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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 2:19 pm

Rey grabs a fork and pushes some of the chicken into it along with a bit of rice and low mien, chuckling at Andree’s comment he shows his fork, “exactly why I don’t use chopsticks and just stick to the fork or spoon.” He says then after hearing Becca’s own comment he raises an eyebrow and nods toward her mouth “someone one is a hypocrite, if metal bugs your teeth so much why wear the lip piercing?” He says teasingly because she knows he actually likes her lip piercing, before taking a bite out of some of the low mien and looking between the two of them, slightly happy that so far they seem to be ‘hitting it off’ or getting along nicely. “So, Andree do the Phantoms exist in the future you came from? I just have to ask because if so then it would make more sense of why you came back to this time to join up with us instead of just joining up in your time.”

Last edited by The Ranger on December 21st 2011, 3:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 21st 2011, 3:10 pm

Metal bugs your teeth? What`s up with your lip ring then? Andree did not want to say this out loud in case she sounded like she was being rude. If this was her Dad`s girlfriend, screwing up their relationship wouldn`t help her case. Oh, forks, did not see those. I swear I`m half blind. She thought to herself realizing the truth about the half blind statement. Hearing Rebecca`s comment, she responded "Great." She really didn`t know what else to say right then. It felt odd, in her time this woman would be fifty but right now they were the same age. She had gotten used to it with her parents but it still felt odd with others at times. Wait, did she just say she was Pain`s daughter? Finally something clicked, She had heard of Pain`s daughter somewhere in passing. "You`re Pain`s daughter? Cool" She said out loud just before her Dad asked her a question. "Well, they do sort of. They`re just not as active. And the youngest member is fifty." She added the last part, her dad being said youngest member. Oh shit Mom`s warning. Andree remembered what her mother had said the other day at the ice cream parlor. "While I`m thinking about it, I have something important to tell you."

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 23rd 2011, 12:57 am

Becca chuckled at Rey. He was right, it was kind of hypocritical for her to have the lip piercing. She had been contemplating taking it out as the day's passed, but just didn't have the nerve to do so. She would heal so quickly, only a tiny scar remaining where it was, but she just couldn't do it. It marked her rebellion from her mother, Raine. She was still young, being only nineteen, so she decided it was best for her to just enjoy being younger. "Yeah, you're right.. but, I don't mind the ring.. do you, Rey?" She rose a brow, but then calmly shook her head. "Don't answer that!" She said, hiding embarrassment. She didn't want Andree to feel any more awkward than she had to. Her attention turned to Rey, listening as he asked Andree the question. Becca was, too, curious. Andree was from an alternate reality as it were, so the chances of the Pantom's still existing could be a zero chance. Becca decided to eat a bit of her soup, tipping the bowl up to her mouth, sipping the warm, salty contents. It was absolutely one of her favorites. Paine couldn't help it, but she burped.

She covered her mouth, but it was a bit late. "Excuse me," she said, trying to be a model for Andree, despite the girl being her own age. She listened to Andree's answer, thinking about it. She wondered what Rey would look like then. Slightly balding, or something. Maybe he would have a nice full head of gray hair. She couldn't decide. With a mental shrug, she looked toward Andree, curiously. "Well, now I'm curious. Go on, spill." She waved her chipsticks around, indicating it was necessary for Andree to give them this piece of information.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 23rd 2011, 9:30 am

Rey listens to Paine and laughs not answering the question even before she yells at him not too, if it had only been them two there he would have reacted differently, but because Andree was there he simply takes a sip of his water giving her a quick wink while Andree is distracted. “The youngest is fifty ehh? Well sounds like I will always have to be the youngest member of the Phantoms.” He says laughing slightly before taking a bite out of his chicken, finishing it off and then starting on his Low Mein, knowing he is eating a bit quickly but it’s just how he always eats and that is not going to change just because his girlfriend and futuristic daughter are there. Raising an eyebrow at what Andree says next he lifts his head up a little and looks at her, “yes…do tell Andree I would love to know what it is you have to tell me.” He says brain automatically going into ‘Phantom or Hero mode’ as he gets ready to hear the information she is about to divulge, “oh and don’t worry about hidden cameras , microphones, or things like that; Black Knight makes sure all Phantom homes are spy free.”

