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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 10th 2012, 11:14 pm

The men gathered around Jordan. All geared up. All equipped. Full equipped. They looked at him through their helmet. These soldiers were part of the Dominus Nonstandard Combat Battalion, or NCB, and they were Dominus' private army. Of course, there was the agents, but these guys were the foot soldiers while Jordan and the others were the trump cards. But as of now, Jordan got in touch with HQ to get further directives.

-HQ this is Deceiver. Alpha Squad and Gamma Squad have been formed and are ready to undertake this mission.

-Roger that Deceiver. Operation Heatseeker is a go. This is a capture mission of the metahuman individual known as Doctor Everyone. Agent Deceiver is in charge. We'll keep in radio contact. Over.

Jordan nodded and looked at the men under his command. Among them were two Storm Watch, Dominus troops leaders, three Goliaths, the heavyweight among the NCB, and four troopers. Nine soldiers plus him, meaning ten individuals, for capturing the one known as Dr. Everyone. Jordan knew this wouldn't be easy but these guys were professionnals, they know the drill. Jordan cleared his voice and started briefing them.

-Okay gentleman, this is Operation Heatseeker. The objective here is to catch Class 3 Metahuman known only by his alias : Dr. Everyone. The intel back at HQ is telling us that target is near our current position. New York's a big city and is full of hiding places but we are confident we can lure him out in the open.

Deceiver loaded his regular small handgun and continued.

-Target's also able to fly, is very intelligent and, cherry on the sunday, is a goddamn powerful pyrokinesist. Also, just so you can identify target on visual, he is wearing a mask and a trenchcoat.

Jordan took his helmet and putted it into place. The HUD started automatically. The suit Jordan was wearing was a nice little piece of technology. Even though it didn't gave him any advantages other than tactical ones, Deceiver knew this armor had a psychological effect on the civilians who would see it. He looked at one of the Storm Watch and gave him orders.

-You're in charge of Gamma Squad and you answer to the codename.... Hoplite, right?

-Yes sir. Feel free to use another codename if you like.

-That's okay, it's simpler that way anyway. Okay boys, let's get on the move.

Alpha Squad was composed of Jordan, a Storm Watch and the Goliaths while Gamma Squad was composed of Storm Watch ''Hoplite'' and the troopers. They were in the vicinity of Central Park but Jordan was confident he and his men could bring the target out here. Gamma Squad was about one klik, meaning one kilometer away from his squad. New York was still heavily affected by the assault that occured a few weeks ago but life seemed to have resumed in the most decent way possible. After more than twenty minutes of search, the other squad's leader told Jordan something rather interesting.

-Deceiver, this is Hoplite. I think we have the target on visual. Aaaaand.... Yep, I.D. confirmed.

-Copy that Hoplite, we're moving your way. Over.

Jordan smiled and gave prders to his squad to move in Gamma's direction.

Last edited by Isak Zielinski-White on August 10th 2012, 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Dr Everyone August 10th 2012, 11:26 pm

Doctor Everyone had been sitting in Central Park. He knew he couldn't be there long but he wanted to bask in it's peace and natural beauty after what the beginning of his day had brought about. He wanted a few moments of relaxation before returning to the normal stream of his life. He was watching a bird building it's nest, thinking about getting himself a new apartment when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He though it was nothing, but he felt paranoid. What if it was some navy SEALS? Or GUN?

He wanted to dismiss these notions and return to his peace, so he looked at the direction he had seen the movement and activated his faceplate's thermal imaging capability. What he saw was the heat signatures of many people. And they were either looking at him, or opposite him. He assumed it was the former.

He stood up from the bench he was sitting at and deactivated the thermal imaging. He turned towards where he had saw the heat signatures and said "Can I help you? What is it you want?"

He was keeping his calm. Whoever it was, if it was 'anybody', he was sure he could handle them. And if it was 'anybody', who was to say it would culminate in violence?

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
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Dr Everyone
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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 12th 2012, 6:57 pm

Gamma Squad approached the target with caution. His behavioural pattern in presence of Dominus troops was currently unknown so Squad Leader Hoplite had to keep the situation under control so Deceiver's squad could arrive. The Storm Watch gave order to his men and they started walking towards Heatseeker. When they were at a reasonable distance, Hoplite started talking to the target. Had to buy some time for the others.

-Doctor Everyone, we are members of the Dominus Organization and even though you have proclaimed yourself a... hero, we'd like you to come with us. We need to interrogate you and cooperation is strongly advised or force will be used.

Hoplite waited for a reaction from the target, his men ready for anything.

