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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 5th 2013, 10:07 pm

Well, She Never Had Seen This Before..
It was the first time here, the Vegas strip, there was sirens heard in the distance. People casually strolled about in the darkness of the night. It was clear, the lights of Vegas blurred out the stars in the sky. One thing she definitely knew, the stars were something she missed. In her home planet, despite the radiation the stars could be seen every night. The only place she could think of doing that would be in egypt..but ever since her encounter with the giant guy she wasn't sure if she would ever go back.

Then again she was lying to herself.

For the stars, she would go back, if she didn't paradox before fucking then. She had been having this issue from getting here and back. Sometimes she'd return to her home world randomly and then come back here. What was even worse the time was so far apart. What was maybe two weeks here would be a minute in a half in her time. It was straining her, she knew it , taking a deep breathe. She knew she would have to sleep in this place. This place was much more safer than compared to home as much as she hated to admit it. It was like a whole new ball park but with a little more freedom.

She had no one to answer to other than herself and her OCEAN operatives. It was amazing how quickly everything had hit off. Her thoughts mingled, mixd together as the gauntlet on her arm glowed. Xeonix taking this form and holding taut, the shoulder harness completed by a rapier like hold on the other side. The shoulder and elbow spike protruded as long talons decorated her fingers. Tapping her hands, her eyes looked up to a rather big television, it showed random advertisements...

Last edited by Saileyra on June 27th 2013, 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 11th 2013, 6:25 pm

The lights and sounds of Las Vegas whipped by Scott as he ripped through the crowded streets. How fitting, he thought, that his latest pursuits should bring him here. Sin City, a place well deserving of its name. Every manner of vile human filth scuttled across the streets and seeped through every crack and crevice. He belonged here alright, that was for sure. And as he zipped past the casinos and noise he couldn't help but wish he was here for some other reason. This city needed a savior, needed someone to cleanse it in fire, rip the evil out at its heart. If only he had the time. But the current situation was far too important.

Just scraping the already shallow skyline were two large helicopters dragging a large vault through the air behind them. A heist, and a big one at that, had just been pulled at one of the largest casinos in town. An unknown group had pulled job with massive casualties. These people were not messing around. Every guard had been gunned down within the place and they hadn't even bothered to crack the massive vault. Instead they had chosen to blow it from its foundation and fly it away later to some unknown location. They were sloppy, that was evident, but powerful. They obviously had some massive fire power and weren't afraid to use it, which was why Scott was on the scene.

Seeing the reports live as the situation unfolded, he had sprung into action and run the 250 or so miles to the current location. By that time, the vault was already airborne and the criminals no doubt believed they were home free...not if Redline had something to say about it. With blinding speed his tore through the streets and the crowds, growing ever closer to his target. As he approached he noticed a woman, clad in the most bizarre of clothing. An alien and deadly looking gauntlet clung to a strange rapier as she stood watching the large screen on his right. Either this was one strange individual or a meta. Scott hoped for the first, though he was ready to deal with her if she got in the way.

Dashing by her he was now directly below the helicopters, his mind racing at speeds even faster than his legs. Quickly he sprinted to a nearby building and used his intense speed to scale its surface. He turned his head as he reached eye level with the pilot of the first copter. Their eyes met and Scott grinned beneath his breathing apparatus as he vaulted himself backwards at the front windshield of the copter. In Scott's mind the events occurred in total slow motion. His back first parallel to the ground then his head looking down at the human ants below. Then he landed, feet smashing into the bulletproof glass. The force was shocking and jarred him for a moment, but he could see the fear in the occupants eyes. They knew the same as Scott, escape was no longer an option.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Pbucket
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 11th 2013, 8:30 pm

The screen soon enough flashed with breaking news, there was some kind of heist not to far away actually. Some helicopter and perps had broken into a place and they had killed many. They were going to kill more..It actually had bothered her when people had clearly took the time to break the rules, despite how sloppy they were and killed others. They deserved to die, graphic images were slain across the TV showing relentless images of dead humans. The people picking off their hostages one by one as the helicopter broke in with the vault. It was sickening, although, it did not make her sick. She had seen planets of people dying..but it broke her heart seeing it happening here.. in this time. It was not like her own, people did not need to die for the gain.