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 23rd 2011, 1:28 pm

This meal was not getting less awkward for Andree. She was sitting in on her Dad's date, how could you not find that awkward. "Good." Andree replied to her father after he told her that the house was bug free. "Well, as I told you earlier I saw Mom-err um Huntress if you prefer, a few days days ago. While we were talking she warned me about something her family is going to be the cause of. In her words it's a massive magical attack on a section of New York and possibly other cities. But they aren't the ones at the head of it, that would be Elena Marie. And apparently we can't prevent it without knowledge of her magic." Her eyes darted between the other two at the table to gauge their reactions to what she just said. Maybe it wasn't the best time to bring it up over Chinese food smart stuff. Her brain reminded her, it was probably right but she wasn't going to let herself forget to tell him. As she reached to grab a fork, her eyes continued to try and judge the other two's expressions. After placing some Low Mein in her bowl she began to eat it. Slowly for now in case she had to continue saying something. After taking a few bites, she began fidgeting with the watch that sat over the sleeve of her red plaid shirt.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 23rd 2011, 8:55 pm

Paine was.. confused. She furrowed her brows together, a bit upset at the words coming from Andree's mouth. Why would she be given such information so easily from a stranger, mother or not? Paine stood up, nearly punched a hole in the table, and fumed. An icy essence crawled across her skin as she looked to Andree. Things like this, information that just didn't seem legit, pissed her off. "Bullshit." she spat, eyes narrowing. Her "I'm a nice person" act went out the window, her anger getting the best of her. She shook her head and clenched her left fist, right palm flat against the slightly cracked table top. "Even if she's your mother.. how could she be trusted to even give you that kind of information in the first place? That's fucking ridiculous!" She nearly sent her fist through the table. To stop herself took all of her will power, but she did step back and exhale. "Give me a minute," she said through clenched teeth. She stepped from the kitchen and went upstairs, heading for Rey's bedroom. It was not only messy with his clothes, now, but with some of Paine's clothes as well. She walked toward the bed and just sat, facing the window. She was not pleased at this moment. Information like that was nothing to just go spreading around. It was seriously pissing her off. How could Andree be trusted by the "good" side, if she's been given information simply by being the supposed child of a villain?

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 23rd 2011, 10:55 pm

Rey listens to what she says letting everything sink in and then clenching his fists as he hears the name of Elena Marie, the one name he could have gone without hearing for quite some time but also the one name he expected to hear the most. He goes to answer Andree but is interrupted by the outburst displayed by Becca which only makes him sigh and shake his head before remembering he needs to answer what was said. "Thank you for the information Andrew, I do not want this to be true but I will inform the rest of the Phantoms of what you just told me, we will make sure none of this comes to pass.... Now if you don't mind I think I should go check up on Rebecca, I'll be down shortly." He mummers running a hand through his hair as he runs up stairs walking up behind her and sitting on the bed behind her, arms wrapped around her. " Hey you alright Becca?" He mummers

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 23rd 2011, 11:22 pm

Taken aback by the outburst presented by Rebecca, Andree sat in silence until she stormed out of the room. "Was it something I said?" She asked, looking to her Dad before he too went upstairs. Maybe I should just go, it's my fault she's freaking out now. Why is she freaking out anyways? I said what I heard, was it wrong to relay this information? No. Maybe it just wasn't the best time to bring it up. Maybe I should have just told my Dad in private. She's Pain's daughter I thought she would tell him. It's all my fault, I got her angry. Why is she angry? She asked herself, confused. The same questions just kept bouncing back phrased differently. It was all lost on her, nothing made sense right now. Looking down at the table, she sunk her face into her hands out of confusion. A few tears dripped down her face, sad that she had made Rebecca so angry. Should I apologize? She asked herself as she wiped the tears off of her cheeks.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 23rd 2011, 11:33 pm

It was never really in Becca's nature to give any kind of fuck about anyone. But, she fell for Rey. She fell hard. She hadn't told him those three little words yet, but she knew she could find a way to show him that she had some kind of love for him. Was it wrong for her to ignore Andree's perfectly good information? Yes. Should Paine have reacted that way? Well, part of her brain was thinking yes, the other no. Becca wasn't sure if she could trust Andree, so of course her anger was going to get the best of her. She was a bit upset, most of all, because Paine was told by Rey that "The Huntress" was Andree's mom, so if Paine were to ever meet up with The Huntress, then she was supposed to over look the woman.

