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Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI)

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Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI) Empty Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI)

Post by Edge September 13th 2012, 9:10 pm

It was a regular day for Edge. He spent all of his time roaming around unexplored areas, searching for any leads to help him be able to fix his mission files. It was a tedious effort, but his protocol half dictated his choice of action. Extremely high intelligence meant nothing when you weren't able to apply it. Edge was dilligent in his search, though he wished that it wouldn't be the same thing every day. Each day he would generate a different disguise to use, get out and roam the streets that he had memorized in his head, and look for anything that might help him. Every time he went searching he would always find nothing. Every time he found nothing meant that he would start over from scratch the next day. There was nothing more boring than being forced to go through the same routine every day. How could many people do things like this every day? Today Edge's disguise composed of a look that greatly resembled himself. He had short silvery hair with green eyes, and had the same kind of build that he normally had.

A sound penetrated Edge's ears. It was a very distinct ringing that he wouldn't ever be able to mistake. It was the ringing of an alarm. Edge identified the pitch and frequency of it, and was able to match it up with a Bank of America alarm within the area. The alarm was accompanied by what he knew to be gunshots, probably 9 millimeter rounds. This was all Edge needed before he took off with the only destination being the bank. It was only about a mile away, taking him a little more than 30 seconds to reach the outside area where he confronted the perpetrators.

There were three of them holding small firearms and large bags of money. Two were male and one were female. Edge was able to get a reading of their vitals, each with incredible speed that seemed to be able to match his. They also had strength that surpassed Edge's. He was unable to tell if they had some other extraordinary power, but didn't want to take the chance. The female had short red hair and was only about 5'5, but had an extremely muscular build like the other two. The first male was around 5'10 and had spiky brown hair. The second male, who seemed to be leading the three, was around 5'8 with medium length blonde hair. Without so much as a second of hesitation, the leader aimed his gun at Edge and fired twice at his abdomen. A simple gun would do nothing against the caliber of fighter that Edge had become.

Edge moved to the left with a blinding reaction time, moving just as the man pulled his finger back to fire the gun. Shocked, the man decided that it would be best to just try to escape, not wanting to waste any time or ammunition. As the three started to make their escape, Edge caught a glimpse inside of the bank and received many readings on the vitals of those inside. Seventeen were dead including two children. None were alive. The part of Edge that retained his old characteristics wanted to yell out in rage and tear apart the criminals limb by limb. The cybernetic part of Edge simply deduced that these men were criminals and they must be subdued. Edge took off, chasing after the criminals.
Criminal Grids:

Edge/ Edge's Items

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2012-08-26

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Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI) Empty Re: Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI)

Post by A.I. September 16th 2012, 12:50 am

It had been just three days since the inter-dimensional incident that had put the entire world at risk yet again. The attack took a toll on everyone, with deaths numbering in the thousands. A.I. was out patrolling the streets, weaving his K-66 Raptor motorcycle through traffic. He wore his usual white collared shirt, trench coat, and pants with no shoes. He looked back on the events that had transpired and sighed. Though they had come out victorious, in the end it was bittersweet. The city had taken yet another great toll, and people were lost that could never be replaced.

The longer A.I. thought, the more upset he became. Of course, he wouldn't let that affect him in the field. Or at least he hoped. Suddenly, A.I. heard an alarm from a nearby bank, a distraction he was thankful for. As he quickly made his way to the bank, four people sped past him at superspeed. Surely they were the reason for the alarm. Spinning the bike around, A.I. took off after the suspects.

As A.I. grew closer to the group of bank robbers, he noticed that one of them seemed to be acting aggressively towards the others. "I guess I got some help on this one." he said to himself. There was something he really enjoyed about meeting other heroes. Gabriel pulled the motorcycle up beside their pursuer and waved at him. "Excuse me, from the information I've gathered, it appears you're trying to stop a bank robbery. Would you like assistance?" he said, hopefully loud enough for him to hear.

Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI) Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI) Empty Re: Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI)

Post by Edge September 21st 2012, 1:32 pm

Edge had his rage in check by his programming, unable to lose control of himself. The feeling burnt deep down within him, begging to escape. He wanted to have the thugs crushed under his boot. The computers in his brain began reacting to his emotions quickly, numbing him from any anger he was experiencing. If he could be angry, that would have made him angry. Edge found his serenity again, albeit forced. Strategies started being played out in his head, trying to figure out the best way to take out the criminals before they smartened up and tried to split up. The strength of the thugs would make it harder for him to use his Gungnir to impale their legs with the hook feature. That would just leave them able to swing him around like a rag doll. Edge would have to use his bow perfectly to take them down. He wasn't gaining or losing any ground, but if he wasted time that could allow them to escape.

