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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs February 18th 2012, 6:05 pm

Gracie was on a serious downward spiral and had been for the past week. She'd been led on by some stupid maniac who had wanted her to solve various crimes to save citizens, believing her father would be the man at the end. Of course, it wasn't her father. He hadn't recognised the ring around her neck - her fathers ring - it was all he needed to know to tell it wasn't him. That and he had said he'd known nothing about her and he was happily married. What happily married couple gave up a child? She'd had to plaster on a false smile as she'd dropped him back on, his wife had kissed him and his children had clung to his legs. Gracie's hope had curled up and died now lay like a hard rock in her stomach that hurt her whenever she moved. And now she was taking her anger, hurt and frustration out on any poor sod who even looked at her weird. What she didn't need right now was someone like Sachin popping up or she really would flip. Gracie had signed up to the gym in order to burn of some pent up frustration. She had changed into baggy sweat pants which hung low on her hips with a vest top which ended inches above her belly button revealing a toned stomach from years of exercise. It hadn't got to the stage where she had a defined 6 pack but it was obvious even at a quick glance that the girl worked out.

Tossing her towel around her shoulders she headed to the punching bags in sneakers which sagged into any mat she stepped on leaving a small indent of her shoe. The other men and women in the gym greeted her like an old friend and Gracie nodded back before throwing her towel down, plugging in her iPod and turning it up loud to drown out the noises of other people grunting. Gracie hadn't had that much training when it came to fighting - she had done a little bit of back street fighting and she new the basic flips and kicks which got her through but gymnastics had been her strong point. She wondered what the nuns would say if they could see her know, punching a man sized bag hard and not even feeling the pain, just a happy numbness spreading through her muscles as she worked them.

It was when she was lost in this haze of fighting that she noticed someone had crept up beside her. She half turned her head, expecting it to be one of the men who usually sparred with her. Gracie stopped however when she saw the one boy who was on her list of 'I do not ever want to see again'.
"Sachin," her eyes narrowed slightly. She knew he worked for a witch now. Something she wanted no part in.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest February 26th 2012, 5:08 pm

"Oh crap." Those were words that could be applied in a lot of places and times. But in the Indian boy's opinion, it was very well suited here. "Hello Gracie." This was not exactly how he had planned his day.

He had waken up feeling relatively happy when he had received a call from his mother. This was a terrifying thing on any day, so he hesitantly picked it up. "Ha, ma?" (Yes, mom?)

"Beta, ap apka pooja ker re ho?" (Son, have you been doing your prayers?) his mother asked him. Sachin looked guiltily at a small idol of Shiva, which was accumulating some dust. "Ha, mey bot pooja ker ra ho. It na kinta mett ker ro." (Yes, I've been doing my prayers. Don't worry so much.)

"Accha. Me neh ap ke le ak date set up ker rek heh." (Good. I've set up a date for you.) his mother replied in a happy tone.

Sachin was shocked out of Hindi. "Wait, what? What did you do?"

"I set up a date." his mother said patiently. "A nice Indian girl. You should meet her later today." Sachin barely listened as she gave the directions and the time (7:30 PM at a local Indian restaurant.) Son of a bitch.

So he decided to go wandering around town, hoping that God would give him a favour and allow him to not get into an arranged marriage. Because his mother sure as hell would not back off on this point. He should have expected it, considering how she had been making not so subtle comments on his lack of a girlfriend and what she considered a good career. No chance in asking his father for help either, the old man was just as bad, if not worse.

So maybe walking around town would prove useful. Hell, let's go into this gym and just sit down for a while, largely because the weather outside was turning smoldering and the gym had a very good air conditioner.

He walked in, and surprisingly nobody called him out on it, though he very certainly did not belong here. He blinked when he saw someone familar...of course, she was in Chicago, right?

He had to walk closer to be sure, instead of doing the sane thing and just running the other damn way. Yep. "Hey, Gracie." he said weakly.

He should have prayed more like his mother said, shouldn't he?

