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Enter the Orange

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Enter the Orange Empty Enter the Orange

Post by Dragoon August 2nd 2012, 1:44 am

Sonny waited. Rushing into things wouldn't help him at all. He had to plan things carefully to make this a success. Today would be the best chance he could get to claim his target. It was a nice surprise that goons on the street would know so much about their boss' whereabouts. The bad part was that he knew he was expected. No matter how much they plead that they won't tell anybody, they normally do. If they tell their boss then maybe they'll be rewarded. Maybe they will feel useful finally. Perhaps they'll be killed for being a useless tool. It's a shame how stupid these grunts could be, but that might explain why they are where they are. 

The crime boss was staying the night at a high end hotel. Sonny had scoped out the hotel a few days before. There was no way for him to get into the suite without being stopped through the inside of the hotel, aside from knocking out room service and stealing their clothes. Maybe he should have done that instead. He decided against it because he didn't want his face to be seen. He wasn't going to be killing everybody, and he didn't want to be looking over his shoulder anytime soon. Room service didn't wear masks.

Sonny was wearing a black hoody with black under armour underneath. Jeans and tennis shoes made up his lower body's attire. He had two straps over his under armour on his lower back carrying two short swords. They were crossed and ended up at the sides of his head. The large hood covered them up, but they are easily visible if the hood is taken off. Sonny wore a pair of black leather gloves in an attempt to not leave any fingerprints. He planned to leave a crime scene. On his waist were two holsters that held his two stolen glocks. Not his favorite, but hopefully he wouldn't need to use them. His last resort was a knife strapped to his right leg. He had two extra clips in each back zipper pocket of his jeans. Time to get to work. Sonny started to make his way up the building, keeping his hands on the wall and climbing up as if it were a mountain. He was almost invisible, but could be seen if someone was looking hard enough.

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Raiku Shiroda August 2nd 2012, 11:01 pm

Raiku had been trying to track this mobster boss for some time, but wasn't sure how to approach the influential man without something well thought out. Though he was a very powerful being, financially he was quite struggling. He had heard rumors of a book labeled the "Tome of Arisame" had been in the wealthy man's possession. A Mage's diary of his meeting with a clan of dragons. However, it was rumored that the Mage had kept his body alive for well over a thousand years. Whether it was plausible or not was another story, or if it was all a fable invented by a creative author.

Either way, he needed his hands on this book. But the method of which to obtain it was still a mystery. He didn't want to lower his standards to the point where he would steal it. But as a mobster, perhaps he could have use for Raiku's talents. Perhaps he could work off the value of the Tome to the owner and eventually obtain it for himself. That was the best method for him at this time, at least in his mind. It would be an honorable method to obtain something rather than through force.

With what little money he had, he booked the room across the hall from the mobster. However, there was his goons patrolling the halls constantly. Standing outside to make sure that nobody would disturb the crime lord, and he had no idea how many were within the actual room. Walking out of his room, he came towards the entrance of the mobsters hotel room. However, a tall, bulky man wearing a black turtleneck and sunglasses placed his palm on Raiku's chest.

"Sorry." the thug said, pointing towards the 'do not disturb' sign with his opposite hand. "I wasn't informed of any meetings with the renter of this room, and he's taking no visitors."

Without retaliating heavily by force, Raiku was calm in mind and spirit. Responding calmly and reassuring that he meant no harm, he replied: "I'm sure he doesn't wish for any disturbances. I merely was looking for some honest work and thought him a wealthy man. I wondered if he could help me with a situation I'm in."

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Enter the Orange Raikurevampstat4
Raiku Shiroda
Raiku Shiroda

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes August 3rd 2012, 12:07 am

'Operation swarm' was in full effect, gangsters and those of less noble professions were quickly becoming overrun by the dominus organization. Intel had arrived a few months prior containing evidence that the gang lords throughout much of the northern hemisphere had equipped themselves with state of the art weaponry. Many would be dealers of the contraband were thoroughly checked over twice, accounts were scanned and phones were tracked but to no avail, the criminal underworld had somehow stocked up on unknown weaponry from an unknown source. Although the agency focuses specifically on metahuman threats the very thought of less productive members of society possibly having weapons that could override the high tech equipment of many security agencies was a worry in itself, the safety of the free world was possibly at stake and the shadowy organization had put it on themselves to shatter the growing firepower of the 'more violent members of society'.

