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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by Markj1998 March 9th 2012, 11:30 am

Ashley and Shannon were in Ashley's car driving along as they figured they'd go on a break just the two of them and deciding this break would be in Las Vegas when Ashley and Shannon arrived at the Bellagio Hotel parking up and getting out of his car before Ashley removed the bags from the trunk turning and locking the car before carrying the bags into the lobby of the hotel walking over to the desk and saying a friendly "Hey we've got reservation's the names Rio, Ashley Rio" looking to Shannon he whispered "Just figured i'd put it under my name for quick check in" turning back to the desk the man handed him the key-card to their top floor suite calling for a bell hop who came over and took the bags from Ashley, he walked towards the lift Ashley and Shannon following behind.

When the lift reached the top they all got out and Shannon took the key-card from Ashley saying "thanks Hun" walking over and swiping the card, their door opening into an amazing apartment suite and a great water feature of a waterfall pool. Shannon wheeled her bag into the bedroom as, Ashley tipped the bellhop shut the door and did the same both unpacking their bags and placing them into draws. Once they had done with the unpacking they walked into the kitchen taking some wine from the rack and pouring it into two wine glasses drinking one each before heading out of the room and locking the door behind them with the key-card.

They took the lift down and at the bottom exited going out of the front doors and getting into the car driving to a casino called `Excalibur Hotel and Casino` getting out of the car and locking it before heading in through the front doors entering a large casino hall passing guards on the door. Ashley and Shannon headed over to a Roulette Table placing some money on the table and naming his set location seeing a couple of others at the table aswell he smiled, Shannon resting her head his shoulder and watching intently as he played.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by ghost March 11th 2012, 12:21 am

The earth shook. Finally another large city to terrorize. Hunger looked out from somewhat of a large cliff. Fear wasn't to far behind him. They had both just landed from a reasonable large height, coming quickly over the steep surface showed itself to be a challenge for Fears flight capabilities. He just got over an extensive recovery from his last combat encounter but was now ready to try again. He heard that this city was one of the busiest places on earth. "So many people." He thought then looked over toward Hunger. He saw the saliva dripping from the wolfs jaws. "Your not ready, are you Hunger?" Fear jokingly asked his companion. The dog like creature could just growl in response, his thoughts where to incorporated in what he wanted to do to the people. How he would like to eat their flesh and hear them scream.

Two loud deep howls went out through the city as Hunger unleashed two hordes of Zombies upon it. One group coming from the north and another from the south. Trying to make sure no-one could escape their demise. "Lets Go" Hunger said running downward toward the buildings. Fear quickly followed.

When at the bottom they made their way through the crowd of zombies as they attacked the people, scratching and biting them, sending poison throughout the victims body. Fear and Hunger jumped on top of cars, searching the large mass of scattering people for someone able to stand a fight. They had learned that wherever they go, there is always some kind of hero that is willing to risk their lives for the innocent. Whether that person had 'powers' or not, Fear and Hunger didn't care.. they just liked the challenge.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by Markj1998 March 11th 2012, 6:52 am

Ashley and Shannon looked at each other as they felt the quake, Ashley said "we can't escape it can we trouble just seems to follow us around" Shannon laughed as they both ran down by the abandoned slot machines causing their costume changes then running out through the front doors of the Casino looking through the city they saw many of the Zombies from the hordes sending gusts of wind and balls of nova at them getting rid of a few but searching for the source of this disruption and madness.

WhiteLight flew up high above the city as did NovaStar and they looked down in search of who was causing it and what the meaning of this was eventually coming across Fear and Hunger though not knowing who they were yet WhiteLight was pretty sure he had heard stories about these two. Nova looked to WhiteLight and signaled it was go-time both diving down on the dangerous duo.

WhiteLight fired a strong gust of wind at Fear in an attempt to knock him back and send him flying whilst Nova fired off an orb of fire directly at Hunger trying to make this quick so the civilians didn't get hurt too badly but the duo thought they might need a bit of help Nova sent up a beacon and WhiteLight sent out a call whether anyone would show they didn't know but they knew one thing they weren't gonna let innocent people get hurt. WhiteLight drew his Bo Staff from his back and Nova drew hers both ready for the fight.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by ghost March 11th 2012, 12:31 pm

Fear and Hunger scanned the crowd. Their eyes quickly met with police officers, but they where to busy with the zombies and to easily overwhelmed, dieing within seconds. The six hundred zombies plagued the city. They where mostly gathered on the main street, but soon they would brake off into small packs and kill whoever are within the buildings.

"This is disappointing!" Hunger exclaimed. "You give in to quickly." Fear answered him as he pointed to the heroes gliding in the sky. "Ahh..." Hunger stared at them, mouth watering. But it was interrupted with two different kind of blasts. It was easy for Hunger to move out of the way of the large fire ball, but Fear was pushed pack slightly from the large gust of wind.