At the mention of Elena Marie, Becca remembered back to Sean. That was his mom, if she was correct, and his mom was an evil witch of some sort. She was a bit fuzzy on the thought, but she thought she was right.. maybe Elena was a good guy. She couldn't really remember. When Rey came in and wrapped his arms around of her, she just sunk back into him, calmer now. "I'm sorry.. Let me talk to her for a minute, okay? I shouldn't have acted like a kid. I mean, I am one, sort of, but.. I have responsibilities.. I should be a bit more nice, right?" She rose a brow and looked back toward Rey, giving him a soft smile. She kissed his cheek, then his lips, and stepped away, slipping from his embrace.

"Just give us a minute to talk, all right?" She rubbed his cheek with her fingertips, exiting the room to take the stairs by two. "Andree? You still here?" she asked, walking into the kitchen to see a tear streaked face. Paine was crushed at that moment. She frowned and walked to sit beside of Andree, not in front of her. She leaned on the table, her elbow as a prop. "Look, I know I was overly mean just then. I'm sorry. But, look at it from my point of view. I barely know you, I know Huntress as your mom, and I cannot remember if Elena is a good or bad person.. but, based on the information you gave, she's obviously bad..

And, come to think of it, your information can be validated.. But, things like this just seem off to me. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, so quit crying, will ya?"
Paine rose a brow and looked at Andree, giving her a sort of puppy dog face. She then smiled and bumped the girl in her shoulder with her fist. "So, should your dad come back down now? Or would you like to ask me a few questions?" She was being serious right now. She would answer any and all of Andree's questions as honestly as possible.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 24th 2011, 12:05 am

"Sorry I'm breaking down like this. I've never been good with emotions. You didn't make me feel bad, as I said I'm just bad with emotions. You made me confused. And when the confusion relates to emotions such as this, I'm not good at handling it." Andree spilled, it was true she was terrible at this sort of thing. In fact, she wished that she didn't have these emotions, or at least that they were not as uncontrollable. Wiping her face so there were no more tears lining them she said to Rebecca "No, I don't have anything to ask you. Do you have anything to ask me?" Hoping it didn't come off rude in any way, she continued to remove the last bit of tears on her cheeks. Thinking about it, she was a bit sad but not enough that she was going to admit it to anyone, ever. Waiting to see if Rebecca had any questions for her, she looked back up from the table and to Rebecca, she had a habit of avoiding peoples eyes. Well, hasn't this been a wonderful day? She asked herself silently, still thinking that she should leave and let the couple be by themselves. I'll say I'm going after I see if Rebecca has any questions. The feeling of being unwelcome was still present in the back of her mind, always reminding her of it's presence.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 24th 2011, 12:15 am

Becca nodded and looked toward Andree's plate. Barely touched. She sighed, keeping it inaudible, even to the super-hearing that Andree probably had. She cleared her throat, though, and looked at the girl. Dead in her eye. "All right. I'm going to tell you a few things about me. I'm only nineteen, I'm also foreign to this world, and I too wish I lacked so much emotion. We're kind of alike, Andree. I hate to say it, considering I doubt you'd want to be like me. Being an individual is so much better than attempting to follow someone's shadow..." That made her get quiet. She had been shadowing her father all this time. Paine for a name, exerting strength, trying not to give a fuck, and keeping her emotions under her belt. Two months with Rey and she had lost her will of emotions. She had let herself become a girl. A giggly, google eyed girl. She hadn't even let it affect her. She loved it, the feeling of love, and sometimes the feeling of sadness. It felt good to feel. "You know what? Despite you not knowing how to understand emotions properly, and not wanting to know and understand them, they're good for you. It's good that you cried, it means you care about your dad, and even.. me. Or something like that. I like the fact that you care. It means a lot." Becca gave Andree a reassuring smile, her hand sliding to pat Andree's back, rubbing in a comforting manner.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 24th 2011, 12:41 am

