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Objection! [closed to Ranger]

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Objection! [closed to Ranger] Empty Objection! [closed to Ranger]

Post by Silus July 8th 2014, 5:34 pm

Silus trailed behind the taller man slightly looking up at him. The man had dark skin of an off hue, those of the middle east were common with these. He had dark black hair, a thin frame and a gaunt loo to him. If he had a "tag" he would definitely be called a bean-pole. "Hurry now Silus. Amir don't let him get lost again!" Doctor Alai said with a chuckle, having spoken in Urdu Silus was of course the only word in the sentence that was understandable within the rambling noise. Silus understood what he heard, but he was still so easily lost. He would look up and see the beautiful buildings, or look to a park and watch other children for but a moment before that moment turned into three minutes which developed into a twelve hour search with police and dogs. The smaller child grabbed Silus' wrist and gently tugged on him. Silus nodded and followed, letting himself be lead knowing that otherwise he'd fall victim to curiosity and child-like wonder.  Silus looked to Amir and began to ponder the fact that Amir looked like his father some, but then again he didn't have the same skin tone. Something about Amir's mother being an Indian woman from Indonesia or something. They began to pass the courthouse before he stopped. He noticed something.
   "Silus? Pa-pa, Silus stopped." Amir called. At a first it may have sounded as if Amir was trying to tattle, but in truth it was regarded as a simple, yet somehow more respectful way of saying "Hold up" to his father. Doctor Alai stopped and looked back, seeing Silus' indigo eyes entranced, fixated upon something. He followed the point of view to see a man walking from the courthouse. Silus' eyes widened as he caught a look on his face, a look as if he remembered the man. Doctor Alai immediately rushed over there in a hurried temperament, perhaps coming across as angry. He took Silus by the shoulders and knelt down on a knee. "Silus, what do you see? Do you remember something?" He asked anxiously, this time in perfect English. Silus looked to the good Doctor, and then back to the dirty-blonde male with the same figure and same exact face. He nodded to Doctor Alai and then looked over to the man once more, not sure how to react.  After a moment of hesitation he decided to go for it. Doctor Alai let go as soon as he moved and the young boy took off.
   He charged the man's leg and wrapped around hugging the man, assuming it to be his uncle, after all they were entirely identical. "Uncle Niall I'm sorry!" He said, squeezing and trembling, scared that he would be angry.  Amir and Doctor Alai just sat there in the middle of the side walk across the street watching, until it was safe to pass when they would pursue the little child.

Objection! [closed to Ranger] Lucife10
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Objection! [closed to Ranger] Empty Re: Objection! [closed to Ranger]

Post by The Ranger July 8th 2014, 7:28 pm

It felt good to be back at work doing what he knew was right, fighting the good fight on the side of the law and protecting those that couldn’t protect themselves. Ranger was still a Prosecutor and worked to put those that deserved it behind bars but every now and then he’d go back to his roots and work as a defense attorney for someone who couldn’t afford their own attorney. Sure, most lawyers absolutely hated working these types of cases because usually it meant the State, or Prosecution depending on who was doing the charges, believed they had the case all wrapped up and as well as the fact that they hoped the Lawyer who ‘took’ or rather was given the case would do a half-assed job and they’d get a plea-bargain and the case would never even reach a trial.

Except, Rey wasn’t exactly the type of person to go down without a fight. Sure, he never wanted to know if the person he was defending was innocent of the crime they were accused of or if they did it. To him everyone was human and they all deserved a chance to get a fair sentence for whatever crime they were accused of. Which was also why he never took any case Chicago’s big and rising hero The Ranger had a hand in, or any super hero for that matter. Some people called him strange, others still thought he was a genius for not taking on the cases that had to deal with ‘the monsters who thought they were above the law’. Usually after a case Rey Miller would ponder everything about the case for hours upon hours even sometimes during his extracurricular activities.  

Today however was an exception to that, today the only thing on his mind was food. He hadn’t eaten all day due to the trial, case of robbery that due to illegally obtained evidence by the cops he was able to get the man off. Which he wasn’t too mad about because from what evidence they did collect legally there was no way his client could have been at the-and he was thinking about the case again. Shaking his head he continued outside of the courtroom loosening his tie a tad bit before turning to head to the direction of his favorite pizza place in Chicago. It was the only place that made it New York style and you practically couldn’t find New York style pizza in Chicago anywhere so to him it was practically heaven.

