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Ever After Forever More?

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Ever After Forever More? Empty Ever After Forever More?

Post by The Lost September 8th 2012, 5:29 pm

Life and death, so closely paired together, but never the two should meet.

A man who has died before, and yet lives. A meeting that wasn't supposed to happen. An existence wrought with suffering, and aimless wandering. Desperately searching for a place he belonged, a purpose he was suited for.

Perhaps, it was simply the grave where belonged? Who was to say?

And yet he still lived on. Following basic instinct, he had managed to catch the raccoon. He had remained still, and it had wandered close enough for him to grasp it in his firm grip. He had tried to catch birds in this manner, but they were too fast. It was probably luck more than anything that he was able to catch the raccoon in the darkened alleyway. That and life in the city had made the animal accustomed to human beings.

The Pale man did not care much about how he had gotten it. He was just elated that he had food. Meat. He slipped off his black obsidian helm, revealing his pale white skin and the lines of stitches that marked his face and neck.

He opened his mouth, revealing his large square teeth. He drew the desperate animal closer, as it struggled in vain to escape him. He bit down onto its flesh, causing it to writhe out in pain.

He ate his meal, as if it were the natural thing to do. New sensations filled him. Taste, texture, and the smell. He hadn't decided yet if he liked it or not. It was not as obvious as pain. He knew he didn't like that. This made his hunger go away, so he thought that these sensations were good enough.

The armored figure sat alone in the alleyway, eating his meal, but was he truly alone?

Last edited by The Lost on September 8th 2012, 7:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
The Lost
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Ever After Forever More? Empty Re: Ever After Forever More?

Post by Conall341 September 8th 2012, 6:00 pm

Edward was still in New York, he liked the city. There was people at every corner, all he seen was the power he could gain from them. One day Edward was going alleyway to alleyway to avoid being spotted and being surrounded by these special powered humans like before, he had just finished off a bunch of alleyway hoodies when something caught his eye, a large figure was being propelled with weaponry by a group of people, this figure just looked at the stars while these men were trying their best to make a dent on him, and eventually they wore themselves out and ran. Edward was intrigued, he knew there were superpowered humans, but one that shook off a barrage of weapons. He liked that guy, and investigated.

Edward followed this person for hours, until he seen his face. Edward watched as this creature ripped the face off a raccoon when he got a glance of a large helmet with glowing eyes shining out of it.
"Holy shit, it can't be." He laughed.
He watched the creature wander into an alleyway, Edward walked through the other side. He stared closely at his armoured figure, it was him. "The Necromancer's Slave."
Suddenly Edward flashed back hundreds of years before in his first years of becoming known as "Death's Servant."
In his spare time when he wasn't killing people, he would read. And he read one intriguing book about Necromancy, He researched for years and found ties to a society of Necromancers.

Edward couldn't resist, the curiosity was killing him, he found a woman in a small cottage and followed her for days or even weeks, Edward lost track of time considering his ageing situation. He found that she would go to a crypt in the graveyard, and one day. He followed her. Edward followed her to the crypt, he sneaked his way close enough to see what she was doing. Edward noticed that she was doing a ritual on a body in a family crypt. After a few moments, the body moved, she had reversed death, something that could make Edward all powerful, but by the time this came to his mind, the body was up and boy was it armoured. The body caught a glance at Edward but before it could take anything, Edward fled.

Suddenly Edward was back in reality, he stared at this creature he seen hundreds of years before.
"Remember me?"


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Ever After Forever More? Empty Re: Ever After Forever More?

Post by The Lost September 8th 2012, 6:15 pm

The city was never truly silent. It was alive even till the early hours of the morning, but it was a least quieter around this time. It made the sudden voice stick out.

EverAfter turned to the voice, though he did not understand it. He had become wary of the dangers of the city. Most of them seemed to surround people. He stood up when he noticed the voice, rising up to his full height. The other, was almost equally as tall. The armor, making all the difference if any. He could not look down on this man, though. There was something... odd about him. Something unnerving and unsettling. He did not sense anger or fear in his voice, and he wasn't loud or alarming in that regard.

There was something else though. Something that chilled EverAfter to his very core. Something ultimately familiar.

EverAfter simply stood there, staring cautiously. He dropped what was left of the animal's carcases. With his hunger satisfied and the appearance of this strange newcomer, he had lost all interest in it. He still held onto his helmet, the expression on his face reflected his curiosity with a hint of his wariness.

