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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 15th 2011, 8:58 pm

"Thank you." Andree said to her mother as she said that she would consider her plea. "I am interested. I never met them and you avoided the topic whenever you could. Thanksgiving, Christmas, any time we visited New York." She told her. It was true, she was curious especially when she was little. She had always wondered why they were never at Christmas, why they never came to Thanksgiving and why they wouldnt see them in New York. Satisfyingly, she licked the delicious Ice Cream cone. The sweet aroma of the chocolate filled her nostrils as she did so. "Why did you hide them?" Her eyes were gazing into her mothers as she asked the question she never dared to ask before.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 18th 2011, 5:49 pm

"There are many things I could tell you about them, none good. They are a family of self serving cutthroats, who take what they want with no regard for others. Had little care for any member who couldn't perform the arts of magic, including myself. Was lucky I wasn't thrown onto the streets when I was young. and I doubt they would care much for you if you met them, unless you have any sort of magic talent." She finished off her ice cream."They've killed before, I suppose I was just following a legacy. Though i'm sick of it now." her eyebrows nitted tightly, as she tapped a nail against the the table in a rythmic pattern ."I assume they may even be the cause of a serious threat to many people of New York, if not the whole world." She added cryptically."That is why you have never met them, most likely. Maybe that, or I just hate them. It's one of the two."

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 0M6YA
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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 18th 2011, 6:07 pm

"Well that sucks Mom." Andree responded to the first thing her mother said. Well,that sucks. Yeah, thats going to help. She thought to herself sarcastically. "Yeah, no magic here." Muttered Andree under her breath as she went back to licking her ice cream and hearing her mother talk. Sick of it? Hopefully She is done with it soon. "Serious threat to the people of New York? What do you mean? If you know that your family is going to do something awful soon, cant you help stop it? She interrogated, listening intently to what she had to say. "I understand what thats like." Andree told her, referring to hating people. "Just not my own family."

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 19th 2011, 3:37 pm

"From what I know they aren't planning anything, though they may be the cause of it. A massive magical attack on a section of New York, and possibly other cities." These words came out of her mouth from a part of her mind that was locked tightly. As if something she had forgotten came back in a rush that overcame her very being. What did it mean, and where did these memories come from? The one closest to the surface came at her like a wave that threatened to pull her under.

" Can't wait to see you too dear." The voice was filed with so much loved that she was bewildered by the power of it. The person she was meant to kill today, by order of her dear mother. She was clad in simple leather, with a mask for no reason other than her own preference. The gun was clamped tightly with lithe fingers, as she waited silently for the woman in question to walk into view. The woman known as Elena Marie, her target. The one she was supposed to hate with all her being, yet she felt no hate. It was an order, and she complied. The woman walked into her kitchen, whirling as she did so. Till her eyes fell upon the assassin who had gun aimed."Who the hell are you?!?" She demanded preparing a spell, but the gun was quicker.

She was the cause of Elena Marie, and no one else. Whatever happened from her hand was in a way, all her fault.

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 0M6YA
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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 19th 2011, 4:05 pm

"So not pre meditated? That's unfortunate as it makes it much easier to stop. Though, even random is not truly random, there is always some sort of pattern involved." Andree said. It was true, there was really no such thing as complete random, at least not in her experience and research. There was always some sort of pattern, no matter how out there it may seem. A magical attack on New York? She made note to warn someone about that later. One of the Phantoms, they probably had communication with the other groups and would warn them too.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 19th 2011, 4:14 pm

"Its premeditated, just not by them. They were just the catalyst of this. The one performing this is named Elena Marie, though I can't say exactly what she is planning, or who it will affect. So i'm not sure if we can counteract it without prior knowledge of what her magic will do." She explained resting her face upon her palms, gauging her daughters expression to see if she had anything to say in return to that. "I would suggest to see if your father, and his friends know anything about this. Though I doubt they can give you any information of importance."

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 0M6YA
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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 19th 2011, 4:45 pm

"Oh, I see. I've heard of her." Andree muttered before letting her Mom continue. "I was already planning on telling them." Her fingers were making a wave on the table. Up and down, up an down in a synchronized motion. They might not know anything about this attack but I am sure they would like to. Maybe they know what Elena Marie is capable of. She thought to herself hopefully.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 19th 2011, 5:57 pm

"I have to go now. Theres much to be done with this.... decision made to day." She pulled a small scrap of paper, writing down a number on in blue ink."If you ever need me, just dial this number, and i'll be there as time permits." She smiled at her daughter, someone she wanted to give what she couldn't have. A normal life, though that was impossible, and she knew that. Why did she care so much about her when they only met? It would be smart to keep an eye on her incase any of the psychos roaming the world set their eyes upon them. With a sigh, she stood."You have anything you want to ask before I leave?" If nothing was asked, she would walk out. To work on staying true to her

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) - Page 2 0M6YA
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