His hand found the handle of his bow on his back, and he brought the handle out in front of him. Quiver 1, open. His quiver containing his cryogenic arrows opened, and one was removed. To anyone seeing him it would seem as if he were simply pulling weapons out from under his shirt. Quiver 2, close. With that thought the quiver was sealed again. Before Edge sprung into action, he noticed another figure closing in on him. His scans quickly showed him to be inorganic, meaning he was robotic. Edge felt a slight belonging all of a sudden. It was nice to know there were other robotic people out there. The robotic man had asked if Edge wanted any assistance, to which Edge would normally feel indifferent. The circumstances were different though. Aside from him wanting to know more about this robotic man, he also knew he would have trouble capturing the criminals on his own. He gave a slight nod to the android. "If you wish to lend your assistance, then I will not stop you."

Bow, expand. As the handle in his hand started to expand into a full bow, he leaped into the air and pulled the arrow back on the string as it began to form. He turned in the air to assist with pulling the bowstring back. Edge had memorized the rhythmic pattern of the criminal's footsteps. This one was as good as gone. Edge let his arrow fly, heading straight for where he predicted the man's calf to be. Before Edge even hit the ground, he heard the screams of pain erupting from his target. He wasn't going to be up soon. The man lay on the ground, way behind his buddies and the two that were after them now. He dug at his leg, trying to get the arrow out. He couldn't feel a thing, and that only made him scream even more. Liquid nitrogen ran inside of his calf, freezing it completely. The man started to scream around at the people nearby. "Call 911! Call 911!"

Edge was satisfied with his work. He was sure that the man would be able to regain use of his leg in a few days with proper medical attention. From the sound of his screaming it was apparent that it would be on the way. The two remaining criminals looked at each other, noticing their friend who was trailing them was no longer there. Not wanting to share the same fate as him, they turned. They had to get off the streets. The two ran up the stairs leading to a large library, hoping that they would have a better chance indoors and with a few hostages.

Edge stopped outside as the two went through the library. He couldn't go rushing in right behind them. He feared the chances of them opening fire as soon as he went in behind them and possibly killing more civilians. At the same time he didn't want them to start firing at the people inside while they waited. Either way he was at a disadvantage still. The readings he got from their heat signatures told him that they were stopped about 30 feet from the door, possibly waiting for him to walk through and catch him off guard. This was a sticky situation. He would have no problem walking in, avoiding their gunfire, and incapacitating them. Doing that without any unnecessary deaths was the tricky part.

Edge/ Edge's Items

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2012-08-26

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Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI) Empty Re: Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI)

Post by A.I. September 21st 2012, 5:13 pm

"So what's your name?" A.I. said loudly over the sound of the wind whipping past them. The man gave no response, instead pulling out a retractable bow and firing an arrow into the leg of one of the fleeing criminals. Gabriel shot a quick glance at the arrow, admiring the technology behind it. Though something unsettled him. The way this hero pulled weapons out of nowhere was most likely some sort of pocket dimension, but A.I. couldn't be sure. If he was right, and he usually was, this hero had technology beyond this era, which was something A.I. would investigate further after the apprehension of the bank robbers.

The bike skidded to a halt outside the local library, where the two had taken refuge for the time being. A.I. got off his bike, and surveyed the building. There were three exits, two in the back, and the main entrance in the front. His scans showed thirty-seven life signs, two being metahuman. He turned to face the other hero. "I'm going to go in the front and attract their fire. There's a good chance they'll have hostages, so I'm counting on you to come in from the back and take them out from behind." A.I. said calmly. "And remember. There are lives at stake."

A.I. slowly ascended the stairs, allowing time for his new ally to get in position. He approached the doors with his hands up, pushing the door open with his foot. He had to be cautious, these people had already killed countless civilians, and there was nothing stopping them from doing it again. Just as he had suspected, the moment he walked into the room the guns turned to him. "Don't sho-" A.I. managed to say before bullets tore apart his shirt and coat. "Why do I even bother..." he muttered to himself as bullets continued to riddle his clothing. If all went well, in a few seconds these criminals would be unconscious and the fight would be over, giving A.I. some time to get to know his ally.

Come to This Time Often? (Closed to AI) Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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