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Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

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Post by Bone_Crusher December 18th 2012, 4:23 pm

James smiles after he complimented him and thought yeah he could hit a fast moving target his eye sight could probably be bale to keep up with the speed. James looked to the man as he loaded his bow with an arrow while he did this he loaded his bow with his own arrow. Waiting for the man to fire his arrow, James took a deep breath. He knew he had to focus to hit an arrow with an arrow this would take amazing accuracy. As his arrow shot into the air something strange happened a net flew out of his arrow. James was confused what that the thing he was suppose to hit?

Sending his bow up rapidly he aimed at the net firing his arrow it sprung off at high speed clipping the edge of the net the arrow began to what look like get an electric shock it flashed blue and sparks flung off. The net and the arrow span off to the wall near the tin can. The net was hanging on the arrow just above the ground. "What was that?" asked James thinking it was rather a cool little gadget.


Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-12-16

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Post by The Ranger December 18th 2012, 7:27 pm

Ranger watched in amusement as the kid was momentarily stunned watching the arrow bust open revealing the electric net inside of it. It didn’t take long for the other archer to regain composer and fire off one of his own arrows, it just barely making it through the hole, catching the net and thudding into the wall all at the perfect moment. Which he’d admit was pretty damn good, too good Ranger mused to himself, the kid had skill but he was pretty damn sure it shouldn’t be that good at such a young age. He’d admit he had some skill around his age but it wasn’t as good meaning something had to have happened in the archer’s past to make him this good. Shrugging, mentally, it off he stepped forward and held out his gloved hand to the kid. “Name’s Ranger, but you already knew that… who are you?”

The question of what exactly he had shot from his bow came up quicker than Ranger had anticipated but he smirked nonetheless. “Ahh, so you liked that did you? Just a beauty I call The Electric Net arrow, adds a little shock to things when dealing with Superhumans that are super strong or durable, levels the playing field just a bit more. I myself have no super strength so these trick arrows I invented help me to stay in the game and not get thrown behind.” He reached into his quiver and pulled out a black arrow with a cylinder shaped end from the bag holding it out for the kid to see, “take this one for example.” He said spinning it a little. “This one is perhaps my strongest arrow, its made from C2 explosives with my own little touch, bumping up the boom to make it strong enough to damage people like Pain, or even that Captain Caveman guy.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Post by Bone_Crusher December 19th 2012, 2:33 am

James looked to the man as he out his hand out telling him his name was Ranger and in fact he did already know but it was nice. James noticed his hand was out did he get accepted to be trained by Ranger?. Shaking his hand James began to say "Ja...erm I mean The Dark Arrow Or Nightboy I don't mined" James realized he had to keep his identity safe if anyone found out he was here His father would try and kidnap him again. He looked over to Ranger as he took out another arrow, this one looked very cool indeed and when he said its made of C2 James laughed "That's so cool maybe we could design some stuff for me I've only got the basics I need a lab I had to secretly use my fathers company". A shudder moved across his body as he said that holding the large scar on his back he stretched out the pain.

He remembered Ranger say something about a guy called pain and captain caveman so he said "Pain ouch is he like super strong? and is he hard to fight? oh and Caveman guy whats he like?" James wanted to know everything about everyone find out their weakness and their strengths so he could defeat them he wanted to clean up the world from the evil scum but first on his list was his fathers corporation. Maybe Ranger had the skills to teach James, Making his stronger to take it down.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-12-16

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Post by The Ranger December 22nd 2012, 1:37 pm

“Nightboy, go with NightBoy, Dark Arrow is too close to Black Arrow and people might confuse you with him, wouldn’t want that now would you?” Ranger said only half joking, he was sure the man didn’t truly want to become confused with the great archer but perhaps he did, all he really knew was the kid dressed in all black like Black Arrow and called himself Dark Arrow, people could get that mixed up pretty easily. When the kid suggested that they could possibly make some arrows for him he nodded his head in agreement, he saw no reason as to why they couldn’t do this. If the kid wanted to make it in the real world against super villains than he’d definitely need to boost up his equipment, normal arrows wouldn’t do much against the big guys.

“Pain is certainly hard to fight; he was one of the world’s first super heroes and is probably the strongest man alive. As to the caveman guy I don’t know much about him just what I’ve seen on the news like everyone else. You don’t get out much do you kid?” He asked/replied then leaned against a pole that was behind him. Something was definitely off about this kid but it wasn’t for him to commit on, he himself had his own problems certainly and therefore had no reason to make notice of others problems. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to stand by and let the kid go rouge, no he’d train him, take him under his wing and maybe if he was good enough allow him to become a Phantom and apart of GUN later on.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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