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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 19th 2013, 7:53 pm

Feeling the quake of the armor, she knew it was going to release only lasted so long giving a signal. Wether he knew how it worked or not, it was all biological, considering in seconds that whole body armor slipped off her shifting almost coiling as it moved away from her behind her. In moments, sat another, it was male six four broad shouldered and he looked muscular as fuck. He was red eyed staring at the other man, from his visor one can see his eyes and the bridge of his nose. He didn't say anything, there was only the sound of breathing. Red glowing fabroids moved, parts of the armor twitched, as he was kneeling. Seeing him reach she grabbed for his hand but it was a little to late sending him to his knee. "I wouldn't have suggested fucking with it yourself.." She said to him her voice flat rather to the point.

Sai's magenta eyes scanned, the either silver rings about them glowing in the dim room. It seemed the place had been closed for the night it was some kind of office building. She could hear the sirens below, the police, ambulances cleaning up the mess. Some people were seemed like that crash did more than just kill those two guys but the heist was over. Was it not? Hearing him scream now, she growled, "Fucking Sit." She said authoratively, almost like a commander to a soldier. "Now." She said her fingers grabbing his hips her foot sweeping behind his ankle doing a small judo drop but her hands supported him gently putting him down. Kneeling betwixt his legs the woman didn't have a sense of personal space. This was obvious, she came from a world where social acts were..destroyed. It was survival, her fingers grasped at the base of his hood and ripped the fabric exposing his shoulder. "The old conventional way." She said flatly, knees on his she ripped the fabric in a large quantity. Seeing it was a large shard, she grabbed the piece and pulled it out..hopefully his reaction wouldn't be that bad..

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Post by Thorgron May 20th 2013, 12:17 am

And there it was. One of few things Scott was truly afraid of other than his eventual punishment for his life of sin, his identity. As the heat resistant hoodie/suit was ripped apart it exposed his back, one of the many heavily tattooed parts of his body. Stretching over his left shoulder was the shape of a large three headed dog. This mark, along with many others was badge of honor of sorts from his former gang. During his youth, Scott had been one of the three leaders of the Hellhounds, a notoriously violent gang in LA. And while he had put that life behind him, the scars and marks from that time still carried over. As he felt her reach to rip the high tech mesh away he tried to make her stop but the damage was done. If she had any knowledge of current events in the USA she would know what the tattoo meant. Scott's head hung low in resignation. To him a chance at a possible ally had been ruined by his past. It always seemed to come around and bite him.

Speaking of biting him, after ripping his suit, the woman then yanked the glass shard from Scott's back. He could feel the sharp glass as it passed from inside his body and exited his skin. He inhaled sharply as the last of it was yanked out. Another sharp inhale came as blood began to trickle down his back. All the air seemed to suck out of him as he gasped for air. Every rasped breath came more and more labored and with his now functioning left hand he reached again to his mask. Turning a dial he once again released medicine into his lungs. Slowly he sat back, trying to catch his breath. The medicine was working, but with the severity of this attack it was taking a while. In the mean time he looked to the woman, thankful for her help. With the glass now gone he would be able to patch his wound and heal himself for the future. Gratefully, Scott extended a hand. "Thank names...Redline...I appreciate...the help" Sore but mobile, Scott rose off the ground, dusting some of the debris off his now ripped suit.

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Post by Saileyra May 20th 2013, 12:31 am

Sai didn't care for the formalities of the tattoo, she only glanced to the art, the perk for him was she was indefinitely from the future. She could only recall the events in major order, major wars, she did not know about the petty gangs that died off over time. It was something her history books never bothered with. Things like world war three was left anything beyond that was pretty anon minus some presidents and shit. She only focused on the task at hand and it was getting that fucking shard of glass out of his skin. Of course, she would have no idea he was a previous gang member because she didn't know what the fuck it was. Everyone had unique tattoos in her location, she had one, wouldn't appear here. It was super natural, so her skin, clean in this place...

It was yanked, quick, but she was precise one could tell she had done this before with many..many types of projectiles. It was the way of the battlefield, helping him out, she'd take the piece of nano-mesh and wrap it around his immediate arm as a turniquette. It'd slow the bleeding until he prepped a proper wrapping. Once doing so she took another strand of it wrapping it around the shoulder around the arm. He would have to the do the proper motions of placing it around his chest tautly when he got home..wherever that was. Seeing him wrapped and finished she had figured that would be good and he would suffer too much blood lose considering the turniquette wasn't too tight but not too lose either allowing his arm no to go purple or loose too much keeping the blood flow regulated.

