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A Meeting between minds( Zaboo)

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A Meeting between minds( Zaboo) Empty A Meeting between minds( Zaboo)

Post by Guest March 30th 2012, 8:11 pm

3:45 PM Manhattan, New York

Drake has just gotten back from a late lunch with some friends of his. As he walked back into his building, he took his time getting to the elevator. He was not in a rush to get back to talk to these loonie bins. Once Drake got to his floor; he stepped out to see Alice staring at him with a folder in her hands. He grunted in disapproval and walked up and took the folder from her. "Okay fill me in, I know you have read this already." Drake knew that Alice was the noisy type of girl, she liked look at everything before it even got to him. Some times it helped and sometimes it did not help, but it made it easier for him to go over.

"That if for you to decide sir, personally this guy looks perfectly normal but you can read over the file." She followed behind him, tapping her pen in her hand as she went along.

Drake could not stand when she tapped that pin, but she would not stop even if he told her to. "You know that tapping of the pen shows you are impatient but who am I to talk. Not everybody is perfectly normal, we all have flaws; and it is my job to figure out what this guy's flaws are." Drake opened the file and looked over the guy's information as he strolled into his office doors that he left open when he left for lunch. As he walked into his office, he paused in the middle of the room and turned around to face Alice. "What time is he suppose to be here?" Drake asked anxiously.

"It does not and I resent that a lot. Some times I think you act like you are God you know that. But that guy is suppose to be here in a few minutes from what I saw on the schedule. I am leaving me if you need me to come back or something." She turned around and walked out the office closing the doors behind her.

"One day you and I will have a nice little chat about your problems. For me to be a God that would be ridiculous. But yeah whatever I doubt that I will need you to come back." Prime went over and sat behind his desk as Alice closed the doors. He leaned back in his chair thinking about what Alice said to him sometimes thinking that he is a God. Yes he was religious but he did not believe he was God, that much power would corrupt any man. As Drake waited on the guy to show up, he pulled out a notepad and a pen and began drawing a picture of himself on a island stranded. Often when he got bored he would draw random pictures that were irrelevant just to past time.

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A Meeting between minds( Zaboo) Empty Re: A Meeting between minds( Zaboo)

Post by Guest April 1st 2012, 6:28 pm

Exactly on time, there was a knock on the door. Even though the door was locked, the knocking man twisted the knob and opened it. "Hello there. My name, as you are no doubt aware, is Seth Khan." he said, taking a seat in a chair. "Quite a comfortable chair, thank you." he said.

He looked like a perfectly normal man- he looked like a middle aged Indian man who wore a black suit. He looked dapper and handsome enough, but not exceptionally so- he wouldn't stand out in a crowd. "Good drawing." he said, smiling. "Very good." There was a pause while the man looked around the office. "So we needed to discuss our business offer, correct?"

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A Meeting between minds( Zaboo) Empty Re: A Meeting between minds( Zaboo)

Post by Guest April 1st 2012, 8:01 pm

Drake eyes looked up as there was a knock on the door; he looked at the wrist on the watch and saw that the man was on time. He favored patients who were on time because he could start on time and hopefully get out early. As the man introduced himself and took a seat Drake stopped his drawing and leaned up to face the man. Drake tore off the drawing and began writing down some features about the man that he gathered from when he walked in. He could gathered that he is well dressed, mannered, and in his mid to late forties, and lastly he was a foreigner. "Thank you very much Mr.Kahn, you can call me Dr.Vision." Drake was almost puzzled by what the man meant about a business offer. "Business offer....what exactly are you talking about. My mind has been taxed by all these "lunatic" people I have been seeing. So if you do not mind fill me in again." Drake leaned back in his chair, waiting for the man to respond to his question.

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