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Rise of Otac (Open)

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 17th 2011, 2:43 pm

9:00 a.m., the First National World Bank opens on Tuesday, November 5th. The beginning for a new villain, the first raid that will echo throughout New York as a “One-man-Bankrobber”, the first time for Thomas Phanax’s new life as “Otac”. Thomas Phanax walked with a slow stride, as if browsing a grocery store for the best price, but he wasn’t looking for the best place for a loan or a withdraw. He was examining every possibility, flaw, and plan he would go through. Security had heightened due to Terrorist threats; SWAT team members with assault rifles replaced the usual Security Guards. Thomas glanced over a SWAT member standing over a desk and talking to some accountant woman. “Amateurs?” He thought as he walked past a businessperson who was arguing with an accountant about a rejected loan.
The suit he was wearing had the neutral black jacket/pants and white shirt. The suitcase he was carrying had a previous owner, a man who just so happened to cross his path down an alleyway, which was a shortcut to other apartments. The man tripped on a crack and a telekinetic garbage dumpster fell on his back. He grinned at that clever metaphor to superstitious bad luck. The suitcase had some money inside, one hundred and eighty dollars, and a pistol for self-defense. After buying a mask, killing the owner with a well-placed mental blast to the costume storeowner, he was ready to rob a bank. The decision for which bank was difficult. He wanted to do something small but he was going to be a super villain, not a low life thug.
Thomas had noted how the desks were positioned like a military barrack, desks adjacent to other desks, facing the entrance and leading any guests to the front desk. To the left was the path to the vault door, a security checkpoint, making sure those who did not work for the bank would not enter with weapons. To his right was a employee only lounge, a door way unlike the arch that lead to the security checkpoint to the bank vault. He knew what he was going to do. After examining the bank’s security, Thomas knew what to do.
He walked up to the front desk, an old woman smiling at him, and he asked “Where’s the restroom?” The old woman smiled and pointed towards the right side of the room. “It’s behind this wall, next to the elevator.” Thomas smiled back and nodded as a “Thank you”. He walked around the large front desk and behind the wall, where a sign that said restroom over the bathroom door. He walked over to the restroom door and opened it, walking inside. The restroom was empty, perfect. He walked to a bathroom stall and shut it, locking the door. He placed the suitcase on top of the toilet, the lid closed, revealing a pale white mask with grinning lips and blush cheeks. Underneath were a hat and a black cloth to cover his face. Underneath that was a hat and a black haired Whig. He couldn’t afford a suit, so he would have to improvise with erasing any evidence on him. He placed the cloth on his head first, then the mask, then the Whig, until finally his hat, a black fedora.
He picked up the pistol that lay lazily underneath all the objects he had. He walked out of the bathroom, turning the safety off on the pistol, walking around the wall. He looked over at the old woman that had seen his face and image, pointing the pistol, and firing a round through her head. It was the least he could do to her after what he was going to do to the rest of the people. He saw the people flinching at the noise, some bolting for the door while others, such as the SWAT team, pointed at the sound. With one thought, he pushed the desks so that they stacked on the entrance while breaking the windows over the doors, glass falling down only to stop mid-way. The shards sped towards Thomas, cutting through people like they were paper, killing most of the armed guards. The glass stopped as it approached Thomas, falling down on the ground. No one was alive at the entrance, making any witnesses to him entering the bank. He then looked at the camera he had spotted, pointing his pistol at it, ripping it out of the wall with one thought. The camera’s in the room were torn apart by his thought while he lifted the front desk with his mind, barricading the employee doorway as the other SWAT team ran from the security check point to the entrance. “Gentlemen,” Thomas said, his voice changed to a calm tone. “You should have stayed home.”