A little road block stopped him from continuing on to his car however when a little kid, no older than maybe ten wrapped himself around Rey’s leg. That wasn’t the only surprising thing to happen though as the next thing the kid shouted out confused him just as much if not more. ‘Uncle Niall?’ Rey didn’t know anyone named that and for that matter he was nobody’s uncle…not anymore at least. Looking down at the kid he scratched the back of his head with one hand “Um, sorry kid but I’m not your Uncle…I don’t even know anyone named Niall; but I can help you-“ he was going to say look for him until he noticed another man and his son, or so Rey thought, walk up as well. “He your kid?” He asked with a sheepish smile.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Objection! [closed to Ranger] Empty Re: Objection! [closed to Ranger]

Post by Silus July 9th 2014, 6:28 pm

"I am so sorry sir. Silus what has gotten into you?" Dr.Alai asked, his voice was demanding, yet somehow remaining kind and caring. My kid? Does he look like he would get stopped by security in an air-port? No he's not mine... The good doctor thought to himself as he smiled at Silus. Silus moved back and he shuffled through his zip-up hoodie's pockets as he quickly withdrew a picture. It was a picture of his father and his uncles, simple enough but it was the only picture in existence of all three of them together. Aramis was on the left, Niall was in the middle and his dad was the one in the gene-tech button up shirt on the right. Zell being easily associated as the CEO was something that took Dr.Alai some getting used to, especially when it came to keeping your boss' child a secret from him.
      "B-b-but  he-he's gotta be..he looks just like him!" Silus protested, looking to the picture and then back at Rey. Amir peered over Silus' shoulder and his eyes widened as he nodded, saying something in his native tongue to his father. Silus then held the picture up to Rey as if he thought he was still Niall. "See! That's you with my daddy, he runs the big genetic place! There's uncle Aramis too..." He said. It was obvious why the child got confused, Rey and this Niall were nearly identical to the very detail. Dr.Alai sighed and placed a hand on Silus' head, letting the worked up child expend his energy... he had been doing this single-parent thing for far too long to argue with an energetic child.

Objection! [closed to Ranger] Lucife10
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Objection! [closed to Ranger] Empty Re: Objection! [closed to Ranger]

Post by The Ranger July 9th 2014, 9:14 pm

“No, it is fine don’t worry about it.” Rey replied to the man wondering what exactly could be going through the kid’s head to make him believe he was is uncle…Niall; whomever that was. Part of him wanted to leave and go about his ways off to his lunch. However the other part of him was telling him to stay and listen to the little kid’s story as there was nothing wrong with humoring the kid and listening to what he had to say. When he pulled a picture out of his pocket and the three started to look at it their expressions slowly turned to what could be recognized as that of surprise. That of course only confused the lawyer more than he already was and it only got worse when the kid showed him the picture.

Looking at the man in the middle whom the kid, Silus was what the older man called him, believed to be his uncle looked exactly like Rey himself did. Blinking and rubbing his eyes to clear them of any dirt he laughed a little before answering the kid. “Well, your uncle does look exactly like me; which is very odd indeed but I’m not him my name is Rey Miller I’m a Lawyer here at the court house.” He would say pointing back to the big building behind them. He wasn’t sure the kid would believe him, in fact he doubted the kid would believe him. But hopefully with the name drop the parental figure, his other uncle it seemed, would have heard of him if he lived in Chicago for a while. Or hell if he turned on his tv at all after the New York Assault and during the Doctor Cosmos Case…but he could only hope the man would be able to convince the kid.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Objection! [closed to Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Objection! [closed to Ranger] Empty Re: Objection! [closed to Ranger]

Post by Silus July 9th 2014, 9:39 pm

Unfortunately for Rey, Silus wasn't alive for any of that. Yay for bullshit magic and child-conception! Silus thought for a moment that it was just the man playing with him, but he noticed something different. Something that Niall had that Rey did not. The accent. Niall was never able to kick his accent, unless he mastered it nigh-instantly since when Silus "died" two months ago. If this had been Niall there would have been more crying, more scolding of Silus for his deception. His heart sank, and he felt awkward putting Rey in the situation he was in. Silus shook his head and sighed as he took the picture back.

"Oh...sorry Mister Miller...I-you just look..." Silus stammered, obviously embarrassed. He stepped back, bright red, wanting to just disappear for randomly hugging a stranger's leg. Amir put a hand on his shoulder and shook him slightly. Hidden to Amir and Silus both, his unknown pathokinetic abilities taking full effect and calming the embarrassed child while Doctor Alai stepped forward.