Reaching for his hand she helped her and herself up with a small hop, momentum carrying them to their feet as she blinked in his direction. Shaking his hand finishing that she grinned, "I am Saileyra, Redline. I'm guessing your one of those hero people with a secret identity?" She said, her voice kind of confused, her head tilting as she released his hand after a brief shake.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Post by Thorgron May 20th 2013, 1:00 am

Hero. The word ripped into Scott's very core. Never, did he want to be called a hero. It would be a horrible deception for anyone to ever think of him as anything less than scum. His spirit was filthy, drenched in sin and malice. There were far more suiting titles for him than hero and to that end he spoke up. "I have demons Saileyra...I'm sure you do as please do not ever refer to a hero again...the things I've done...the lives I've Redline and in my past...are some of the worst things imaginable...I don't deserve the title of hero...a hero doesn't kill...a hero doesn't do the things I've done...a hero is someone a child can look up to...someone worth idolizing...I wouldn't be able to live with myself...if I knew someone looked up to me...I'm a monster Saileyra...and that's all I can ever be" A twinge of anger and heavy dose of self loathing came with this statement. In all honestly, Scott hated himself, hated the world which forced him to do what he did. He spoke again, this time more adamant about his words. "But that's what a world like ours needs...a monster...someone who knows evil...someone who can stare it in the face...because he knows the extent of real darkness...I hide behind Redline because the man...behind this mask is as any criminal who walks the streets at night" Scott was in an uncommon interior rage. Rarely did such a comment get to him, then again he had never been called a hero before, nor did he ever want to be called one. In fact he never wanted to be called anything. The less people knew about him, the better. If people really found out about him an his vigilantism, they might glorify it, glorify him. If that were to ever happen, Scott was unsure he could ever don his suit again.

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Post by Saileyra May 20th 2013, 1:30 am

]She had seen his attitude change. all she stared at was a mask. She didn't hide behind one, she lived with her sins, she lived behind her own face. Then again, these heros, these people..these guys like him were the ones that were meant to be the part of her organization. She seen this, a man with a past, seeking to end the evil that once was.. or something like that. She had been quiet her arms crossing over one another as her magenta eyes took an understanding stare her head tilting for a moment as she had said nothing pondering how she could help. Something, maybe something for him to rest better at night to conquer the demons.

She looked at him as he spoken with such conviction, seriousness, "Maybe I can help..give you a reason not ot be so grudging." She said, her voice soft, she was reaching out to these people. She had nothing else to do, no powers, all she had was her heart. Hell, it was odd feeling her emotions.. and actually using them. Finding people to be odd, learning the formalities of sociability. "I own a organization called OCEAN. We fight evil, villains, ones that can topple cities..we aim to keep the balance..and we do kill if we have to. Not that we want to..but sacrifice is sometimes needed. I have a base, I can provide you food, and a home for free in exchange for your fight against it. It's up to you, none of the people within OCEAN's walls are heroes we all fight for one thing to maintain balance with no mistakes or hesitation." She said to him, her voice honest, giving him some insight of who she was..and maybe he could change his own future..

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Post by Thorgron May 24th 2013, 8:50 pm

No heroes huh? just an organization bent on keeping the balance, ridding the world of evil. Scott could get behind that. Redline could have a place, a way to expand his one man crusade. he wouldn't be alone. That concept both excited and frightened him. Since his turning over his life, Scott had never met another person with similar ideals to his own. No one with the same undying sense of justice and self sacrifice at all costs. But on the other hand if these people were like him, it would be a relief. To know he was not alone in this wretched remnant of a decent world. If there were people like him, Scott wanted to know about them. Reluctantly, but with a twinge of excitement in his voice, he spoke. "And you would lay down...your life in the defense of good? Unflinching? I need to know...that you and all...of your operatives would...I want to join you...I want to know that others...feel my pain and that not alone in my struggles...this world needs a beacon...a sign that this world...will not tolerate...the evils committed on it...can your that symbol?" he could only hope that her answer was yes. On his own, Scott knew he would and could fight down any threat, no matter how daunting. But if he had a team of others behind him with the same undying will and refusal to lay down, then maybe this world had some chance of redemption.

