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Enter the Orange

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes August 28th 2012, 9:08 am

It seemed there was a momentary stalemate; the three superhumans were quite literally mulling over what to do before the heavy footsteps resounded outside the hallway. Panic rose in the pit of her stomach, these men were dangerous..she knew this as fact since she was thrust into their activities almost daily. The boy however seemed quite unfazed with the incoming swuadron and simply stared at her, curiosity was clear on his youthful face and as he began speaking to her there was no shred of angst, anger or fear...just the need to discover who exactly this diamond ballerina was. He had obviously not taken the hint that she could barely understand what he was saying, such a foreign language and yet a few key words stood out in his questioning. She shuffled on the spot, uncomfortable with the situation; she glanced to her left and right and clasped her petite form, struggling to make sense of what he was saying. Why was he questioning her now? He had barely a minute to go before the troopers arrive and yet he took the time to interview her. Suffice to say the young Russian was frustrated with the boy, he should save himself before he gets shot down and even then she wouldn't be able to rescue him.

"Bad men coming..", she pleaded desperately scraping the dry wall as she pointied at the incoming noise with a worried look, speaking English was a ridiculous task particularly with the incoming army that was gonna come crashing through the door any moment. "please...get away...get away and stay alive" , she spoke clasping her hands together, hoping the boy would understand..the meek desperateness that fled from her whispery voice was genuine and Lila simply could not deal with the possibility that she would witness the deaths of these two. The situation was only made worse when te Asian man collapsed against the table making the girl yelp in surprise. Things were getting out of hand and she hoped the boy listened to her warning, it was the best she could do but her body language probably spoke more than her words ever could. She was hugging her body tight, clasping the shimmering translucent skin like it was the only source of warmth left in the world. She could not bear the thought of what was going to happen and the instance the gas canister flew into the room a silent gasp escaped her lips.

Thundering footsteps broke the atmosphere of the room, the barking orders peircing her ears as the green tinged gas spread across the room. Thankfully for her, she had no need or oxygen therefore the smoke simply passed over her, a smog cascading over a shimmering princess. She cowered behind the dry wall, peaking through the gap as the troopers tackled the injured Asian man to the ground, he was too battered to defend himself and the combined weight of the armored men could possibly crush him. Two other dominus troopers rushed in and propped Slick onto a stretcher and immediately rushed out, noisily past the squadron that had swarmed the room. Through the thick smoke she could see the twitching bare hand of the injured fellow, she could not make out where te boy was and hoped her had headed her warning and escaped. Her legs began to buckle, the troopers were filling the room with weapons raised... The sheer number of them was overwhelming and she knew it won't be long til they had cleared the area of any threat...she was just a superpowered teenager caught in the middle of the first steps to this war...

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Dragoon August 29th 2012, 10:01 am

Sonny wasn't surprised when the gas came in, expecting some sort of diversionary technique to accompany their breaching of the room. He had to act fast, or he wouldn't be acting at all. Quickly reaching down into his pants and down his leg, he removed the knife from its sheathe and bladed the handle in his teeth. That was going to be uncomfortable real soon. As he heard the first troopers enter the room he heard the sound of a baton striking against Raiku's arm, and took off. This armor they were wearing was very exotic, and made it easier to detect which ones were the troopers and which one Raiku was.

Sonny jumped while halfway to the troopers, reaching around 100 miles per hour. He knew it was dangerous to be jumping at this speed indoors, but you had to take some risks. There wasn't any reason he could find to help out the Asian man, other than it would make his brother and mother happy, wherever they were. Sonny spun in the air and angled his body to face away from the troopers, going feet first. At the last second he kicked his feet out to where he remembered them being, and was happy when he made contact. He was confident when he was going into the fray that he would destroy their helmets, but was disappointed at how durable they were, just barely stunning them, and only because he took them by surprise. Sonny landed on one arm and leg, and quickly got up to take advantage of this chance before Raiku was completely cut off from him. As the soldiers were about to pile around him and beat him with their batons, Sonny ran in at high speed and scooped Raiku up with his arms, and kept going. He ran up onto the wall and made his way around the room, avoiding the troopers. It was sort of difficult for him to maintain his power at the same speed while carrying another person, but he managed to get out of the room. Removing one hand from Raiku, he grabbed his knife from his mouth and threw it at Slick with inhuman accuracy, heading straight for his neck. 

