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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 18th 2012, 2:55 pm

"Don't be ridiculous." he blushed. "It's not my best work, I did made it in a rush and-" his words ended when she kissed him softly. It wasn't bad. It definitely was not bad. Just very surprising, so he backed away after a few great seconds and then mentally cussed himself out. You asshole. There goes any chance at romance. You idiot, why don't you just listen to the stupid romantic dramas your mum watches and follow them? Nobody backs away from a kiss in any of those. But he took a chance a second of hesitation later, now him kissing her instead, slightly harder than she kissed him, but being gentle and not forceful in the least. He was rather cautious right now.

Sachin hadn't had a girlfriend since...give him a minute for this one. He didn't expect one right now either, but he figured he may as well go with the flow. His drawing remained in her lap while the two young people kissed each other.

A beat later, they pulled away from each other. "Wow." he said simply. " sure about this, Gracie? I recall our last attempt at a date didn't go too well." he chuckled shyly.


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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 18th 2012, 3:47 pm

When Sachin pulled back Gracie did not lean in again. She was afraid she'd over stepped the mark - hell she had destroyed his date and now she was making a move on him? Gracie was ashamed of herself and she felt a little bit of guilt dawn on her. Of course he didn't want to kiss her, she was nothing like him and she had tried to beat him up more than once. She leaned back into the couch to give him space, unable to look him in the eyes as she began to stammer an apology.

"I'm s-"

She didn't get much further when he made the move this time and pressed his lips against hers a lot firmer than she had done to him. Which Gracie kind of liked. Her eyes closed and she let herself get lost in the moment. The kisses she'd had with other boys had been heated or curious or shy, not like this. This made her stomach do that weird flipping motion girls called 'butterflies'. She rested her hands on his chest when he kissed her and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the few minutes their lips stayed pressed against one another. When they pulled away it wasn't shock, it was that odd simultaneous pull apart and she bit her lip as he questioned her. True, their last date hadn't gone so well but basically... tonight had been a date. Well. A drinking contest date.
"Unless you plan on Elena dropping in, I'm sure," she murmured softly then looked back down at the drawing.
"And this is really good," she smiled softly.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 18th 2012, 5:38 pm

Sachin smiled then. "Well, let's hope you have the opinion in the morning when you aren't plastered." he said. He gave her a clumsy and somewhat hesitant kiss on the forehead, and walked out of the room, got of the apartment and into the night. He jumped on his bike and he soared, exhilarated by what just happened. He drove through the shittiest parts of Chicago, laughing all the way.

He returned at around 5 AM- the sun was rising early today, and Gracie was now probably hungover on the couch. He made a breakfast, whistling badly as he did so. Plain old toast and scrambled eggs first, but he paused. No, he usually ate that. But today he was determined to make something special.

Which is why ten minutes later she would smell smoke from the tiny and cramped kitchen, and Sachin blasting a fire exthingusier toward the oven. "Nothing's wrong!" he yelled. "Just some problems in cooking!"

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 19th 2012, 5:39 pm

Gracie shook her head slightly when he left the apartment but she was exhausted and she was quite happy to be left alone in a dark, cool room. Even if there were no stars on the ceiling to provide her with that comfort she was used to, Gracie was asleep about five minutes after he left and was blissfully content with her sleep until the fire extinguisher went off which made her jump off the couch. That in itself was a mistake. The blanket she had fallen asleep under tangled around her legs and she squeaked - in a very un Gracie like manner - and crashed to the floor in a heap, laying on her stomach with the blanket wrapped around her legs and waist. She blew her hair out of her face and then eyed the man in the kitchen. Thankfully Gracie didn't get that bad a hang over. Though she had drunk an awful lot last night which meant her 'usually not bad hangover' was actually bad. Her head felt like someone had smacked it around a few times with a large gong. She slowly rolled onto her back and tried to untangle herself before standing up slowly to test her 'sea legs'. She didn't feel sick which was a good thing and she seemed able to stand up without the world spinning. As a test she walked to the kitchen, leaning against the door frame to watch Sachin battle the fire.

"You know, I don't think cooking is your strong point," she mused, her lips curled upwards. Until she saw the clock. It was fricking 5:30 AM.

"Are you mad man? It's not even 6!" her eyes widened. This came from the girl who laid in until about 9, didn't get up until midday and moped about the flat for the remainder of a Saturday and called it a good day. She ran a hand through her mass of curls and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before removing the fire extinguisher from Sachin's hands.
"Sit and step away from the cooker," she laughed, setting the red tube of carbon dioxide down and clearing away the charred remains of Sachin's attempt before getting out a mix of ingredients and beginning the mother of all breakfasts.