Thomas walked through the security checkpoint, tossing the gun aside as he didn’t need it, his gloves preventing any fingerprints from staining the handle. He walked through the door way that lead to the vault, taking his time. He was waiting for a hero, someone to stop him, in order to have an even more perfect experience as a super villain. The SWAT team that had ran into him were hand cuffed by their own cuffs. Thomas had ripped the handcuffs off of their waists and cuffing their wrists. These were his backup in case he was about to be caught. He could hear the police surrounding the entrance. He walked over to the vault door, thinking on how he would unlock it. His mind spun with ideas until he finally came to a conclusion. He placed his hand on the vault door and focused. The locks broke, the vault knob spun, and opened wide. He walked through, stealing a duffle bag from one of the employees that he took hostage with the SWAT cuffs. He had emptied the contents, work out cloths and shoes, the foul odor of sweat almost making him gag. He walked over to several squares of money and placed them inside the duffle bag, feeling them in order to see if there was a tracker in one of them. He tossed one money stack over his shoulder, the tracker falling out.


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Number of posts : 95
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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper November 17th 2011, 9:42 pm

Little did the man robbing the bank realize, this bank held millions of dollars that belonged to the Vance Family, and that the Vance Family's head businessman/assasin was having a talk with the owner of the bank. Richter Desmond was quite unhappy today, for the forth time in a month his drug deals were stopped by the Crime Reaper, his deal with the LA gangs had fallen through, costing him millions in revenue and just now he had an arguement with the bank owner; who was threatening to give the Family to the FBI over some "Bank Fees" (He wanted a kilo of coke for free), Richter had just savagely beaten the man and was storming out.

Richter Desmond
"Seriously?!? A fucking kilo? Who the fuck do these people think they are?

Richter hopped in the elevator, he didnt cover his face not realizing that a woman was in the elevator with him.

The woman stared at him and her eyes filled with tears as she turned a sickly green.

Richter Desmond
"Yeah, elevators make me sick sometimes too hehe."

The woman threw up in the elevator

Richter Desmond
"such insensitivity, your lucky you a woman or I'd add you to my fashion catalogue."

the woman fainted in the elevator, landing in the puddle of vomit she had just made, Richter opens up the womans purse then pulls out her ID and writes her name and address down.

Richter Desmond
"Il pick you up at 9 sweetcheeks."

Ding! the elevator reaches the ground floor.

Richter sees the robbery taking place and is wondering if he could leave without a getting involved, as much as he likes a good fight he just doesnt seem in the mood for it at this point. Of course he is armed with a Taurus Judge (a revolver that shoots .410 bore shotgun shells) and a micro uzi machine pistol, and is more than capable of Hand to Hand combat but he just wanted to go back to his penthouse and eat lunch, maybe watch Casino with Robert Deniro and if he has time he can design a new flesh mask for the day after.

Richter Desmond
"Ugh, this is just what i fucking need on my day off. Excuse me! Mr bank robber, i was wondering if you could let me leave before your done robbing the place. "

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 19th 2011, 12:50 pm

Otac stiffened as he heard a voice appear behind him. He thought he had incapacitated most of the civilians. He was going to have to either kill this intruder or just try to escape. He picked up the dufflebag and turned around, slinging it over his shoulders, unprepared for the sight he was going to behold. He saw the horrid look of exposed tissue and bone, deciding that this was no ordinary citizens. He remembered rumors and stories about a "Patch-work man" from Cato but he had always thought he was just crazy. That was the only thing he took back from the old man. "I cannot do that, not yet." Otac said, lifting his hand up to make it seem like he was carrying a bowl. The lockers of the vault door flew open and any object from inside escaped and charged towards this newcomer. If he was going to build a reputation for being a new "Super Villain" why not take out another one.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper November 19th 2011, 8:33 pm

Richter saw the man charging at him and realized he had two choices, choice number 1 was to pull out his uzi and Taurus Judge and fire, or to take a diplomatic approach and attempt to recruit this kid to the Vance Family. He dodged the charging foe and attempted to restrain him.

Richter Desmond
"Kid, you have some impressive abilities, but i must say, if you approach me looking for hand to hand combat, you might aswell take my handgun and shoot yourself. Nobody has ever even knocked me out in a fight, let alone killed me as you can tell hahaha. However i wish not for a fight, I've killed enough people this week, what is it 10? no 15? However, i see a future for you in the Vance Family, maybe we could work something out? "

Richter knew having a partner with telekinetic abilities would come in handy for his battle against the Illuminati, and better yet against Agent West. This kid showed amazing abilities, and if he could open a bank vault, he could open the blast door to the Illuminatis bunker in New England.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 20th 2011, 2:14 am

The items that charged at Richter haulted, a pen stopping an inch away from the patch-work man's skull. The money remained floating as Otac spoke.