Sonny put his hand back to hold Raiku and took off down the hall, finding the stairs and making his way down. For now, he just needed to find somewhere safe. Sounds of more troopers coming up the stairs made him stop and open the door to the floor he was on. Most of the rooms were left open from all the occupants fleeing the hotel at the sounds of gunfire from earlier. It was a good thing they did, as Sonny needed a place to hide for now. He ran into one of the doors further down the hall and kept it open to not appear suspicious in case the troopers came down on this floor, and set Raiku on the bed. Sonny walked to the window, and noticed the sound of his own breath coming out in hurried gasps of air. Helping this man had taken more of a toll on him than he thought it would. He opened the window to find nothing wrong outside. No cops... These guys must have power within the government. It wasn't something that Sonny wanted to mess around with.

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Raiku Shiroda August 29th 2012, 11:08 pm

Putting futile efforts to try and fight off the several armed foot soldiers, his wounds were being gouged open and made to be even worse than they already were. Blurred vision was a natural part of the process of losing consciousness, as he continued to fight to retain his awareness. A savior, unknown and unseen came to his aid and he gladly accepted the help. Not giving any retaliation, his Godsend carried him away to safety with a measurable amount of speed. They seemed to be eluding their enemies, but not for long. Sonny worked his way down, which was probably a good idea to put them closer to ground level.

Dropped on the comfortable mattress, Raiku's exhausted limp body bounced twice before stabilizing on the bed. It seemed Sonny wanted to regain their strength here before they got caught up in another fight. One Raiku would probably be unable to continue. He was at his physical limitations with the attacks he had been sustained. Some of his vision began to return, though the pain of his wounds were still there. What was keeping him awake? Adrenaline. The will to live. His ambitions. Maybe it was a compilation of several things. The temporary satisfaction of a break was enough to give him hope.

Raising his body up, it felt like it was enough of a task in itself. He wiped a bit of blood out of the corner of his mouth and noticed Sonny by the window. Placing his feet on the ground and his hands on the edge of the bed, he hovered there for a moment.

".... Thank you. I am not sure if I would have done the same." he said. The gratitude was sincere. He was on the verge of being in the hands of Dominus, though he was uncertain what the group even was or what they were called. Like Etoile, he probably would have been forced to become another agent.

Several red laser sight beams started to appear on Raiku's body. Only for but a split second before he reacted as quickly as possible. The room was way too open, they were completely exposed and the snipers perched on a building next to the Hotel had been trying to keep up on their location the entire time. Immediately Raiku threw himself forward.

"Take cover!" He yelled.

As his body left the bed, bullets streamed through the glass window, shattering it in seemingly slow motion. Stuffing from the mattress burst into the air as several bullets penetrated the inanimate object. He tumbled into a roll and then leaped over a counter in the kitchen area as granite spewed into the air from the snipers trying to get a bead on him.

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Raikurevampstat4
Raiku Shiroda
Raiku Shiroda

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes August 30th 2012, 10:40 pm

The chaos within the room escalated when the boy decided to join the fray, Lilia muffled a surprised gasp with her hand...she had thought he heeded her warning. His attacks were futile...exceedingly so. His flurry of kicks barely fazed the heavily armoured dominus troopers and even though he had speed and agility they trumped him in defence and sheer force. The young agent knew that his attempts were meaningless...he was but a fly against a growing storm. However flies were wily creatures and before she knew it he had sprinted across the room and saved the oriental fellow and dashing out.