About 15 minutes later and she set down in front of Sachin pancakes, bacon, eggs, fried mushrooms, fried bread, fried tomartoes and sausage. She sat opposite with her own food and put a mushroom in her mouth and chewed. Gracie was a natural cook, she could take pretty much the shittest off ingredients and turn it into something mouthwatering. Fry up was definitely Gods cure to a hang over.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 20th 2012, 1:44 am

"You mean you don't wake up at 5?" he asked, sounding surprised. "How do you get anything done? Sleep for me is just an optional bonus if I just to just blank out my mind and stuff." he said, digging into the vegetarian options of the breakfast. "I swear, you should start a religion based entirely off this food. Breakfastism. You could have a TV show. It'd be better than anything that idiot Pat Robertson has going. I wish Pat would just die already though, so probably not the best of examples." he said. He chewed on the fried bread with relish. "I can't believe I lived life without touching this food. My life has not always had things missing, and I do believe you just walked down from Heaven to fulfill them all."

An awkward pause then. "I'm not too good at this flirting stuff, am I?" he said sheepishly. "Ah well." he reached over and tapped her shoulder, sending his healing energy soaring into her and getting rid of any remaining exhaustion or hangoverness from last night, easing away like some had given her an amazing massage on all parts of her body.

"Now you can partially tell why I never need to sleep or I never get drunk. You fell for yesterday's contest quite hard, I have to say. I was just getting bored drinking all of that beer- it didn't even taste too good. But the night afterwards turned out to go quite well, to say the least." he grinned sheepishly again. "I'm getting nearly every one of these lines from old Indian movies, just so you know. Except the one about you walking down from Heaven, I came up with half of that one and I'm just shutting up now and enjoying this food." he said, chewing.

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 21st 2012, 4:54 pm

Gracie blushed faintly on remembering that he was a vegetarian - although the sausages had been vegetarian as there was nothing else in his fridge but the bacon was.. meat. Obviously. Gracie mentally kicked herself for the stupid summary of the plate and swallowed another mushroom.
"I'll swap my Fried bread for your bacon?" she offered, watching him melt into the fried bread as if it were something truly amazing. The man was in bloody America for crying out loud - the fry up was what he should have been brought up on. Or at least had before, and had nearly every day. It was more important than the pledge of alligance for Christssake. When he nodded affirmative she did the swap and then tucked into the extra meat, chewing on the bacon. It was sweet he had gone out and brought her bacon - even if it still hadn't got to 6am yet. She glanced at the clock and yawned before Sachin put his hand on her shoulder and fed her energy. Of course he was a healer.

Damn it.

Never again was she falling for the drinking game with Sachin that was for sure. She did, however feel a lot better after his help and the greasy fry up. She stood up with a smile then collected his plate once he had finished and gently pressed a quick, sweet and rather cute kiss to his lips before moving to the sink.
"Sachin, you don't need to use romantic comments like that. When I said I liked you last night I meant it - and it wasn't because of the chat up lines. You're funny, smart and you're cute," she gave him a teasing smile as she began to wash up. "Just be yourself," she carried on rather cheerfully now the headache was gone. Her hair was still a wild mass of curls which whispered of bedroom secrets which had never happened and her clothes were still twisted. She'd ditched her boots in the night and her trousers so it seemed so she was padding about doing the cleaning in nothing but her best top, large boxers and odd socks. A cute but sexy look that Gracie seemed to pull off with ease.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 22nd 2012, 1:23 am

He sighed with some obvious relief. "Alright then." he said, slipping briefly into Hindi. He opened his mouth to explain, then laughed. "Oh, that's right. You can speak this language. My family will have trouble wrapping their heads around an American speaking Hindi..." he said with another laugh."Oh yes their reactions will be fun." he said, continuing in Hindi.

He ate his bread peacefully for a moment, though it was obvious he was thinking deeply. Blushing a bit, he blurted out. "This is my first real time ever actually dating someone!" Still blushing incredibly, he continued. "I, err, always was kind of sheltered as a kid, and my parents would never let me date anyone until I was out of school, since they were already choosing who I would eventually marry or who was a good candidate for it. So it's my first time ever actually, err, you know-" he vaguely waved his arms around the room, the effect slightly spoiled by the piece of fried bread in his right hand. "All of this. It's really just new to me, so, err..." he seemed to close in on himself like an oyster. "Err...sorry. If that's alright with you." he said, almost whispering out the last words. It was this point where some of his black hair fell over his eyes, and he blew on it impatiently, sending it flying back up.

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 22nd 2012, 6:03 pm

Gracie listened to him speaking, keeping quiet as she kept up with the translation then shaking her head sightly. She wasn't sure she wanted to meet Sachin's mother - she would probably throw a hissy fit that Gracie wasn't Indian. She wasn't sure where she stood on the racial matter either - she wasn't white American and she wasn't Black American. She was mixed. That set her on a whole other planet; even modern Americans had a hard time mingling - those in the middle were just rejected by both mostly. She didn't know where she stood with her own blood lines let alone the Indians. Oh boy. She finished washing up and turned, leaning back against the counter with her hands resting on it, listening to Sachin's rather cute confession, her lips twisting up into a smile.