The youngest and most innocent of all the agents had been chosen among the elite members of the dominus soldiers. It had come to the attention of Adam Paxton , the head of dominus, that the girl, Lilia Ivanov a.k.a Agent Etoile would be perfect for particular operations...mainly due to her unimposing nature, fear induced obedience and general underage appearance. The head of Dominus knew that the girl's unassuming and petite form wasn't entirely a bad thing, she could pass as a normal girl...for her power lay not in weapons that could easily distract the casual passerbyer, she was the weapon, and a damn effective one as well.

A ganglord that operated within the bustling city of Chicago had come up on the dominus radar only recently, sure the shadowy organization had the man's details but it was only until a month ago did he catch their suspicion after the local authorities failed to even arrest one member of his triad. He went by the name of 'Mr. Slick' and had been previously charged with manslaughter, a whole array of drugs and weapons smuggling and even as far as getting himself involved in the shady operations of human trafficking. A man lime him should have been detained by the police a long time ago but he always managed to escape, avoiding any major punishments for his heinous crimes. Although etoile's involvement in this particular mission was fiercely debated against by some, mainly her surrogate elder sister, Sheryll Paxton, who argued that the girl was simply too psychologically broken to be thrust into the seedy underworld of Mr. Slick, not only that but her history which unfortunately included a whole array of sexual abuse eagerly thrust onto her by her handlers was further reason to re-evaluate the involvement of an 18 year old rape victim who was assigned to work undercover as a callgirl.

However Adam Paxton stubbornly refused his daughter's argument and immediately thrust the meek Russian agent into gear, backing her up with a whole squadron of Dominus troopers if any particular situation arose. His only order to her was, "stay in character and bring back information", right before sending her and a battalion of troopers to the grand city of Chicago, a strained farewell to Agent Gossamer was all Lilia could muster as she soared into the air to join operation swarm..


It was approximately 8:30 pm, the sun had disappeared into the inky embrace of the night sky beckoning the pale silver moon to take its place. All was calm, well as calm as a busy night in Chicago could be possibly be and no unfamiliar disturbances had interrupted the muted droan of the late night traffic that sped past the grand hotel. People were out and about minding their own business, the occupants of the 6 star resort were some of the richest and influential people in the world and it could only be assumed that they were given service of the utmost care. However the bustling marble interior of the hotel covered a dark secret, located all the way in room 208 lay one of the most dangerous ganglords of that district, Mr. Slick. The thirty something year old Mediterranean was currently spoiling himself with the most expensive delicacy that was on offer in that area, high class callgirls... who expected a sum of at least $500 per hour. His lavish suite exuded a particular musk, one which melted into the combined scent of alcohol and fresh blankets as the giggles and sighs of his current troupe of ladies pierced the atmosphere, too him it was simply heaven...however in this little paradise of his was an imposter, the youngest and most innocent looking 'callgirl' of the room.

Etoile had managed to gain the attention of the excitable gangster and was instantly whisked away into his room alongside the various other hand picked maidens that greeted him that afternoon. Although a coy smile was plastered on her porcelain face the young agent simply wanted to scream and cry everytime Mr. Slick touched her...but she could not, she had to play the part and not even let off a glimpse that she was anything besides a fresh faced prostitute. She knew what most men were like, eager to satisfy their questionable urges even if it contradicted their outwards morality, she was simply another female that was there to pleasure and entertain him and the results of doing so as time went by created sickening feeling within her stomach. Bouncing on his bed, pretending to have fun as she giggled away with a fake airy laugh, Lilia tried her best not to cover herself up, expensive looking panties and bra the only thing that kept her quivering body warm. This state of muted nervousness only getting worse once the tipsy gangster yanked her small form on top o his own.

"Well well, I haven't played with you yet," he slurred rubbing his greasy hands down her body, "I wonder what this tight young body of yours can do.." he trailed off, sneering at her as he caressed her face. She so desperately wanted to slap him and escape but the dominus troopers which were located on top of a high rise opposite the building would easily see something like that coming and she would have directly put the operation in jeopardy. "Agent Etoile. Stay calm and continue with the objective." the troopers voice crackled in her ear, the small earpiece giving her orders even in this particular time of distress.

Taking in a deep breath the girl attempted to give the despicable man a flirty giggle but all that came out was a strained whimper, causing him to laugh out loud. This in turn sent the whole choir of prostitutes into a chorus of them it appeared the youngest callgirl was afraid and her shaky innocent gaze heightened the cruel uproar. "Don't worry darling it'll be fun" he sneered, clasping her face as he leaned in for a kiss, thinking that her desperate attempts of getting his hands off her was part of the foreplay. As the young agent turned her face, something caught her eye..the shape of a head was outside staring into the room, it was too dark to distinguish anything but her involuntary gasp of surprise obviously alerted whoever it was outside scaling the walls of the hotel that he or she had been spotted..

