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Daithi McAlister

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Daithi McAlister Empty Daithi McAlister

Post by Salix December 13th 2011, 8:15 am

Real Name: Daithi McAlister [pronounced Dar-hee]
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: None as yet
Title: None as yet
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (renegade)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Dark green
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 138lbs

Costume Description/Image: His 'costume' is comprised of a very sharp suit that is entirely black. I has no tie, but does have a waistcoat. Just to look at it one can see that it is of fine quality but anyone who knows their salt on suits will probably notice that it's in the lower end of the nice suit spectrum. Daithi also wears a trilby with this, also black.
The more notable aspect of his costume is on his face. He wears a sort of mask. If you were to imagine black tribal tattoo designs across his face - obscuring it in a similar manor to British Morris dancers blacking their faces - and now imagine those tattoos moving; that is what his 'mask' looks like.

Personality: Daithi is very much a rebellious spirit, only he's kind of a lazy rebellious spirit. He won't go out of his way to kick back against some dictatorial, oppressive force - not if he can just avoid them - but if someone tries to oppress his actions or dictate to him, then he'll get a tad fired up. He will kick back and not stop kicking until he feels he's done enough damage to said oppressor or (should he be incapable of that) until he finds a way out.
He is a rather sociable creature and enjoys the company of others. He is also something of a thrill seekers, whether this be achieved through a risky chase through some alleyways or by taunting someone who could easily kick his behind - he just likes taking risks.
As a cliche embedded into his DNA from his Irish heritage, Daithi loves traditional Irish (or British in general) music and also does not have a drinking problem; he's very good at it.

History: His early childhood was spent in LA, California around other people of an Irish background. He was fairly typical, really. He went through school and left education as soon as it was no longer compulsory. He got a boring job that he didn't really like but was not so dull to send him insane. He spent his free time hanging out with friends, mostly in bars, drinking and occasionally getting into fights. He didn't usually fair very well but he was never injured beyond repair, as it were. He had a close friend who was a tattoo artist and so he naturally ended up with several tattoos.
One evening - technically early morning at this point - he and his tattooist friend Padraig [pronounced Porrig] had returned to their shared flat after the bars had closed. They cracked open a bottle of whiskey and continued their evening. They were, of course, extremely drunk by this point and as Daithi looked down at his arm he noticed that a ring of tribal designs tattooed around his bicep was rotating. He assumed that this was simply because he was drunk but as he stared Padraig followed his gaze. He spent the rest of his evening developing the very basis of his power; tattoo manipulation. He could influence the tattoos and had them running up and down his arm and even forming some rather rudimentary looking words. It was grand entertainment for the evening and both went to their beds still in doubt over the occurrence. The next morning Daithi awoke with an awful hang over, but also to find that his tattoo was no longer on his arm. It was roaming around his body of it's own free will. Upon concentration he discovered that he could move any of his tattoos around his body with a bit of thought. As a joke he pulled a rose to his hand and offered it to Padraig only to discover that when it reached his fingers it carried on going and became a rose in his hand. It soon dissipated into ink and then disappeared but both were amazed nonetheless.
Over the next few months Daithi spent much of his free time perfecting his control over his tattoos, having sworn Padraig to secrecy. After gaining a good degree of control over his new found power Daithi, with some help from Padraig, performed one of the focal actions of his life. This action involved getting an awful lot of money and resulted in a group of drug dealers being royally pissed off at them. Fortunately they were not particularly well known and had already made plans to leave the city and were on their way before the dealers even knew something was up.
Daithi does not know what happened after that and tries to keep the thoughts of Mafia spontaneously turning up at his home to kill him out of his head. It seems unlikely, but there is always the possibility.
He and Padraig moved to New York as, according to Daithi, "that's where all the action is." With their oodles of money they bought a rather nice property outright and opened up a tattoo parlour. Padraig still works as a tattoo artist as he enjoy it so what the hey, and his business is secure because they have plenty of money to fall back on. Daithi spent some time training with pistols since he figured they were his best bet in a combat situation. Padraig tattoos anything Daithi wants on him and Daithi goes and has lots of fun. Due to this he has gained very accustomed to receiving tattoos, although this has not resulted in a high pain threshold in general - that's come from getting his arse kicked several times.
Daithi has decided that he was to be "in with the crowd" of superheroes and has naively set out to get involved in the scene.

Powers: Once Daithi has a tattoo he can move it around his body at will. This does not require much thought or effort and some tattoos, if he allows it, will begin to act of their own accord. Their behaviour is dependent on what they are. For example, a flower will simply sit there and wave about a bit, maybe blow in the wind. It will not grow or decay, but remain as it was tattooed. A snake might slither around Daithi and poke it's tongue out at stuff. The tattoos cannot interact, leave his skin or effect anything else in any way. They remain friendly and obedient to Daithi as though a well trained pet. Any inanimate object with simply remain inanimate.
Should Daithi will it so, the tattoo can leave his skin and take a real form. From this point on it begins to act like whatever it was tattooed as in real form. Again they remain friendly and obedient to Daithi only slightly less so. If an item has not fully left contact with his skin then Daithi can recall it back onto his body. Once it has left it cannot be recalled, ever. The object has to be functional to function i.e. he cannot have a tattoo of a lazer gun and expect it to work, it would be no more than a prop. Additionally if Padraig (or anyone) were to tattoo a fake rose then it would be fake, whereas a real one would of course be real. There might be no visual difference as a tattoo, but once called to life that difference will take effect.
Once created it is not permanent. Daithi must think to maintain it (think "sustained as a minor action, for any D&Ders) and once Daithi is no longer thinking to sustain it, or wills it to do so, the tattoo dissipates into ink and then disappears completely after a few seconds.
If Daithi has some words tattooed on him then he can leave those words on another surface, though they must be sustained like any other tattoo.