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Post by Saileyra May 24th 2013, 11:12 pm

She crossed her arms her eyes scanned his staring at him, she wondered..the man behind the mask. Why did he hide? He was a man none the less, maybe so people didn't bother with him when he was on the street. She would never understand, she did not hide behind a mask. People knew her identity and her name, she was not a super hero she did not need that secret identity crap. She understood, some of them needed it and she would not stop them from their comfort zone. She just needed to know if he was okay with it..if he wanted to be in. If he wanted a fucking home or not... then again, it was always war battle in her world.

"Nai Please Don't Die!" She was crying, her tears fluttered down her cheeks, her twin. He was dead, on the battle field, his blood, her blade with his blood. She did it because she had to, without him nearly ascending to form two both of them would be behind. Both of them would not be able to continue.. She was crying hard, her sobs, choking. Both of them looked alike, the male in her arms tan, broad shouldered at a height of six two. Compared to her five six, her arms wrapped about him crying. "Nai..No. Please." And then.--

She was cut off, her eyes were hazed almost as she stared to Redline in front of her, her eyes watching him as she had stared for a moment. There was an intense look of bewilderment on her face as she watched him. Lips curling into a soft smile, it was rare she grinned but who wouldn't? I mean Redline, he was a speedy bad ass with a past that most acion heroes wished to have. Haha they didn't, "We will stop the threat as necessary. So Yes. What do you say partner?" She said, her fingers reaching out for a handshake.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 25th 2013, 12:45 am

There it was. After his little question he something in her change. Her eyes glassed over and the passion he needed to see flicked to life behind her eyes. He didn't know where she came from, who she was, or why she did what she did but he knew she knew pain. She knew the difficulty of sacrifice and the depth of true evil. He didn't know about the rest of her organization but this was a woman he could trust and one he would gladly serve with. His past pain had not been in vain and he no longer needed to suffer in silence. And at the sound of her question he responded, a lone tear in his eye. "Thank you Sai...I'm in...keep my identity a secret...and I will gladly serve...beside you." He breathed a long sigh of relief as he firmly grasped her hand. For once in a very long time, he felt hope.

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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra May 25th 2013, 10:50 pm

Sai stared at Scott, not that she knew his name, her was still in mask and his identity still remained a secret to her. Clasping his gauntlet with her own they would become team mates, operatives, and family little did they know how much history they would have in the making together. Her eyes scanned as she had released with a small shake her lips curling into a smirk as she nodded in his direction. Her fingers went to her hip as she had listened to him her eyes scanning him as she had tilted her head. A twinkle in her eye and amusement bellowed, "Your welcome, I do not know your identity anyway." She said laughing, humorously, "So how can I not break the secrecy thing you have going on?" She said with humor before she had glanced around the dark room. Noticing helicopter lights, the police were searching for who crashed the plane.

Grabbing him by his good arm she'd pull the man behind the table, their form ducked down low behind a secretary desk. Many desks lined in the room. "But first I would suggest we get out of here, no? There is a lot of calvary comming..maybe we should get out of here.. I guess after that we'll see each other again. I'll give you the coordinates to your new home once we get out of here." She said to him in a hushed voice and close to him over the roar of the helicopters as the wind whisped their clothing about everywhere.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron May 30th 2013, 10:22 pm

Sai was right, she could not betray his identity to the other operatives if she did not know it herself. Though regardless, he did not want people snooping around and trying to discover it. Scott Silver was a monster unfit for the company of even the basest life form. He was ashamed of him, ashamed of the man that lay beneath the mask. And not that Redline was much better but at least he stood for something, was capable of some higher thought. As long as it never needed to be revealed that he was beneath the mask, he would fight for OCEAN with the same passion he had fought criminals in LA with.

Seeing the helicopters, Sai pulled Scott behind a counter, narrowly ducking the glaring light of a search helicopter. After ending the heist the police had come out in full force to catch the people who had dropped a multi-ton safe on a crowded city street. This was always the most important part, the getaway. The cleaner it was, the better. He didn't need people latching onto his name and making a symbol out of him. As with many aspects of Scott and Redline, the less people knew, the better. So it came as a surprise and a relief to him that Sai had a base of operations. A nice place to settle down after something like this would be amazing, especially compared to the squalor he lived in. "Alright...I think we should...make our way to the main lobby...they shouldn't have force there yet...from there...we'll split...can you fly...teleport...have some means of quick movement...if not that's fine...but it will make this a little...more tricky...I can't thank you enough offer me a home is more...than I could ever ask." Scott was anxious for her answer. If she could not move the way he did, he could carry her to a distance clear from the spread of the authorities. After all she had helped him more than once today, if she needed it, it would be the least he could do.