The troopers screamed after them, their thunderous steps resounding across the small room.

"HE'S KILLED SLICK! SLICK IS DEAD!" One screamed, shattering the atmosphere with his panicked hollering. The gangster had been shot, the two troopers carting him out failed to protect their target. Dominus failed. Agent Etoile failed. A pang of guilt swirled in the pit of her stomach as the realisation of what would happen once her handlers found out about this wracked her mind. She cradled her body, its shimmering form, both beautiful and deadly as the light of the moon's silvery tendrils bounced off her.

She just wanted Sheryll, her big sister but she knew that the number one agent was busy on other missions. She would have to deal with her punishment by herself. There was no escaping it, no exit to the torture they would lay out on her. She was but a pawn in all of this.

Her body shook, light shimmered around the room as she picked herself off the ground, transparent fingers brushing against the tiled flooring as she stood alone in the room. She clenched her fists, there was nothing she could do...the other two were most likely dead and yet a glimmer of hope told her otherwise. They were powerful, they could win this battle if they tried.

Stepping out of the hole in the wall she glanced around at the now empty room, the troopers must've chased after the two. It was quiet, the cold night providing no comfort to the girl. Blood stained the carpet in front of her, the blood of the Asian man. She was the one who wounded him, she had left a hole in his shoulder from her earlier attack by the elevator. "...You're a good girl..", she whispered to herself in a whisper staring out into the vast cityscape before her. The light's of the concrete jungle lit up the night sky. People were free over there, minding their own lives of worth. She could not ever taste such freedom.

But she would fight for a chance to experience it. Even if it cost her her life.

Swivelling on her heels, Lilia brushed a strand of hair away from her face as she stared down the open door..she was going to follow the troopers and show them what sort of weapon they had created. The blood diamond was ready.

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Dragoon August 31st 2012, 10:11 pm

Sonny had just about recovered from his heroic feat as Raiku was just now starting to converse with him. So I have to save his life for him to talk to me? He didn't really care much, as he didn't do it for this man. Sonny knew that his mother and brother were watching over him, and would be proud of him for the way he acted. He wasn't just some selfish vigilante who just wanted to show off his skill and fight bad guys. There were people who made sacrifices to bring him in and keep him in this world, and he planned to live right by them as well as he could. Avenging his brother was just the first part of that large plan, and he could now check that off his list. A simple knife allowed him to enact his vengeance. Sonny wasn't worried about the battlefield they left behind. His speed, hood, and the smoke shouldn't have allowed anyone to have seen his face. And as it came off during his rescue, he placed it back on his head, emphasizing caution. 

"Don't thank me. I didn't do it to save you. I was just saving a life. It wasn't because it was you. I owe that to my family, not you." Sonny wasn't trying to be mean or sound like some child trying to act like a big shot. He didn't want this man to misinterpret his actions. It wasn't as if Sonny wouldn't mind becoming allies with him, but that wasn't his intention while saving his life. Sonny's full intention zeroed in on the sound of the man's voice telling him to look out. There weren't any footsteps behind him, so Sonny's only reaction was to get away from the window. 

He rolled to his right, heading into the bathroom and collided with the toilet. It wouldn't leave but a bruise later, and Sonny didn't waste any time worrying about it. He knew that if a sniper was shooting at them, then that meant more troopers would be on the way. Sonny took out his two guns and instinctively made his own path to the lower floor. He shot many bullets into the ground, making a small circle and weakening the structure. With this stunt he only had about 2 bullets left in each clip plus a full one in his back pocket. "This way!" Sonny holstered the gun and jumped up and stuck to the ceiling with his hands, then brought his legs up to bring himself upside down in a leap frog manner. He sprung off the ceiling while flipping forward, hitting the weakened floor with his feet and falling through, cutting at his forearms and ripping part of his sleeve on the way through the floor. He guessed that the troops were now on the floor above him, but they only had a small window of time to get to the ground floor without running into them. He could wait a few seconds for the Asian man.

