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Elemental Empty Elemental

Post by Elemental November 16th 2011, 11:41 am

Real Name: Tristan Kendrick
Super Hero Name: Elemental
Title: Chemical Hothead
Alignment: Hero, Chaotic Good
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Caucasian, American
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Emerald green
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 225 lbs

Costume Description/Image:
His face is covered with a mask of wood and stone, and the rest of his body is concealed within a body armor made out of vines and rocks, but clearly defined to resemble a power armor. While appearing bulky, it does not appear to hamper his speed or flexibility at all.

Generally a warm and caring person, but not one to reach out by himself, unless he is truly concerned. An introvert, essentially, and a somewhat passive-aggressive person in nature, Tristan doesn't go out of his way to socialize, but while appearing initially to be fierce and even angry, people will find a surprisingly soft-spoken and even friendly personality in the man. He is driven by a strong sense of right and wrong according to his upbringing, though he is not beyond making mistakes or the wrong choices. His worst characteristic is a short fuse, though most of his anger is often reserved to his personal thoughts, it does still affect how he will react to or treat the person that caused him to be angry.

Born a native of Brooklyn, New York, Tristan had a less than privileged life. Suffice to say, it was a miracle that he was not influenced by the gangland lifestyle, drugs, and depravities, despite the fact that he lives smack in the middle of the worst parts of the slums. He was raised by his mother alone, who taught him all the morals and the things in life that would influence his decisions, choices and beliefs. Along with his mother, he and his young friend, Paul, were taken under the wing of local hero, Barry Smith, a man whose hard work and dedication to the revival of the slums were recognized by the poorer communities in which Tristan lived. Barry gave Tristan a direction to look at, to work on, and to devote his passion for. He met Kimberly Denvers around this time, and there were signs of a growing attraction between the two, but they never got to explore their feelings further, when not long after, during a gang shootout, Barry Smith, Kimberly, and many other people were killed.

Tristan experienced an extreme emotional challenge. Though he wanted earnestly right then to avenge the deaths of his loved ones, and make those responsible pay dearly, he was stopped, of all people, by Paul, and of course, his mother. It was the most difficult week in his life so far, but he gradually did relent his thirst for revenge. It did not stop him, however, from making a choice to change his approach to the situation in his community. Unlike his mentor, Barry, Tristan employed a rather extreme method in dealing with crime in the streets. Roping in the assistance of Paul, the two began to clean the Streets of Pain, using an eye-for-an-eye approach, they used shotguns, weapons, and began a vigilante war, though they continued to maintain a no-killing policy. The two began to realize, through trial and error, that they were far more than just lucky to have survived some of the scraps that they did. Their powers had begun to manifest, unique to themselves, and at the time, wholly unpredictable. One day, while driving through the neighbourhood, Tristan met with an accident. His then-a-friend, Lord Irving Crowley, had been eager to recruit Tristan into a secret experiment, called Project Chimaera, ever since learning about his powers, but the latter was reluctant if outright unwilling.

While in critical condition in the ICU, and without his consent, Lord Crowley had Tristan transported to his lab, where scientists attempted to use his malleable form to create the Chimaera, a living being capable of transmuting the elements to deadly effect. The experiment worked, in the sense of fully awakening all of Tristan's abilities. Going berserk, he broke free and critically wounded everyone present, including Lord Crowley. After escaping from the project facility, Tristan began to wander around the nation aimlessly, having no real sense of purpose, or even memory. Of late though, events have begun returning to his mind, and he slowly made a path back towards Brooklyn, where his life began, with a growing array of powers. He intends to rejoin his brother-in-arms, Paul, and finish the original mission of cleaning up the Streets of Pain.

Elemental manipulations
* Earth element: Turning the body into or bringing earth and rocks forth to use as a weapon. Stomping on the ground allows a short-ranged attack by sudden growth of plant vines. A longer ranged attack can be attained by calling forth rocks to hurl at the enemy. Defensively, the earth element can turn the wielders body into rocks and soil and plants, though it is far more effective to be used for an armored attack.

Power Grid:
STR: 2
SPD: 3
END: 4
INT: 3
EP: 3 (Plant Manipulation)
EP: 4 (Rock Manipulation)
FS: 3

Power Grid colours: Green Olive

Character Image/Description:
He has a rounded head, and he keeps his short hair neatly combed in a center-parting style. He has small, gleaming eyes, a short, slightly-rounded nose, thin pursed lips, and a small scar on his chin. He has a masculine physique, and generally wears a plain white t-shirt, jeans, and sports shoes.