Last edited by Inkblot on August 4th 2012, 9:27 am; edited 1 time in total

Enter the Orange Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Dragoon August 3rd 2012, 1:09 am

Sonny stayed there, sprawled out against the wall with his head barely showing. More and more he was getting the feeling that it was a good thing he planned to kill this man. There was a young girl among the group of what he knew to be prostitutes. He grew up in a rough neighborhood, he knew exactly what they were. This one intrigued her the most out of everyone in the room, even more than his target. He kept a close eye on her, using his special vision to make it last longer to him. She was captivating to him, and he started to swell up with anger when his target started to lay hands on her. He felt he couldn't take it anymore when he went for a kiss. Then, all that anger was gone when he saw her look his way. It was as if she were staring right at him. In fact, she was. His mind quickly jumped out of infatuated mode and turned towards the situation. It seemed as if everyone was alerted to the fact that she was gasping at something. It was time to make his entrance.

Sonny flipped upwards, like an Olympic gymnast. Using his upper body strength he held himself upwards on the wall, using his hands that he stuck to the surface. Unable to hear or see what was going on, he decided to count to 15 and then make his entrance. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9..10 Sonny felt a small strain start to form in his muscles. 11...12...13...14...15 Sonny then let his body swing downwards, bringing his feet into the glass, letting go of the building as he did so. He smashed through the glass, striking a thug that was sent to find out what the hell that girl was gasping at in the face, instantly knocking him out. 

Sonny saw things faster than many others did. He wasn't very experienced in this sort of thing, but he had talent and hard work on his side. It took him so long to work up the skills for this 'mission'. Now there was no way a bunch of goons would stop him. He quickly counted their numbers and weapons. 4 thugs were already reaching for their guns, 2 had knives, 1 had brass knuckles. There were about 5 of the callgirls, who Sonny assumed were non-combatants. Sonny hypothesized that there were probably about 2 or 3 waiting outside the door and would be making their way in in a couple of seconds. Then there was his target. Oh how simple it would be to just put a bullet in his head then run back down the building. But, he felt like this girl he saw needed saving, and he wanted to be that hero. A pair of thugs both reaching for guns to his right were the nearest threats, so they were his first targets. Sonny was upon them before they had their hands on their weapons, and decided to show off. He was in no immediate danger anyway, and there was a beautiful girl around his age to impress. He grabbed each hand that was reaching for the weapons and turned them out, palms facing him, then pushed down with great force until he heard a satisfying crack from both. Three were already out of the way. He was making great time. Maybe he would stop for coffee on the way to the others. Sonny weaved his way through the room, taking note of the two gunmen remaining. They had their guns drawn, but the way the sloppily aimed their weapons made it easy for him to predict the bullet trajectory and keep inside his safe zones. Once he made his way to the first goon he did a simple disarm, grabbing the gun, twisting and pulling. Using it, he pistol whipped the disarmed goon, putting him out of commission as well. Sonny quickly turned and threw his newly acquired weapon at the final gunman, hitting him in the teeth. While he was stunned, he ran halfway to him, then jumped the rest, spinning sideways in the air, and finishing the final gunman with a butterfly twist kick to the chest. Sonny quickly got to his feet and got into his muay thai stance, beckoning the others to come at him. He made a quick glance to the young girl to see if his showing off was worth it, and had a slight smile on his face.

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Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Raiku Shiroda August 3rd 2012, 6:55 pm

The distinctive sound of glass shattering echoed through the halls, as girls within the enclosed room screamed in surprise. Not all had been aware of his incoming arrival, or how he would enter. There were a limited amount of bodyguards within the hotel room, but more were outside to make sure the area was secure. Who would have thought someone would enter through scaling the walls of the building? The mobster didn't believe his enemies were that persistent. However, there was a possibility that Agent Orange was getting into something more than he bargained for.

One of the bodyguard's whom he disarmed by breaking his wrist started to rapidly regenerate the damage, and get back to his feet. A separate enemy that was kicked across the room and into the entertainment center, breaking the television, leaned forward and cracked his neck as if it hadn't phased him in the slightest. Rock hard skin had not been penetrated by glass or debris. Using superhuman strength, he punched a hole into the wall to display both his anger and strength. The mobster didn't just hire bodyguards. He hired bodyguards that had metahuman super powers.