"Work? For you? I heard of the Vance Family and how much power they have. An opportunity to work with a crime family does seem like a fiction movie and judging by how you are dressed this 'Crime Family' could make me rich. However, the fact that if I joined just because of my skills, I would be used for my skills, thus making me a tool for larger heists such as this or for mass murder. I don't know that you have seen my work outside, but if you have then you would know that I do more than just break into bank vaults like a child putting a circle peg in a circle hole. I make a Massacre look like a Parade. Thus I conclude by denying your offer and giving you a new one. Join me."

The objects fell down as he dropped his hand, still standing where the table was. The room was filled with a long silence until Otac spoke again.

"You see, if the Vance Family was strong enough, and valued their money more, they would have sent an opponent that is like me. Or would have brought a tank in, now that I would drop on my knees and worship the Vance Family like an idle, but considering that you are standing before me, with weapons I might add," As he said this, the revolver he had left his holster and floated towards Otac, "Imagine if you followed a man who can unlock all doors, shake foundations that your 'Family' could not, and create mass graves to create fear."

The revolver turned slowly towards Otac and, when aimed directly at him, fired. The shell casing released the metal pullets but slowed down as they approached Otac. This was a mere demonstration on what he could do with his powers.


"I can stop bullets with just a thought. Can you imagine what I can do to a building (ooc: Just an analogy, he can't do that)? Will you join me?"


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper November 20th 2011, 3:28 am

Richter was slightly irritated by Otac asking him to join HIM of all people, of course Richter was not going to resort to violence right away, He may be able to negotiate some sort of partnership with this man who had just taken his revolver.

Richter Desmond
"You are quite the negotiator my friend, however i wish not for you to work FOR the Family, but to work WITH the Family. Sure you could rip me apart with your mind, but no matter how much you rip and tear Richter Desmond, He will always be put back together. I have two banks in Boston and Providence that you may HAVE without a fuss if you just help us out for a few days, you will be your own boss, and yes your skills may have got my interest, but you will benefit from this more than anyone else, you will have the reputation as the man who killed the Crime Reaper. Now will you join me in the back room for a drink we can have a little talk. And i know the cops are on there way over, but I can make one phone call and they will dissapear. That my friend is power; A power that can be all yours if you give me five minutes, and i wont even charge for the bullet you just wasted.

Richter began walking to the back room, He then grabbed two security guards and dragged them with him

Richter Desmond
"Il have my boys load up a truck with your money"

He motioned for 4 suited men to start loading the bank vault.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 21st 2011, 2:09 pm

Otac gritted his teeth as his offer was denied but his attitude quickly sank back as he remembered that he was new to this major crime deal. He was about to focus on Richter's forehead when he listened to this deal. An opportunity to work with a famous crime family. He thought for a moment and what seemed to be hours he tossed the dufflebag towards one of the security guards.

"Put this in that truck of yours and bring another bag to fill up. You have a telekinetic genius on your side."

Otac said, dropping the magnum in his hand and walking towards Richter, holding the barrel of the gun and the handle pointing towards Richter.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper November 21st 2011, 11:52 pm

Richter took back his revolver, he opened the cylinder and placed another .410 Bore shotshell where the one was fired by Otac.

Richter Desmond
"You made a very wise choice, you wont regret it. Association with the Vance Family has its perks like a limited immunity to the law; meaning that as long as no lawman sees you commit a crime, your good. You also eat free at various establishments, for example if your ever craving a Big Mac at the times square Mickey D's just ask for the manager and say Sum amicus Mr.Vance, thats latin for I am a friend of Mr.Vance. You also get a company car, stop off at any Lamborogini, BMW or Chevy dealership and say that latin phrase and they will give you any vehicle which you desire. Im not sure if your the weapons type, but here (Hands Otac a business card) go to that address and say the same phrase at the door and you will have a vast choice of weapons, .50 calibre revolvers, military grade rifles and automatics. You get a free handgun of your choosing with the purchase of an M16, AK-47 or any Uzi variant, thats how I got the Judge.