Hell, they did it on her own home planet though too..flashes, occurred, deep memories: The long technological streets of KROSIS. A machine god planet, lighted in the deep night sky, it was as if the final fantasy met Gotham city. Yet, there was higher buildings, the long streets were glowing, the signs floated about in a holographic. There was the smokey club where Tyrando remained, and he was smoking. The smell of woman, booze, lingered in the air. How the screams occurred when Pai entered.

Her brother, Pai, strong, pure at that point in time. Against Tyrando wanting the greater good for their family. Tyrando the one who..fucking hurt others. Took away her dearest brother Yai, the one who she had taught everything she knew too..soon enough Tyrando had summoned forth the eradication of the planet of which, he, the machine god had created. Screaming, people falling to the floor, some men without arms waltzing about.. The integrated colony life forms crying for desperate help..all she could do was guide their souls either to her cause...

The memory was cut short, she felt someone brush against her shoulder running past her. Growling, she turned looking to the back of someone fucking fast. Running..uncannily fast, she looked towards the ship across from her. The decoration led to a high building. Listening she heard something behind her, taking off in a run, it had to be the helicopter. Thank god for her fucking focus, there was without a doubt if she didn't have the focus she did she totally would have missed it. Running up the ship, her form jumped onto the top of the building. Scaling, climbing. "I hope your ready Xeonix!" She shouted, this was going to be fucking fun. To stop a heist this big? It had yet to fucking happen, as much as she wanted to go home. This world felt like cake, but her physical limitations made the reality hit her.

Adapting, she was quickly, her emotions becoming more well rounded because of her form two mind set. Her programming cutting more to her whim. As she had jumped off the building she landed on the hanging vault. Her form gripping the cables as she noticed the guy hanging, both of them disappearing. The ground of Vegas becoming smaller and smaller...Hell, wait! It was that guy who cut her ..short. In some ways, climbing the cable now she would take her attempt to get to the top of the fucking heli! She could then stab her sword through and get into the fucking helicopter.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 11th 2013, 9:31 pm

As Scott soared through the air he saw the woman from before, transform? He couldn't be sure. What he did know was that she like him was jumping in on the action. Some help for once was certainly appreciated. But there was no time to focus on that. This helicopter needed to come down, as did the other and the vault. Taking a clawed hand, he dug into the metal above the windshield and proceeded as he clawed his way across the side of the copter. The main drive engine sat at the side of the helicopter, he knew that. And as he worked his way to the side he looked again inside of the passenger compartment. The men inside were frantically shuffling through a bag, quickly pulling out a large machine gun turret. The fire power behind these guys did not cease to astonish him.

As soon as the turret was out, the criminals flung open the side door and shoved the barrel out into the night air. Scott had to move fast, with this claws dug deep into the thick metal his speed was greatly reduced. With as much speed as he could Scott worked his way onto the tail of the copter, just out of the perps reach though he could hear the turret revving up. These people needed to be shut down NOW. Out on the tip of the tail he could feel the wind pushing against his face from the rear blade. It threatened to fling his hood from his head, revealing his face, something he could not have happening. With his right hand he thrust his titanium compounded claw into the rear of the tail, opposite the side of the blade. He could feel the tension on his claws and wrist as the tail blade struggled to continue spinning. It gave a sickening and deafening screech then flew off the back of the helicopter down at the cable linking this helicopter to the safe. It snapped, sending the vault and the woman on it swinging wildly behind the remaining helicopter and Scott into a dizzying spin as he remained attached to the current one.

Mustering all his strength, he leapt from the spinning death machine in a leap of faith. As his vision slowed back down, he caught site of the remaining bit of cable still attached to the flying vault and reached as far as his grip would extend. Just barely he grabbed it with a hand and nearly slid off. Just behind him he watched as the first helicopter collided with a nearby building and burst into flames. One down. he though as he clung to the flapping bit of corded steel. Slowly he climbed up to the vault, finding more stable footing on top of it along with the metallic woman. "I don't're here to help...are you?" With every pause in his speech came a sharp and labored breath, his lungs in a permanent state of horrid disrepair from his "old life".