Roleplay Sample:

Five years. Five long years since that accident, and also the loss of my trust for Crowley, the bastard that tried, against my will, to turn me into a pet super-soldier. I still owe him one for trying to put that mind control device into my head. I'm going to feed that back to him where the sun don't shine, see how he likes it. Asswipe. Mind's been messed up badly, haven't had a straight, coherrent thought in a long time, until recently. Started rememberin' it all, bit by bit, little by little, and gettin' more royally pissed as more 'n' more of my memories came back to me. I even remembered the car accident, which started it all. I used to trust Crowley, he was a good man, so I thought. I trusted him enough to tell him about these powers of mine, and trusted him still some more to let his physicists have a look at me, at least to ascertain just what I've got. He was very interested. Too interested. Wanted me to partake in an experiment to help explore the full extent of my abilities, but I never trusted the scientific types too much, and I wasn't about to let myself become some guinea pig. Bastard kept asking, I kept refusing. So he decides to take advantage of me when I get critically injured. That ain't a friend, that's a bastard, straight out.

I was fightin' the good fight before all that mess, didn't exactly grow up in the best neighbourhoods of the good ol' US of A. Brooklyn, no place like it, you hate it, and pity it, all at once, 'specially if you're living in "The Slums". Gangbangers, prostitutes, drug addicts, pimps, drug pushers, you name any vice, where I lived, we had every one of it. Half if not all the cops got dirt, hell, half of 'em
are the big bosses of crime. You'd think I'm exaggerating the situation. But I guess seeing is believing, ain't it? Been makin' my way back to home. During my involuntary 'pilgrimage' I managed to travel all the way to the opposite end of the nation. Now that I've got my head more or less back straight, been following the compass, headin' eastwards. Always into the rising sun, so who says the sun sets where I live? I see a rising sun everyday as I walk. Hardly sleep, hardly eat, and hardly drink, and I haven't lost weight or grown any weaker. Hnh, guess the powers really are growin'. I wonder how Paul's been doin' back home. We weren't exactly having an easy time of it, we were fighting fire with fire. Gangsters get guns, we get shotguns and grenades. They get submachine, we get sniper rifles. No, don't ask how we got that, I ain't tellin'. Last I checked, Paul could gain powers by drinking soda of all kinds. When I think about that, I sometimes envy him, but he says he envies me, how about that? Guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

Hnh, what's this? Gettin' closer to home, by the looks of it. Buncha street members been eyein' me since I came into view. Tattoo on the guy nearest to me says they're the 21 Top Boys. Always hated those guys, word was one of them was the ones that wasted Barry, Kimberly, and a buncha others, people that meant the world to me. Five years, and looks like they still remember my face. Guess it won't take long 'fore the "homies" know I'm back.

Tristan kept a steady pace, even as he was acutely aware of the growing number of street toughs following his path behind him. He'd walked right into their territory. He'd forgotten some of the areas, evidently, or there'd been some rather drastic changes to the situation as well as the locations of some of the thugs. He doesn't turn to look at the men. They obviously recognized him, even after so long, and he didn't want to let them see that he was worried. Ten men, he thought, I'm pushing my luck with those odds. He heard before he saw the attack coming. Guy with a long chain, towards the right, at an angle. Ducking forward, Tristan guessed correctly that the thug would sweep his chain around where his neck was a moment ago in an attempt to garrote him. Unlike him, the thug was somewhat less experienced in combat, and he didn't see the elbow coming to his sternum. Already twisting around on his heels even as the thug keeled over and unloaded his lunch on the ground, Tristan threw a wild punch at the next attacker. This one ducked under the wild swing and brought his fist up to Tristan's jaw, and there was a loud thud as the fist connected, though he barely felt it. Ever since the transformation, Tristan had been growing ever stronger physically, capable of taking quite a hit before he really felt anything.

Before he had time to react, another of the gangsters smashed a glass bottle over his head. There was a reason why people called him hardheaded though. Without turning around, Tristan kicked the man in the chest so hard, he heard ribs cracking, and the man went flying, knocking over two of his friends, he was out of the fight, and might possibly die if his injuries aren't tended to soon. Seeing how hard he had managed to kick one of them, three of the gangsters pulled out their guns and fired him. He had barely enough time to raise his arms up defensively to protect his face and eyes. They unloaded their clips and he cried out as the bullets slammed into him. Sure, he was obscenely tough, that didn't mean he couldn't be hurt, he felt them all. They stopped though, and stared in shock as he remained in his crouched position. Despite the pain, Tristan couldn't help but smile. He lowered his arms, stood up tall, and said, "My turn."