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 1st 2012, 3:45 pm

Gracie gave one last very violent punch the bag which actually split from the pressure and she spat in the bucket before walking off, grabbing the towel. The other men in the gym had glanced up, curious as to what had annoyed their only female and under 18 member. Gracie had become like their younger sister and were rather protective of her. Eyeing up the obviously very different Indian boy they warily watched his movements from different sides of the room. Gracie picked up her water bottle and began to gulp down the cool water, still watching Sachin like he was something disgusting she had run over and had dragged its sorry arse back into her home and was stinking up the place.

Probably had an extra head or something to.

"What do you want Sachin?" she sighed and frowned, setting down her water and putting the towel over her face, cursing several fowl words under her breath which were thankfully muffled by the thick fabric. She perched on the side of the boxing ring ropes, swaying to and fro as she looked him over. Once upon a time she had pretended to be his girlfriend to get him away from that witch, just to help him. But he'd gone back to her.
"On a mission for the Witch? I'm not interested in whatever magic apple's she's selling thank you," she scowled. Not only had Elena basically brainwashed Sachin who had become a close friend, she'd also tried to KILL Gracie. She HAD knocked out one of her guards but still... Killing was a set to far. She'd just escaped with her bloody life that night then she found out SACHIN was with her. It had made her so mad she had said she'd never wanted to see him again.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 1st 2012, 4:03 pm

"I haven't seen the witch for months now, which is something we're all pleased about. Seriously pleased about." he said, giving a shudder. "I'm a comic book writer, so I know she hasn't forgotten about me and she'll probably reappear the moment I've forgotten about her and am actually happy. So I'm just going to stay moderately wary and miserable so that she doesn't pop up. It seems to have been working so far." he said, using perfect comic book logic. Which means it vaguely resembled a blindfolded bird flying in the sky.

"Anyway, I'm going to cut to the chase here and apologize for last time. None of that was done by my free will. I have no idea why the witch bitch wants to kill you, but I'm stuck with her until I can find a spell to break the one she has on me. It's a whole lot of bullshittery if you ask me. Or as my grandfather would say, 'Ya pagelpun heh.'" A pause. "So...yeah. That's my apology, I guess." he said, realizing everyone was staring at them. A lot of heavily muscular men and women who seemed to like Gracie and would probably be able to kick his ass eleven times out of ten if they wanted to or if Gracie asked. And he just admitted to having been in a plan to try to kill her before.

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 1st 2012, 5:26 pm

Gracie's eyes wondered over the other people in the gym knowing she would have back up if she decided to start a fight. Not that she'd need it - it was Sachin after all. Boy didn't even know how to use a gun. Unfortunately he did heal rather fast meaning she'd have to keep punching him for quite a while.... blowing a strand of hair from her face she looked back to Sachin. She was mad at him but Elena was a powerful witch - she had no doubt that she could control Sachin if she wanted to. Easily. The images of how she had nearly fried her still bad her skin grow cold. So close to death and she hadn't reached 18. Some days it made her think about stopping that kind of thing but then she remembered the thrill of it and there she was, back on the street.

Gracie slowly cracked one knuckle at a time.

"I beat up one of her guards pretty badly. She was mad," she shrugged very lightly and the men turned away, content Gracie could handle the man who had waltzed into their gym.
"You look like shit," she eyed him warily.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 1st 2012, 5:41 pm

"Don't remind me." he grumbled. "I forgot to put shampoo in my hair today, and I found out my mother randomly threw me in an arranged marriage. It's not a pleasant idea and I don't want to know who my mother's set me up with. Anyone who fits her concept of a perfect daughter in hell is going to be hell for me. But she takes a considerable interest in the activities of her unfavorite son." he sighed. "Ah well. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, which is around seven thirty today." He took a seat on a bench, largely because it was there and he wanted a seat.

"How have you been? Any luck in finding your parents?" he asked, vaguely recalling that finding her parents was one of Gracie's main ambitions. He was searching his brain for other conversation topics, but this was the first one that popped up in his head. Probably not a good one, but meh.