"Sachin, calm down," she shook her head slightly and then pushed off with her hands, moving towards him to brush the hair from his face before gently cupping his cheek.
"Lesson one, you do what feels right. Ignore the films and comic books," she teased. "In the spur of the moment, do what you like. There's no special code or something to get it right. If you like someone it'll just feel right a guess," she sat down on a chair closer to him than the one opposite him.
"Also, hide your girlfriend from your mother," she said very seriously. "It will create nothing but trouble. Also, your mum sounds kind of scary..."

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 23rd 2012, 1:32 am

"She can be very scary. And in case you haven't noticed from my comments, just the littlest bit racist." he laughed. "Don't be too surprised there. Most Asian parents are, if you want to know the truth. Asia's a really racist place, unlike the enlightened West. So my parents will deny being racist, but they will always make some remarks about Indians are always a bit smarter than that white guy...and how an Indian wouldn't have made a mistake like that white guy on." Sachin smiled at her. "You actually don't have anything to fear from my mum or my dad. They're very polite to everyone who isn't in our family. They won't insult you to your least not in English." he corrected himself.

He then thought for a minute and nodded. "Alright. You just told me to do what seems best on the spur of the moment, but also not for you to meet my mother. Those two contradict each other, I'm afraid. I have to go to Brazil this weekend, since we're having a family reunion there. I think you should come with me, though you shouldn't reveal you speak Hindi. You'll be able to hear more if you pretend to be a stupid English-only American." he saw her expression and laughed, putting away his finished plate. Every scrap had been cleaned off that plate. Clearly he had enjoyed it considerably. "You asked me to do what seems right on the spur of the moment, and the two of us going to Brazil seems like a good one right now." he said, moving his chair so he was now right beside her. "Come on Gracie, do it for a poor Indian boy." he joked.

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 23rd 2012, 3:28 pm

Family reunion?!

Gracie wasn't good in crowds at the best of times but a FAMILY REUNION?! They had only just got together - she wasn't sure she wanted to meet the probably massive Indian family who would be gathered in Brazil this weekend. She opened her mouth then shut it, unsure of what to say. They were going to ask her lots of questions about who she was and what did she know? She was an orphan, her parents had abandoned her and she was Catholic. Just. Great. At least she could show she wasn't a stupid American. She didn't plan on speaking Hindi to them - she would use that to her advantage - but she would be able to keep up with their conversations. Gracie was not a stupid American - she had learned when she was 12 how to make a car engine for crying out loud. Maybe she'd even beat this Indian people. But they were Sachin's family, she wasn't going to embarrass his family on her first meeting of him. Oh God didn't Indians expect their women to be all obedient and ... feminine? Gracie was not... any of that. Oh dear.

"They won't like me..." She said in a rather small voice and wrung her hands. Gracie was nervous around people and having to make a good impression... Oh God oh God oh God. But nothing bad could happen in Brazil right? It was mostly jungle anyway... She was still taking her knives. Maybe not her gun. When he basically begged her she caved in. She hadn't caved in for anyone since the little girl at Catholic school she had found crying had asked her to be her friend. The girl had basically been her little sister and she'd protected her with her life. Now Sachin was proving to be one of her weaknesses to. Odd and interesting. She really did like him...
"Fine," she blew out a big breath. "But you owe me."

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 23rd 2012, 4:22 pm

A smile and a laugh came from Sachin, who did laugh easily when he wasn't scared or nervous or being threatened by Gracie. "Awesome!" he said, switching to his Californian English accent, which was just tinged with the slightest traces of India. He continued in English. "The two of us know Spanish, which I think is similar enough to Portuguese to get us by." he said to himself, making plans in his head now.

Then he shook his head. "Bah. There's nothing to worry about, I need to just buy an extra plane ticket and request an extra room at the hotel for you." he said, automatically going with the assumption she'd want her own room. "Money isn't a worry. I'm not rich, but my family is. My dad works for Khan Industries."

"Last thing- don't worry. Just be yourself and in the spur of the moment, do what feels right." he said, quoting someone. He gave her a somewhat hesitant hug and kiss on the cheek.

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 23rd 2012, 6:02 pm

Gracie felt like she had stepped out of her body and was watching someone else stand dumbstruck while her new apparent boyfriend rushed on about his family. Maybe she should do some snooping before she went - know the enemy and all that. She might find something to relate to with his mother. Anything. Who was she kidding? They were going to eat her up and spit her out. Her stomach did weird nervous twitches and she blinked at the awkward hug.

Oh Sachin...