The bodyguard outside that was guarding the door whipped his head around at the sound of noise within the room. He knew the danger that the mobster was in, and decided to react to it. Not sure if Raiku was a threat or not, he pushed hard on Raiku's chest and send him reeling backwards and slamming his back against the wall. Raiku took a few steps forward towards the guard, but he instantly disappeared. Teleporting behind Agent Orange, he swung the underside of his elbow against the back of his head in an attempt to knock him out cold.

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Enter the Orange Raikurevampstat4
Raiku Shiroda
Raiku Shiroda

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes August 3rd 2012, 7:49 pm

Lilia was quite literally flung off the bed when the masked vigilante hurtled through the glass window, Mr Slick, although partially drunk knew that he was now in quite a messy situation and quickly reached under the bedside table revealing a strange black pistol. The other girls screamed and hollered, they hurriedly fled the scene after one of the guards was hurtled towards the entertainment unit, a loud crashing sound completely shattering the earlier atmosphere. The half naked and half drunk prostitutes sprinted for the door, some crying whilst others were simply screaming their heads off, initially fumbling to open the front door as the fight continued.

["AGENT ETOILE. THE MISSION HAS NOT BEEN COMPROMISED YET, STAY PUT! A squadron of troopers will take care of the runaways. DO NOT REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY, I REPEAT DO NOT REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY! , the comlink barked into her ears, it was clear that dominus was not expecting someone to quite literally crash through a window halfway through her mission but she knew troopers will surround the building in no time if things escalated. Although her English was barely passable by modern working standards the sandy haired ballerina immediately understood that she had to stay in the matter how bad things got. The other girls who ran out the room were not so lucky however. Dominus would not want mass panic to ensue within the hotel, four women screaming about metahumans in room 208 would be less than helpful so the order was quickly made to clean up my loose ends... the four panicky callgirls who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time were quickly and efficiently taken out with bullets between the head. Their bodies were hurriedly removed from the premises. No one was going to miss them.

Cowering next to the bed with the large blanket draped over her shivering exposed body the young agent stared wide eyed at the situation that unfolded before her. If she had it her way she would of assumed diamond form and jumped out the window, not caring if she compromised the mission... But she was practically stuck between a wall and the large beds so she had to make do with simply watching as the action unfolded before her. The attacker was good at what he did, although to the ballet prodigy it appeared a bit sloppy. As he quickly disarmed the last thug he turned to face her, a little grin on his face. A brief moment of awkwardness occurred between the two before she quickly realized that she was not wearing much, "Don't look!" She yelled, blushing a deep red as she tossed the blanket over her body, not caring how the boy reacted. She did not want anyone to see her dressed like that, particularly when her scars were quite literally exposed to anyone who looked hard enough...if gossamer was here she would killed anyone who dared to even glance at the scantily dressed agent.

Unortunately Lilia's brief moment of self realisation was quickly destroyed when the the top of her hair was yanked upwards causing her to squeal in pain making her bright blue eyes water from the sudden pain, it almost felt like the roots of her sandy brown locks were gonna get ripped out of her scalp as she was dragged on top of the bed. Cold metal was pressed against the side of her forehead as a muscular arm tightly wound it way around her pale abdomen. The distinctive smell of champagne clogged her senses from behind her as heavy breathing penetrated her ears. Lilia instantly knew what was happening, the ganglord was more of a coward that she initially believed and he was now using her as a human shield, pressing the cold black metal pistol against her head. "AGENT ETOILE! DO NOT MAKE ANY SUDDEN MOVEMENTS, A SQUADRON IS ON IT'S WAY! I REPEAT, A SQUADRON IS ON ITS WAY" the agent on the other end of the line yelled, a sliver of panic obvious in his orders. The young girl swallowed, trying to control her breathing as her nails dug into his hairy arm around her waist...things were gettin out of hand, and quite quickly.

"IF YOU EVEN DARE COME NEAR ME I'LL BLOW A FUCKING HOLE THROUGH HER HEAD!" Mr Slick screamed at the attacker, shaking the gun against her skull, removing any doubt that he would actually pull the trigger. The girl held her breath trying not to focus on too much on the fact that she was once again completely exposed to the speedy vigilante and what initially was a bad situation took a turn for the worst when the thugs revealed that they were more than simple meat shields...