As for Deceiver, he was only a few street corners away from the other squad's location. He and his squad were moving fast, people looking at them as they moved by. Jordan didn't know what would happen with Heatseeker, since his dossier didn't include a psychological report. He could either be impulsive or cunning in the current situation and Jordan wondered if violence would be necessary to capture him. Alpha Squad got around the last corner that was separating it from Gamma Squad, and Jordan finally had a visual on the target.

-Hoplite we are closing in. Over.

Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Dr Everyone August 12th 2012, 8:25 pm

Dr.Everyone remained cautious, but eased up a little.

"Is that all? Still, I must apologize that I cannot fulfill that request. Whether your intentions are as you say or different, I cannot allow myself capture by anyone. Even if it is just me being questioned, I cannot risk anything happening. What good can I do in prison to make up for what I've done? If there is anything you would like to know about me and my future attentions, you can send a single man to meet me here later this evening. Pardon me if a whole group of organised men is a little unnerving."

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
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Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 15th 2012, 5:58 pm

Jordan and his squad finally joined Hoplite's one and he looked at the target. Odd appearance and mask made the agent wonder about what his face could look like. Maybe it was scarred, burnt or maybe there was no human face behind that mask, but those were only hypothesis. Jordan looked at the other squad leader and asked him about the target.

-Did he agreed to follow?

-No sir he.... wants to have a one-on-one talk later today because our group seems to be... intimidating him. I'll let you deal with him sir.

Jordan nodded and looked at the ''Doctor'' and started talking to him in a calm manner.

-Mr... Dr.Everyone should I say even though I do not know if you have any medecine diplomas. Regardless, if I have your word that you will be here, we shall not follow you around. Considering you now call yourself a hero, I hope honesty is part of your... new qualities. Do we have a deal Doctor?

A while later, Jordan was talking with HQ about the change of plans of earlier today. He seemed pretty preoccupied about it.

-....yes sir. And if possible I need to have some Deadeyes. Heatseeker is cautious and won't approach if there's a mob near me. Probably three or four should do the trick I suppose. The rest of my men will act as backup if the situation becomes too hot.... Yes sir.... yes... thank you... Deceiver over.

Jordan sighted as radio contact went off. HQ wanted him to be more cautious as well instead of trying to be cocky. It was a capture mission and losing his cool could cost the target. But the nine men already here plus the incoming three Deadeyes would surely be enough to handle Heatseeker. A few hours later, Jordan was at the rendezvous point at Central Park. His men knew their positions and Deceiver also knew that the Deadeyes still needed about six or seven minutes to get into position. He was waiting, hoping that he hadn't been fooled by the target into coming here alone. Well, alone was a bit off since the others were in the buildings nearby but still, Jordan was there and waiting for him to show up.

Last edited by Isak Zielinski-White on November 27th 2012, 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
Posting Apprentice
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Dr Everyone August 15th 2012, 8:19 pm

"As someone who has a doctorate in Chemistry and two master degrees in other scientific fields, I think you can trust my word. Come alone, and I will tell you any question you ask. We do have a deal, Mr.Dominus Organization."

Dr.Everyone watched as all of them left, and he flew off himself, somewhere where he would be in silence and peace. And he enjoyed that alone time until it was time to head off to Central Park. He arrive there a few minutes early and planted himself out in the open. His feelings towards this Dominus Organization were mixed. They seemed like they meant him no harm, and were cooperative with his requests. But he still couldn't shake the feelings that there was more going on. But the Doctor suppressed those doubts. He could more than handle himself in a violent situation. Whether or not he started to throw flames around was entirely up to Dominus.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 16th 2012, 9:42 am

Jordan had to think of something worth doing against him. Of course he wasn't a treacherous person but work was work and his monicker wasn't just for show. But still, facing someone very intelligent was for him a.... honor, or maybe a great challenge in the sense that intellect versus intellect constituted a great clash. Deceiver then needed to lure him into the trap he had laid and voilà!, Heatseeker would be caught in Dominus' nets. But for that plan to get into motion, the Deadeyes, being the assassins of the organization, had to get into positions. That was a must.

Eventually, Jordan went to meet up with the target. He kept his word. Good, thought the man, as he walked towards him. But the most difficult part was still ahead, namely catching him. As he approached him, Jordan started talking to him.

-Doctor, you're a man to be trusted! Only thing we need to verify is your unreadable signature! But seriously, you've came here. That is... surprising.

He stopped walking to keep a little distance between the two. Jordan was still all geared up. He continued.

