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The Ranger(DONE)

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Ranger May 13th 2011, 10:36 pm

Rey Miller The Ranger
“Everyone says that if Super Heroes had tried harder or if they weren’t there in the first place everything would have been different. I don’t believe that I believe that we did the best we could we just weren’t good enough that time. We weren’t as organized as the enemy and that is what cost us, that’s what did us in. We believed we were better than everyone else because of our powers and couldn’t die, it wasn’t till after Doctor Necrodium dropped the ship on New York that everyone saw the truth. We are simply human.”

Basic Biography

Real Name: Rey Miller
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Ranger
Title: The King of Stealth, Robin Hood's Rebirth, The Crimson Archer, Atlanta's Savior
Alignment: Lawful Good/The Phantoms/Leader or Knightwatch
Age: 23
Hair:Dirty Blonde
Blood type:A

The Looks


Minus the eyepatch of course and with the facial features of his character apperacne

The Legacy

Rey, or The Ranger, keeps to himself mostly though if you get to know him he is very talkative. He loves animals and nature, though he is not a vegetarian and loves to eat meat and drink coffe with honey in it.He believes that their is good in all of us even if it's deep down, because of this he will try to bring it out and make the person see this as well. The Ranger is a defender of the week and the poor, he hates to see those who are not as well off as others beatean or abused just because they can't either defend their selves or don't have the money to do things that normal people can do. He can be very sarcastic and mean,or stern looking unless you know him; though if you do get to know him he is a very kind hearted person, nice, funny,and an amazing singer.

Rey lived in a average house in atlanta georgia till he turned sixteen which was when he discovered his powers and started training with them for good. He was an A student at school, captin of his hockey team and starting goalie on his lacrosse team. For some odd reason he loved to train with bows and arrowsm he was on the school archery team and was an amazing shot never missing the bullzeye once. At school he was sorta popular but not that popular.

Rey lived an average life struggling and fighting with his sister, he had always been smarter than the other kids in his grade but never truly sought to exceed in the educational world. He was a fighter, a jock, and he knew it but when he turned fifteen everything changed. When he turned fifteen his parents were shot down right before his eyes by a mundane thief, or so he thought. He was left in Georgia to finish his high school career while his sister was shipped off to Buffalo, New York with the rest of hs family. On that day he vowed he wouldn't let anyone else in his life fall victim to this sort of pain. He trained himself in archery and tried tOo perfect his new found powers of superhuman speed and invisibility.

By the time he was nineteen he had lost all contact with his sister, she had run away from their grandparents' house only a year before.
This of course shattered his fragile lawyer's mind but he kept a straight face on in his persona as Reu Miller, only to let the true face show when he dawned his hood as The Ranger. He started off as a small time hero in Atlanta, and lawyer too, but soon rose up to become the greatest and most well known hero, and lawyer, in Georgia. It was during his first year as a hero that he met the man who killed his parents. After four long years he came face to face with Phillip James, the lackie of Elena Marie Collin. At this meeting he would have defeated him had not The Huntress interfered and stoped the fight from proceeding.

Later on that year he once again met The Huntress on the same park and would have defeated her too had Elena herself not stepped in and told him more about the infamous Phantoms in Chicago. Taking leave the next week he ended up in Chicago while still trying to make a name for himself, bring Philip to justice, and find his sister. For the third and final time he ran into Elena Marie and her goons, at this instance he and The Black Arrow took out the group of them with Phillip James losing his life, Elena getting away, and Huntress being captured. Upon interrogating Theresa Thames, Huntress, she escaped G.U.N. Prision because of the random appearance of Andree Miller. A girl claiming to be their daughter from the future. It took him a while to believe this, and even had to have his fiancé Rebecca 'O Day convince him she was before he called her daughter. He has not seen her sense the last day she came to his house. Upon the start of the New York Assult the only things on his mind were te safety of Andree, Paine, his family in Buffalo and his sister if she was in te area. Yet, of course Paine died and now he has nearly lost it being tr most depressed he has felt in a while.
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The Powers

Power 1: Rey has superhuman intelligence, a mind that far surpasses even Albert Einstein

Power 2:Rey has the ability of superhuman speed able to move at speeds far faster than what most cars are able excel at

Power 3:Rey has inhuman reaction time able to dodge a multitude of bullets with ease.