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 2nd 2012, 6:39 pm

That, amused Gracie. The idea of Sachin being dragged down the isle by his mother was indeed an image that would stay with Gracie until her grave. Her lips tweaked at the corners revealing adorable dimples, though combined with the mischievous glint it didn't create the 'angelic' look that was meant to come with the Saint name she had been given.
"She may be some bollywood glamour model," she half shrugged then smirked. "But knowing your luck it will be Danny in some weird reincarnation of himself." Now THAT was a funnier image than just that of him being dragged down the isle by his mother. If Danny was his bride. Well that would be the cherry on the top. Gracie spread her knees sightly and propped her feet on the bench he was sitting, elbows on knees and chin in hands.

"It's not going well. Maybe they really have just dropped off the face of the Earth. I need to find a Phantom. If someone can find them it will be one of those lot," she blew the hair from her face. "I did risk my life for them, I think they owe me something," she sighed. "Thing is, they're just as hard to find. Maybe if I blow something up they'll show up but they probably won't be in the nice talking mood..." she frowned slightly.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 3rd 2012, 2:00 pm

Sachin had an altogether different expression at the thought of Danny's reincarnation being his bride. Have you ever seen a mouse seeing an already rotten piece of cheese explode and spatter all over him? That's effectively what Sachin's facial expression looked like right now. He shuddered. "Well then." he said, at a bit of a loss. He pulled out a notepad from his pocket and scribbled down a phone number, and handed it over. "You can call me here if you ever need to contact me." he said.

He pulled out his IPhone, and tapped in an address. "Froze Khan's Indo Restaurant." he muttered out loud. "Not too far from my hotel then. Thank you Mum, always thinking ahead." he said, putting his phone away. "Anyway, I'll suppose I'll see you later then." he said, holding out his hand and shaking it.

He then walked out, going home. After a while, he put on proper clothes, suit and all, genuinely appearing presentable or even handsome compared to his usual 'just got out of bed and wish I was back in it' look. He then staggered out of his room, going to the restaurant. He got there at 7:20. His date wasn't here yet, so the Indian young man played Angry Birds on his iPhone.

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 3rd 2012, 9:11 pm

Gracie's eyebrows rose in slight amusement at the look on his face and her lips tweaked at the corners. She took the paper and folded it into her pocket with a light nod before watching him leave the room quietly. Once the door was shut every pair of eyes was on her. Gracie's cheeks warmed and then she quickly rolled to her feet. Sachin was so not the type of person everyone in the gym had expected her to hang out with and now he had given her his number. oh boy she was not going to be able to live this down.

"Now we know why Gracie has refused to go out with us boys - she's hiding away her exotic lover," one man whistled and she ducked into the changing rooms after throwing a towel at his face, laughing under her breath. Sachin was just some comic book nerd who had decided to draw her in very skimpy costumes and sell it to hoards of Geeks over the city... She couldn't criticise really, one upon a time she had been a nerd - hell she still was - but men drooling over a comic with her picture on still made her skin crawl. Gracie showered, changed and bade farewell to the men who had become her family in the gym. They made kissing noises, she gave them the finger. It was a love-hate relationship.

Walking down the road in her dark green vest top and high waisted jeans she was obviously not expecting an attack. Gracie had already earned a little bit of a reputation on the streets as being able to get 'information' on things other could only dream of. She had protection from one gang in particular who actually ran the gym she had just left from. She had had a peaceful evening, catching up with Andre and giving him some old police files she had smuggled out the station, had a drink. It was 7:30 when the crazed power-nutter jumped out of nowhere catching her completely off guard. A woman's scream cut through the dark and, curious, Gracie had followed it in time to see a bulk of a man strangling a poor doll-like woman who was obviously no match for him.
"Oi... put her down," she frowned. The man's head snapped round to look at her and Gracie reached for the knife in her boot. The man began to run towards her. "Now listen here bub..." She didn't get much further as he tackled her off the street as if she weighed nothing more than a feather. Gracie crashed through the window of the Indian, rolling across a table while the bulky man landed on top of a waiter. Glancing up at the woman who she had basically landed on she smiled.
"Sorry 'bout that..." She glanced over to the woman's date only to see Sachin. Her mouth half fell open but the ogre was on his feet and she scrambled up quickly, pinching some of Sachins special Indian bread.
"Thank's gorgeous," she winked and threw the bread - full of hot curry - into the man's eyes.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 3rd 2012, 10:10 pm