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Pbucket
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 11th 2013, 10:15 pm

Climbing the rope seemed easy enough, the wind was cutting into her face, the long hair whipped about. The adrenaline surged, sweet, sweet adrenaline thank god she could control every ounce of it from her adrena gland. It was an amazing bio-chemical perk. Yet, no one knew about it becuase it was obviously a matter of the brain and biological body. Moving up the rope, she continued to climb, breathing in and down lithely. She was trying to keep her breathing even, her graphene spider silk gloves suited the sheathe easily. She had heard grinding noises, people shouting, it caused her to worry considering if she fell..well she knew she was either dying or be severely hurt...

Worry fueled her stomach but she pressed it away, she had to get this vault down, it was the most important part. But how? If she cut it, god knows if it would break open. Looking at the material she wasn't sure if it could stand a fall from this high up. Her mind calculated space and distance, it should be able to stand it, but it would be opennable. In the long run, she was sure no one would dare touch it if it crashed down. The sick grinding noises ensued and ground across the spectrum. She heard it and made her look down seeing a man on the edge. Sliding gently down the cord she approached him. The others didn't hear him was sure he died in the crash.

Fingers reached to his hand, the woman helping him up onto the vault completely her eyes staring. Magenta, speckled with reds as she had let go of his hand if he had taken it. "I am here to help, yes." She said with a nod, her voice firm, straight to the point. "Call me Sai." She said glancing up, as she scanned the copter. I suggest we get high enough up and cut the cables to this vault. Let it fall and the cops can clean it up.. "She said glancing at him. "What do you think?"

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 11th 2013, 10:35 pm

A hand. A friendly hand, How long had it been since Scott had actually been offered one. His mind was floored for a moment. This woman obviously didn't recognize the darkness in him, though he didn't mind. It was no secret that what the middle-aged Scott had in speed he lacked in strength and climbing the rope had been taxing. Gladly he accepted the kind gesture and was hoisted onto the swinging vault.

After hearing her plan Scott lifted a hand to his mask and turned a dial on it opening up the tubes running into it and releasing medicine into his damaged lungs. He breathed in deeply, letting his special brew work its way into his system. Again he spoke, addressing Sai once again. "While I agree the vault needs to drop...we cant just leave these vile people...escape unharmed...they'll kill again and I cant...allow that...You dont have some way...of getting us up bring them you?" He could only hope she did.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Pbucket
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 11th 2013, 11:02 pm

He grasped her hand, they had united together to stand against this menacing force. Well, she had voluntarily jumped into this and now t hey had to get out of it together. Luckily, he had good speed, she had enough strength. Together they could take this down, she looked at his claws. Staring at them moving across the gaze as she analyzed his form. Eyes taking him, this was making sure he was competent. Okay, he seemed fine but his breathing was heavy...

In seconds he had released an amount of medicine into his mask, not that she knew that but his breathing had stopped. Maybe the air filled his lungs or something but she had nothing to say about that. She stared at him as her fingers pointed at the blade at her hip, "I can cut a hole at the bottom of the connection points for us to crawl through" She said loudly over the turbulence of the copter. "We can cut the vault and climb the rest of the cable to get inside the copter by cutting into it." She suggest, would he approve? She had no idea.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 12th 2013, 9:38 pm

The woman had listened to him, good. She even had a means of entry. However, that still left them with the problem of climbing the cord. Thinking for a moment Scott tried to rationalize just how they could get to the helicopter above. Deciding on what he though was a good plan Scott grasped the metal cord tight in his right hand, his dominant hand. "I'd suggest you hold on tight...this is gonna be rough." Giving the woman a moment to reach to the cable, Scott wound his left arm back and swung it at blistering speeds at the cord. It severed instantly, dropping the vault into the streets below and releasing the tension on the other end of the cord. With nothing more to stretch it out, Scott and the woman were sprung ever closer to the helicopter. Pulling hard he vaulted from the cable and sunk his left claw and both feet into the bottom hull. With his right hand he reached out to the woman, looking to assist her ascent as well. "Grab on quick...we've got to ground this...bird."

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Pbucket
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 13th 2013, 1:23 pm

It was only a matter of time before he sprung his own idea, Sai wasn't against them but she knew how to adapt. She was fit to fucking play along, even if she didn't want to. Not that she didn't she had no choice in the matter because he just kind of did it. Enjoying the take action personality Scott had it reminded her of her brother. It felt so far away, home, yet sometimes it was so close when she paradoxed back into her world. Seeing him cut the cord, her eyes went wide, pre-emptive.