-But let's get serious shall we? You have proclaimed yourself a hero despite what you've done in the past. What brought you to do this and why do you think you can avoid justice by doing so? You know that even the most powerful individual of the world, namely our President, is not immuned to trials.

He waited for answers. Better start smoothly to get the Doctor confident or unaware that Deceiver was planning something. Plus he had nothing to fear since he was equipped with his railgun. Insurance policy he thought. He simply had to buy himself some time in order for the others to be ready.

Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Dr Everyone August 16th 2012, 3:14 pm

The man Dr.Everyone had met previously approached. The Doctor noted that the man was still in the same gear he was earlier, which he found suspicious. It was not long at all before questions started to be asked.

"What drove me to be a hero you ask? Tell me sir, if you awoke in the morning to find you had committed mas murder in your sleep, how would you feel? Wouldn't you try to rectify it? I was insane when I did what I did. Mentally unstable. Not well in the head. The only reason that I am now of sound mind is because of my death and the subsequent magical reestablishment of my soul into a body. I've only remembered bits and pieces of my past since then, but recently I have fully recalled all my doings and I, as you and the world have, have found them utterly detestable and ungodly. And I have since been talked out of a second death and into heroism. It is my hope that I can do enough good in and for this world that I may more than repay the debts I have left in my many actions. But, as any sane person can rationalize, there is little I can do inside a prison built to hold superhumans. Especially since I'd probably be in there a long time, possibly forever. For all I know, they'd kill me. This is why I am a hero. And this is why I am for the time being avoiding prison."

Dr.Everyone looked forward at the man, his mask hiding and hint of what he was thinking.

"Is that all?"

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 18th 2012, 8:38 pm

Jordan listened to what this ''hero'' was telling him. This man was clever enough to know that his organization wanted to possibly take him into custody but he would do anything necessary to avoid that. But still, this man was aware of what he did and, by the U.S. criminal code what he did, among many other crimes, was a first degree murder he just admitted he did. Culpability was there as well but in all his heroic attitude the good doctor wants to correct the situation himself. Jordan nodded as he finished talking and slowly walked next to him while starting to talk to the self-proclaimed hero.

-Under other circumstances I would have thought of this as.... fairly noble. But within the boundaries of my duties I must act accordingly with the law or as much as possible depending on the case I'm on. But I admire your determination Doctor, I truly do, but you must under that work is work. Not to mention that you have confessed to me an involuntary manslaughter.

Jordan received his men's confirmation about their positions. All pieces were in place and Deceiver only had to buy more time to soften a bit more the target. He thought of something risky but worth trying. But Jordan was a cautious man as well and he shapeshifted to have brown hair and a more ''office boss'' face. Still, his eyes would still be the same but it didn't matter to him. He looked at Heatseeker and took off his helmet and looked at him without anything between the two men.

-But I am an indulgent man Doctor and maybe we could have.... a deal. Bringing you to American custodies is not in my tasks, but Dominus could help you decrease the time you would serve, even make you a free man at best. Or maybe you could give us some conditions you'd like us to agree to so it could... ease the whole process. What do you say?

Miles from there, on the buldings nearby, the Deadeyes were aiming at the target using specially designed non-lethal sniper rifles for such an occasion. One was behind Heatseeker, one was on his right flank and the last one was on the side that Deceiver was, creating an obstacle but nothing a trained assassin couldn't overcome.

Back to the park, Jordan was looking at Heatseeker, a hand raised ready to be shaken by the other man, or whatever he was behind that mask.

Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
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Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Dr Everyone August 18th 2012, 9:45 pm

Dr.Everyone heard the man's words and shook his hand as he looked to his right for a few seconds, and then back at the man. But mostly past the man.

"Buildings..everywhere. The fake guilt in his voice as he says it's his job. First he says one thing, and then the complete opposite thing the next. He's stalling me. He's not alone."

Dr.Everyone's free hand was in his labcoat pocket. He activated the special phone he kept in it. There was only one person he could call. Phoenix. The call went through and Dr.Everyone let it go.

"Central Park," Dr.Everyone said before hanging up the phone in his pocket, "is such a nice place in the autumn. It's a calming, soothing atmosphere. But, Mr.Dominus man, did you know that even in a calm environment, animals do not take nicely to being led into a trap?"

Dr.Everyone broke the handshake and just looked at the man, nothing visible from the outside except the black of his helmet visor.

"Smarter, larger animals, amongst all animals, do not like being trapped. Animals can smell a lie a human tells. So the animal knows that either it is stupid, or it's potential captor is exceptionally cunning."