Sachin blinked at her. "That was a rather dynamic entry." he said in a deadpan tone. "As a comic book writer, I'd say it was pretty cliche, but amusing and it would sell. Unfortunately, it's real life, and I don't really plagiarize." Then he blinked again, his face settling in a different expression. "Oh Jesus Christ, I'm not dreaming. This really is real life." He also rather hoped Gracie would not assume he dreamed about her, because that would make him seriously look like a creep. He generally dreamed about Batman. This was a sad nerd.

The man who had curry thrown at his eyes screamed in some pain and accidentally kicked Meera, Sachin's date, who he had been having a relatively pleasant conversation with. She fell to the ground, out cold before she hit it. Before Sachin thought 'Oh shit, I should get her to a hospital', he thought 'Oh shit, my mum is going to be pissed.' Indians are programmed to fear their parents. He then growled, and stabbed the guy there in the arm with a fork, and gave it a twist.

Now the guy was seriously howling in pain before Sachin used his taekwondo skills, whacked him across the windpipe, and sent him on the road to unconsciousness. He then looked at Gracie, clearing his throat. "So...I think we should probably get Meera here to a hospital. Should probably pay my bill too. Lost my appetite though. By the way, what exactly are you doing here anyway?"

Froze Khan, owner of the resturant, walked out of the kitchen and saw the scene.

"Ye ka heh!" he screamed at Sachin, hurling abuses in Urdu.

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 3rd 2012, 10:21 pm

Gracie blinked at Sachin's sudden ruthlessness with the brute and had to admit, she was rather impressed. When she'd given him a gun, Sachin had freaked and throw up and now he stabbed men in the arm with forks? The hell had she and Danny done to the boy? Rather glad she wasn't being throw about anymore she smiled apologetically back at store owner, holding up her own hands as she spoke quickly in Urdu itself, probably shocking the poor man out of his mind but never the less he smile at he words and did an odd little bow, taking a cheque Gracie hastily wrote out.

"Sorry about that," Gracie smiled and returned to her normal accent and southern slur. She bent and scooped his date up, throwing her over her shoulder as the police sirens began too wail. "Hospital sounds good, I think I have some glass in my arm," she sighed and looked down at the large rather ugly cut down her forearm with several bits of glass poking out of it and more buried deep inside her wound. She nodded once more to the owner whose eyes were popping out at the cheque number before quickly making her way out of the room.
"Come on Sachin, keep up, don't want to bleed all over the nice man's floor to," she chided. The restraunt owner looked up, offered a glare then scurried off to inspect the cheque some more to make sure it wasn't fake. It wasn't. Gracie was going to have some serious explaining to do to the bank though...

"So you dream about me huh?" Gracie teased once they were close to the hospital, the girl over her shoulder still out cold.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 4th 2012, 6:12 pm

Sachin placed a hand on Gracie's shoulder, healing energy going into her body. The glass shards popped out as they walked down the road, and the wounds healed quickly, the energy spreading across her body and fixing up any other injuries, scars or even exhaustion that she had. She'd feel rather refreshed due to this.

Sachin blinked, moderately impressed when she spoke in Hindustani. "Palle ap muje batow: Ap ne Hindustani kaw sikha? (First you tell me this: When you learn to speak Hindustani?)" he asked in Hindi. Hindi and Urdu are virtually the exact same language in speaking, though the writing form is different. White people who knew how to speak either were a rarity, and Sachin was impressed. "My date just got ruined." he noted, continuing in the same language. "My mum is going to be quite annoyed with me."

Fear descended on his face. "Oh shit." he said in English now. "Oh shit. My mum." He stared at Gracie. "You need to promise me this: You'll explain all of this to her. I'm sure as hell not going to."