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Raiku Shiroda September 4th 2012, 7:03 pm

(Sorry for the wait, had a busy weekend, hope you enjoyed yours.)

His back was against the counter. Heavy breaths escaped his lips as he was unable to contain his loss of blood, despite having tied ripped parts of his shirt to the wounds. Trying to put pressure on the wounds and slow the bleeding. He wasn't going to survive unless he got out of the area, out of sight of Dominus. But he was getting weaker, slower. He wasn't sure if the snipers would pick him off if he decided to try and make a break for an exit. Yet, Sonny seemed to be surviving quite decently despite constantly being barraged by attacks. Though, Raiku never had a fair start to begin with.

An opening was made in the floor in which Sonny made. The same person who told him earlier that saving his life was nothing personal, seemed to want the two of them to work on a team anyways. Raiku was already confused on the thought of not saving his life, just 'a' life. What was the difference? Did Sonny want to save his life or not? He let the thought go, dismissing it. Perhaps Sonny's plan was to use the duct system in order to crawl their way out of the hotel? If so it was a sketchy plan. Neither of them probably knew where they were going. Just a general direction of where they wanted to be. Down. But it would get them out of the snipers view.

Raiku's only thought now was, how to get back out into the open and follow Sonny? The snipers were counting on Raiku leaving his sanctuary where he was protected by his natural environment. Grabbing a large knife out of one of the drawers, he poked the knife around the corner so he could use the reflection to see where the sniper was. As always, perched and waiting. He had to try and fool the sniper team somehow so he could get a head-start run towards the opening. Removing his shoes, he moved them to the corner of the counter. Instantly shots were fired at the shoes, as Raiku dropped them and leaped over the counter. His decoy of course gave him only a few feet distance between him and the shoes, but it was hopefully enough. Now in plain view, the snipers were firing several rounds into the room, trying to get a bead on Raiku, but he reached the opening just barely in time, leaping into the hole.

Placing a bloodied hand on the side of the cramped area, he was panting for air. Glancing up at Sonny, he nodded in affirmation that he was okay and ready to move on. Though he wasn't sure where the man wanted to go. Raiku just wanted to get out of here. The Tome of Arisame could wait.

Last edited by Raiku Shiroda on September 9th 2012, 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Raikurevampstat4
Raiku Shiroda
Raiku Shiroda

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes September 6th 2012, 9:09 pm

The stark beige walls of the countless corridors she dashed passed were like an endless maze, the intricate wallpapers and gleaming chandeliers made her quick, light-footed journey all the more warped. It was strange, feeling this level of emotion in this particular form, she was often devoid of any major emotional conviction when she's living diamond; something obviously resonated within her impenetrable shield and for the first time in her life she was acting on impulse. She knew she would face a barrage of abuse once, pr if, she returned but she could not discard her humanity, these were people like her...gifted individuals and she was not going to stand by while they got murdered.

Every hotel suite was open and completely devoid of any life, its occupants more than likely escaping from the carnage on the floor above. She could hear gun shots not far from where she was, piercing the sound barrier like cracking thunder, the men were still alive.

Turning around a corner the young Russian was faced with a squadron of troops standing somewhat idly in the large corridor, they obviously had not received any orders and were completely caught of guard when she bounded into the air, her shimmering body spinning in a grand pirouette. Diamond shards spewed off her spiralling body, the equal measure of grace and deadliness was a sight to behold and as the glistening scales rained down upon the unsuspecting troops, piercing their bodies like a hellish rain. Screams of agony burst into the air, the men were completely unprepared for the #3 agent to turn on them.

Like a shimmering, indestructible reaper, the girl rained an endless volley of death on the dominus troopers and by the time her gleaming feet landed on the carpeted flooring all the men were now dead or dying, their bodies mangled by the sparkling diamond shards. She closed her eyes, clenching her jaw as she emptied her mind of all sympathy, these men could not deserve such a thing; she was trained for the art of war and she would much rather bestow her curse on the men who made her this way than the lives of the innocent.