Hunger looked at the whole in the car that was caused by the fire orb. Then looked back at the heroes as they prepared for battle. Fear stood up, he was now off the car and standing on the sidewalk, then he made himself like a 18 foot tall gorilla. "I will give you one chance.." He started to say, "Give us this city, and we will let you keep your lives." Fear concluded. He didn't really want them to leave. But if they chose to, Hunger could always harvest new nightmares from the horrified people.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by Markj1998 March 11th 2012, 5:54 pm

In sync the duo both replied saying "Not a chance in hell!" WhiteLight threw the car at Fear before he flew up at Fear attempting to hit him in the face with the Bo Staff. Whilst NovaStar was sort of dancing rhythmically with Hunger firing off a few well aimed and targeted Balls of Nova.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by ghost March 11th 2012, 8:38 pm

A smile arose on Fear's face. He found it somewhat amusing how they answered in a synchronized manor. Then he watched as one of them picked up a car, and suddenly it came at him quickly. He watched as he threw it, then he began to run toward Lan with speed Fear wished he had. But he didn't have time to think about that, he quickly flung his large gorilla arm up, allowing the car to smash into it. Then he flung it to his right, but it didn't go far. When he looked up Novastar was there ready to strike him. But he returned the threat with a strike, a fast punch right to the chest, Fears fist almost covered the majority of his torso.

Hunger dodged fire balls left and right. Then, as soon as a moment was clear, perhaps between blasts, Hunger leaped at the lady, claws ready for her flesh.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by Markj1998 March 12th 2012, 3:43 am

WhiteLight though fired a gust of wind at Fear's rather large arm arm and leapt out of the way after he slowly quickly drawing his crossbow and aiming with speed and precision at Fear's eye firing and watching it fly towards the eye boosted in speed and power by a gust of wind. WhiteLight quickly put back the crossbow and took out the Bo Staff once more aiming to slam this onto Fear's chest square on full power.

NovaStar though saw Hunger leap and as it did NovaStar threw her fist up and upon contact with Hunger she used a giant ball of Nova and as Hunger was already on NovaStar's fist there was no escape surely some of Hunger's fur would be scorched and burnt off at the least cause the sheer impact of the Ball of Nova would do big pain in itself.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by ghost March 15th 2012, 5:15 pm

(OOC: If you need help, feel free to ask someone in the chat. And sorry for what is happening to Nova star in this post.. I am trying not to God mod. Your attack still hurt Hunger a lot)

Wind blew against Fear arm, pushing it upwards. He hated the effects of the wind, it reminded him a lot of his other foe, but he didn't have time to think about that, the man dived out of the way and drew a rather old style of weapon. A crossbow, but the ammo was effected by the man's power. Fear rose his other arm quickly, blocking the arrow as it slowly penetrated Fear's body. The wound wasn't that deep, but it hurt. Lan let out a loud roar in his Gorilla like form and smashed his gigantic arms upon the human with all the force he could.

Hunger saw the woman prepare to strike, but his claws where still ready to tare through her body. Even when the attack hit, fire scorched Hungers flesh, but he wouldn't let her go, his claws dug deep into her shoulders and his large teeth tore into her neck, it would only be a few more moments until everything was over; until the pain would stop.

A crowd of zombies started to close in on their position.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Number of posts : 476
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by Markj1998 March 16th 2012, 4:59 am

(well killing someone else's character without permission sorta is god modding)

NovaStar had an idea though putting her hands to Hunger's chest and causing fire to go through all her body so Hunger's teeth would burn aswell and teeth were a major pain point and through Hunger's claws also bone and it hurt teeth most because they were bone and so were the claws sure to cause full force effect to claw. NovaStar also caused a major ball of Nova to go from her hands and burn through Hunger. As heroes they didn't kill but they needed to capture or repel these guys for now.

WhiteLight caused the armor to activate on his wings and surrounded him taking the hit as WhiteLight peeked out through a gap and fired off another arrow straight at Fear's eye because this time the hands weren't there to stop it firing a large gust of wind after it this time giving it an extreme speed boost. WhiteLight eventually rolled free of the impending force and flew at Fear with speed aiming to slam his Bo Staff into Fear's other eye as surely both hits couldn't be deflected or blocked.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

Post by ghost March 23rd 2012, 9:38 am

(OOC: That isn't God modding. God modding is doing something that exceeds your characters abilities. All I did was attack, its your job to tell how it turned out. The bite didn't even have to land, the claws didn't even have to touch.. you get my drift?)

Flames quickly engulfed Hungers enemy, spinning around her body like they where a part of her. Hungers open mouth and dangerous claws soon retracted, and he backed off, leaping away. Blood dripped from his wolf like jaws, that, in combination with his gold eyes gave the scene a eery, metaphorical, glow. The creature gazed toward her like a True Predator, not showing pain or weakness, just the lust for more blood. Pain was felt, but he wasn't about to let her know that.

Fears arms pounded, his gorilla like form was massive and incredibly destructive, but through the air came a bolt from Whitelights crossbow. It didn't seem like it would be that effective at first glance, but the shaft of the small arrow slowly planted itself into Lan's eye socket, causing Fear to pause for a moment. He lifted his large hand and ripped the alien object from his body. The pain that coursed through his body was nothing different from the injury to his arm. His entire being was one large organ, in itself it can breath, hear, feel, and see. He needs not have eyes. Reluctantly, Fear still let out a roar of frustration and hate.

"Come on! Get them!" Fear barked in his mind. The communication went out to the zombies that where near by. They quickly rushed toward their position.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Number of posts : 476
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone) Empty Re: Las Vegas, a so-called break (Open to everyone)

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