By this time they are in the backroom where there is a bar.

Richter Desmond
"However with any perks, there are obstacles. This makes you a target of the Crime Reaper, He's some punk kid with a healing factor and a shitload of guns, He couldnt kill me though, however he did....scar me...for life. Haha, anyway I would also look out for agents of the Illuminati, especially that Agent West, My suggestion if you run into West is to get the fuck away asap. Pick your poison.

Richter places down a bottle of Rum, Whiskey and Vodka.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 22nd 2011, 12:56 pm

Otac listened to what he was going into. The ability to eat wherever he wanted, to drink wherever he wanted, and the weapons to start an army made him feel gitty inside. He had made a good choice but he was making back up plans in his head before he made the choice. Plans he had locked away within his mind. He sat down at the bar stool and pushed the bottles away. He placed the business card in his suit pocket, forgetting he had it in his hand.

"I will not pick any of these. Not because of the stereotypical commercials with the arrow pointing upwards but because I need to remove my mask in order to drink them. As for the bank robbery that gave me no success in notoriety I guess I will have to settle for plan B"

He took out a smart phone and placed it on the bar counter. There was a red button on the screen that had the letter "B" and his mask in the background. He placed his finger on top of the button and the T.V. that was on at the bar flickered to a figure standing in the shadows.

Otac on T.V.
"Good evening New York and the rest of America. I have hacked the T.V. broadcast in order to tell the United States who I am. Sense my previous action did not work, I have decided to go with a new plan." The Bar began to shake as an ear shattering noise echoed throughout the city, as if a bomb had went off. "If you felt the ground shake in New York City, then that means a missle has landed and destroyed most of central park. A missile owned by Israel was set off and has destroyed Central Park. Mind you, that this was no Israel's fault, but mine. I am Otac, the Younger, and I will be the terror of the world."

The T.V. went back to the normal program and Otac picked up the cellphone and placed it in his suit pocket.

"I'm not just a Telekinetic, but a genius Hacker."


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper November 22nd 2011, 1:36 pm

Richter saw Otacs broadcast, he waited patiently while Otac finished, and then applauded his performance.

RIchter Desmond
"Haha I would have guessed if you didnt have a knack for crime, you would have gotten into broadcasting. You are pretty brilliant kid! hacking is another skill that I lack, hell I had trouble setting up my laptop, Mr.Staples guy told me to leave it with him for preperation, unfourtunatly I punched him out because I didnt know it was a free service. Infact due to that skill I suppose I can throw in a little bonus, before you leave you can visit the safety deposit boxes and take whatever you want. Just stay out of the ones that look like they're for someones kid. I guess you would like to hear a job description, hold on one second.

Richter then grabbed a bottle of over proof rum, He poored it all over his face to disinfect it.

Richter Desmond
"Sorry about that, my face needs to be disinfected every so often, It slows my healing factor. The Vance Family is currently plotting against the Illuminati; A group of superhumans and normal humans who try to regulate people like us! They want to control us! Put us in cages...MAKE US THEIR SLAVES!

Richter slammed his Fist down and regained control

Richter Desmond
"Sorry about that, I always get riled up when I think about them. Anyway the Illuminati is a group who wishes to take all the dangerous and evil superhumans into a facility and either rehabilitate, contain or experiment with. oddly enough the Crime Reaper gets off scot free due to his cooperation, He's killed more people than me! which birngs us to your job; I want you to track down and capture the Crime Reaper for me. Il do the killing. Then i need you to get me and my hired Mercenaries into the Illuminati's facility, where all of our bretheren will be freed. After that if you wish to continue your work with us, we will move to Chigaco to establish the Family there, then onto L.A. Basically the goal is to stop the Illuminati and the Crime Reaper so that we can make our family into a contitent wide empire. Sound like fun?


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Alpha November 22nd 2011, 2:06 pm

It was a simple walk , and a much needed one for someone who had to run a nationwide family. Everytime they had a petty dispute, they came to the head for help. So sometimes she needed a quick rest, so she took a walk in the only place that would give her that. The famous Central Park, where she, and her son had enjoyed many days together. Though that is a story for another time. For even now she didn't give herself a break from her job." I want that shipment sent to my mansion ASAP, no exceptions, and my guard will make sure you don't hold out on me. You know how I hate to be cheated." She clapped her phone closed, as she walked down the sidewalk in a steady pace. It was an average day, with the sound of sirens, probably going after an upstart super villain. Not her place to interfere, when she had to keep her image good. Which is when she heard the sound that was somewhat familiar, as if permeated the air.

