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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 9th 2011, 7:52 pm

Andree walked out of the tall, majestic skyscraper and into the concrete jungle of Chicago. The building was that of Chicago Tech, a technology company with military contracts. She had recently gotten a job there. It wasn't too far from her apartment and it allowed her access to materials she "borrowed" for equipment. She made her way past people making their way home from work. It looked like it was about 5:30 but Andree didn't know for sure because she couldn't stand the feeling of a watch against her wrist. Eventually she made it back to the tall, glass structure that was her apartment building. She opened the double doors and made her way to the elevator. A sign hung across the door saying "Elevator closed for maintenance, use the stairs. We apologize for any inconvenience. Yes, because that makes up for walking up twenty flights of stairs. She thought to herself sarcastically as she sprinted at full speed up the stairwell. Much faster than walking up. Turning the key, she entered her apartment. It was small with a bedroom, kitchen and living room but no more room than that. All the rooms were a mess, Andree wasn't an organized person. She went about her usual after work routine, collapsing in bed. This way she got a bit of sleep in before going out for the night. It wasn't like she did anything else. Adjusting to her new lifestyle was a bit tough but she was getting into it, slowly but steadily. As she was about to fall asleep, she could hear her cell phone ringing. "Hello?"

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 9th 2011, 9:02 pm

The phone felt like a weight within her palm as it just lay there unmoving. Though phones didn't move, so it was as it should be. She had followed the woman who identified herself as her daughter ever since she managed to track her down about a month ago. This would eb the day she contacted her daughter, and tried to salvage any relationship she could have with her. Though Theresa had never had the chance to know her daughter, maybe now was as good a chance as any. She had chosen to dress in her civilain clothing, which was composed of simply blue jeans, and a graphic tee. hair faling freely down well sculpted shoulders. A nervous finger flipped the phone open, as she dialed in the number. One thats he had managed to gain after a large amount of recon. Each stroke was precise, as she pressed the green call button. A ring entering her sensative ear, as a voice answered. It was her. "Hello, i'm glad to see you've answered your cell. I know we got off on the wrong foot the last time we met. I just want to make up for what happened. If you are willing to forgive me that is." She tried to keep the nerves form permeating her voice, which worked well."i'm waiting for you in the lobby of your apartment ." She leaned against the wall, eyes looking over the buildings that loomed over Chicago through the glass. Waiting for an answer.

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) 0M6YA
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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 9th 2011, 9:25 pm

"MOM!?! How did you get this number? Oh that's right, you're a killer getting a phone number is easy for you!" Andree snapped at her. Though she hated her right now, she was interested in what she had to say. Great, both my parents have taken an interest in stalking me. She thought to herself at her mother's last comment. Deciding to see if she had anything of value to say, she changed out of her clothes into what she normally would wear. She slipped on her blue jeans, white tank top, red plaid shirt and a pair of sneakers before she sprinted her way down the stairs at fulls speed. Her plaid button up shirt blew behind her over over white tank top. She skidded to a halt about 20 feet away from her mother in the lobby. She pushed up her glasses to avoid them falling off. "What do you want?" She said, an angry expression on her face. She still wasn't happy with her but she had calmed down enough not to just run off on her. Her eyes analyzed her mother. She wasn't wearing the garments she had when Andree had first arrived but instead was wearing normal clothing.

Last edited by Mockingbird on December 9th 2011, 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 9th 2011, 9:36 pm

The reaction was expected, and she tried to keep herself composed through it all. Even though she didn't know her, it still hurt to have that kind of reaction. Maybe with time the rift could be repaired, though for now it was one step at a time. "I just wanted to talk. Is that so wrong for a mother to want to speak with her daughter?" She asked with only the slightest tinge of hurt in her voice. She stood form her slouching position, giving a weak smile as a sort of greeting though it felt as weak as it looked."I was hoping we could talk about it over ice cream." That was just a start, a push in the hope she would accept. Though she steeled herself in case she was denied. There was always a contract that needed to be fulfilled somewhere. Theresa hoped that Andree would take her upon the offer, after all if she was truely her daughter. that also brought up the question of how she got with The Ranger. That zealot with his over heroic ways. Though she did have to admit, he looked pleasing to the eyes.

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) 0M6YA
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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 9th 2011, 9:53 pm

"No, I suppose not." Andree responded to her mothers comment about speaking to her. "Fine." Was her response to Theresa's offer for ice cream. She probably would have said yes and heard her out, she had calmed down that much, but she also had a sweet tooth for ice cream. Smirking, she followed her mom out the door. "Why do you want to talk to me?" She asked her as the sun started to set on the horizon. Her hands pushed her brown and blonde hair back over her perfectly sculpted shoulders. "There is a way out of what you do." She told her. Even though she despised her right now, she would try to help her out of the life she had fallen into. There is always good in people, well, most people. There are a few exceptions, She just hoped her Mom was one of them that did have good in them. If there was a way that she could help, any way at all, she would. "You don't have to do it anymore." There's always a way out.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 9th 2011, 10:16 pm

A pleasant feeling coursed through her body as Andree accepted the offer. She was preparing for otherwise, but this was much better."You're my daughter, I don't want you to hate me. I suppose thats worst than any wound you can suffer." She answered. Though what Andree said next caught her like a car had hit her in the chest. She never really thought of any life except murder, now she was asked to give it all up like that? It was a profound idea, like Lestat realizing that evil like him was outdated. Except she had no crisis that followed in religious zeal. How could she react to such a statement without sounding pure evil, or like an idiot?"I'll try." oh brilliant, that was just the Oscar nomination worthy line. As if i'll try gets anything done these days.