She was going to send a message to Dominus, this night she was going to leave a path of pain and destruction, a sliver of the horrors the organisation willingly bestowed onto the many innocent lives they ruined. This night she was going to avenge her parents, the many metahumans who could not endure the pain like she could and most of all herself...if this was her final night on earth it was going to be a night to remember!

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Dragoon September 9th 2012, 10:56 am

(Sonny made a hole in the floor, not the ceiling.)

Sonny was making his way into the hallway as Raiku made it through the hole Sonny made a few seconds ago. Fully prone and trying to avoid the window and noises, Sonny looked back to motion Raiku to do the same. The snipers were still looking on the floor above them, but Sonny didn't want to stand up and risk getting shot in the back of the head. Outside in the stairwell he could hear the soldiers going upwards to the floor just above them, trying to cut off any escape and catch them while they were stuck in the room they came from. It would only be a matter of time before they checked the room and saw the giant hole in the floor. 

Sonny crawled out of the room and into the hallway, getting away from the doorway before standing up. He made a quick check to see if Raiku was still following him and made his way to the opposite stairwell that the soldiers were taking. If there was any chance to get out of here without a fight, Sonny would take it. Once he made it to the stairway, his greed got the better of him. Sonny knew that dominus would scour the room of Slick and everything he left behind would be up for the taking. Making a quick decision, Sonny wanted whatever was back in Slick's room. He trusted that Raiku was smart enough to make it to the bottom floor on his own. With the same speed that he had exhibited before, Sonny ran down the stairs to the floor where he first encountered the diamond girl, Slick, and Raiku. 

Sonny snuck his way through the floor, and it was oddly quiet. Time would be of the essence, so he ran through to the room as fast as he could. One soldier was sitting by in the room, but he didn't spot Sonny yet. The man was sitting by the window, facing the room. With that armor, Sonny couldn't even hope to hurt the man. That didn't mean he didn't have any knock back power to his kicks. Lady luck was on Sonny's side. It was as if fate meant for him to raid the rest of Slick's goods. Outside, all you could hear was a window breaking and the confused screams of a grown man. Then as you focused your view, a small figure could be seen flailing in the air. All movements and noises stopped once he hit the ground. Sonny really had to stop throwing people out of this room's windows. That could easily become a habit.

Sonny scoured the room for anything Slick would have left behind, becoming frustrated quickly. Nothing was in the drawers but some clothes and a Smith & Wessen magnum. That might come in handy. Sonny placed it on top of the drawer for later, and continued his search. After a lot of searching Sonny became frustrated and flipped the bed in anger, but those feelings didn't last long as he saw what was hidden underneath. A lockbox and a duffel bag were neatly tucked away, hidden from the outside. "Jackpot...Inside was a ring of keys to Slick's houses and storage houses and some boring important papers. Sonny didn't have a key to the box, but he was sure that wouldn't be a problem later on. The duffel bag was more interesting to him. It was filled with money. It was more money than Sonny had ever seen in his life. His breathing became a little unstable as he zipped it back up, unable to think properly. The only thing he knew was that he had to leave now. Sonny tucked the box under his arm and placed the straps of the duffel bag on his shoulder. The bag fell on his back over his swords. He liked the feeling of this money. Sonny grabbed the magnum he placed on the dresser and ran off in joy, eager to get out of this hotel.

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Raiku Shiroda September 10th 2012, 10:33 am

(Edits were made. I couldn't determine if it were floor or ceiling so I had a 50/50 chance of guessing. tongue )

When Sonny made his way back into the hallway, Raiku was determined to get out of the building a different way. It was quite obvious that the young man wasn't done in this hotel room, and to top it off, he was unscathed. Unlike Raiku. Part of him just wanted to rest there, unsure if he would even wake up. Though he had slowed down his blood loss, he had still lost a lot. He wasn't sure how much his body could take at this point. He inched further, sweat dripping from his brow and into the cramped area that Sonny had made for them.