Eyes darting up she saw it coming right at her, but it was nothing really. People screamed as they ran, but she stood serenely, as she prepared a lightning fast reaction. Her mind thinking up many possibilities, as she summoned her most useful summon. Two pumpkin bombs that cackled as they rushed to meet the missile, with an insane speed as she summoned another. Her powerful earth spirit, that ducked over her, shielding from the shockwave. The earsplitting boom echoed, as the very ground shook, it could be mistook for an earthquake. When it was all done, the summon faded away, leaving Elena there among the few trees knocked over, and people with minor scratches, one with a gash that could kill him if left unchecked. Elena walked over to him, pulling a pill from her pumpkin motiff headphones, and handed it to him.

"Here, eat it, This will stop the bleeding." She said, handing the transparent pill to him, as he chewed gingerly on it. That was her good deed for the day, now to see who ruined her nice walk."Who the hell did this?!? I want to know, and want their heads on a platter, now!!!" She shouted into a cellphone, after dialing a long sequence of numbers. After a few minutes of listening she nodded."Send the Warrior to me this instant." She said simply, as she heard his rapid approach. The man dressed in black jeans, and a black shirt landing right infront of her. The earpeice in her left ear came to life, as it relayed more information."What do you mean you don't know where he is?!? You have him, and now you don't? Goddamn you people are so useless sometimes, its like I have to do all of this myself!" Though how she panned to do that was beyond her, considering she was not a good hacker in the least, well not the absolute best. Though well enough to trace a signal to its source. Unless they had a way to combat that of course. Now was to hunt them down, as she tapped into a projected screen from a bracelet on her wrist. Till it beeped loudly.

She realized after a few moments it was a pointless venture to try, so she had to try her more efficient method. Some hired muscle always worked. So off to her favorite seedy bar it was. With the destination in mind she had her transport take off, jumping along the roofs, which was more efficient than a car. In about a minute she was infront of the bar, raising an eyebrow."I always love the smell of this place." Which reminded her, she did have a meeting with that family anyway. Stepping in through the door People looking at her, which was justified since she looked about sixteen, and dressed like Halloween. Now to draw out the asshole who almost killed her.

"I want one gin." She said with an icy tone as the man behind her gave a death glare, which made the man after a second of thought listen to her demand."So did anyone see that missile almost hit Central Park? Yeah, the one that almost killed me." She gulped the entire glass down, wiping her lips with a sigh."So i'm out to find out who did it. I am willing to pay whoever finds out one million dollars, so any takers?" She said with a sinister grin, as the men looked at her with a mixture of greed, and wonder. Demanding another drink, as she waited for someone to answer."Also, i'll give two mil if you can bring them alive." She added, knowing that human greed knew no bounds.

(If this isn't okay, i'm willing to delete.)

Rise of Otac (Open) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 23rd 2011, 11:07 pm

((OOC: It's the same bar right?))


"So this, Illuminati, is an organization for goody two shoe people want to enslave others to do their whelm. I might have joined the wrong side if they weren't enslaving villains and crime lords. I will join you and make the Illuminati regret ever creating this little organization but I will need three things. Money, of course, but in cash and not handled by your family. Weapons and I'm not talking about the typical handguns. I want bazookas, grenade launchers, tanks, you know the heavy stuff and then the small guns. Finally I want guys. Specifically Israeli mercenaries and your freshest recruits. The mercs are for me and the recruits are for training."

He was getting excited over this new position in power. His heart was racing with every request. This was it, he was going to become part of a crime family but not an underling like how Cato the Elder treated him. He lifted the whiskey with his mind and placed two shot glasses, one in front of him and the other in front of Richter, the whiskey bottle pouring into both shots and settling down next to Ricther. Otac picked up the glass and lifted it up to Richter.

"By the end of this month, the Illuminati will fall."

