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A Brand New Style

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A Brand New Style - Page 2 Empty Re: A Brand New Style

Post by Madame Versailles September 10th 2012, 12:19 am

Helena rolled her eyes in a bored fashion Ashe simply weaved in andout of his attacks. They were so short, blunt a predictable. There were one or two jabs that made contact with her blade resounding with the sound of metal on metal. He pulled back, and then lunged quickly jabbing for Helena's neck. She deflected the attack to the side with her ring blade and went In and grabbed the man at his elbow while also weaving his arm through her weapon. Helena kicked him hard in the gut forcing him to his knees, but before he could hit the ground she twisted her ring blade painfully contorting the man's arm forcing him to turn around or else his arm being completely broken, and even if the masochist allowed his limb to be shattered she wiuldmcontinuentontwist him around. She then released his arm while he was on his knees and put her blade around his neck, his head being on the inside of the ring. Vexus put her foot in his back and pushed forward digging her heel into his back while pulling back on the blade Chocking out their prisoner. She noticed he had gotten his hands in between the blade and his beck giving himself some breathing room. Helena had an evil grin on her face and let out a dark chuckle.
"Careful, don't let go or your head will go pop like a champaign cork!"
Keeping the man in the hold, Ekena Vexus walked into the room casually approaching the situation to take a closer look at her results. She gave a demeaning hum slightly disappointed at what she achieved. She then took a step back and cocked her hip to the left and crossed her arms as if there was not knife welding masochist in the room. Elena had become rather bored.

Madame Versailles
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A Brand New Style - Page 2 Empty Re: A Brand New Style

Post by dantoon September 10th 2012, 12:48 am

Mack was astonished by the woman's speed. She was nearly as fast as him. The hits that connected didn't even harm her. He felt his arm being twisted. He was kicked in the gut, and Mack fell to his knees. The woman let go and put the ring around his neck. She dug her foot into his back and Mack grabbed onto the blade, getting some pleasure from the wound. With all his strength, Mack pushed the blade away from his neck and got his head out of the hold. He grabbed his knife off the floor, and with a scream of rage started to stab the woman in the eye. He twisted it and slammed her head into the wall, driving the knife even further into her head. He took a few steps back to catch his breath. "Time out". Mack hadn't had a fight this good since that guy with the hat. "I've played your little game"

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A Brand New Style - Page 2 Empty Re: A Brand New Style

Post by Madame Versailles September 14th 2012, 3:00 am

Helena was thrown against the wall and her opponent quickly followed with a violet attack stabbing her in the head, causing even more damage by rotating the knife. Elena Vexus took a couple steps forward and slowly applauded him.
"My my, quite a bit of spice you have there."
Helena had gotten up and recovered from the attack shook off her damage. She twitched a little bit and her speech skipped a little bit
"Ohh the p-poor thing is feeling a little tired! Being such g-good hosts we can do nothing but oblige, right Ms. Vexus?"
"But of course Helena..." Elena gave a dark smile and looked her test subject in the eyes. Her violet eyes flashed bright for just a moment and then returned to their normal luster.
When Elena injected her 'new friend' with earlier also had a small does of her nanomites. The twinkle in Vexus' eye simply activated them causing the mechanical bugs to target neurological centers in the brain to force them to sleep.
"Not to worry Mack, we'll have you up and running in no time. Just relax for a while..."

Last edited by Helena Vexus on September 15th 2012, 2:21 am; edited 2 times in total
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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A Brand New Style - Page 2 Empty Re: A Brand New Style

Post by dantoon September 14th 2012, 9:35 am

Mack felt a sudden pain in his head. It was the perfect boost. He caught the woman off guard and tackled her to the ground, before pummeling her. Mack slammed his fist into her face repeatedly, He started to crush her eyes with his thumbs while laughing. He felt something, like squashing a grape. The pain came again, and Mack started to clutch his head. He suddenly blacked out.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 176
Registration date : 2012-08-22

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