Last edited by The Huntress on December 9th 2011, 10:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) 0M6YA
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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 9th 2011, 10:43 pm

"I wouldn't say I hate you. Hate's a strong word. Dislike might be closer. I hate what you do for a living though." Andree sighed, it was the truth. She couldn't see them getting very close while she is an assassin. Just keep working on it, she might come around eventually. "I don't expect you to give it up but I wish you would." Frowning, she kept walking her hands were fidgeting in her pockets. It was getting cold outside in the windy city of Chicago. Her eyes met her mothers for a quick moment before hers darted back ahead. "Why do you do it? Do enjoy taking lives? Is it the thrill? There are other ways to thrill yourself you know." This was getting a little uncomfortable for Andree but she was tired of not speaking her mind.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 9th 2011, 10:55 pm

She didn't hate her, and that was a plus. Though she continue to drive home with questions like knives in her side. How was she supposed to react to something like that? Oh I see the errors of my way, I want to save people like your father? No she just couldn't when he tried to shoot an arrow in her leg." Does one ever enjoy taking life? To answer that question, no not everyone does, unless you are a sociopath. Its what I was born to do. I'm a hunter, meant to kill .Well thats how I function believing." She shrugged." I know its not "right", but thats how the world is, and i'm too deep to really just stop like that." That much was true in the fact that if she tried to live a normal life, the others would want to take her down for whatever petty reasons they had. After all, she was the best.

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) 0M6YA
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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 9th 2011, 11:11 pm

"Then try hunting animals." Andree suggested to her mother when she told her that she was raised as a hunter. "The reason I am being so relentless with you is because I know you can change. I know that you are better than this. I know you are not just a killer. Because this isn't the Theresa I know; that is how I know you can change." This was the truth. This wasn't like the woman she knew. "I understand that you won't give up your lifestyle now. But I know that you can, and I hope that you will. It takes time to change, I know that from experience, I also know what it is like to not feel welcomed, that no one likes you." I thought you said you weren't going to open up to her.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 9th 2011, 11:23 pm

It was like she was cutting right at the very root of her being. Dammit, she couldn't show emotion. She was The huntress, a cold uncaring killer who slew without remorse. Yet she was reduced almost to the point of weeping. Barely able to contain herself with a mask of uncaring that was growing weaker. She was supposed to be a murderer who killed without a sound, what the hell was this? Her eyes diverted to the ground, as she was unsure what to really say. "I'll try that, i guess." She muttered, though loud enough to be heard by Andree. As the ice cream place came into view. It was a rather friendly looking placed, much to her liking, as well as the selection was amazing.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 9th 2011, 11:41 pm

"That's alI can ask." Andree told her, tears swelling up in her eyes. She wore a pleased expression on her face, maybe she could change her ways. Maybe there was hope for her. "I'm sorry I was so quick to judge you. If I came off as harsh earlier, I was mainly freaked out you were stalking me. Both of my parents stalk me it appears." She gave a breathy laugh. "Though, considering what the two of you do, it shouldn't have been unexpected." They had reached the ice cream place. Well, this place doesn't look so bad I guess. Andree removed her glasses and wiped off some tears from the lenses using her sleeves. The two of them went inside and she allowed her mom to take the lead. She still felt a bit uncomfortable in public. Holy crap. She thought to herself as she saw the name of the place, she had been brought here a couple of times when she was a kid. The place changes a fair bit.

Last edited by Mockingbird on December 10th 2011, 12:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 10th 2011, 12:03 pm

"Pffffffft." She almost laughed out loud. Was she comparing her tot hat goody hero Ranger? Well whatever she wanted to do, though she didn't stalk, just looked after her own daughter. With a brisk stride she walked into the establishment. Choosing the ice cream with the most chocolate possible, since thats what she usually got when coming here. It was a sort of usual she got ever since she was about ten. Satsified she took to dairy treat, enjoying it with relish."So what do you want? it's my treat." She asked to Andree raising an eyebrow, waiting for her to make an order.

Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) 0M6YA
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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 10th 2011, 12:31 pm

"Thanks Mom." Andree said quietly, just so she could hear. She ordered the same as her Mom, which she remembered getting here when she was a kid. Sitting down at a table, she started licking the ice cream cone. "So, what do you want to do. I'm assuming you wanted to talk or do something otherwise I doubt you would have called." She pushed some of the blonde streak of her hair out of her face before continuing to work on the ice cream cone. Her fingers were tapping on the table as they did when she was bored, nervous or she didn't know what to do.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Sparrow December 15th 2011, 8:42 pm

"It was nothing." she replied to the thanks her daughter gave her over the ice cream."I suppose I did want to talk, if you are willing. I'll consider your plea for quitting my line of work. Since it troubles you so." She leaned back, crossing her legs comfortably as she slowly worked over the ice cream cone satisfied. Maybe this was for the best."Also, if I know myself, you don't know anything about my side if the family. I'm sure you are curious about them." Theresa has always been ashamed of her family, so it was a given, though maybe she would be able to predict herself well enough. It was just a hunch, but she hoped it was right.

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Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress) Empty Re: Family Reunion (closed to The Huntress)

Post by Mockingbird December 15th 2011, 8:58 pm

"Thank you." Andree said to her mother as she said that she would consider her plea. "I am interested. I never met them and you avoided the topic whenever you could. Thanksgiving, Christmas, any time we visited New York." She told her. It was true, she was curious especially when she was little. She had always wondered why they were never at Christmas, why they never came to Thanksgiving and why they wouldnt see them in New York. Satisfyingly, she licked the delicious Ice Cream cone. The sweet aroma of the chocolate filled her nostrils as she did so. "Why did you hide them?" Her eyes were gazing into her mothers as she asked the question she never dared to ask before.

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