Working his way up into the hallway where Sonny took off to 'play' in the deathfield, Raiku looked for a way down. Elevator would be too obvious. Pushing through a door, he made his way to a spiraling staircase that allowed him to go up or down. Placing his hand on the grungy railing, he worked his way down level after level, as quickly as his body would allow. But he didn't stop at ground level, he went into the basement. Sliding glass windows opened to allow Raiku entrance into the parking garage.

They weren't the only ones in the Hotel, several people were trying to evacuate, getting into their vehicles and lining up at the exit. It was a huge traffic jam, and he wasn't sure he could wait that long even if he commandeered a vehicle. Noting a man on a motorcycle, it was perfect. Running up and kicking the man off the bike, the motorbike fell to the ground and the man tumbled. He wasn't going to kill him, but he did need something else.

"Your helmet." he glared at the man, extending his hand as if it were going to be given up easily. The man pulled out a switchblade and ran at Raiku in an attempt to get back at the vehicle thief, but Raiku grabbed his wrist and used his enhanced strength to twist and break it. The man fell to the ground in agony, dropping the blade. Raiku was still standing there extending his hand, wanting the helmet. The man quickly took it off and threw it at Raiku. Grasping the helmet, he put it over his head and put the visor down, covering his face. With so many people leaving the Hotel, it would be hard to track down one metahuman in a crowd of humans. Especially with a helmet with a tinted visor.

Jumping on the back of the motorcycle, he punched the throttle, causing the tire to spin rapidly on the concrete. Zipping inbetween cars that were lined up to exit the hotel, he made his way quickly and efficiently towards the exit. Instead of getting stopped at the gate where most people had to pay, he jumped up over the curb and exited where people could normally just walk through and out of the garage. He took off and out of the building as fast as he could. There was no way he could keep this up any longer. Reaching over a hundred miles per hour on the speedometer, it was evident nobody was giving chase. Had he been in better condition, he may have gotten back at Dominus, but his body couldn't withstand it. The man sped off, temporarily evading Dominus. For now.

(Exit Raiku Shiroda. I was going to have him do more in the topic, but I believe he's taken way too much damage for it to be realistic. He'll die of blood loss if he stays. So thanks for the topic guys. Smile )

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Raikurevampstat4
Raiku Shiroda
Raiku Shiroda

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Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Enter the Orange - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes September 11th 2012, 5:03 am

The sound of bare feet lightly hitting the carpeted flooring bounced around the corridor with a muffled thumping noise, everything was silent other than the dashing form of the Russian teenager who bounded down the cold concrete stairwell in an attempt to save the two metahumans. Soft lighting of the floor below enveloped her in a gentle golden haze as she leapt over some luggage that an innocent occupant left behind. As she made her speedy advance towards anymore armour clad troopers the sheer beauty of her ability shone in the silent, lonely interior of the now abandoned hotel. The lights bounced of her rapidly moving body, creating a splendid array of colours and sparkles that twinkled in the brief moments of their existence.

It was only now did she realise that she was back on the same floor that the whole drama began on. Everything was now eerily quiet, no loud music, no giggling call-girls and definitely no half drunk gangster. Lilia flicked her hair backwards, the thick crystal strands of hair shimmering in the light much like the rest of her shining body did, it was still however quite light just incredibly indestructible . The wide eyed girl slowed her pace down as she gracefully tip toed her way into the room that became the catalyst for this entire mess. her tentative steps forward created a hushed tapping noise and as she peaked around the room everything was completely bare, save the mass amounts of blood that stained the once impeccably clean carpet.