What was it about this stranger that made every fiber of his being scream out in agony. His every instinct told him to run, but he stayed. Curiosity made him linger. What was this creature? what did it want from him? Why was it so familiar? So many questions, but then again this strange new land often left him confused and in awe. It often gave him pain as well. What would tonight have in store for him?

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
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Ever After Forever More? Empty Re: Ever After Forever More?

Post by Arcana September 8th 2012, 7:11 pm

The street zoomed past him in a blur as Sean ran along, not even slowing in his stride. His body was changing,that much he knew and this speed was only one of the wonderful perks of that change. People looked at him in wonder as he zoomed past them with an amazing speed that anyone would be jealous of. Black hair whipped about in the air as he turned down an alley way and skidded to a stop,only a few inches from a wall. His open palm pressed against the wall as he took a deep breath and did a little fist pump. Aaron had told him not to run around New York but when did he really ever listen to him? Not that Sean was a bad partner but he was also a stubborn asshole, as some have put it.

”Woah,guess there are some perks afterall,minus getting wet in the rain, never really liked that.” Sean muttered as he adjusted the katana strapped to his back and took off again down the streets. The sleeves on his black tee-shirt flapped in the wind.

In a matter of minutes he was weaving in and out of the numerous alleyways,until he caught what looked like two equally strange people meeting and his blood itself seemed to sense something off about them. One was wearing a black cloak and the other was in what looked like armor. Sean raised an eyebrow but made no move to act offensively. They hadn’t seen him yet, hopefully at any rate. He wasn’t an imposing figure really, considering how Sean looked and all.

He was about 5’3 with pale skin,black hair that hung neatly but in a semi attractive way, his critical grey eyes looking at the two. His jeans were tattered around the knees, and his shoes were specially made converse. Made to resist the friction of running as fast as he did. ”Well well well,what have I got here?” he said curiously.

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Ever After Forever More? Empty Re: Ever After Forever More?

Post by Chellizard September 9th 2012, 7:24 pm

"I'll talk to you later, sis, it's been good seeing you," he said, closing the door to a limo which held his sister, Chelle. He then turned briskly and made the shallow walk up the stoop toward the apartment he was staying in. He had purchased the run down apartment for stays when he was in New York, and he was honestly thinking of uprooting his life again to go away from here, and get himself to Los Angeles, or maybe even back to Japan. He had no idea. He brushed a lanky set of digits through his mop of ebony hair before the tendrils fell and kissed his brow. He felt a hiccough race through his body, and he let a low, deep chuckle pass his lips before he found his cigarette case. He shook out a clove and plucked it from the case with his lips, his zippo becoming present after fishing his pocket. A few coins fell from his pocket, no large money being carried with him anymore. He was trying this new thing; carry almost no money. Just enough to either make a phone call if you lost your cell phone, or get some cheap Chinese food. It was a revelation that his sister, Chelle, was actually proud of. His gambling streak was actually dying down.

Nathaniel climbed the shallow stairwell to the roof and climbed the shallow ledge on the edge of the roof. He had his mask on, keeping him anonymous as the 'Cor Domitor.' He was The Heartbreaker. It sounded much better in Latin, he had to admit. His wings, black and white, spread out behind of him while the first signs of rain started to pitter patter down on his skin. He kept his cigarette between his lips, enjoying the sweet nicotine that filled his lungs and hugged every inch of the beautiful organ. He had been smoking for centuries, so it wasn't new to him. He caught a glimpse of a very quick moving figure around the sidewalks and alleyways. He rose a brow and decided it was worth checking out. He hadn't patrolled New York in a while since his upgrade from Young GUN to GUN. He landed, his wings tucking behind of him when he caught sight of two odd figures, and that kid from the Young GUN try outs. Nate chuckled and his wings spread and then stretched up over him to block the light rain. "Fancy running into an old almost colleague.. and two other odd figures.. I might have run into one of you in my past.." he said, his voice deep, but friednly. He chuckled and thick smoke passed his lips with each chuckle. His suit was Armani, shoes Prada. His eyes; piercingly shocking blue, and they were looking at the three figures in the alley.

. o O (Illya will not be joining, so Conall can go ahead and post. I've joined in stead. I hope that's okay. :3)

-My DeviantArt-
Ever After Forever More? JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Ever After Forever More? Empty Re: Ever After Forever More?