Dr.Everyone began to generate heat and the very bottom of his feet. No fire or flames, just enough heat so that the air around him would shimmer, and shimmer a lot. It would give him a slight advantage, one he needed.

"And you know, when the animal senses the trap before it's sprung, the case is actually the inverse. Either the animal is quite smart, or the one trying to catch it is a neanderthal."

The air around the Doctor was shimmering quite noticeable now. There was enough shimmering that Dr.Everyone allowed himself to reveal the metaphor to the man in front of him.

"So which would you say it is, in this inverse case? Am I smart, or are you and those working under you neanderthals?"

Despite the unfolding scenario, Dr.Everyone remained calm. If he was calm he could react better, have better odds of ending up on top. Calmness equaled success.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 19th 2012, 9:00 pm

As soon as he broke the handshake and started to threaten him, Jordan stepped away from him. Heatseeker was beginning to steam almost literally. He knew what was going on, but Jordan still had the upper hand against him. As soon as the doctor was done talking, Jordan couldn't hold back the light laughter coming from his mouth. Things were getting interesting. He shook his head and placed the helmet back on his head and shapeshifted back to normal. He looked at him and spoke with a calm tone but the laughter was still present in his voice.

-My good doctor, you have quite the.... hot temper. But even so, figuring out my so-called trap will do what, humm? Nothing, but you are smart, I'll give you that. But I am as smart as you Doctor. I might not have as much diplomas as you, but it doesn't mean having those give you any authority or credibility.

Jordan raised his right arm a weapon appeared on it. A railgun to be exact. Deceiver's suit was made to conceal as much of his arsenal as possible, but the current situation required him to unsheath his own weapon.

Further away, his men under the leadership of Hoplite were waiting. But the second-in-command had a visual on his superior and the target. When he saw him he gave the order.

-Heatseeker's gone hostile. Move!

Back to the park scene, Jordan had his aim on the target. He knew things would get very hot pretty soon. He just had to buy more time and get under his guard. But one error could see this area turn to ashes. Luckily the Deadeyes had him on scope and would fire when the opening would be there. Jordan took a more serious tone as he continued to talk to the doctor.

-You are also right that humans are mere animals given the blessings of technology and reasoning. But metahumans are simply overpowered humans, thus animals, that will try to stand on the hierarchy that was established long ago. It is true that animals do feel traps, it's called instinct. But instinct can be nullified. Take domestic animals for instance. They do remain animals, but they are merely a shadow of their wild counterparts.

Jordan didn't let his eyes off him. He couldn't risk any lack of attention with this man.

-But even so, they try to rise against a stronger, more organized power. This is why animals regroup in larger communities, so they can survive and withstand the obstacles that will get in their ways. This is why you should lay aside that pesky attitude and surrender. Not because I think of myself as superior, but because you'll end up hurt pretty badly if you don't good doctor.

Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Dr Everyone August 20th 2012, 5:34 pm

Dr.Everyone could only chuckle as he rose into the air two or three feet. His body became covered in extremely hot fire, fire which the Doctor generated.

"For one thing, you are right that I have no authority or credibility. And two, a gun? Against me? Surely any information you have on me included the part where I often just melt projectiles that get shot at me? I cannot fathom how I would be injured by things I can melt as easily as you can shoot. Now I will give you a last chance to leave and let me return to me new life of heroism. Discard that last chance, and all I can promise is you will have quite a story to tell the burn ward at the hospital."

The fire covering his body quickly turned to a bright blue. The Doctor wanted his fire as hot as it could be. That way, he could melt any high-tech weaponry they might have. But Dr.Everyone really wanted to avoid confrontation when it could be avoided. Perhaps some extra persuasion would entice the man to leave?

"To further sweeten the aspect of leaving this whole thing before it starts, do take into account that I have more up the sleeve of my labcoat then fire and degrees. "

The Doctor just floated calmly, three feet in the air, covered in roaring, extremely hot, blue flames.

"So what do you choose, He-Who-Is-As-Smart-As-Me? The smart decision, or the stupid one?"

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Warnings : Banned
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Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 23rd 2012, 9:36 pm

Jordan looked at the burning man. It was a sight to see but Jordan had something more important to do than mundane things such as this. It was called work. Plus all the threats the Doctor was throwing at him were probably bluff or most of it would be. After all, this man didn't want to get trouble didn't he? But even if the doctor wanted to be intimidating, he was underestimating Deceiver. He was thinking of himself as superior because of what he was and that was a threat to the people and this was why Dominus had to capture him. It was true that normal bullets would melt against this fiery foe, but Jordan's weaponry fired ammunitions at a very high speed, meaning around Mach 8 if his memory was correct. Jordan guessed his shots would melt or not, but this guy probably had a defensive mechanism or something like that to prevent a bypass of his defences. Jordan took a deep breath, as if je was annoyed by the target, and replied to what he said.