Enter the Orange Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Dragoon August 5th 2012, 3:47 am

Sonny's face shone a bright red. He didn't  take into account the fact that the girl was hardly wearing clothes. Then he started to get a little curious. Is there such a thing as a modest prostitute? She isn't even fully naked... That wasn't what he should have been worrying about as new matters grabbed his attention. It seemed like Sonny's efforts had all been for nothing. Half of the opponents he defeated were already back to their feet as if nothing had happened. Sonny hadn't accounted for metahumans to be involved. A little improvision was in order. 

Sonny decided on a strategy, but was cut off by a subtle grunt from behind. Sonny knew what that meant and instantly dove forward into a roll, turning as he stood up. Where the hell did this guy come from?! Sonny got back into his muay thai stance, ready for another hit from  the attacker. The thug smirked then instantly disappeared. Sonny flinched, but couldn't react to anything. He didn't move- His thoughts were cut short with a kick to his back. It hurt but he wasn't in any danger. This man was in danger though. Sonny had figured him out. He doesn't move, he just teleports. I would have been able to see his movements. It seems like he favors the back. Most likely he's going for it again. As he decided on his counter attack, his attention was taken away by his target. Slick held the girl from before with a gun to her head. Obviously this man did not value his life. 

The teleporting thug decided to take this time to finish Sonny. Sonny had other plans. He caught Sonny's eye when he vanished. He spun around when the thug vanished, bringing his elbow outwards to around the height of the man's neck. The thug was ducking a little, and the elbow fought him in the side of the head. The man wobbled from the hit, and Sonny aimed to put him down. Sonny kept spinning, and jumped while spinning. He brought his left foot first and hit the thug with his heel, then brought his right foot around and smashed it into the man with the lace of his foot. Sonny wasn't fucking around anymore. He turned to Slick with a grim look on his face that said 'Youre next.'

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Number of posts : 45
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Raiku Shiroda August 5th 2012, 11:49 pm

Since the thug who could teleport vanished, the unprotected door seemed inviting. Especially if what he desired laid inside the room. All it would take is some convincing to get it out of the hands of the mobster. The room seemed a bit chaotic, however. A lone vigilante came to try and take the mobster on, and had to deal with several subordinates. He was quick, that much Raiku determined.

His eyes shifted over to Mr. Slick, the crimelord who had a captive. It was a shallow move, to hide behind someone else instead of fighting your own battles. Someone who didn't seem to want to defend herself at that. One move from Agent Orange, and he'd pull the trigger which would spray the young girl's brains all over the wall. Though if he did that, he would have nothing to protect himself with. Part of Raiku wanted to help the young girl. But on the other hand, making enemies with Mr. Slick most likely meant not getting the Tome he desired.

Not recognizing Raiku as an ally, the strong and durable metahuman thug came at him in an attempt to protect his employer. One thing he lacked, was speed and agility. Raiku dodged three punches aimed at his head, then grabbed his forearm on the fourth punch, twisting his arm over Raiku's shoulder and throwing the thug across the room nto a wall. The thug crashed through and into the kitchen area. But he didn't seem harmed from the gesture. Getting up and dusting itself off, it came at Raiku again with both fists raised up. He wasn't trained in any combat arts, which made him easier to predict. But Raiku wasn't trying to make enemies here.

"My apologies for trespassing, but I promise I did not come to harm anyone here. I'm looking for a something your employer has." Though he talked calm and collected, he raised his fists up to defend himself incase the thug decided to ignore his request and get into another rampaging attack.

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Enter the Orange Raikurevampstat4
Raiku Shiroda
Raiku Shiroda

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Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes August 6th 2012, 7:25 am

The arrival of the martial artist added further tension after he had easily dispatched one of the superhuman thugs, eloquently making his request straight after, like none of the current chaos had bothered him. Could this man possibly compromise Etoile's mission? She'd like to think that his obscure entrance would in no way cause things to escalate even further, but witnessing his skill in defeating the super strong henchman caused the meek Russian girl to have her doubts. She looked him over, nothing too imposing about him but then again there was nothing imposing about her either and she only stood at 5'1", but she could easily scewer someone with a quick flick of her wrist although in her current state something like that would be completely foolish, not only would she blow her cover but it would most likely end in an altercation with the current occupants of the large suite.

Slick's grip around her waist tightened considerably once the newcomer caught his attention, although the gun he held against Lilia's quivering forehead did not move an inch even in this new state of mild surprise. Lilia could hear the gangster clicking his tongue behind her as he processed the current situation. She dug her nails into his naked arm, pale fingers clawing at the heavily tanned forearm. Even though she was in no imminent danger she still abhorred the fact that she was half naked and being used as a human shield by such a disgusting man, the girl innocently believed she had escaped such situations once trekking further than her little prison back at base. This brief moment of contemplation was quickly silenced when the large thug turned to face his boss.