Post by Conall341 September 10th 2012, 11:32 am

Edward waited patiently as the armoured monster seemed to think about what he was saying, however no answer. Edward found no reason to fight this creature, it was undead so Edward didn't think it might benefit him with the power of death, as he couldn't steal death from what is already dead. Edward got tired of waiting and said,
"There are bad people out there, perhaps we should stick together."
Again Edward was thinking tactically, if he had this brute in a battle with him it would run in and distract the defending person while Edward would be able to finish him off and get the power from the person. The beast again started thinking, then Edward pondered whether it knew English or not, perhaps this person lost it after being resurrected.

Almost immediately after Edward had thought that he heard footsteps getting closer and closer, Edward held still and listened to see if the footsteps were going to get closer, eventually finding Edward and the creature in the alleyway. As he waited a voice appeared behind him , this unknown figure wouldn't say anything, and would surely run away if he seen a hooded figure in an alleyway with a massive armoured creature beside him, it was obvious that this person was powerful, or was drunk, anyway he gave the same response he would either way,
"Run away and I wont kill you, yet anyway..."
Edward laughed in his evil twisted way.

Only seconds after this, more footsteps, another voice appeared out of the darkness,
"Are we having a party, and why the hell are you still here!"
Edward's scythe formed in his hand, he swiftly turned around and swiped at the person behind him. (Sean Collin)

(Also, that's fine Chelle)

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Ever After Forever More? Empty Re: Ever After Forever More?

Post by The Lost September 10th 2012, 2:13 pm

The Lost did not understand the man's new words anymore than the last, but he did notice from the tone that it wasn't threatening or demanding. Curiouser and curiouser, this odd strange who approached him had drawn all of his attention, but even if he hadn't, The Pale armored figure probably wouldn't have noticed the approach of the others to arrive.

Even as the man before him began to call out down the alleyway, EverAfter's eyes remained focused on the odd stranger who carried an air of death about him. Who are you? What are you? If only he had the words to ask. All he could do was observe and try his hardest to understand. It was mostly in vain, really. He simply was incapable of gleaning enough information to fully comprehend the meaning of each subtle action, or the words and sentences that were formed from specific series of noises that came from people's mouth. Just the same, he took a few slow lumbering steps towards the man of death. He leaned closer in his slouching posture in hopes of understanding this 'other' being, but his mind kept drawing blanks. His empty mind craved understanding and made him curious of his surroundings. He had ingrained in him a natural thirst for knowledge that not even death could silence. He simply could not allow himself to remain plagued with all of this uncertainty and all of these questions forever.

Only when the second newcomer arrived, and began to talk to the first newcomer, did EverAfter notice that he and the death man were not alone. He looked up sharply as heard the deep but friendly voice echoing down the alleyway. This voice was not threatening either. It seemed not even directed at him. The Death Man had seemed to lose interest in menacing figure of The Pale armored man, in favor of these newcomers. EverAfter was used to being the center of attention where ever he went. He did not have the pleasure of being just one among a crowd. It was odd to him to see the back of another so close. So vulnerable. Thankfully for this other person, EverAfter did not harbor any ill intent for him. Perhaps he had somehow sensed this in his silence, where as many others had found the very sight of him frightening and alarming, this man seemed quite comfortable with him. He seemed to be more put off with the others. Perhaps it was their shared affinity for death that had created some kind of unspoken bond between them. Considering the fact that EverAfter was not capable of comprehending speech, an unspoken bond seemed appropriate.

The death man called out more, and from his hands sprung some kind of weapon. Initially, this startled the simple mind of The Pale wanderer, and he stepped back in fear. He didn't really comprehend that it was a weapon, but the sudden appearance of it was surprising enough. After the initial surprise wore off, he became even more interested in it. He looked a bit closer, intrigued by it. He reached out slowly, trying to grasp it like a baby reaching out for the rattle his peer held. He didn't know why he wanted it, he just felt like reaching for it. It was a simple whim, and if it fled from his grasp he wouldn't be too surprised. He just hoped it didn't reach up and bite him. If he was able to catch the strange object, he'd hope he could investigate it enough to understand how it had just appeared there. He'd try that the only way his simple mind could. He'd look at it for one. When he felt comfortable enough, he'd touch it as well. He'd try shaking it or moving around. That is if it didn't flee, or bite him.
The Lost
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Ever After Forever More? Empty Re: Ever After Forever More?

Post by Chellizard September 25th 2012, 8:15 pm

(Retconning that Nate ever came here. Sorry, but I'm cleaning up all the topics I've been in, and there's just too much on my plate. I hope this can get continued, though. :] )

-My DeviantArt-
Ever After Forever More? JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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