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First days of training [open to 2]

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First days of training [open to 2] Empty First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 2:51 pm

Wifi awoke from a peaceful slumber. He pushed himself off of his bed and looked out the window. He guessed it was about 6:30 in the morning, just enough light in the sky to give off a nice warm feeling, yet the wind was still cool with the night air. He checked the living room where he saw a still passed out Chris, or Quickkid as he was now called. Wifi quickly jumped in the shower, got out and dried himself off. Wifi put on his clothes and then went to wake up Quickkid.
"Alright! time to get up! First we are gonna run, then head over to the park and start training! lets do it, now! now! now! get up... We gotta run! lets move!" Wifi said trying to wake up Quickkid and get him pumped up.

Last edited by Galaxy on August 11th 2014, 12:25 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : updating the title)

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Registration date : 2014-07-24

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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 7th 2014, 2:55 pm

".....Ok I'm up,"says as he got up from the couch a bit tired and cranky at the same time."How fast can I run,"asked rubbing his eyes.

Last edited by Bonjove on September 5th 2014, 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 3:05 pm

"Well soldier!" Wifi said in a joking manner, "you are going to run as fast as I can skate on the electrical wires, your going to keep up. It's called speed control. We'll do this for about an hour or two and then off to the gym for weight training and resistance training in the pool."

Wifi runs out of the door and on his way out he grabs a trash can lid and then jumps out of the window onto the power lines.

"Try to keep up buddy boy!" Wifi screams aloud as he races down the street.

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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 7th 2014, 3:08 pm

Quickkid Stairs at Wifi blankly as he ran outside the door to his place. He when after him, but not before closing the door behind him and ran after wifi as fast as he could. He didn't know why, but when he ran he got a great feeling. It just came to him when he started running and now he doesn't want to stop.

Last edited by Bonjove on August 7th 2014, 3:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : To short)
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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 3:21 pm

Wifi races on down the street on the power lines. come on kid... keep up, what you ain't got the stuff anymore?

Wifi races on down the street looking back at the apartment building to see if Quickkid was still there...

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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 7th 2014, 3:31 pm

Quick saw that the gap between him and Wifi was getting bigger and decide to do something about it. He wasn't going at his top speed when they started so now he decided otherwise. He picked up the pace and started going faster. He zoomed down the street as fast as he could catching up to Wifi quickly.
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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 3:42 pm

Wifi saw how quickly this kid had closed the gap. Wifi laughed out loud and then turned the corner onto another street. He jumped over a few telephone poles that interfered with the long running power line. He then jumped off of the trash can lid and started to soar in the sky.

"Can you run on the building to try and tag me? you gotta be fast." Wifi yelled over the loud roar of the wind.

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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 7th 2014, 3:51 pm

Hearing Wifi's instructions QuickKid ran at his top speed toward the building in front of him. He couldn't help, but feel scared thinking he might crash into it....thank god was he wrong. He ran up the side of the building which scared the *&&t out of him. He then turned as he can to the top and jumped toward Wifi with his hand out.
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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 4:01 pm

Wifi looked back at Chris, the guy was actually running on the building this was great! he actually knew how to control his speed and do whatever he wanted.

Wifi reduced his speed and fell backwards so that Chris wouldn't be able to tag him. Wifi then shot up in the sky utilizing every electrical current he could to sling shot him self upwards. Chris would have to run and jump in order to catch him.

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Registration date : 2014-07-24

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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 7th 2014, 4:08 pm

Chris's eyes widen as wifi got farther away from him. Getting out of his shock, he aimed for the building in across from them. He managed to getting running on the side of it and started running at top speed. Chris Made it to the top of the building and U-turned. He ran towards the end and jumped at the as second hands out to tag Wifi again.
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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 5:53 pm

Wifif tried to spin to get back Chris but unfortunately they both collided and hurtled towards the ground. Wifi then grabbed onto an electrical current that he felt and slide to an easy stop on the ground. Wifi then let Chris out of his embrace and onto the pavement.

"Well.... that. was. awesome!" Wifi exclaimed.

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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 7th 2014, 6:09 pm

As he tried to tag Wifi, he and Chris were sent to the ground. He the felt Wifi grab him as they were sliding to the ground. wifi dropped him to the ground saying that what just happened was awesome."No....No it was not,"groans as he got up from the ground getting out of the shock.
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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 6:15 pm

"hahaha!!! oh come on man live a little."
Wifi jumps up from his seated position on the ground and grabs his trash can lid and throws it on the ground and then jumps on it.

Last edited by Galaxy on August 7th 2014, 8:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 7th 2014, 7:25 pm

"Ok, but I don't want to kill myself at the sametime,"says as saw Wifi get the trashcan lid and jump on it."What are you doing were are we goingasks as he follows after Wifi.
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First days of training [open to 2] Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 9:08 pm

Wifi picked up the trash can lid and threw It Frisbee style straight at Chris' face, if it hit him he would be sent back a couple of feet and then Wifi would jump at him and try to punch him in the face.

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