"uhh boss...this one says he's looking for something.." he spoke slowly, fists still raised just in case Raiku were to do anything. Slick sharply inhaled as the massive henchman mentioned Raiku's request, a clearing of his throat indicating a quick decision had been made.

"If you want anything from me," Slick slurred shaking his ornate pistol at the newcomer, " then I suggest you get rid of this annoying little prick," he spat glaring at the teenage vigilante. Etoile quickly glanced at the boy, even though she did not know him a small sense of dread filled her...he was going to be considerably outnumbered and there was zero chance that dominus would permit her to assist him. Not even waiting for the tense Asian fellow to answer, the gangster yanked Lilia by the hair and shoved her back onto her feet, gun still pressed against her skull as she desperately tried to find her footing, whimpering in pain as he tore at her scalp.

"Once you're done cleaning up this little kid come talk to me on the roof. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna have some fun with this little slut" he sneered, heavily kneeing Lilia's spine, yanking her small form in front of him as he kept a cautious eye on the vigilante. A muted cry escaping her lips as the sudden blow to her bare back caught her off guard... as much as she wanted to put up a brave face tears sprung from the corners of her eyes revealing to the men present that she simply was just a girl trapped in a world filled with the wrong people.

Mr. Slick hurriedly pushed his hostage ahead of him, nodding to his thugs indicating that he wanted the vigilante removed as quickly as possible. Right before rushing out of the door the gangster briefly glanced at te Asian man, "If I have something that you want get rid of the kid. Now." and with that bolted towards the elevator down the hallway dragging the wincing agent beside him.


Enter the Orange Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Dragoon August 16th 2012, 9:31 pm

25 feet. That's the distance between me and my target. If I can move and stop at around 150 feet per second indoors... That would take me about 1/6th of a second to reach him. That would be too risky though. If only he had the gun pointed at me. Then it would be a different story. I would tear his fucking arm from his body and beat him with it. I can't allow him to kill this girl. Oscar would have died for nothing if I can't save others.  

A large thud barely attracted Sonny's attention, but he made a small note of it. The situation was bad, and he didn't need it to get any worse. He was dealing with superhuman thugs and a hostage situation. Strikes wouldn't work on either of the metahumans. The stronger one appeared angry, and Sonny was expecting him to charge at him. He began to walk backwards with his hands up as if to give Mr. Slick some space. 32 feet give or take... He made sure that the path of the stronger thug would lead him to a window behind Sonny if he decided to rush him. At this point, he had to be willing to kill, although be doubted the thug would die from a fall at this height.

Their little 'party' was interrupted by what appeared to Sonny as another thug, although his demeanor proved otherwise. He hoped this man would be on his side from his politeness, but the split second of hope was replaced with disappointment. He seemed to be making a deal with Sonny's target, which wouldn't fare well for Sonny. The odds were heavily stacked against him. 

"We don't need no damn help from a small whelp like him!" The stronger metahuman seemed angry from getting kicked and the idea of his job being taken away only added to that. He rushed at Sonny, his feet making thunderous roars every step of the way. The man had his hands out as if be was going to push Sonny by the shoulders. He was hoping to push this vigilante out of the window. Too bad Sonny had dibs on that idea. Right before the man made contact with Sonny's shoulders, Sonny rolled backwards while grabbing the shirt of the thug along his chest while placing his foot on the thug's stomach. The thug almost seemed weightless with the momentum that was behind him. Sonny kept rolling until his leg was over his head, then let go, sending the man out of the window. When the thug realized he had just crashed through the glass of a window, he let out a loud scream which kept going until he hit the ground. 

Sonny jumped to his feet, making sure his hood stayed on his head. He had a solemn expression on his face. There was no trace of the show off from a few moments ago. Mr. Slick took this as his moment to leave, and informed the newcomer that he would be on the roof when they were finished. "I won't let you touch her!" Sonny glared at Mr. Slick as he made his way out. He turned his attention to the newcomer. The best way to destroy your enemies is to make them your ally. "I don't wish to fight you. I only want to fight with Slick. If you allow me to go after him, I will help you to get what you want. You don't seem like the type of person who would deal with a man like that. Please reconsider." Sonny felt as if those words came from Oscar himself.