Power 4: Rey, or Ranger, has Enhanced Vision. He truly can see like a hawk. With 20/2 vision he can see a mouse from a mile a way. This is because his eyes , like a bird of prey, are adapted to see in front and on the side by having two fovea. This is a part of the pupil that concentrates light and has the most receptors. While most humans only have one he has two and therefore has vision eight times better than that of a normal human.

Power 5:Invisibility: The psionic or ghost-like ability to turn invisible, or unseen, to the human and animal eye. Like most Ghosts he could still give off a heat signature when invisible and if not quite enough, as he isn't a trained expert, heard by one with acute hearing. (This 2 posts with a 2 post cooldown)

Equipment: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The Ranger
Intelligence: 8
Strength: 3
Speed: 8
Durability: 4
Ability: 2/1
Fighting Skills: 9
Wealth: 2

Last edited by The Ranger on June 10th 2013, 8:43 pm; edited 35 times in total
The Ranger
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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Ranger May 15th 2011, 1:08 pm

I saw no rule agiasnt doue posting, but if there is I am sorry.

and i would really like to start roleplaying now....

sooooo I edited what rinne said to change, is there anything else I need to edit in the forum?

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by Pain May 15th 2011, 4:45 pm

Please fix the part of your post that stretches the page out. The portion under his hair has some codes or something to it that do not work and do nothing but stretch the page out. I've never used the hero generator myself, but I do believe there is a way to post the image without the unnecessarily long code.

He also doesn't weigh enough for a man of his height, though I'm not too picky about that, just saying, you may want to change that.

Alright, onto your powers. Now to have two powers, you're gonna have to split your EP points. Camouflage power, I'd say that is 1-2 EP points on it's own, depending on how useful/powerful it is. The fire control, well the amount of EP you spend on that is up to you, but I'd assume you'd want some power behind your EP attacks. So I suggest something like this 5 EP total, 1 EP to (decent) Camo, 4 EP to Fire powers; or 4 total EP and only 3 to Fire powers. See what I'm saying?

No real problems with the application outside of that, just one more question though, you said he discovered his powers at sixteen. So that means he was born with his powers, correct? He technically would not be human then.

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Ranger May 15th 2011, 4:57 pm

fixed it kinda...i think
and the powers i was thinking 2-2 for both of them?
The Ranger
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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Ranger May 15th 2011, 5:39 pm

oh and the weight 5'9" right now and i weigh 130 so its possible...

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by Pain May 15th 2011, 6:46 pm

Well that works, but it would mean you only have 2 EP worth of firepower. You'd be outclassed by most EP users.

Possible, but unlikely for a superhuman of 4 STR.

If that's what you want, then there's not a problem. What color would you like for your grid?
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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Ranger May 15th 2011, 6:48 pm

hmm then i guess its 1-3 (camo,firepower) even though he usually just uses his bows and arrows...

true...i'll change it to about 200 then...

and red and black please
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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by Pain May 15th 2011, 9:26 pm

Grid added. Approved.

Fire Power - 3 EP

Camo - 1 EP
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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by Ember_Fangs August 28th 2011, 2:06 pm

Unapproved as requested.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Ranger August 28th 2011, 2:34 pm

Thanks Ember, and I made the edits I wanted to make (added onto his personality/history. Got rid of his fire power, tweaked his grid a bit to go along with getting rid of said power and he is a year older now)

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by Ember_Fangs August 28th 2011, 2:39 pm

I'd say you needed 2 EP for your invisibility.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Ranger August 28th 2011, 2:42 pm

yea I kinda figured that I might but It was only 1 before...I'll give it a two though.

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The Ranger
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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Black Arrow August 28th 2011, 3:17 pm

"Power Grid:
Dur:2(with out his bulletproof vest on)

You're not allowed to wear a 'bulletproof vest', because it messes with out system. You can't have low durability then try to make up for it by making a piece of armor that constantly gives you higher endurance, because you'd practically be going over our point limit and be starting out with 24-25 points. With your INT you can have armor, but if you do it has to have some drawbacks, and some kind of cool-down system.

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Ranger August 28th 2011, 3:21 pm

okay then it'll just be two I don't mind really I just put that there because on his app for his equipment he has a bulletproof vest though I assume I'll have to take that part out as well, which I'm perfectly fine with it was just a random idea I had anyway.

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

Post by The Black Arrow August 28th 2011, 3:34 pm

Alright cool, thanks for understanding Spidey

Now, are you finished with all the edits you wanted to make?

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The Ranger(DONE) Empty Re: The Ranger(DONE)

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