-I think you are arrogant good doctor. This attitude of yours isn't one a hero should have. You might end up thinking of yourself as a superior being and you will probably try to control others.

The troops were closing in on Deceiver's. At this pace they'd be in sight of the target around a few minutes. As for the Deadeyes, they would shoot soon enough.

Back at the park...

-And appearances good doctor can be... deceiving.

He shot three times at his enemy, to see the effect it would have on him. On the building, the Deadeyes shot as soon as they noticed the move of the agent. They shot almost simultaneously.

Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Dr Everyone August 27th 2012, 5:59 pm

Dr.Everyone had no time to react to the first shot. It hit his fire and began to boil. The molten metal burned horrible, but the Doctor reacted quickly. He pulled the heat out of the metal and it solidified on him, using the heat to fuel his own power. As the first shot hit him he unleashed three pulses of fire outwards. These pulses of fire help to keep any other shots from hurting him. He felt more than three bullets worth of molten metal hit him, which he found odd considering that less metal should have made it to him. Then he realized how this could have happened.

"Arrogance is no longer a trait I wield. I have replaced it with mortality." Dr.Everyone said calmly, hiding any evidence that the shots had burned him.

Dr.Everyone flew twenty feet into the air and whirled white and blue fire around him. He weaved the fire around him in a circle and it began to funnel. It spread above him and widened, below him and narrowed, and began to really swirl. As the fire consumed oxygen and spun around, some air began to swirl with it.

"I do not wish to control anyone, mister Dominus man." The Doctor exclaimed as he began to move his fire towards the man that had shot at him.

"All I want in the world is forgiveness and for people to stop trying to control me! "

The fire whirl stopped thirty feet away from the Dominus agent. Dr.Everyone hesitated to attack, hoping that the man would back down and leave. But he knew the choice the man would make, though he hated the implications.

"You have one final chance at egress. Leave now and we both can leave unscathed."

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix] Empty Re: Operation Heatseeker [Dr. Everyone and Phoenix]

Post by Andrew August 31st 2012, 1:03 am

Phoenix sat atop a wrecked building in his full hero gear. Taking in the scene of the horrible things that went wrong in the horrifying assault. Today had been a slow day. Days after the assault had been peaceful, but things were starting to heat up again a little bit. Tilting his head back, the bright sun shined on his face. It was a calming sunshine. Taking in a deep breath, he exhaled and cracked his neck to the left and right. He felt his dog tags buzz and a call from Doctor Everyone came in. All he could make out was Central Park. Lucky for the Doctor, Phoenix was less than five minutes away from the location given.

Standing up, Phoenix took a running leap and pushed off against the crumbled roof blasting towards a taller building. Looking down below he had a great view of Central Park. Squinting a bit, he caught glimpse of a familiar fire. He saw his friend was taking fire. Taking a quick look around, he saw snipers on the neighboring building. "Well well. What are these guys up to?" Andrew wondered to himself.

Once again the hero took a running start and leaped across to the building with the agents. Almost in synchronization the snipers turned towards Phoenix. Before they had a chance to bring their weapons forward, Phoenix kicked the rifle from the closet one's hands. The man looked up at Phoenix once becoming unarmed and Phoenix proceeded to throw a knock out punch to his face.
On to the next agent, Phoenix grabbed the barrel of the next gun and bent it, spinning gracefully into an elbow. Connecting with the second one's head, he watched the man collapse. With one man remaining Phoenix leaped over him, pushing off his head, and once behind him grabbed him by the mouth. The man dropped his gun in shock and Phoenix began to speak. "I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you're taking sniper shots at my friend, but this ends now." Phoenix spun the man around and threw a haymaker with force towards his face.

The hero had finished the sharpshooters off, now he had to get down to the park to help his friend. He saw a cherry-picker on the side of the building and a grin grew across his face. "Perfect." He jumped onto the machine and pushed the device's joystick to bring it down. Once close enough to the bottom, the hero jumped out, hitting and rolling once his feet touched the earth. Running with full force towards his friend he created to white fireballs, one in each hand. "Excuse me!" The hero shouted. "What is going on, and why are you attacking this man?" he asked looking back at The Doctor.
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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

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Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
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