The troopers had obviously cleaned up the metahuman thugs from earlier and it was clear that the prostitutes were more than likely being thrown into an incinerator or at the bottom of some river out of town. As she slid her way into the cold room she could not help but feel a familiar sense of dread, although she could not pinpoint what it was. Keeping her arms close to her body she silently made her way into the main bedroom where, earlier that night she was half heartedly frolicking around in the most skimpiest of outfit that she was unfortunately still wearing.

A cool breeze drifted through the shattered window, softly flicking at the stray strands of translucent hair. She shuffled in her spot, she was cold, not from the wind of course but from the dreadful empty feeling in the pit of her stomach and if she was in her more vulnerable human form she would have most definitely spewed out the contents of her stomach.

"AGENT SALT! ETOILE HAS GONE ROGUE AND MURDERED A WHOLE SQUADRON ON FLOOR 60!" A radio crackled behind her, causing her to instantly become rigid with fear, a sharp gasp of horror escaping her lips as she immediately realised the horrible truth that she was most definitely not alone.

And that was when the pain began.

A searing burn exploded within her brain, causing her spine to arc backwards in pain as the most horrible of screams escaped her lips. Another sudden jolt of pain seared through her skull like a blade had been plunged right into the very centre of her head. Her limbs shuddered and her jaw was gaping wide in the most disturbing form possible, no sound could escape her mouth as the burn drilled its way throughout her small body. She collapsed, her limbs were now numb and her body went into a violent spasm as every second passed, every second felt like an hour as her whole body burnt with an incredible amount of pain. Her body instantly reverted back to hits more 'human' form and her pale and scarred skin writhed on the ground as internal pain became much more intense.

She was now completely exposed and vulnerable.

"Now who would've thought that sweet little Lilia had the guts to take down a whole squad of troops. A whole squad!", Cackled an all too familiar voice behind her. This man, this monster that crouched next to her writhing half -naked body simply grinned at her... of course it was him..the one who made her life a living hell, the most evil, the most twisted, the most murderous of all the people she had ever had to meet. It was Mr Salt... a man who even eagerly crossed the moral boundaries that ruled society, one who enthusiastically forced his vile fantasies onto the young agent.

"Now don't get me wrong, I love doing this to you. Especially when you cry! It just gets me so excited!", he whispered into her ear, and like the most acidic of poisons his voice sent her into an uncontrollable fit of fear, which simply made his excitement even more passionate. He yanked the roots of her hair, practically tearing away at her scalp as he lifted her limp, shuddering body against his own"You know what..I'm kinda happy you fucked up this mission. It just gives me and the boys more of an excuse to discipline you..", he uttered with a horrid grin, dragging the cold metal o his blade against her tear stained cheek, "Good thing you're dressed for the occasion as well.." he smirked, as he dragged his rough hand against her shivering body, there was no stopping it, she was paralysed with both fear and pain, and as his hands fearlessly explored her exposed body she whimpered in utter defeat...she had never felt this violated in so long..

"For every trooper you killed equals one hour with me...and for every metahuman you let live equals another three hours with the boys..", he said between clenched teeth as he bore his gaze into her own, making sure that the shuddering girl understood the tortures she would experience the next few days. Even though she could not understand half of what he was saying she knew what faced her when she got back to the base. No one could save her, not Gossamer, not Reaper and most definitely not the boy that fate thrust her into that night.

"You kill my men and I'll make your worthless life even worse than it already is", he hissed, yanking her head backwards before delivering a harsh blow to her face, the fresh and raw pain burnt across her cheekbone and nose, sending her head snapping to the side as a trickle of red flew out of her mouth. Her vision became blurred, her nose throbbed and her mouth shivered with purest of all fear. And in that last moment of consciousness before he dragged her away to the very pit of hell the vision of the teenage boy flashed across her mind one last time.

He had to survive. Survive and win the war that slowly approached.

Survive for her.


(Exit Etoile. Not the most happiest of endings but this is merely the start of the very exciting arc that shall be happening in the near future. Twas a great thread !!)

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