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 5th 2012, 3:45 pm

Gracie was relieved when the healing energy flowed through her and she sighed in content, her foot steps lighter than before as the weight of the world washed away with the flow of tingling healing energy. Until Sachin touched her arm Gracie hadn't realized how stressed, upset and angry she really was. The pent up rage had been festering for months and she had been exhausted. Mentally, physically she ached from pushing her body to that comatose state and emotionally she was a wreck. Sachin had wiped that away with one touch. Relaxing she slowed her step and walked in time with him, their footsteps echoing in the streets. Gracie's lips tweaked at the corners when he asked about how she had learnt Hindi and she shifted the girl who was still flopped over her shoulder.
"I taught myself. In the orphanage there was only certain things to learn, I wanted to push the boundaries. I hated the bible after reading it the third time," she shrugged slightly. "Hindi had always interested me, the Hindu religion. I know Chinese, German, French, Russian, Italian and Japanese too. I enjoyed languages. Also, there was a really cute Indian boy who worked in the local Indian restraunt," a teasing smile. "It was nice to impress him."

Gracie listened to his worried rant and couldn't help but laugh then glance back to the girl who was slowly coming round. Instead of going to the hospital she laid the girl down on a park bench and checked her over.
"She should be okay, it's probably best to just take her home. Sorry about ruining your date..." she bit her lip and looked up.
"Your mother doesn't happen to like Americans does she? Not sure if my gun will convince her I'm a nice person so I'll have to go with my American Religious Charm," she smirked then glanced to the knife in her belt.
"I'll hide my weapons," her lips twitched before the girl between them groaned and opened her eyes. Gracie's weapons were hidden by the time she opened her eyes.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Guest March 5th 2012, 6:14 pm

Sachin nodded to Gracie's explanation of how she spoke Hindi, and he laughed at the end. Speaking in Hindi, he replied "Trust me, Indians are always amazed when we find white people who speak Hindi. Hell, a lot of Indians don't even know Hindi, so finding a white person who does is always a hell of a shock for us. It's really a bi sad, but the Brits left their influence. The most spoken Indian language is English." he said, giving a chuckle at that. "You speak better Hindustani than most Indians do, to be honest with you."

Before he could reply to Gracie on visiting his mum, his date, Meera, opened her eyes. She was a relatively short girl, around an inch or so shorter than Sachin, and Sachin considered her quite pretty, though she seemed less so when next to Gracie. The long haired girl blinked once or twice, and first glanced at Sachin.

"You alright?" he asked in English, to which she nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she spoke in perhaps French-accented English. She then glanced at Gracie, as if noticing her for the first time. "Thank you for carrying me." she said, though her tone seemed almost cold. "Who are you?"

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

Post by Ember_Fangs March 6th 2012, 5:05 pm

Gracie examined the colour of her skin and wondered what planet Sachin was from. She had never been called 'white' before. She had been about to reply in Hindi when the girl began to wake up. Gracie managed a small smile despite the cold harsh tone and slowly slid her hands into the front of he jean pockets, rocking onto her toes then to her heels. Well this was awkward.

"Name's Gracie Daniels ma'am," she said in that Southern Drawl that made you think of lazy summer days on the beach, the caress of the ocean and your summer romance's kiss. Gracie's deep chocolate brown eyes moved upwards to look at the man who stood on the other side of the bench.
"Sachin and I go a little way back, he helped me and a friend out. Rather brave man," her lips twitched into a half smiled before she looked back down at the girl, dark, long eyelashes grazing her high cheekbones. Her heart shaped face framed by a mass of glossy black curls which bounced against her back and blew across of her face with the wind. It was the windy city for a reason after all.
"You've got a nice young man ma'am," she smiled then nodded. It almost seemed like she was missing the cowgirl hat - which she would tip at this moment then ride off on her white horse to go beat up more bad guys.
"Can I get you two a cab? You should really rest Ma'am," she raised an eyebrow, every bit the sweet, innocent girl laced with mystery and that little bit of danger that made you step closer for a better look.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo] Empty Re: Oh what do you want? Invite only; Sachin [Zaboo]

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