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New York has Vigilantes!? (Morning Star)

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New York has Vigilantes!? (Morning Star) Empty New York has Vigilantes!? (Morning Star)

Post by Megaera August 28th 2012, 2:22 am

Steven Morris was a hot topic in New York City right now. Accused of the rape and murder of a single mother, and the murder of her son...however some of the evidence against him had been ruled illegal. It was fairly commonly believed he was guilty, but in the end he was exonerated on a technicality. Police escorted him out of the courthouse to his car past the crowds of angry protesters. No one looked happy, aside from Morris who shot mocking smiles to everyone as he walked by. He, bravely or foolishly, chose to drive his own car away from the courthouse. The middle-aged dark-haired man drove away in the highest of spirits. He was so happy in fact, that he almost didn't notice when a young girl slowly walked out into the street in his car's pathway.

She looked to be a teenager, 16 to 18 years old. She had light brown hair that hung just above her shoulders and two long strips of bangs that framed blue eyes and red lips. She stood a little under six feet, with a slender build. She wore simply attire, sneakers jeans and a simple black button-up top. It was too late for Morris to swerve, his car screeched ahead and made contact with the young woman...or to be more apt, she made contact with it. As it approached her she slammed a single hand down on the front of the black sedan. The steel crumpled and the back of the car bucked up and fell loudly back to the ground. Morris shot forward and slammed his head into his windshield. As he sat dazed in his now totaled car, Megaera slowly walked around to the driver's side door and grabbed the handle. The door was locked, but she simply ripped the whole thing off and grabbed Morris, pulling him out of his vehicle and holding him up by his collar. "Repent for your sins Steven Morris. You shall be an example. None shall escape judgement now that I have returned. You have but a few moments of life left, make your peace." Sirens wailed in the not far-off distance, but Megaera was unconcerned with foolish mortals that presumed to have authority over a god herself.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-08-25

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New York has Vigilantes!? (Morning Star) Empty Re: New York has Vigilantes!? (Morning Star)

Post by Morning Star August 28th 2012, 6:40 pm

Lucifer was patrolling around town, so he had his mask on to hide his identity. He felt that as a member of the Talons, it was his sworn duty to patrol the city, no matter the time of day. The huge word around town was the freedom of Steven Morris, accused of double homicide and rape. All of the evidence pointed at him, but of course they found something "corrupt" in the evidence. The US Justice system really disappointed him the majority of the time. Lucifer watched the man walk out of the courthouse, seemingly a free man. He even drove away in his own car! "So that asshole somehow got away with it? He must have had someone working on the inside." Lucifer said to himself. He was going to be tracking Steven, as he didn't trust the man and why should he?

He was jumping from building to building at an incredible speed, that was until he saw a woman literally stop Steven's car with her bare hands. Lucifer's mind was blown, but he shouldn't have been surprised, there were plenty of special people in this world. Lucifer immediately summoned his sword and ran down the stairs of the building. He was in an alleyway and saw the woman holding Steven up by his collar. Lucifer wasn't sure of what she said, but it had something to do about repenting his sins. Lucifer placed the katana on his shoulder, sighed and slowly walked over to the scene and said "Now, what does a pretty girl like you have to do with a scumbag like him?"

Even though he didn't care for the man, it was his duty to protect the innocent, or whatever the hell Steven was. If he was following his old ways, he would have let her do whatever she pleased with the guy, but those times were behind him. He pointed his sword at her and said "If I were you, I would put him down." Though he didn't know who this woman was, he could tell that she had superhuman strength. He heard the sirens from afar, which meant that someone had told the police of the disturbance.

Morning Star/Morning Star's Items
New York has Vigilantes!? (Morning Star) Tumblr_nj46vgjBiX1qdd2r3o1_1280
Morning Star
Morning Star

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : Florida
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-12-19

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New York has Vigilantes!? (Morning Star) Empty Re: New York has Vigilantes!? (Morning Star)

Post by Megaera September 11th 2012, 9:48 pm

Megaera slowly turned and cast a disdainful look at the man pointing a sword at him. "You dare?" She said in a loud and arrogant voice. "Obviously you have no idea who you are threatening." She said, settling her gaze upon him to count his sins. She raised her arm as her choker glowed and a large blood-red sword appeared in it pointing towards her aggressor. "Lower your weapon mortal." She spoke with a commanding force, as if no one would dare not to follow her orders. As she did this her eyes changed to a fierce orange, her mundane clothes were replaced by her outlandish outlandish blue and white armor, and four red wings sprouted from her back.

"This man must pay for his sins. Run along home little hero you have failed in your duty, but fear not." She let go of the man's collar only to let his throat fall into her waiting grip. She tightened her fingers around his neck enough that he let out sounds of discomfort. "The gods have intervened."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-08-25

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