The transformation was somewhat exaggerated as vines and earth exploded all around him, lashing out before whipping back violently around his body, forming into a power armor made of earth, rock and vines. A blade of rock and wood materialized in his right and a whip made of a long, thick vine appeared in his left. Everyone stopped to stare at him now, people from the rundown apartment buildings looked out, then quickly ducked back into their homes, not wanting to witness whatever was happening. "$@&#!!! It's one'a them supers!" One of the thugs shouted, as they all pulled out their firearms. Moving with his fullest speed available, Tristan, now Elemental, just wades through the storm of bullets, cutting (but not killing) the gangsters with his sword, and lashing with his whip to pull closer those that tried to run away from him. Bullets rent holes in his armor, and blood oozed out, but like a tank, he took it all, and gave back better than he got. He spun and slashed, cut and turned. By the time he was done, five men were bleeding around him, groaning, and the other five were very slowly getting away from him. He looked at them, having half a mind to chase them down and scare them away from gangsterism forever, but he decided against it, using his vines to help him climb to the top of a building, where he sank to his knees, his armor disappearing and the full extent of his wounds were revealed.

He bled from multiple bullet wounds, though they weren't fatal, they were still going to take a while to heal up, and they hurt like hell. He looked up to the skies and quietly muttered, "Ameteur...bloody lucky...ameteur..."

Last edited by Elemental on November 23rd 2011, 4:12 am; edited 2 times in total

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Registration date : 2011-06-07

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Archer Roland November 16th 2011, 1:08 pm

Okay, you have a good profile, it's pretty easy to understand and all of that but you have two glaring points when it comes to powers that you need to address. First, you'll need to choose one element or divide your energy projection up even more, which is a horrible idea. Second, at one regeneration that would only be a little faster than your standard human recovery so it's sort of a wasted point unless you just really want that. Last, the one energy projection defense is pretty much useless, anyone over one anything should be able to break it pretty easily, my advice move the point over to your total endurance and make it a solid four. Those are really just the big points that involve your powers fix them and you should be good.

Quick question, was this inspired by Metamorpho, the DC Comics superhero?

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Archer Roland
Archer Roland
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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Elemental November 16th 2011, 9:07 pm

Partially, yes. All right, so I can only have one element, eh? All right, I'll go fix it.

Fix done. Anything else?

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Archer Roland November 17th 2011, 7:40 pm

You're going to have to explain if you transform into a rock man, at points it sounds like you do. Plant manipulation is also two powers which would require two different EP stats which you could do but you'd have to lower one of your others or all of your other stats.

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Archer Roland
Archer Roland
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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Elemental November 17th 2011, 10:39 pm

Would you mind explaining please? I don't quite understand where I went wrong. And is not the Earth element consisting of earth, rock and plants? If the rock is unacceptable I can do with wood and vine, but I hope it's fine. Oh, God, that rhymed. Wasn't the intention. Razz

And how is Plant Manipulation two powers? I wasn't manipulating a plant or plants in the vicinity, it was coming from my body, generated by myself. Again, if that's not allowed, I'll change it, but I'd like to get that clarified first.

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Elemental November 21st 2011, 5:09 am

No answers?

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Bliss November 21st 2011, 5:21 am

I think the problem here lies in using rocks and vines as a combined power. There are people who paid separately for both, so the best thing would be to take your speed down by two and then add that to a split EP. It will look like this:

EP: 4 (Rock manipulation)
EP: 3 (Vine manipulation)

After that the attacks and everything seem fine.

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Elemental November 21st 2011, 11:05 am

7 EP?!? I thought that had to be earned.

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Archer Roland November 21st 2011, 1:47 pm

It's two different point cost. It doesn't count as having 7 EP.

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Archer Roland
Archer Roland
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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Elemental November 22nd 2011, 5:35 am

I am officially confused. I thought I understood how the point system here works, apparently I don't.

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Arcana November 22nd 2011, 12:36 pm

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Just read, and understand.

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Elemental November 23rd 2011, 3:53 am

Thanks, Sean, hadn't seen this one. Now I understand.

Edit done. I hope this is good now.

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Elemental November 29th 2011, 3:41 am

Is there still something that needs changing? Haven't heard anything so far.

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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

Post by Archer Roland November 29th 2011, 10:17 am

Okay, it seems everything is in order now. Approved.

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Archer Roland
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Elemental Empty Re: Elemental

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