Last edited by Agent Orange on August 16th 2012, 10:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Raiku Shiroda August 16th 2012, 10:05 pm

Once Mr. Slick made his way out with Etoile as his hostage, the only thing preventing Agent Orange from pursuing his target was Raiku who was apparently just hired into the crimelord's personnel list. Was this what he really wanted? He didn't need money or a place in some organization. He had his own goals and ambitions to achieve. The only thing that Mr. Slick had was something that would help him achieve those goals. He decided to reply quickly as soon as Mr. Slick left.

"Though I greatly desire something that man possesses, and I doubt you could help me attain it, I could not consider myself a respectful man if I allowed that one to get away. One who hides behind women is a coward. I have only one request, that your view of justice from here onward be as follows... You spare the crimelord's life. Otherwise you will have me for your opponent."

Raiku decided to be an accomplice for now. He could raid Mr. Slick's quarters after he was dealt with. However, something deep down made him believe that the crimelord wouldn't keep such a valuable piece of archaeological article in his hotel with him. It would most likely be in a safe area. This was why he needed Mr. Slick alive. To find where it was exactly. Agent Orange could not do that for him.

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Raiku Shiroda
Raiku Shiroda

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes August 16th 2012, 10:32 pm

The Elevator doors quickly slid shut; the cold steel doors tightly pressed against each other, locking Lilia off from the rest of the world. The young ballerina was now stuck inside a metal coffin several floors above the ground with a homicidal gangster and she still had to stay in character. It was unfortunate thing for the young Russian because the instance those doors shut Slick slammed her against the cold interior of the elevator, a surprised yelp escaping her lips as her petite body was swung against the hard metal. She had felt worse pain, getting beaten inside an elevator was nothing compared the atrocities committed against her back at Dominus; but regardless of how little it hurt she did not like the position she was in.

Huddled in the corner of the slowly rising cage she hugged her body tightly, in a attempt to both protect her from any more spontaneous physical assaults and to cover her exposed body, this man was one of the last creatures on earth that she'd want to witness her in such a state. The commlink in her head was silent, a distinct crackling noise buzzed in her ear, did the troopers not care that she was alone in an elevator with a known criminal? They had not sent her any orders and the very thought of them leaving her all to herself with the gun toting criminal was a horrid thing in itself. She clenched her jaw and clenched her toes, the man stared at her with an overwhelming level of lust...he was the predator and she was his prey.

"Once all of this is over I'm gonna tear you apart" he cackled, waving his gun at her head as he licked his lips, "I'll add more scars that young body of yours," he slurred, roughly clasping her face in his hands, the stench of alcohol shrouding her senses as he leaned in for another kiss his hands crushing her jaw as she desperately tried to pull away. She could feel the stubble of his chin against her own, the heat of his breath against her quivering lips and just as he was about to place the mark of his dominance onto her something happened.

A voice, spoke in her head.

Not her consciousness but a familiar voice, it was one of the troopers from outside, " AGENT ETOILE! YOU NOW HAVE PERMISSION TO SUBDUE THE TARGET! I REPEAT YOU NOW HAVE PERMISSION" He barked down the line, either he knew she was in a particularly sticky situation or he had just received new orders from someone higher up. A startled gasp escaped her lips as the voiced beckoned her to act, to become what many people have come to fear..Agent Etoile, the blood diamond.

Clasping the man's hand in a surprisingly powerful grip the young ballerina glared at him, all innocence and frailty replaced with a quiet air of confidence..she was now the one who held the power..both metaphorically and physically and right before Slick was about to plant his sloppy lips against her own he felt something different. Why were her lips so cold? he asked himself and with a startled gurgle he opened his eyes to see the stunning, albeit terrifying transformation that the 'prostitute' had undergone. Gone was her peachy soft skin and blushing red cheeks..instead a cold, hard diamond figure that stared at him with intense hatred.

He screamed.

Last edited by Inkblot on August 17th 2012, 1:56 am; edited 1 time in total

Enter the Orange Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Dragoon August 17th 2012, 1:09 am

Sonny sat there and contemplated over the choice he had been presented. The whole reason he was here was to kill this man. Now this person was trying to get him to abandon his goal. But now there was something else that he needed to do. If he couldn't be an avenger, then at least he could be a savior. 

He knew he had to give in to this man's demands to save the girl. As soon as Sonny was about to answer, he heard a scream. It was oddly familiar... Slick?! If that monster was screaming, then Sonny could only imagine something bad was happening to the girl. Sonny quickly spun around and ran to the window. He jumped and made contact with the top of the wall, sticking with his hands. He swung his lower body onto the side of the building and once his feet had made contact, he let go. Sonny stood up and turned to the top of the building and made his way upward to the roof. A large sense of dread overcame him, fearing for this girl's life.