"Well, Individualism is better. But if I had to be a shadow to someone, I wouldn't mind it being you. From what I've seen anyways." Andree told her seriously, smiling a bit. It was true, Rebecca didn't seem to be a bad person in any way that she had exhibited so far. She had lost her temper a bit for a reason that Andree had yet to understand but everyone loses control from time to time. Overall Rebecca seemed to be a nice person. "You said that your foreign to this world; where do you come from? You know where I come from obviously." Her voice was a bit annoyed at the last part of what she said to Rebecca. How many people did he tell about me? She asked herself, making a mental not to ask him that later. Rebecca was patting her back which was odd seeing as the two were the same age. It just felt odd to Andree for her to be comforting her. Usually she would just hide away in her room when she had problems going on. The only way that she was able to make this situation less awkward was to imagine that Rebecca was older than she was.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 24th 2011, 11:26 am

Becca was a bit impressed with Andree's answer. "You heard that, right? She said she wouldn't mind being like you." Paine felt all fuzzy inside, just chuckling a bit. She moved her hand from Andree's back after seeing the girl's own smile. To make this situation feel a bit better, Becca was trying, and trying hard, to picture herself as an older woman, talking to a nineteen year old. "Well, not from Earth. My mom is sort of part of an advanced alien race.. but you better keep this under lock and key. Also.. Just to make a few things clear, Rey had only mentioned where you were from once. So, don't feel as if you've been discussed like some "thing," okay?" Paine gave Andree another smile, one of her hands lifting up to slide a bit of hair from her eyes. She then reached across the table for her plate, grabbing up the chopsticks as well. She then proceeded to eat, popping chicken and noodles into her mouth, chewing it all, and then swallowing. She was still hungry. "Eat up, Andree. I'd like to test you a bit." When Paine said test, she meant fight. Hopefully Andree was up for it.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 24th 2011, 12:46 pm

Rey yawns and lies down on his bed about to go to sleep before he realizes that he should probably go down stairs and see what is going on with them. Although there is no yelling or screaming that might not be good, sometimes silence is worse than yelling in some situations he just has to hope this is not one of those situations. Groaning he gets off his bed and stretches a little bit, running his hand through his hair, before standing up and starting to walk out of his room. Only to then trip over an article of clothing and land face first into one of Becca’s ahh…unmentionables , though usually it would have been funny but seeing as how it got all tangled up and in his mouth somehow it was not. He stands up and spits it out making an odd face before shaking his head and walking down stairs, “Becca….I think I’m going to clean my room sometime this week, mind cleaning your stuff up when I do?” He mutters walking into the kitchen and then hearing what was suggested by her and raises an eye brow leaning against the wall, “what kind of test is that exactly Paine?”

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 3 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 24th 2011, 12:49 pm

"I wouldnt tell a soul." Andree told Rebecca, she wasnt about to go spilling someones secrets. Alien, huh? Wonder which planet is inhabited by a species with such similarities to Humans. Rebecca went on to confirm that she had not been talked about as an object, just a mention. After starting to eat her food as Rebecca told her she asked herself Wait a moment, test? Ive been through school, do I really need more tests? Hopefully its a different kind of test. The only type of test that really requires eating is a physical exam. Guess it may be one of those. Eating her Low Mien and some chicken, Andree continued to try and figure out what was going through the other girls mind right now. [color=black]"Cleaning, I should probably get around to that. Sometime. Maybe."

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Post by Paine December 24th 2011, 1:04 pm

"You look like you just woke up, and yeah, I'll pick up my junk," she said to Rey, giving him a smile. She finished her plate and scarfed down her soup, then ate an eggroll. Finishing up, she walked to the sink, rinsed her dishes, and placed them into the dish washer to run later. She stretched, moving her hands above her head to crack her knuckles. She then rolled her neck and arched her back, cracking her neck and spine some as well. She then let a sigh of relief pass her lips as she turned toward Rey. "If Andree is up to it," Becca said, looking toward Andree, "Then we'll have a little sparring match." She grinned and placed her hands on her hips, standing there in all her five feet six inches of glorification. Her strength, durability, and ice powers were an advantage. She would attempt to go easy on the girl, sticking to basic hand to hand.

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