Gracie was going to have a big job on her hands. Poor boy didn't understand a relationship just yet. Before he could pull away from her she gently tugged him back to her then wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
"Relax..." she murmured into his ear very softly. "You don't have to feel awkward around me," she pulled back slightly so she could look at him. She tapped a finger to his nose with a smile before pulling away.
"Oh," she glanced to the clock - it was now fast approaching 7. "Did you say you'd see your date this morning?"

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 23rd 2012, 7:16 pm

Sachin shook his head. "A bit doubtable. I'm decent with computers, so somehow her plane ride was bumped up by a few hours. So she likely had a bit of a surprise when she got a call telling her that." he said, apparently unfazed by the idea he had broken into high secruity airport computers easily and without any real appearant effort and without thinking much about the implications of it. "So it's not too likely she will be here right now, since that's a conversation I don't want to have right now. We may see her in Brazil though- she's a second or third cousin, I forget."

"But that's about it." he said. A slight silence settled. "So...should I walk you home or something? You still live in the same place, right? Or, err, you want to stay for a while? Of course, I understand if you need to go places, like the gym and stuff. I know you have a routine of going there...I wasn't stalking you!" he added quickly. "I just noted you were there regularly whenever I walked by." he said, a mild blush. "You stood out."

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 24th 2012, 5:54 pm

Gracie listened with a smile to what Sachin said about meddling with the computer and slightly shook her head. She was impressed but that had been kind of mean, the poor girl hadn't exactly had a good night. At least she got home alright - if she hadn't she would have got a call. Aw shit she'd promised she'd check in. Ash was probably going spare with her sudden disappearance. But if he did some snooping he'd know she'd been in the bar then carried home - she wasn't going to live it down and the news was probably all over the streets. An Indian has drunk Gracie under the table. Oh boy.

Reminded of her phone she shimmied round Sachin and headed for her discarded trousers and boots. She did need to get home and have a shower, do some errands and make arrangements if she was going to be away for the weekend. Also some snooping into Sachin's family....
"No it's okay," she tugged on her trousers then tugged on her boots quickly.
"I know you stalk me, it's totally normal," she teased and stood up, brushing down her combats and tugging her up into a ponytail to keep it out of her face.
"I don't live at the same place. Earning some cash now so I've been upgraded to better accommodation. You can walk me there if you like..." she blushed slightly. Men didn't really bother to walk her home, she was more than capable on her own.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 24th 2012, 6:43 pm

Sachin gave a blush and muttered 'Just don't want you to think I'm some kind of creep." before coughing and standing up. He took her hand and started walking out the door...before walking back through the door, pulling out a handkerchief, picking up a spider on the wall and chucking it outside. "Now I'm ready." he laughed, largely out of embarrassment, taking her arm again, more comfortably now.

They walked down the street, Sachin glancing around and noting a lot of guys casually walking around. Certainly a lot of familiar guys he'd seen before at the gym and bar. They walked in the casualness of people who were trying very hard to seem unnoticed and casual. "You have your own private secruity force, don't you?" he joked. "Well, if they beat the crap out of me, I'll get over it." he said in French, keeping the conversation private.

He thought it was ludicrous. How the hell would he do anything? He clearly gave off very threatening vibes, didn't he?

After taking her instructions, they arrived at the new flat. "Not bad." he said. He gave her a hug, less hesitant now than he was before. "It'll take me a bit to get used to this." he joked. He gave her a piece of paper. "It's got my parent's names on it. I know you want to do research on them." He grinned. "It's what I would have done." he paused, recalling she didn't actually have parents. "Sorry, bad thing to say." he apologized profusely.

"So...I'll see you later. You know where I, come whenever you want. No need to call ahead, though you got my number." he gave her a quick, sudden and gentle kiss. "I'll see you soon." he winked, tipping an imaginary hat and walked toward his home.

Then he came back. "Ah, can you tell your friends to stop following me?" he grinned, and then he started walking back for real. It had been a good day and looked like a good week was coming

(That was my last post here. You make a final one and I'll start my Brazil topic. <3)

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 24th 2012, 7:08 pm

Gracie smiled and held Sachin's hand as they walked down the street, laughing when he commented on the fact she had her own little army. She leaned sightly into him as they walked, holding his hand against her hip.
"Oui, Ash - my boss - treats me like his own daughter. I help him keep under cover and keep his people out of trouble for which he pays me in food and a home," Gracie's lips tweaked at the corners.

"Its no quite home yet," she nodded at his comment after she entered the code that would open her flat then turned the key - top security for a place like this. She stepped inside and blinked at the kiss in pleasant surprise before returning it.
"I'll tell them you're not going to murder me or anything," she teased. "No, they're part of the group," she explained with a smile. "I'll make sure they back off," she promised with a curt nod and then blushed when he handed her the names of his parents.
"I.. err thank you. You can drop round too. Cya round Sachin," she smiled and shut the door. It was going to be a good week.

*End of Topic*

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

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