"Wait a moment. Mister Millar. You are the same as the one who was tied in with the New York Assault, yes?" He asked, the question seeming rhetorical in nature. Proving so when he continued on. Doctor Alai smirked and nodded as he took the picture from Silus and pointed to Zell. "This man. Zell Atterrius, he runs Gene-Tech the worlds leading corporation in genetic engineering and experimentation. Do you have any idea where we could find this man?" Doctor Alai asked, hoping that reputable character kept some form of hidden society or a hidden spider-web of connections. This was not always true, but Alai was a suspicious man... not that it was always a bad thing.

"Pa-pa I thought you said lawyers were the devils agents?" Amir asked, rather loudly. Doctor Alai chuckled and shook his head. "No I thought he said that was tax-collectors." "Does that make the leader of this country the devil?"

"Boys not the time!" Doctor Alai snipped at them before turning to Rey once more. "My apologies." He said, for the boys so rudely over-talking his and Rey's conversation.

Objection! [closed to Ranger] Lucife10
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Objection! [closed to Ranger] Empty Re: Objection! [closed to Ranger]

Post by The Ranger July 9th 2014, 10:27 pm

Rey nodded his head when the man asked if he was the one who was tied in with the New York Assault. He had of course been a part of the legal teams that set out to take down everyone involved in allowing the New York Assault to happen. In his mind, putting anyone and everyone involved with Project Perfection behind bars was at least somewhat of a stab at them. It was the only thing he could do for Rebecca, and it was probably not enough but he had of course at least tried. When the man continued on, once again showing him the picture Rey raised an eyebrow wondering what he was supposed to do with the information. Of course had had heard about the man, and kept an eye on them as well…

Someone with that much power at their disposal and in the same field of research as Project Perfection had been in? You could bet your ass he kept watch over everything he could that had been going on there, publicly as well as not so publicly. However recently he had lost his ‘connections’ into the goings on of their Local Chicago branch where he had last gotten reports of the man. Which made him feel a little bad for not being able to help these people out any more than telling them what they probably already knew. “I d-”he began before being of course cut off by the little kids who threw in their own two cents about how Lawyers and tax-collectors were the agents of the devil.

Chuckling a little bit at the banter between the two kids and shook his head when the Doctor apologized. “No need to be sorry it’s quite alright. However Mr. Silus, I am not an agent of the devil, I’m a Defense Attorney,” mostly he thought to himself “I defend people who can’t defend themselves in court.” Getting back on track however he looked back over to the Doctor. “No, I don’t know where he is but the Corporation, Gene-Tech, does have a lab stationed here in Chicago. I could show you where it is, or take you if you’d like? My car is right over there.” He pointed to the right over at the red Ferrari Enzo. “That is if you don’t already know where it is.” He wasn’t sure they’d take the offer of if he was any help at all, but he tried.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Objection! [closed to Ranger] Empty Re: Objection! [closed to Ranger]

Post by Silus July 12th 2014, 2:49 pm

Silus heard about Gene-Tech and he wanted to run. But not because of their experiments. Silus knew that as long as Zell was the head of the show No monsters like me will ever be created. Ever again. or that's what Zell said anyway. Granted his huge donations and the like to random charity and his charisma made him a bit of a suspicious character in it's own right, so no wonder some people thought he was up to something, especially after it was revealed he was the exo-suit user in Canada that detained meta-humans for the authorities.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you...a thousand times." He said, earnestly thankful for the fact Rey seemed to be a genuinely good hearted person. Amir smiled and Silus did too, more out of obligation however. His mind began to wander. What if they took him to Mike? Mike would kill him...literally. His own brother by full blood hated him, what would the rest of them think when they found out he was hiding? He nodded to Rey with a little happy hum. Before they actually got to far, Silus had a stray thought cross his little mind. This man was a defense attorney? He defended people who couldn't defend themselves right? What about all the meta-humans? Did he protect them? The world was full of hate for them, only few were tolerated, even less were loved.

"Mister Miller?" He'd start the question and only half way think it through, eventually bringing to the conversation an interesting question. "Do you defend metahumans too? Or don't you like them?" He asked. Dr.Alai sighed, patience with the young male wearing thinner than twine. "Silus that is not your business. Just be thankful the man is helping us." He said to the boy as he looked out the window. Silus still looking to ray with his typical indigo colored eyes.

Objection! [closed to Ranger] Lucife10
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