Once Sonny had made it to the top, he made a quick look around but saw nobody. The door that lead to the staircase caught his eye, and he ran to it to kick it open, not caring if it were unlocked. He made his way down one set of stairs, and stopped at the first door. This was the highest floor the elevator would go. While silently praying to God to let the girl be unharmed, he opened the door to be shocked at what he saw next...

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Raiku Shiroda August 17th 2012, 1:40 am

Agent Orange took his method of exit out, in a way that Raiku was unable to follow. He had no time to check the room over for the Tome of Arisame. The vigilante could be foiling his plans at any moment by killing Mr. Slick. If the Tome was not in the room, Raiku would have no means of obtaining it. Clenching his teeth, he ran out the door that Mr. Slick had exited with Etoile in captivity. Looking both ways down each hallway, he noticed that the elevator was going up several levels. Glancing back inside the room, he noticed that the vigilante Agent Orange was also going up.

However, how would he know which level the elevator stopped on? With superhuman high speeds, Raiku ran down the hallway to the elevator in almost an instant. Putting two hands on the crevice of the door, he pried them back, bending the metal open to provide an opening. The cable that was moving the elevator up was moving rapidly. Inhaling deeply, he dove in and grasped the cable with a single hand. The movement of the elevator gave him a deep burn in his hand from trying to grasp the moving cable. It peeled back some skin but it wasn't too bad. Blood streamed down his arm and dripped off his elbow as he was dragged up with the elevator.

The noise of the elevator moving drowned any noise of Mr. Slick screaming. But regardless, Raiku was determined to catch up to the moving container that housed him and Etoile. While grasping the cable, he placed his feet along the wall and ran at super high speeds at a vertical incline in order to catch up to the elevator. In no time he caught up with ease. He contorted his body to flip up and over to the top of the elevator containing the two. He was now easily able to enter the container from the access panel on the roof of the elevator. Ripping off the panel, he dove in feet first and landed on one knee.

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Raiku Shiroda
Raiku Shiroda

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Enter the Orange Empty Re: Enter the Orange

Post by Twinkletoes August 17th 2012, 2:19 am

Lilia was still crouched on the ground her petite body now fully glistening with the fluorescent light that bounced off her body. She stared intensely at Slick, who must've been too drunk to comprehend the situation he had gotten himself into, he simply screamed because the girl he was about to engorge himself with was now a living, organic diamond..something that his manhood could not penetrate. In one fluid movement Lilia flicked her body upwards, soaring into the air as she crashed into his ribcage, she wasn't going to kill him...just hurt him.

"You a bad man" she uttered in her best english, her feminine, whispery voice not betraying the utter seriousness of the words she uttered. The man gurgled, completely taken aback from the blow to the chest, "P-please..I j-just wanted a k-kiss" he slurred, giving her greasy smile as his eyes widened in what could be translated as shock. Lilia gazed at him, her slender crystalline brow clenching when he began grovelling, well its what she assumed to be grovelling until he attempted shooting her in the gut with his gun.


The bullets, aimed at her stomach and chest sped towards her body only to bounce off like a child's plaything and proceeded to ricochet around the small metal coffin. The bullets did not even scuff her body, unfortunately for him one of the stray bullets ploughed its way into his hip, lodging itself in his flesh. A pained cry escaped his lips, spittle flying out of his mouth as he slumped against one of the walls clasping his injured body. The ballerina slowly advanced towards him and swung her bare foot, which was just as indestructible as the rest of her, into his crotch, a strange squelching sound answering the diamond hard blow.

"AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!Oh God..w-what are y-you" He blubbered, slouching to the ground in tears as he clenched his family jewel's in his hands, rocking back and forth like a child as the pain coursed through his body.

Before she could respond with another well placed kick to his abdomen the elevator suddenly jerked forward and as she swiftly turned around to see what the intrusion was she came face to face with the boy from earlier, a surprised look on his teenage face. She flinched when they made eye contact, she was practically still half naked and now she was in diamond form. A horrified look crossed her face and she immediately froze from the sheer embarrassment; if diamond's could blush she was definitely doing so as she attempted to enunciate a proper explanation, twiddling her fingers whilst doing so.

However no answer came when the Asian man from before dived from above the elevator landing on Slick's body..unintentionally kneeing him in the manhood...

Last edited by Inkblot on August 19th 2012, 12:05 am; edited 2 times in total

Enter the Orange Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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