Campeon crouches with a direct line of sight to the diamond.
Okay. Now...We wait. and then...we stop them. Easy peasy. Right? he says with a chuckle

El Boriquen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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