He clanged the shot glass and liftted his mask up slightly, letting his mouth and jawline become visible to Richter. He drank the shot glass and placed it back on the table, quickly pulling the mask down. He then heard a voice of a young woman as she demanded who shot the missile and nearly killed her. He grinned at the joke of revealing who did it but he just decided to use a trick to fool cops that had caught him. He threw his voice throughout the bar.

"It was Otac, the Younger. Didn't you see the T.V. program?"


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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper November 24th 2011, 12:25 am

Richter looked at the two people in front of him and responded accordingly

Richter Desmond
"Hmm I'm sorry miss, I do not believe I have the correct answer for that particular question. Now, I should be able to get you most of the things you have requested, however Tanks and Israeli mercs are out of the question, for one we have a strong bond with an anti Israeli millitant group in the middle east, they ship alot of opium and automatic weapons to our boys in Rhode Island, If they found out we were using even the mercs we could be risking a loss of profit and goods, Tanks arent exactly easy to come by these days either and that Agent West would rip them to shreds if we approached with them. However as a compromise for the lack of your preferred mercenaries I am going to be calling in a very very special group of Canadian Mercenaries, You will have to meet them in Toronto, so I hope you have a passport. Don't let the nationality throw you off either, alot of these guys are Ex-Van Doos, Canadian special forces if you didnt know. They are led by a guy named Cryo-Kill, another escaped Illuminati Project who can regenerate, and is able to freeze a full grown elephant solid in 15 seconds. After the job is done I will turn over the contract to you, and I'l try to get you those tanks.

Richter Desmond shot back the whiskey, some of it seeped out of his exposed cheeks, He then handed over a briefcase full of money.

Richter Desmond
" This isnt family money, its from my own pocket. I did a few hits on the side back before I left Boston."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Alpha November 25th 2011, 8:20 pm

"Well my dear, frankly I don't give a damn what he calls himself, because by the time i'm finished with him. All he will be is dead. No over confident supervillain prick is going to try to kill me, and get away with his head attached." He countenance took on an almost feral look to it. Though now she would have to take a little fun for herself. Snapping her finger, a powerful foot slammed into the wall. Knocking it down as if it were nothing, brick crumbling."First thing's first though, this bar has always been an eyesore. So I have decided in my infinite wisdom to..... redecorate." A single grinning pumpkin appeared infront of her, as it cackled madly. Giving off a malevolence that could chill the very blood. With a single point its slammed at an inhuman speed into the roof, exploding loudly with range smoke.

"Next." Two more appeared, and attacked a cluster of people, as they exploded in a show of gore. While she went on her spree, the warrior made quick work on anyone who reached for a cellphone, even for pictures. His swords easily taking them down with little trouble. This was only stress relief until she got what she want.

Rise of Otac (Open) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Rise of Otac (Open) Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 27th 2011, 4:06 pm

Otac pushed the suit case away from him as a sign of him not needing Richter's money. The point is that he had already taken thirty million from the bank in the form of hundred dollar bills and didn't need anymore for some time.

"As long as the mercenaries are trained and the recruits are fresh I will not need further aid. As for contacting me, do not worry, I will contact you."

He stood up as he prepared to leave, ignoring what he assumed was the teenager's threats. But as soon as he saw the gore and the sheer power she wielded his heart wept of jealousy. That was the kind of power he wanted.

"Richter, I think I'm inlove."

He said jokingly as he held his hands out towards Elena. One mental blast, one single thought that manipulated into an invisible projectile, pushing through the gore, blasted towards the pumpkins and Elena, creating a gaping hole the size of a truck through the bar window. The blast wasn't meant to kill but to show what powers he has. He walked through the hole, the dust cleared out as the wind blew, the sky blackened by the missile that had been set off prematurely.

Otac to Elena
"My dear, I believe you have found the perpetrator. Let me introduce myself. I am Otac, the Younger. As for the elder, well, he's dead. Also the missile was meant for Central Park to open a message that will ring out throughout the world, saying 'Otac'."

His heart raced with every word he spoke through his mask his arms held out to a sun that barely showed through the clouds as his madness showed. He lowered his hands and waited for whatever action to happen next.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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