Power Grid: (-1 for wealth)
STR: 1
SPD: 2
END: 3
INT: 3
EP: 4
FS: 3

Power Grid colours: Black and White.

Character Image/Description: Daithi has a boyish face, the kind that still occasionally gets IDed unless he hasn't shaved for a week. His eyes are a muddy, forest green and his hair seems to be half way between blonde and brown. It's short and scruffy and just flops about the place, but doesn't really get in the way. He has a rather defined jawline and his lips are not thin, per se, but certainly on the smaller side.
Physically he is not very large or intimidating, but a certain amount of training in recent times has to lead to a fair amount of muscle, though nothing impressive. He has many tattoos although they scarcely remain constant.
Fashion wise Daithi tends to wear very basic clothes, jeans and t-shirts mostly. Although since his rise in wealth his clothes have been of a slightly higher quality.

Roleplay Sample:
As Daithi saw Padraig enter the room from the corner of his eye he stopped what he was doing and turned to his friend "I still miss my ex" He said solemnly, "but my aim is improving." A look of curiosity came across Padraig's face as he first eyed his friend and then leant in to look down into the shooting range. Sure enough, there on the far target what a picture of Daithi ex-girlfriend, Meg, unshot but with bullet marks around her. Padraig looked at Daithi blankly for a moment before saying "You set that up just to make that terrible joke?" Daithi let out a grin that was a mixture between mischief and smugness - an expression Padraig was most accustomed to. Padraig sighed "I came down here to tell you something, but now I've entirely forgotten what it was because of your shitty little joke." and with that he left, leaving Daithi to his shooting. The earmuffs came down and Daithi went back to letting off rounds into the targets. He had been doing it in the standard way for a while but it wasn't long before the flair within him began to take over. He would turn his back to the range, pick a target and then spin around rapidly and try to shoot it with little time to aim. Indeed, this technique would help him to aim at short notice, but the main reason Daithi did it was because it made him feel cool. Once he'd run out of ammo Daithi rid himself of his ear protection and headed upstairs.
He entered the main room of the property that he had bought and now shared with his tattooist friend. It was a large room that served as a lounge/dining room/place where lots of people could gather if they ever wanted to throw a party. On top of that the kitchen was not separated by a wall so one could watch TV while they prepared a sandwich, which was exactly Daithi did next. Ham and Jam, a personal favourite of Daithi's. As his attention divided itself between the television and the sandwich some of his thought also shifted to the spare rooms they had upstairs. You see, Padraig and Daithi didn't take up that much space. They had their huge living room, a bedroom each and a bathroom - they didn't really need more than that. They'd only just managed to fill the kitchen, and that was by devoting a cupboard solely to alcohol - a suggestion of Padraig's. Indeed, Pad had been right when he said that the property was larger than they required. They had two floors above them which were as yet completely unused. Daithi had been adamant that they would need the extra space for their 'superhero shit'. Thus far he had been wrong.
"So what are we going to do with the extra rooms?" Daithi asked, hoping that Padraig had come up with something, hopefully something involving rockets. "I thought you were going to fill them with your 'superhero shit'. Although why would would want to collect superhero shit is beyond me." Padraig said, his eyes still fixed on the TV. Daithi gave him a cold, blank stare which Pad didn't see, but was aware of nonetheless. Daithi took a bite of his sandwich. "Thith ith a co-owned popety, Powig." he said, spitting crumbs all of the counter that separated the lounge and the kitchen area. "It'th a joint wethponthibility to uthe it." "In that case" Padraig replied "I hereby give you permission to use my space as you want." the was a short pause and before Daithi could expose the loophole Padraig covered it up "Apart from my room. That's still mine."
A ham and jam sandwich collided with the back of Padraig's head.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2011-12-12

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Daithi McAlister Empty Re: Daithi McAlister

Post by Salix December 20th 2011, 6:23 pm


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2011-12-12

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Daithi McAlister Empty Re: Daithi McAlister

Post by Salix December 28th 2011, 10:07 am

Bump #2.

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Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2011-12-12

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Daithi McAlister Empty Re: Daithi McAlister

Post by The Cowboy December 28th 2011, 2:44 pm

You should at least bump your strength up to two so you can be useful in a fight. Also your tattoos would only have the strength of a three INT item right now. You might want to bump those two up if you want it to be easier in a fight.
The Cowboy
The Cowboy
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Registration date : 2011-05-15

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Daithi McAlister Empty Re: Daithi McAlister

Post by Salix December 28th 2011, 5:52 pm

What exactly is a three INT item? I get that his intelligence is only three but what does that have to do with his tattoos?

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Daithi McAlister Empty Re: Daithi McAlister

Post by Archer Roland December 28th 2011, 6:15 pm

Your tattoos will only be as durable and strong as your EP. If you use it as a shield then it'll protect you from anything three and below and you won't be able to do a lot of damage to anyone with durability above three.

Daithi McAlister ArchersGrid
Archer Roland
Archer Roland
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-04-12

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Daithi McAlister Empty Re: Daithi McAlister

Post by Salix December 29th 2011, 5:25 am

Huh, interesting. Even though my EP is four?

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2011-12-12

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Daithi McAlister Empty Re: Daithi McAlister

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