Sai had jumped her height estimated at a forty feet as she sprung catching his hand, her fingers grasping his her gauntleted hand down lower so it would not hurt him. Using her strength she lunged herself into the hull, her gauntlet tearing into it as she smirked in his direction. "One way but up." With a clench, the hull would begin to break apart, the xetallium burning the hull.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 18th 2013, 2:08 am

"One way but up" the woman smirked as she ripped through the hull on the bottom of the helicopter. The cable cutting had worked and they were now each clinging to the ever decreasing floor of the helicopter. Once the hole the woman was quickly creating in the helicopter was large enough Redline wasted no time darting inside the metal death trap. Inside there were around six men, each armed to the teeth with guns and ammunition. All except the pilot were trained on Redline and each began to unload at him. Through his slowed sense of time, Scott watched as each bullet flew in at him, every round capable of ending his life. With lighting speed he evaded them all and began to sprint around the inside of the helicopter. As his speed picked up, it created a gyroscopic force inside the aircraft. "Hang on...out there!" Scott shouted to the woman who had aided him in reaching these criminals. The force of his sprint began to topple the helicopter, tipping it on its side and forcing it to lose its bearings. Scott watched as the men inside slammed against the right interior wall of the descending aircraft. But Scott did not stop there, he continued his maddening sprint until helicopter began a dizzying death roll, careening at an ever increasing velocity towards the city below. These men were all going to die, Scott would make damn sure of that.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Pbucket
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 18th 2013, 2:29 am

She had noticed him climb in, she would be holding onto the metal hull with great strength giving a large rip. Now she was holding onto the hull, it slowly ripping apart, climbing across the hull like a cat she would now cling to it her claws sinking into it allowing him to climb in. But in seconds, things took a different turn, the guy was fucking fast. Faster than she actually realized in the long run because when he ran past her it didn't seem like he was running that quick at all..

Soon enough the copter began to shake, she heard something along the lines of hold on..How?! There was nothing to fucking hold onto. Tail of the Copter.. Spoke a deep male voice to her, he telepathically connected. Feeling the chill along her spine she nodded, her gauntlet sunk and utilzing it to make divets and holes she managed to clamber onto the tail. Clinging onto the tail for dear life she knew it was fucking spinning for a nose dive. The gauntlet around her arm began to change, expand soon enough it became a full body armor. Plated, it hugged every curve, the deep talons clung into the material.

Xetallium armor held taut, her body glowing with an eerie red between the plates. It looked like something off mass effect but feminine, the breast plate arcing hugging each curve. The boots plated, giving her an edge, her sword untouched linked to her hip through an x-belt replica. It seemed designed just for her as she had now began to move towards the cockpit. Moving across the top of the copter, she soon enough punched through the glass window managing to punch the glass to bits. She would drive her right arm into the cockpit dragging the pilot out dropping him. Soon the copter began to dive vertical. No Control, it was going to crash..and fucking soon!

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 18th 2013, 2:34 pm

Continuing his sickening spin Scott looked out to the front of the front wind shield. The ground was approaching fast, even for his tastes. Looking out he saw the woman who seemed always to be in the right place at the right time busting through the glass. Her strength was admirable, something at times Scott wished he possessed as well. But that was neither here nor there. The woman reached through and pulled the pilot from his seat, sending him flying down to the pavement below. His innards scattering across the busy Las Vegas streets.

Seeing an opening, Scot used his momentum and full sprinting force to run for the only exit he saw, and the woman who was helping him. He knew it was a long shot, but a jump from the helicopter was had a better chance of survival than going down with this doomed piece of machinery. At a full 550 mph he shot from inside the helicopter, tackling the woman clinging to the outer hull. They both went soaring through the warm night sky. The lights below whizzed by. Behind him, Scott could here the helicopter crash to the ground. In the corners of his eyes he could see the blaze from the exploding gas tank closing in around the two of them. But his gaze now was fixed on the building he and the woman were rapidly approaching.

