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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by Kumagawa August 26th 2012, 10:09 am

It is ten in the morning in Washington D.C and James was getting out of bed. He slowly walked to the bathroom of the hotel room he was staying in and began to brush his teeth. He looked at his face in the mirror and began to wonder why he was here. This time he won a writing contest and won a trip to DC. James had already finished the national stuff and was just planning to look at some of the sites of Dc.

After an hour or two James was dressed and ready to go. He walked out of his hotel room with everything he needed in his light weight backpack. He started looking at things all around him. He went and say the washington monument, the lincon monument, and then he went to the white house. Then he sat down at a local resturant and began to eat lunch.

(sorry if it seems short, Im not good at first post)

The Beast
The Chimera

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Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty Re: America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by dantoon August 26th 2012, 10:20 am

It was 7:00 AM in New York. David went through his normal morning routine. He suddenly got a call. "I got a job for you, meet me at Washington, DC. I arranged a flight for you". The man on the other line hung up. Not being one to pass up a job opportunity he quickly got changed. He packed his costume and some extra clothes, and made his way to the airport. The taxi finally made it to the airport and he got out.

As he went through security he started thinking. It was strange. Why did he have to go to Washington? What exactly was the job? David dismissed those question and boarded the plane. He made his way to his first class seat. David never got to sit in first class. He sat back, relaxed and waited for the plane to take off.

Post Mate
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Number of posts : 176
Registration date : 2012-08-22

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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty Re: America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 26th 2012, 12:08 pm

It was 5:00 o` clock and Coronel was asleep when his phone went off he got up to answer it when he noticed it was his work phone. He picked it up to see if he knew the number, but was out of luck. All he knew is that the call was coming somewhere in the D.C. area do to the land code. He ansewered the phone, hello Big Sticks Services what may I do for you? Yes is this line secured the man asked. Yes I`m always open for buisness now what is it you need done, Coronel asked knowing he was about to get a big asignment. Alright head to D.C. and there you will take a limo to my house were you will be briefed on what to do; no other instructions will be given on the phone said the man in an anctious mood. Alright on my way ill arrive there approximatlly at 6:00, Big Sticks out.

Coronel said his goodbyes and hung up the phone and started to prepare for the trip completing hygene, laundry and a change of clothes. He called the airlines to ready his ticket so he can hurry and get on board to leave. When he arrived at the airport he signed for his ticket and got on the plane in 1st class. The plane immediatlly left. The lady on the loud speaker said the wheels were up at 5:25 and will set down at 5:40. The lady came around passing out beverages, Anything to drink for you sir? Yes I would like some scotch, he answered with a smile. The lady poured his drink and went on to the next person.

The flight went by quick and they set down in D.C. The only problam he had was that he forgot his gum so his ears did not pop which made it exstreamlly ignoring for him. He seen a sign that said the fake companies name on it and he almost started laughing, but he raised his hands waving at the guy with the sign telling him to get the car ready. Coronel was helped with his lugage and helped himself into the limozine. He was surprised to see that the guy that talked to him on the phone was waiting in the car. As the limo drove of to the appartment the man ordered for him he told Coronel he would have to come back to the air port and pick some one else up who was going to help him. The man exsplained the job to Coronel on the ride to the appartment.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
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Age : 30
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty Re: America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by BrightChaos August 26th 2012, 3:05 pm

A child with blond hair and blue eyes watched the surrounding with amuzement in his eyes. This place had a large white tower. And a building with a statue of a man sitting on a chair. Overall he could tell this place was of some kind of importance. But what was this place? Washington? He could have swarn someone told him Washington was on the other side of this country.

Peter looked at the planes flying low above. They must land close by. At least this seemed to be a peaceful day. He started a run to see what else was around here. Somehow he had a feeling that something was about to happen.

Miracle Boy
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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty Re: America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by Kumagawa August 30th 2012, 7:45 pm

James continued on his tour of Washington.
(No idea what to say next)

The Beast
The Chimera

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Registration date : 2012-08-19

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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty Re: America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by dantoon August 30th 2012, 7:54 pm

David woke up with a jump. He must have slept through the whole flight. Getting out of the plane he started to wonder what the job was. Assassination? Delivery? Escort? He hoped it wasn't escort. He noticed an aryan looking boy near the airport. There was something strange about him. As he finally made it out of the airport he saw a rather young looking man waiting in his pickup car. That was probably his client.

Post Mate
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Registration date : 2012-08-22

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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty Re: America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 30th 2012, 8:42 pm

As Coronel talked to the guy about the buisness in the appartment and had a few laughs this guy got more serious and really desperatlly told him that he need this pick up really really bad. He stood up from the couch they were sitting at and shook hands. Cornel walked out of the room with the room key and headed down the stairs. The guy stayed up in the room waiting for Coronel`s and the new guys return so he can brief them more. As Coronel walked out of the appartment complex he was colaborating how good it would be to take this object for himself. As he did this the limo he arrived in slid to a halt.

To the airport and dont be reckless I want to get a short nap, Coronel said to the driver as if he was about to kill him if he did not listen which was actually true because if he did not listen he would just kill him without hesitation. The driver said yes and off he went down the road. Coronel did as he said and took his quick nap and before he knew it they were arriving up to the airport.

The driver woke up Coronel and then stepped out the car. He went over to the pick up station waiting for the guy who was supossidly getting after the same thing he was. Wow I can believe I did not think of this before who the fuck is this new guy and what is so special about him.

(((OOC: Coronel is not thinking of him as a super but just as a regular human getting an occward job.)))

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty Re: America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by BrightChaos September 4th 2012, 5:45 am

Peter waived to the man who looked at him before continuing down the street. He saw the man go into a car. He must have just got off of a plane. One day Peter was going to ride in one of those.

His head turned at hearing an engine start. He saw a plane moving and picking up speed before it charged and left the ground. Satisfied at seeing a plane leave Peter started down the sidewalk to look for something else.

(OOC: Lame post. Just keeping the flow.)

Miracle Boy
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2012-08-11

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America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin) Empty Re: America (dantoon, BrightChoas, and Dustin)

Post by Sponsored content

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