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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra June 2nd 2013, 6:18 pm

]Saileyra glanced about, the lights were bright, almost scorching to her sensitive retna's for her xeno-perception allowed her to see the light particules, every part of the time stream. Of course, this didn't matter because she didn't have abilities to affect it all she could see was into things..all things. She closed her eyes promptly as she ducked further underneath the desk. Her curvy form like a cat taking to the darkness as she had remained knelled her elbows on her kneels her eyes staring at him from the confines of the darkness. Those magenta eyes stared at him, the silver rings around it, glowing. It was odd how they did that in the dark but it was something she could not control it was because of her blood for the most part. Staring at him, she listened, her lips pursing as she noticed the helicopters hover, searching still. Lets hope they weren't trying to listen in..

"Sadly, I don't have quick means of transportation. I'm not quick like that." She said, her voice simple, rather her eyes staring. Intense, giving him prominence that she had meant it. "I have some things you may not but you also have some things I do not. You will need to carry me for this to be a mission success. As much as I hate being carried around by a man I seem to have no choice." She said with a smirk on her face, slight humor, slight seriousness. Her personality was addicting, she wasn't the type to fall in ones arms so easy but in this matter in a matter of a get away from a chopper she'd choose a mans arms over a riot choppers bullets.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Thorgron June 22nd 2013, 1:27 am

A conformation of his fear and a feminist remark told Scott all he needed to know. Sai would have to be carried from their current predicament, though not in the way she seemed to think. "If you're worried...about being in my arms...don't worry...I'm not strong run...and carry you like that for...any kind of'll be...on my back" he said smiling slightly under his mask. What a strange thing to be worried about at a time like this. But whatever, it was of little consequence to him as long as they both made it out alive. He spun around, remaining on one knee and putting his back to her. Once she was on he would speak briefly before taking off. "Hang on tight...and hold your speed alone...can knock a man...out cold." With that he'd take off at blistering speeds down the stairwell and out the front door. Within minutes they would be out of the city and in the surrounding desert. Not even the helicopters could have followed them. And once they were outside of the city, Scott collapsed to his hands and knees. Running on his own was one thing, but going at top speeds for a long distance with the weight of a second body was taxing. His lungs screamed out in agony. Every breath came shallow and raspy, desperately grasping for oxygen. The surrounding desert began to turn black as his vision narrowed. With little strength in him he reached to his mask and delivered a final dose of medicine to himself before blacking out.

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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra June 23rd 2013, 2:23 am

Redline was obviously having a hard time breathing, she noticed, but she climbed onto his back anyway. There was risks involved and she knew both of them had to get out. Of course, her response to him sounded a bit out there and maybe somewhat feminist. She was still learning about such things about 'women's rights' in this world. Her own, gender meant nothing, it was about what you could provide to the table. The only thing she could recall in her memory being so important about the fact of being a woman would have to be the fact if one of her sisters died. It was rare for any XETA to be female then again sometimes that didn't matter either. 

Once on his back, her legs locked around him, hr chin tucking her head low in case any bullets would fly. Breathing out as he soared, she felt her lungs almost snap in two but she had made it. Feeling him fall she had rolled off at the same time. The woman growling slightly noticing his unconsciousness  She hated when people fell out it only made her wonder more so what was going. HIs fingers seemed to be reaching to the injection sight which would be inside his mouth. A supreme form of athsma maybe? Noticing him on the ground she approached him lifting, her body carrying him. Ducking betwict the shadows, she knew she would have to find a place for both of them to stay. She couldn't leave him in the dirt not after saving her.

Well saving them both, the copters ahead were actually opening firing, casually carrying him she stuck to the shadows. Out of the way of cops and traffic, finding herself staring at the oddest of things. She noticed a comi-con, many people dressed up in wild outfits at an five star hotel. She was rich enough, she didn't need to worry about funds right now..Walking towards the place both of them dressed up so odd actually perfectly blended in. Once getting a room, she would set him down on one of the two master bed rooms. Sitting on a chair, she'd relax, not that this world was stressing as her home but her muscles were sore, the limitations..being so close to a form one killed her.

What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ]

Post by Saileyra June 27th 2013, 2:30 pm

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What Happens in Vegas. Doesn't Stay In Vegas. [ Topic Finished. ] - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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