And just like that, they crashed together through one of the upper story windows, tumbling end over end into the empty office building. Scott's limbs ached and he could feel a shard of glass stuck into his shoulder, immobilizing his left arm. Sitting up, the pain rocked his body. He winced, feeling blood trickle down the outside of his suit. " alright?" Scott was mentally kicking himself. That little stunt could have got him killed, could have killed his new ally killed as well.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Pbucket
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 18th 2013, 11:43 pm

The sound of the blades of the helicopter crunching against one another echoed over her ears the whirring sound times the sight of the man splattering on the ground and the people about him screaming looking up running away. it was a good way to give the people below a fucking warning. In a complete suit of body armor, she didn't have to worry about the formalities of pain but still even then the ground could fucking kill her in this world.. She knew what she had to do...she had to fucking jump somewhere somehow. Moving across the hull she soon enough seen something crash through the glass in a blur!

Being her reflexes were just about as fast as his speed, she breathed out, huffing preventing from getting winded from his tackle. Arms wrapped around his shoulder her knees closing onto his stomach bracing like a little ball for whatever came. Tucking her head and shoulders they would launch through a window. Sickeing cracking noises were heard and the fading sounds of the beating of the helicopter blades left her ears ringing. Thump, roll, roll, feeling her form roll backwards from over top Scott and backwards.

On her back, she knew her armor prevented most of the glass piercing through into her skin. Rollling backwards, she was in a crouch. Her fighting skills came in handy when it came to stunts fucking like that. Staring at him, she noticed the glass in his shoulder her eyes scanning. "I am fine." There was nothing but a helmit staring back at him, the visor red, the weapons donning her form, the taloned appearance of the femme terminator armor. Approaching him, she'd kneel, fingers reaching for his shoulder looking at the ligament. "The question is do you need assistance with this?"

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Registration date : 2013-04-18

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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 19th 2013, 1:18 am

Relieved that the woman had been unharmed by their ordeal, Scott attempted to stand. There was more glass in him than he initially thought and as he rose, pain shot through his back. A few smaller shards had lodged themselves there. They were less serious but painful none the less. Hearing the woman and seeing as she was investigating his shoulder, Scott tried to move his arm. It was no use, the glass was lodged deep in the muscle preventing it from moving. The attempt shot blasts of pain down his arm and into his finger tips, bringing him to a knee. "I...I'm fine...I've had worse injuries...before"

He reached up to his shoulder with is functioning arm. As soon as he touched the large shard pain once again rocked his body, forcing a struggled scream past his lips. He hated to admit it but he needed assistance. Since his transformation into Redline, Scott had not sought assistance from another being. He felt it selfish and weak. But now, kneeling on the floor, glass riddling his body, he felt very weak indeed. Shame was all he could feel. Shame that he could be bested by a pane of glass while this woman could walk away unscathed. With resignation in his ragged voice he spoke. "You wouldn't happen to have...any means of removing this for me...would you?"

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Pbucket
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 19th 2013, 7:53 pm

Feeling the quake of the armor, she knew it was going to release only lasted so long giving a signal. Wether he knew how it worked or not, it was all biological, considering in seconds that whole body armor slipped off her shifting almost coiling as it moved away from her behind her. In moments, sat another, it was male six four broad shouldered and he looked muscular as fuck. He was red eyed staring at the other man, from his visor one can see his eyes and the bridge of his nose. He didn't say anything, there was only the sound of breathing. Red glowing fabroids moved, parts of the armor twitched, as he was kneeling. Seeing him reach she grabbed for his hand but it was a little to late sending him to his knee. "I wouldn't have suggested fucking with it yourself.." She said to him her voice flat rather to the point.

Sai's magenta eyes scanned, the either silver rings about them glowing in the dim room. It seemed the place had been closed for the night it was some kind of office building. She could hear the sirens below, the police, ambulances cleaning up the mess. Some people were seemed like that crash did more than just kill those two guys but the heist was over. Was it not? Hearing him scream now, she growled, "Fucking Sit." She said authoratively, almost like a commander to a soldier. "Now." She said her fingers grabbing his hips her foot sweeping behind his ankle doing a small judo drop but her hands supported him gently putting him down. Kneeling betwixt his legs the woman didn't have a sense of personal space. This was obvious, she came from a world where social acts were..destroyed. It was survival, her fingers grasped at the base of his hood and ripped the fabric exposing his shoulder. "The old conventional way." She said flatly, knees on his she ripped the fabric in a large quantity. Seeing it was a large shard, she grabbed the piece and pulled it out..hopefully his reaction wouldn't be that bad..

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Registration date : 2013-04-18

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